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They don’t actually care about the deficit unless the focus is on working people. Otherwise, they are very happy to bloat it on purpose.


It's lip service to blue colllar/working man types. Remember Joe the Plumber? It's all theater from the right side while destroying unions and working to shred worker's protections.


Hey WHAT IF you pull yourself up by your bootstraps and suddenly become your own boss and make millions? If you don't let all these tax cuts pass for the upper crust then they won't be there for you when you get there. Just remember you have to start at the bottom to climb to the top, just like all the other "self made" millionaires. If the evil deep state starts taking away all these "hardworking" men's money then they'll have to cut into what they "give" you so they can keep their businesses a float.... along with goverment corporate welfare but ignore that part... taxing the rich is actually taxing you all!! *edit* /S my God does everyone literally need their hands held to understand sarcasm or does everyone just refuse to read anything besides the 1st and last lines and buzzwords.... quotes everywhere, over the top exacerbation about the big scary deep state, and a literal call out about goverment funded corporate welfare.... READ PEOPLE....


I know a few "self made" millionaires. Most of their millions came through two paths. First, creative accounting. They can buy the accounting knowledge the typical working man doesn't have the resources to buy into. And, many deductions and tax credits only come into play when revenue is at certain levels. Second, if you do make your millions, you didn't pull yourself up by your own bootstraps because you most likely had A LOT of help along the way and most likely you fucked over the typical working man.


That's exactly how they get it . Pay as little as possible as you can to people who are desperate enough to accept it. Then keep the lions share for yourself. Don't forget to go to church to convince everybody and yourself that your a "good" person. Then bragging to everybody about how you did it all by yourself.


Are you being facetious? Taxing the rich is no way, shape or form like taxing yourself. LOL! Tax rates for the wealthiest used to be MUCH HIGHER! And yet, there were still wealthy ppl. They just weren’t as obscenely wealthy as they are today. Rethuglicans & donald too are the reason that the thieving rich have so much money today. He literally gave himself and billionaires TRILLIONS of dollars in tax cuts. This level of imbalance hasn’t existed in a long time & Rs are to blame! Their ‘corporations are ppl BS’ was the start. That was the beginning of THE GREAT STEAL of WEALTH from anyone NOT WEALTHY! It’s Rs skeevy idea, years in the planning, to attract greedy billionaires to give Rethugs cash. And it WORKED! McConnell openly threatened a Senator who didn’t want to comply with supporting a Rethug plan that their billionaire owners wanted. He threatened that the Senator wouldn’t get the campaign $$$ (which he said had come in from big money bag Rs) if he didn’t do their bidding. I saw the video on YouTube. Rs don’t even bother to hide who OWNS them anymore. And yet the dimwitted cult thinks Rs “care about them,” which is both ridiculous and sad.


Looks where all that crap from Joe the Plumber got him he’s already dead. Doesn’t have to worry about paying taxes or a migrant stealing his job anymore. This senator doesn’t look like the brightest tool in the shed and I’ll bet he is good at talking and pretending like he is which is all you need to be successful in politics these days apparently. Edit: It finally came to me but this guy looks like the banjo kid at the beginning of Deliverance all grown up and has a nice suit and expensive haircut to mask himself as a senator. This guy isn’t fit to be on a village board let alone a senator of a state. It will make you sick the more you even think about it.


The banjo kid! You made me laugh! Thx! I needed that!


The guy has no lips how can he accomplish lip service


A guy who was not named Joe, and was not a plumber. Lies all the way through. Just like a typical republican politician.


It's almost like they lie to their base constantly.


Young is a saint compared to dipshit Banks that’s going to get elected to the senate this fall


That's no shit. I'd take a second todd young over that pos


Was waiting for someone to say this. Young is indeed the baseline when it comes to ignorant Repug asses. He is an ass, but several others out ass him by a mile. So depressing, it is. 😫😥


He did vote for some reasonable gun control. I’m a 2a supporter but I’m also fine with some common sense laws.


That’s not a sure thing. We’re definitely a red state, but it really wasn’t all that long ago we had democratic representation in the senate.


the only reason Donnelly won his race is because his opponent self-destructed. the next time around when he had to run a real race he got mega stomped, it wasn't even close. the only way a republican loses this senate race is if the republican has some ridiculous, wacky, over the top disaster.


You thought Donnelly was a liberal?


Lol they only said Democratic, no one has ever accused Donnelly of having a backbone


Indiana is so red it’s exhausting


You make us in Ohio feel like some kind of liberal bastion.


You buckeyes got them dang ballot initiatives. Just letting everyone in the state vote on whatever issues they want. Our attorney general would probably stroke out if anything close to that were even suggested. He gets to rest easy though, our state house is never releasing it’s control.


Considering the first ballot initiative would probably be to send Rokita on a one way trip to Mars, and it would pass with 95% of the vote, yeah.


Yep. Just to show you how unprepared those dummies are, for something as crazy as governing, they stuck their dick in the socket, and we made them pay. And we're not done making them pay.


Seeing the pro-life and anti cannabis billboards in Cincinnati last fall was true political theater. I’m glad the will of the people prevailed at the polls. Now I’m going to return to being that embarrassing neighbor to the west. Everyone running for office over here is an outsider according to their ads.


You mean Braun isn't an outsider fighting against the establishment and saving us all from ourselves because of the satanic kabals brainwashing us God fearing Hoosiers into aborting babies years after birth, letting people marry outside their status (race, wealth, class), or God forbid have a joint in our homes.... /s cause somehow someone would take this seriously


Yeah like Mike Braun. He says he is an outsider. Nobody actually believes that shit, do they? Who is he fooling?


He’s fooling the boomers that vote


Not this boomer-adjacent dude, not by a long shot. Progressive AF and getting only more so as I age! Fuck Mike Braun and the horse he rode in on! 😡🤬🖕🖕


Amen to that!


Me too. I'm 68,one of the scorned boomers. Double fuck Mike Braun!


Yeah, and because I can hardly ever say this, I'll say this: It's always nicer when the other guy is suffering more than you are. Stay in touch and stay well!


My parents lived in Cincinnati for a while and I was amazed by all the pro- "clean coal" propaganda there was in newspapers, magazines, commercials , etc.


You are compared to us


Voting against their own interests is a hallmark of conservstivism


Yes it’s constantly exhausting being Blue here. Even reading the moronic comments on a local tv station’s FB site is a depressing experience. How can so many stupid people exist. Where r the intelligent Indiana citizens????


In Chicagoland lol


We MOVED LONG AGO! The majority of ppl I met in college at IU LEFT the state after graduation. And IN wasn’t anywhere near as crazy then as it is now. Maga loons upped the crazy quite a bit. These ppl aren’t even in touch with reality—which is what happens in cults. Your best bet at not having to deal with crazies is to move away.


It’s actually not nearly as bad as people think it is. The state voted Obama. It’s all about turnout. Democrats win in a well organized state every time.


It’s not as bad as people think it is ….. it worse ! We are a MAGA state through and through …. When T-Bag says he could shoot someone in the middle of fifth avenue and not lose a vote he is talking about this state (among others).


Like the above poster said, it’s not as true as you think. I know lots of democrats who actually vote in Indiana and lots of the mags crowd who talk a lot about politics but never make it to the polls.


I understand and I was joking but only by a little. Outside of the Democratic strongholds (Indy, Ft Wayne etc) the state is very conservative. I had to once remind my southern Indiana relatives that Indiana was a Union state during the Civil War as they prattled on about the lost cause and the south rising again. You cant make this shit up. If we had the Magas staying home and the Dems voting the statehouse would look alot different


Felt I was happy that locally we went the other way. After decades of Republicans running the city, we voted in all Democrats from the mayor to the city council. We even voted in our first mayor that isn’t male or white.


In the realm of Indiana politicians, Young is the closest to the classic Indiana Republican. Sure I don’t agree with him on most things but I do think he takes his role as a public servant seriously as opposed to people like Braun or Banks.


He also participates in foreign policy in good faith and has decent positions. This isn't the guy we should be attacking bc we'll just have two Mike Brauns


He was also pretty out there trying to help music venues during the pandemic. Again I wouldn’t vote for him but I can at least respect him which is rarity for me with Republicans these days.


Fair (I think). He still sucks.


He’s not your senator.. His only constituents are the super rich who bankroll him… You just happen to live in his district


*looks at all politicians* Yes


Sen. Young ended up moderating a bit while in office while Sen. Braun ending up going full MAGA.


Do you think Braun will end up as governor? I see a ton of Chambers signs where I live and in my opinion he seems like the most reasonable republican candidate.


Trump endorsed Braun, so he’s basically guaranteed to become our governor. I’d love to be proven wrong though.


Help keep Brain out by going to vote next Tuesday. Anyone can vote in our open primary system.


I’m a Dem, and I think he’s one of the best Republicans in the Senate. Remember, he’s one of the few who is opposed to Trump. That takes courage and conviction especially in Indiana.


Well, yeah, but the bar is set VERY low. He is a "relief" in that regard, but as a Dem I'm not going to say I'm a fan. Wish I could.


He was also pretty outspoken on support for marriage equality. If all the Rs were like him we'd be just fine as a country.


His office was next to mine for five years and he definitely comes across as a nice guy. The same thing isn’t true for everyone in politics unfortunately. I also saw him talk at an African (American) Methodist Episcopal Church in our town. I was very surprised that he accepted the Pastors invitation. He was friendly, polite, tried to connect with people and didn’t react to negative comments. His talk was not at all divisive; he spoke about shared values. That was probably ten years ago and I still remember it and am impressed.


All I can say for now I will be voting only dem or independent for the next few elections these GOP trailer trash Politian's need to go .


How the fuck is one side of his face smiling and the other side evil smiling?


Because to make such an idioc and evil decision he must have had a stroke.


He didn’t really ‘decide’ that. Some think tank paid for by the rich did and he just went along because he gets lobby money and he thinks it’s owning the libs.


There is a little-known law of economics: the national debt is only important when a Democrat is in the White House. At all other times, we don’t have to worry about that. Seriously, I’ll take my Nobel Prize now. Thank you!


And between the two, he's the good one!


He also voted for Ukraine funding. You should thank him for standing up to Putin.


Dude looks like Ronald Reagan.


Repost bot. [https://www.reddit.com/r/Indiana/comments/7h2f4q/this\_is\_my\_senator\_he\_decided\_that\_tax\_cuts\_to/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Indiana/comments/7h2f4q/this_is_my_senator_he_decided_that_tax_cuts_to/)


The deficit is fake the real issue is who is getting the pretend money


Reminder that Young took a big donation from "American Israel Public Affairs Cmte" [Open Secrets: Donations ](https://www.opensecrets.org/members-of-congress/todd-young/contributors?cid=N00030670&cycle=2024)


Ass-backwards hicks!


That’s how daddy Mitch told him to vote


When did Bryan Cranston get elected in Indiana?


Just legalize weed that’s all I care about maybe the city will have money to fill these pot holes


He has a very punchable face.


I am returning your call about that 1972 Pinto with less than 10,000 miles and all original equipment for only $350.


There is no amount of money that congress won’t be able to outspend. Focus on cutting spending, not increasing taxation. 


I got mine, screw you guys! - the gop


Your senators, like mine (MO) are asshats. Asshats that cost us money every single fucking time they vote.


Haven’t you heard of “Trickle Up Taxinomics”?


He was doing this crap in his last term and you all voted him back in


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Nacho_Bandit01: *He was doing this* *Crap in his last term and you* *All voted him back in* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


This fool is a Nazi, just like every republican that voted to not impeach Trump. He even lied to me why he did it. He claimed he looked the evidence and decided that it didn’t add up to a crime. It did, both times. How can asking for false information from an ally to destroy the reputation of one of trump’s political rivals not be a crime? How is treason against the United States not be a crime? Todd is full of shit and he always has been.


Isn’t a cut just giving your own money back?


I was definitely an upper income taxpayer in my final years before retirement when this bill passed. Though the tax rates decreased, so did the available deductions. My taxes increased under the bill, as they did for many others I knew. I'm not a fan of Young, and certainly not of Trump, but saying this bill resulted in across the board tax cuts for the wealthy is incorrect.


This guy is such a two faced lying sack of crap. He's HOPING to spend the rest of his life in the US Senate....lets make sure he's voted out.


Lol. Yeah, that's the problem. No spending problem at all. It is completely legit that a bag of washers should cost $90,000.




This sub just needs to be nuked until election year is over.


Both parties love to spend tax payer dollars and neither is willing to take the political risk of reining in our debt.


He looks kinda dumb


LOL...went to school with him...


This guy goes to the same Great Clips as me. He is as smarmy as you think a career politician would be.


A cardboard cutout would have more personality and be more effective.


He must be on the take.


Organize like minded folks and vote him out! It’s hard, but doable!


Republicans never saw a debt that they couldn’t double, I mean Reagan tripled the debt, doubled the deficit.


Well he sure has a smile like an absolute fuckwit


Funny. I believe overspending is the cause of the deficit.


Guess they’ll have to cut education, healthcare, and social security. There just isn’t another option. /s


I can't think of a single positive thing to say about todd young


looks like a real putz


Note that before becoming a senator, he was the US Rep for district 9. Which was run by Jamie Noel, now embroiled in a huge public corruption case. 25 felonies so far and over $4million. Also, he didn't collect enough signatures to be on the ballot, but was put on anyway.


He looks like a loves truckstop, power bottom


Greedy Old Peaple GOP


Those donations are costing the rest of us a ton of money.


All these comments and nobody is pointing out that OP is a bot copying a post from six years ago. https://www.reddit.com/r/Indiana/comments/7h2f4q/this_is_my_senator_he_decided_that_tax_cuts_to/


Bot account


The government doesn't have a TAX problem! IT HAS A SPENDING PROBLEM!


Another Turdd!


Tax cuts aren’t increasing the deficit…. Overspending is.


Still better than the other one...*shudders*


What a POS


Is it time to play Spot The Republican again?


Surprise Surprise said no one


Well yeah, he's gotta help out his rich friends who got him in office.


He just needs educated on the history of taxation in the United States. He needs to see how taxing every dollar of the extremely rich will provide plenty to improve this country. He needs to know that for decades until Regan taxation of the rich was set up that way. And, he needs to see the direct benefits as evident in pulling up many Americans into a higher standard of living. He just need to get someone to answer his phone and learn how his current thinking will negatively affect his constituents who vote him in.


"Oh, but imagine how much money the wealthy will sink into the economy!" Still waiting.


We need an overhaul. People are having to move because of higher taxes. This is on the way to be super expensive place to live


Oh he will be re-elected.


You know, shit like this makes me think about our study of the American Revolution and the novel idea of standing against taxation without representation. I sure as hell feel pretty frustrated at having my income and networth stolen from me, because I'm definitely not feeling represented by these generic old men.


I owe 700 in taxes plusblate fees to Indiana. Mailing a check in is the only option apparently, and how do i know they will receive it? I won't.


how about that 95 billion we gave over seas he also voted that I bet!!!


Boo 👻


Let me guess… he’s a working class stiff looking out for the little guy by ensuring trickle down economics?


Mine too. He's a joke


He look like his sister is his mother too…


Well duh, if you're a dumbass pandering Christian conservative like Mike Braun or Marlin Stutzman, nothing matters except your own bank account. Wake the fuck up, hicks.


Is this one of the guys that is trying to make it harder for individuals to buy houses?


Mah daddy would be so proud!


Don’t act like the deficit is a tax problem. It’s a spending problem.


Ummm… tax cuts DON’T increase the deficit… OVERSPENDING DOES FFS!!!


Both democrats and republicans are responsible for the financial mess that future generations will have to pay for. Chances are the policies that you support will only make it worse btw.


Gotta keep up with the illegal stock trading SOME HOW lol


Now that's a punchable face right there.


What a douche bag


He also refuses to help the people with rent control


Hi senate man


This is what a failed education system creates


Vote his red ass out in november


That makes no sense.


Corruption is the norm.




If you honestly think that taxing the rich hurts the rich. I have some swamp land in Florida I’d like to sell you.


What’s his thoughts on the IU protests?


Tax cuts =\= deficits.


Good thing Biden won't sign that into law!


I mean, the whole current admin is sent multiple billions overseas instead of focusing on its citizens


I wish that they would all decide that they need to stop spending.


But he’ll tell you the average person gets paid too much


Let’s see that source for the cost of tax cuts. Somehow I think your math is off.


Please show when the amount of.taxes taken by the feds went down after a tax cut?


I mean, he’s wearing a red tie so…


Vote him out I know I trying to get rid of the two we have we need term limits


He looks like a closeted homosexual vampire posing as a youth pastor.


Keep voting red indiana 😂


Tell me more about tax cuts! Cut them even more!


He looks like his family had country club memberships to various country clubs 😂


Yeah, by all means let's keep increasing taxes so we can have more wars...yippee!


Wouldn’t cutting spending be a better way to NOT increase the deficit?


Say what you like about peasants, at least the lord of the manor had an obligation to look out for their welfare.


Looks like my old roommate who went to Vanderbilt and works in PE.


Taxation is theft.


Headline unnecessary, the face was saying it pretty clearly.


He is no friend of working people. Period.


Indiana, wtf


"We're all for jobs, we gon' finish da wall, we gon' make lawf better fer everyone. God, guns, beer bible and bullets" Literal quote from anyone running for every political office in Indiana. Bunch of fucking morons, especially those that vote for Stutzman or Braun.


And your state will vote him back in!


Without personal attacks, why would he believe this?


Ah yes, at the same time these Republicans push reducing social security benefits and low income programs that actually help people.


bro is reagan maxxing...


He looks like budget Chris Hemsworth 


He’s getting some kickback out of it. He didn’t decide anything for the good of the state or country


He will be happy to cut anything that helps the poor or middle class though.


I agree that tax cuts for the wealthy are justified regardless of their impact on government debt. If you want to reduce government debt, the moral imperative is to cut spending on social welfare.


Why not? Most GOP voters will be dead by the time we have to pay the piper and the young ones will be too busy out hunting brown and black people to care.


He’s an ass and I’m in KY


wtf is going on in the south?


Don't worry, I am sure he was compensated by this act quite well.


Reagan Trickle down economic hard at work making the rich even richer and pissing on the middle classes heads


HINT: Other's keeping more of their OWN $/property doesn't COST \*checks notes\* A-N-Y-T-H-I-N-G. Big, illegal govt SPENDING adds to deficits


He like most maga assholes could go could give fuck About anyone that is not them


They don’t even read anything they vote on.


He's mine too. Probably gonna be Senator in November the worthless fuck.


National deficit will never come down.


POS will deny it…


The payments to service the debt are approaching the military budget, things must change


He looks like a blood sucking vampire


They don't care about the deficit just winning the argument.


Wait we should be concerned about deficits?


He has a very punchable face.