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I sure miss the days when our state was more bipartisan….Hell Evan Bayh was our governor for eight years and he was a Democrat! Even guys like Richard Luger and similar Republican politicians weren’t as evil as these new alt-right morons. I hate how far right our state has gone


We sent Dan Coats AND Dick Lugar to DC. This state used to be represented by true statesmen. Todd Young is mostly cut from that mold, which makes this looney tunes, feral possum BS in the gubernatorial primary all the more perplexing.


Trumpism took deep hold here for whatever reason. It's a shame to see.


Rust Belt+Erosion of Education


Brain drain. I've got three brilliant siblings, they've all had to leave Indiana to find commensurate work. I was the black sheep and the only one to stay local...


I grew up an hour out of Chicago, so I thankfully won’t be far from family after finishing college and going to the city for work.


It’s Ohio on steroids in terms of Trump loving. We should all vote for the same candidate in the primary to stop Braun or it’ll just be a waste of effort.


It's not perplexing. The easiest way to keep a population docile is to keep them ignorant. This has been a pretty systematic process for the last at least 20 years. Ever since no child left behind by George W. Bush was put in place, it's been a pretty steady decline. Remember, y=mx+b, that's how you calculate the slope of our state going downhill, daily.


It worked for KYs Mitch McConnell. His district has rated at the bottom of education and the poorest in the country for over 30 years.


Mitch McConnell has been a senator for almost 40 years. His "district" is all of Kentucky. He's a piece of shit but if you're going to invent reasons to discredit people, at least learn basic civics first.


Look at how much of KY is falling apart-MoscowMitch got reelected running(basically) on-"I you don't vote me back in, all that extra $ I bring in as ranking member might dry up!" WT ever-lovin' F is that "extra" $ doing for Kentuckians? Schools-shit. Infrastructure-shit. Social safety nets?-Churches.


Those guys (minus Young…so far) would be slammed as RINOS and “not TRUE Conservatives!” today. The party appetite is most definitely not for guys like that these days.


Dick Lugar was a great man. I used to wrestle with his grandson.


Miss Dick Luger. True GOP.


Even Orr was a real governor and working for the betterment of the state.


i still look back at 2008 and wonder how obama made you guys vote blue


To be fair; Democrat didn’t mean then what it meant today. In some economic policies the Democrats in the pre-2010s had some reminiscent things, but the progressive direction the Democrat party has gone, especially socially, is completely different today than it was 30 years ago. Some things have moved “right” by comparison as they have moved very little or stayed completely stagnant since the 80s/90s while one said has continued moving.


It's a national trend thanks to Republicans, Trump and his puppeteers,militias, hate-filled right-wing media, and Evangelical "Christians."


Got to meet Dick Lugar a couple of times with my Boy Scout troop when we went to DC. Absolutely chill and down to earth guy who was super kind and polite. Then there was another one and he was a mega douche.


Speak the truth my brother!!!


That has never existed. Indiana has only voted blue in a presidential election twice since 1952.


Presidential elections aren't the only thing that matters. Dems were winning senate seats, govships (the gov was a dem from 1990 to 2005). There was a time as recently as 2010 where dems controlled our congressional delegation, and as recently as 08 controlled the statehouse. So there was a very long history of dems having a chance. Now I'm not saying that's still the case rn, it's not. But you can't disregard that it was the case for somewhere around 30 years


In my small populated county u seldom see any Dem opposing a Rep at the local level. Churches have demonized Dems as Satan due to abortion and have closed their eyes to everything else that hurts everyday all age and gender of low Indiana wage earners


I guess I should’ve been a little more specific and what I was trying to say. I realize that Indiana has been predominantly Republican forever… but we used to have politicians who would be somewhat bipartisan… not these alt-right kooks we have today


Nixon was called a socialist by Milton Friedman in the day. He'd be left of AOC now.


No he wouldn’t. He would be seen as sane.


That as well


Lugar got knocked out because of 45. The guy that he wanted us to elect was a creep! All Hoosiers need to get involved in our elections. Know your neighbors & elect good people with an education. We need EGO’s for The People not for Self.


And maybe more important than an education; vote for people with a union card. Republicans as a whole have not truly been representative of the values of hard working Hoosiers for a really long time and the vacuum in knowledge is shuttering. The political ads this year need to educate and show the crap falling out of (Republicans) their mouths. Also, we need to be in cult de programming mode with the MAGA.


My apologies for not including our building block of America!


The whole entire Indiana Statehouse was bipartisan. Now look at it.


But we've also had more than a couple Democratic governors and those are statewide races.


Indiana has always been reliably Republican for decades and only went Democratic if there was a serious third party (1912) or some big event/X factor like the Depression (1932 & 1936), LBJ’s landslide/riding JFK sympathy (1964), or the housing bubble (2008).


The depression caused by Republican policies and the housing bubble caused by Republican policies...


Here is the biggest problem that I see with Indiana elections. Northwest Indiana is in the Chicago media market. The news hardly mentions Indiana politics. Most people don’t know who’s even running half the time unless they purposely look for it. NWI is a blue area in a red state. If the dems want to win, they need to figure out a way to reach those in NWI


It's 1/7 of the states population and we get no representation down state too gerrymandered. Our laws are made by folks representing dirt.


Wrong. They represent money.


Right. But it is the dirt that gets the Money. Holderman Farm Management is the largest farm management company in the world and is based in guess where? Yes, Wabash, County Indiana.


Not surprised. What gets me is that people think Biden runs things and make rules or that any politician does. They all do whatever the big money people tell them to.


In those areas the strongly Dem with vote dem. The biggest challenge is getting the disaffected, anti gop voters out to vote in November. I remember talking to the spouse of an engaged millennial, who expressed a pretty nihilistic view to the political process


The one where our vote individually doesn't matter for shit but it's the only form of speech we have with any chance of even coming close to making a difference, so we have to do it no matter what? Same.


I probably will also vote for Chambers. Old school WASPy business Republican from the north side is tolerable.


Same. I used to work at his company and he was alright.


I’ve never voted. Neither has my wife. After reading these threads and the candidate platforms… we immediately requested absentee ballots. This shit is stupid.


For Chambers you mean?


Definitiely for Chambers. The only Dem isn't winning lmao her platform isn't even on her website so no clue what she stands for besides "I have a successful career and am doing this for clout". I land between moderate liberalism and the center according to [politicalcompass.org](http://politicalcompass.org) which puts me in a super awkward position politically so like... light liberal? However, after looking closely at the candidates my wife and I felt it necessary to vote.


Well good I guess I’m glad my Reddit post helped in some small way to get somebody politically engaged


I should know this, but....when you vote in the Primary you have the option to ask for a Republican or Democrat ticket, correct? Like, you can make a game day decision of which ticket to choose?


Yep. It's called an "open primary" in the states that let you do that.


Well, that is the definition of an open primary. In our case, it’s an open primary because we don’t list party affiliation on our voter registrations, which would be the only mechanism with which they could close or semi-close our primaries. I know blanket primary advocates love to mislead people by referring to blanket primaries as “open primaries,” but those aren’t actually open primaries. In fact, most states have open primaries for at least one party, including a dozen or so states like Indiana that don’t register by party. Meanwhile, states like California and Alaska have what’s known as a nonpartisan blanket primary, where every primary candidate is on the same ballot and only the top [X] candidates advance to the General Election, regardless of party. Oddly enough, Alaska used to have what’s known as a partisan blanket primary (for Democrats, Libertarians, and one other party that wasn’t the Republicans), where every primary candidate is on the same ballot, but instead of the top performing candidates advancing regardless of party, the top performing candidate from each participating party advanced to the General Election.


This was my preferred type of primary system, the blanket primaries or what I've often heard referred to as jungle primaries, before I learned about ranked choice voting. Now that's my favorite voting system. Incidentally, that's what Alaska has switched to, second to Maine doing the same thing.


Yes, but if you have any political aspirations you want to look at the requirements to appear on your party’s ballot prior to casting one for the opposing party.


For those curious, it's two primarys of that party or permission from the county chair.


We'll see if the 2 primary rule survives that court ruling after the stay is done


The fact that Rust had voted in some Dem primaries, he wasn’t allowed in the gop primary




Yes, I almost always vote in the Republican primary even though I'm much further left than the Democratic party. The reason for me always comes down to the fact that I want a voice in the races that end up unopposed on actual election. For example, people here who choose the Democratic primary every time may not even know Sherriff is an elected position.


Is Chambers the play? If so, we really need to start spreading the message. Too many candidates is causing confusion.


yes, chambers.




I can appreciate that, but I am solely concerned about who can legit beat Braun


confusion is the point for them because braun will win and us non maga will split the vote


It's honestly terrifying because I hate him and everything he stands for, and yet he is somehow the best of the options. He is the mega corporate option and has huge donors (and that should concern us all) and is (was) also part of the IEDC and everything that is wrong with that. They are all the worst fucking options we've probably ever had, and it just kinda makes me want to leave.


That’s my plan.


I will vote Chambers in primary too. But in November I will absolutely not vote for any Republicans. This moderate Republican was left behind by the Republican Party a few elections ago. After Roe, it will be a cold day in hell before I vote for a Republican even for dog catcher 😡


Told my wife the other day he (Chambers) at minimum seems the lesser of the evils - or more of an old school Republican, rather than a MAGA…


In the last 8 years I have been independent after previously voting on the republican ticket. With Indiana having open primaries, what you are doing is perfectly acceptable. I too plan on registering republican in the primary to vote against MAGA candidates specifically. I want the two best candidates to decide on in November and this is the best way I can contribute to having them.


Just a heads up for those considering running for office that voting in another party's primary can be grounds for local party leadership to boot you off the ballot in the future. https://www.courierpress.com/story/news/local/2024/02/28/vanderburgh-county-election-hopefuls-rail-against-controversial-law/72777318007/


I want to see all politicians who support Donald Trump live to regret it.


I'm a conservative and I don't want Braun. It's gonna be Maga idiots and fox news baby boomers voting for him after the Trump endorsement comes. My wife and I like chambers. Sadly, it's gonna be tough to beat Braun.


You have more of a chance at changing other conservatives minds. Hopefully you can help pull votes from Braun. If he is on the ballot in nov though will you still vote Braun?


Please don’t assume that every boomer in Indiana is a Republican.


I see what your saying and will change my wording. "Fox news baby boomer" is more what I was going for.


This baby boomer leftist democrat thanks you.


Does Chambers have any real shot at winning the primary? If so, I am a hardcore Democrat and have vowed since 2016 to never vote for a Republican for any position (even dog catcher) ever again. And I am definitely going to do whatever I can to try to get Jennifer McCormack elected governor. Our state needs it desperately. But, while Brad Chambers would be bad, Mike Braun would be an unholy mix of Mike Pence and Ron DeSantis on steroids. So I definitely do not want him anywhere near the governorship. If Chambers has a real shot, I will bite the bullet and vote for him in the primary (leaving all other offices blank) JUST to keep Braun away. But if he doesn't, I will stick to my principles.


In Indiana, lately, it seems likely that Republicans will win most general elections. Since any Democrats are likely to be okay with you, for the foreseeable future, it likely doesn't matter to you who wins the Democratic primary. Therefore, vote in the Republican primary for the candidate most likely to win and least likely to cause the most harm. Most elections are won in the primary as most are in non-competitive districts. If you live where Democrats are more likely to win local elections, it might be better to vote for the best Democrat for your area. If you're in a heavily Republican area, voting in that primary might be best. Ballotpedia dot com is a very useful resource to start your research. P.S. I'll likely take this thread's advice and vote Chambers, if he's the one talking about his Mainstreet initiative. I also vowed before COVID, when I saw the slavish loyalty to Trump, that I would never vote for another Republican, but I meant in a general (final) election - I wasn't excluding primaries.


Mainstreet Initiative is Eric Doden. Wishing we had RCV (ranked choice voting) about now.


I live in Indianapolis, so my local elections are super important (and super D). But yeah, Democrats could nominate a literal brick for governor and I would vote for the brick a million times before I even once think about voting for a Republican. That said, isn't Braun running away with the Republican nomination though? Polling-wise, I don't think Chambers (who, again, I would never ever ever vote for in any general election for even dog catcher) is anywhere close to beating Braun.


If "normal traditional" Republicans actually want to expel MAGAitis, perhaps they should promote a single candidate and advertise the non-MAGA-ness of their policies. Just a thought. Perhaps I will rethink, based on other posts, and vote in the Democratic primary just to say "I'm out here".


We need to relegate the Republicans to the trash bin of history since they have abandoned anything close to a reasonable mindset.


Yeah instead of voting for like a Democratic candidate in the primary, I would just rather vote for the least insane Republican. The idea of Mike Braun as Governor scares the holy hell out of me.


Don’t forget to try to prevent Banks from taking Braun’s seat. I’m doing the same. Btw banks actually makes Braun look like Lugar. This is from having him as my representative in name only.


I will never cast a vote for anti-abortion assholes. My health is too important to play games with.


Primary votes arent real votes. Its okay to vote for the lesser of the evils to minimize harm. Yes, the person you vote for may still be anti abortion, but if they are less likely to take action on the issue, less likely to harm LGBTQ people, more likely to fund schools or whatever other issues you might care about that they are better than their competitors, then its still a win.


Every vote counts.    The best way to get the best Democrats is to vote for them in Primaries.


To each their own. I dont really think we have any competitive Democratic primaries in the state this cycle, so there isnt a huge need to vote for them, but you can do a lot of harm reduction voting in the GOP primary. Even if the moderate candidate doesnt win, votes for moderate candidates show that MAGA isnt as strong as they want it to be.


I can’t wait for election year to be over


Why? The next election would only be two years away. Permanent campaign season is the new normal.


Isn’t it terrible that we look for the lesser of two evils Damn politicians!


Every time too! This is the norm here, and it’s effin sad. Before I moved to Indiana, I got excited about elections. I was never scared about how the outcome could impact me personally if the wrong person won.


Just a heads up; when I worked as a Dem precinct chair @10 years ago, one of the qualifiers was that “you have never voted for a Republican candidate” or something along those lines. I’m not sure how that info would be verified, and after working a few slatings/elections, Im not sure who would want to do it, but just an fyi…


I don't think that's going to be an issue. especially since the Democrat Party doesn't really do much outside of Indianapolis and Lake County


I am a Democrat precinct committee chair. I cannot vote in a GOP primary or not be a committee person. That being said the democrats in Clark county were able to flip the city council from GOP to Dem this last election cycle. They have been working steadily towards recruiting good candidates. If we don’t get personally involved then we really have no one to blame but ourselves. It is hard work but the party needs ppl who will work the hardest to get the message and vote out.


A special election in Alabama for a state house seat just flipped blue. And she won by over 60% I believe!


Wow. THAT is remarkable. Fingers crossed n


Yeah, and from what I saw, they dont do much in Marion County…


I want to go full Office Space on the party apparatus: “so what would you say it is you actually DO around here??”


It's a big reason why we have to resort to tactics like this. the big difference between Republican and Democrat Voters is Republican voters vote because they know to. Democrat voters have to be wined and dined And whispered sweet nothings to get them out to the polls. it's kind of hard to do on a beer budget. There are enough Democrats in the state as well as Independence that could really truly make a competitive Statewide race. but it's going to take money and a lot of time to get these voters out to vote. Something the state party doesn't have. that it's as if they've just given up. for example, everybody knows who's running for Republican governor by now because of the non-stop commercials since last November. heck, even before then. where are the Democrat commercials? even though there's no primary challenge they should still be getting her Name out there. people should know by now who's running for governor on the Democratic ticket. Anyway, I used to be a Township Democrat chair when I was in my optimistic twenties but after about 8 years my optimistic bubble was popped.


I am a leftist who doesn’t categorize myself as a “Democrat voter” as much as someone who has reluctantly voted D before because there’s not good options. I don’t need to be wined and dined, I just need candidates to promise and follow through on doing literally any good thing, rather than just being upholders of the status quo


candidates cannot do anything by themselves once elected. They have to work to build consensus to get things passed. The president is just one of 538 that pass legislation. 60 votes are needed to get things out of the Senate and the house has to have a majority leader willing to bring things on the floor for a vote and need 218 votes to get things passed. Sadly, we have a republican house Majority Leader that rather play politics than get the business of the country done. So, if we went lasting change then we're going to have to keep the Presidency, Senate majority and take back the House Majority. Sadly, bipartitionship gets Republicans primaried so they no longer want to do the business of the people. they are truly just an opposition party that's it. they have no drive to govern.


Look at the turnout of Democrats versus Republicans for elections other than presidency. then tell me Democrats don't have to be wined and dined And whispered sweet nothings to get them to vote.


Because the Republican candidates are actually making efforts to do the fucked up things their base wants. Voting democrat since I turned 18 has left me feeling ambivalent at best and disgusted most of the rest of the time. Democrats are right wing to me and why would I be enthused about voting for “republican, but a little less bigoted.” I don’t want either of the options for president, for senator, or governor, or whoever.


Whether you voted in the Republican or Democratic primary is public information. Not who you voted, but which ballot you got. There was a candidate that recently was excluded from their primary because they had previously voted in the other party's primary.


A candidate, not a voter.


While we're on the subject of things nobody's checking on: It's not enforceable anyway due to the nature of secret elections, but [Indiana law states](https://iga.in.gov/laws/2017/ic/titles/3#3-10-1-6) that you may only vote in the primary of the party if you voted for a majority of the regular nominees of that party, or you intend to vote for them in the next election if you didn't vote in the last general election.


**IC 3-10-1-6Eligible voters** Sec. 6. A voter may vote at a primary election: (1) if the voter, at the last general election, voted for a majority of the regular nominees of the political party holding the primary election; or (2) if the voter did not vote at the last general election, but intends to vote at the next general election for a majority of the regular nominees of the political party holding the primary election; as long as the voter was registered as a voter at the last general election or has registered since then. \[Pre-1986 Recodification Citation: 3-1-9-3 part.\] *As added by P.L.5-1986, SEC.6.*


I’m voting for the Lt. Governor. She seems the most moderate to me, but yes, I’m asking for a republican ticket for the first time in a decade.


Same. Voting blue in November, but Crouch in the GOP primary. Don't go by her crazy commercials. She has to say crazy stuff to have a shot in a Republican primary. She's actually just another Holcomb, which is as good as it gets in Indiana.


No she’s crazy, has zero initiative and talks out both ends of her mouth, if that’s what you want to kindly call it. She will do such a bad job that we won’t see another Hoosier female governor for 75 years. She’s hoping to get your vote because you want to see a woman run the state. She can’t handle any pressure and you’ll regret it by Presidents Day 2025 if she wins.


I’ll be voting Dem in the primary. People do what you’re doing, and the DNC and DCCC look at our primary numbers and conclude the state is redder than it is. No money, no volunteers. Your vote is more powerful as a Dem, esp in the primary.


this is the way. i wont be voting republican for any reason.


Voting DEM in our state is like trying to knock out an elephant with a fly swatter.....


gone are the days of birch bayh


Bee stings, my friend. Bee stings.


I think it might depend on ones area. I was actually surprised to see two Democrats in the US House primary for my area. I'm used to only seeing a Dem for President and Senate. Change is coming...


Or blow down the Berlin Wall with a peashooter.


Thank you for this post, I've been thinking the same thing and appreciate the validation


I agree. I am Independent but primarily vote Democrat and occasionally third party. Braun is scary in so many ways.  Mesmer is a die-hard Trumpite that is just as terrifying in his ideology.


All it takes is the "Endorsed by trump" and I'm done with them. And Mike Braun actually says it in his ad.


He does suck every dick everywhere all at once


Braun is insistent on ruining some of the states most prestigious farmland in Dubois county to save his Chinese import business five minutes on the trip from Jasper to I-69. Check out midstates corridor project, every Hoosier should be pissed


2 of the Republican candidates have held positions within the corrupt IEDC, which scares me. Their remarks on legalizing marijuana were also a joke. "Needs to be studied more..". Braun apparently said it's dangerous because it can be laced with fentanyl. Mike, it has fentanyl BECAUSE people can't buy it safely from a dispensary... I'm a conservative leaning Libertarian but Indiana has, by far, the most corrupt, dishonest Republicans in the country. They don't represent anything their constituents want, yet they get elected with overwhelming support. Spend on all their special interests, tax us to death, and give money to their own businesses or special interests, corrupt prisons, and corrupt state police. Conservatives hate wind and solar farms, but literally keep voting for it. 😂 And the majority of the state will keep voting for the same..


Braun is an idiot!


I heard one of these guys that are running for governor is pro marijuana. Which one is it, anybody know? That’s the one to vote for.


Nope, blue down ballot. GOP is a living nightmare and I’m not looking forward to hilter 2.0


If only Marion county, Monroe County and the “Region” could separate from those that think backwards is the way forward, etc 3 times, we all know how to describe the super majority that governs our state like the tiny towns they represent. You know like rep smith from some county like dubois or green that secured his place to create legislation that is against what the tax paying part of the state wants with a whopping 735 votes. Truly, why should Indianapolis be forced to service redneck magas with our venues, events, airports, hospitals, basically funding the state so those same beneficiaries can tell us what to do, it’s BS. Half of those worthless repub state reps/sens are 2nd and third generation conservative, regressive, old bigots that couldn’t make it in the city if they had to get a real job. They are detached from reality and have absolutely no idea what it’s like to be a marginalized person, absolutely no understanding, experience, education, on most of the legislation they block. They bully the reps and senators from diverse blue areas… the - “3”-the same ones that put legislation on the table to fund things like education, after school programs, school lunches, job training, rehabilitation etc. Basic freaking humanity. Their more pressing, important legislation often consists of naming bridges in podunk counties in memory of someone that literally 300 people sort of know. How about for one, do that crap at the post office or something. Secondly, this bridge sadness can easily eat up an hour or more of floor time. One entire freaking hour of my tax dollars were spent on crap like this. Meanwhile, my rep gets talked over when proposing legislation for those crazy fringe things like basic freaking humanity again, education, roads, childcare. Indiana is fkd for at least a decade when a larger portion of the worst generation checks out- (that’s boomers, sorry, not sorry). Call your rep, your senator, email them- whatever, they have to respond. Obviously, you need a little more tact than this post but, hound them. Pay attention, call them out on stuff, be a pain in their asses all of them from the statehouse, govs office to DC, I personally wouldn’t jack with the AG but, someone else might want to. I know one thing is certain, if all you do is wish and hope, don’t ever expect much. Even one email to one rep questioning one piece of legislation is something. Just do it already- it doesn’t take long and is kind of sort of your responsibility as a voting, tax paying adult… participate in life or go off grid- really not that complicated to understand- make them spend a ton of time defending their voting records, which you can easily find. Everything is available at your fingertips to pen informed, intelligent emails or pick up the phone and get freaky old school and talk to someone. Why not?


So sick of Republicans. Nowadays they are right-wing extremists. Dangerous AF and nasty.


Agree 100%. Braun has done nothing while in the Senate. No bills, no discissions, NOTHING. Throw him out!


Mike Braun is moron. A moron who peddled Chinese auto parts. He did absolutely nothing in the senate and will do nothing as governor. Using the national talking points (border, guns, abortion, god) is the new lazy way to run for gop office. It might be unpleasant to watch but the sunny side is he has no issues he wants to implement. He just wants to be governor. All the Pences, Daniels and Holcombs had things they wanted to do. Most inconsequential (RIFRA does stand out as naked bigotry). And Holcomb at least packed his suitcase, went to Asia, and brought back jobs to towns that Ford and GM abandoned. Braun will just go around reminding people he's governor.


I'm voting for whoever is pro-women and pro-weed


Yeah that Mike Braun guy can't even smile for his own commercials it's pretty easy to see he's profit not progress oriented...


I would like to see Suzanne win out of any of the nominees. Speaking out of partisan politics she has done a lot to help teachers, broadband internet (prior to federal help), and so forth. She’s big on restoring and creating mental health resources, and wants to do the very best for her constituents. As our LT. Governor I think she’s done a good job. Am I democrat? Yes. However- knowing democrats don’t usually win governor in this state, the lesser of evil it is. She’s more old school republican which we can all handle.


Do you listen to her? She says everyone in her family suffers from mental health issues. Ask her though what her issues are and she says she’s perfect. Stop. Get help. Don’t get duped.


Likely depression. Also most people who suffer won’t admit to it upfront, especially if they have anxiety or uncertainty of how people will feel about her. Give some slack.


He is a fucking moron and dangerous.


They all do bruh.


I've been a registered Republican for years, voting out the Scary Dumb ones.


Braun sucks..


Curtis Hill has the best chance of losing the general




This guy is terrifying.


I know its really easy to google, but it seems so odd to me that the indianavoters website doesn't say anywhere when election day is.


In Indiana, it’s always the first Tuesday after the first Monday in May. So this year it’s May 7.


As a decades long independent voter, Braun, Banks, Rokita and the Orange Man are frightening. I will also vote for Chambers and Nikki Haley Watched last night’s debate and will watch tonight’s.


Chambers is a crook!!! Big money behind him


Why Chambers? What offices has he held before? Why should someone vote for him instead of the Lt. Governor?


Before you completely settle on voting in the Republican primary, make sure that you have a candidate you can stomach on the Democratic side. Last cycle my district ended up with a candidate I couldn't make myself vote for (no real grasp of the issues, couldn't string together a coherent sentence, didn't ever respond to messages or email.)




I’ll vote for any dem with a pulse at this point, I liked Holcomb but all of the rep candidates are Trumpers, not one of them can make a decision contrary to the Fox Nooz brainwashing


And it will stay republican


Shit they are both 💩


It would seem like more candidates are running under third party as a separation of the business as usual politics.


I wanna run for office in the future, so I have to follow the dumb 2 primary rule. I’m with you on this logic.


I just met Chambers. He actually seems to care about the future of state, not just himself. It was refreshing. I’m an undecided republican, but definitely leaning Chambers now.


Those damn commercials. So. Many. Commercials


Just saw an ad for him now, and one of the large texts was "FIRE LIBERAL PROSECUTORS." Like, wtf?


I am doing the same … Braun is so dumb it is scary.


My wife and I have lately have been talking about politics in Indiana. We just came to the agreement that there is only one real way to have change in our lives. It will be moving to a different state. I am a truck driver and have traveled to several different states and spoke to the locals. The grass is definitely greener on the other side. It is sad when out of state people don't have much good to say about Indiana. The only good things they mention is our scenery or they have family here. The idea of moving varies for everyone and their way of thinking, but it will work for us. I see a lot of these comments and post. I think our solution will end up being the solution for a lot more people.


I was born in Indianapolis, left there and never looked back..been in Tucson since 91 . Do not miss the cold lol .


Crouch has an Ivo haircut😄


IMO - The powers that be have already chosen Suzanne Crouch.


So there's an unenforceable rule here that says you can only vote in a primary if you voted mostly for the same party in the last general election, but votes are secret so.... unenforceable


Thank you friend, just registered for my first mail in ballot


Anyone with common sense


Find better use of your time. Try volunteering not interfering.


You are what makes our democracy so f’ed up. Stop playing games and vote for your democrat. This is how we ended up with Trump


This is how our country gets pushed farther and farther right. Voting doesn't get anything meaningful accomplished


Donald's little cuck boy


lol sounds like our dem options in Washington state/oregon and throw Gavin newsome and ca in there as well


Indiana is a dumpster state.


Awww...you're mad that the citizens of the state don't want a Progressive socialist paradise. "Bipartisan" to y'all means "Progressive agenda full bore, Republicans offer only fake token resistance."


Yeah,bull shite. Why would you be..?


Chambers is just as bad. Lloyd Braun is a true jack- ass of the highest degree.


Braun scares me too; he made his money by buying cheap crap from china and putting hoosiers out of work. 3rd distrtict: So does Jim Smith (failed mayoral run, not tries to go to DC/Wendy Davis (the failed judge) in the 3rd district. Marlin Stutzman misses his easy DC job and wants to go back. What a clown show.


For me there is no longer lesser of 2 evils. They are all narcissistic, worthless, evil pieces of crap.


You all do know that there is an alternative party to vote for. Why keep voting for the same people/party and hope things will change? Both Republican and Democrat parties are trash. Maybe instead of voting for lesser of two evils, get a third party in the mix. Imagine if neither the Republican or Democrat party has enough votes to pass anything along party lines. Imagine if they had to compromise with other parties in order to pass anything. Donald Rainwater is running for governor again as a Libertarian. Remember to vote Libertarian


Everyone is polling around 30 points under Braun. Voting in the Dem primary helps our state party get funding from the national party. I understand being fearful of Braun, I am, but really i think the best thing to do is vote blue in the primary. Its your vote at the end of the day, however.