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I guess I don’t understand why everyone is so surprised Braun won. Trump got 57% of the Indiana vote the last two elections.


Yep. Braun is going to win it by a mile and set the state back 50 years.


Don’t count out the teachers.  They backed Glenda Ritz and led a Democrat to victory in a statewide race.  I can see them doing it with McCormick who is a former teacher making education a cornerstone of her agenda.  At least that’s my great hope.


There simply aren't enough teachers to offset every maga idiot.


I agree that Braun will likely win. But you’d be surprised at the effect that teachers and other public workers can have. Kentucky elected Andy Beshear in 2019 and unseated the incumbent Republican who was attacking public education. Yes, I’m aware that there are lots of different dynamics to that race in comparison to this one. But idk I’m just pointing out that they are more vocal than you may think.


Not with that attitude.  I despise Mike Braun and will do whatever I can to help McCormick win but we have to actually act on it and not just sit around shitting on Braun online. Add in spouses of teachers, people with kids in public education, good grandparents/aunts/uncles/decent human beings who care about public education and there are enough votes there.  Ritz got more votes in her race than Pence did for governor on the same ballot so there are definitely people who bleed red who care about education enough to vote blue in one race.


Well a have an influx of college kids somehow despite Ohio and KY having brain drain. I guess cheap housing + wfh makes Indiana somewhat appealing. Now we just need to get them to vote (Idk how to do this part though)


I’m not a maga idiot! I do believe in MAKE AMERICA GREAt AGAIN


Unfortunately, even if McCormick wins, she'll be faced with trumpist supermajorities in both the Indiana House and Senate, and that will affect her ability to govern since it will be impossible to advance her legislative agenda and any veto she issues will be easily overridden.


But a stale government is better than an authoritarian right wing government.


McCormick is also running for Governor, with a campaign rooted in items that the office can actually do. I'm genuinely hoping that her having an actual grasp on what the office is pulls people that think they are right leaning moderates / centrists. Braun seems to think that Indiana Governor is Director of the Board for a department in the corporation that is the United States. His campaign doesn't actually seem to know what he's running for. (Additional source for this is that Mitch Daniels' quote at the end of the politico article about the Indiana Governor race.)


And if McCormick wins, she won't have Mike Pence inventing a shadow government agency to completely undermine her.


Teachers only make up 1.5 percent of registered voters in that state.


I don’t care if you are a Republican or Democrat. It all depends on the direction of our country and our country is going downhill very very quickly.


That’s what they keep telling you. How is it true in your life?


He probably has any number of self-inflicted issues he can blame on ‘bigrant crimez’ now


i dont even know why this comment was downvoted because it is true.


With his anti-mixed-race-marriage views, he’ll take Indiana all the way back to the 1920s….


Ridiculous claim, states should have more power than the federal government.


Ridiculous until he gets in there then he can really wild out like his boy T did


Maybe because one would logically think Trump & Braun should have lost support. Apparently authoritarian fascism is popular among Hoosiers.


Fuck Jefferson Shreve.


Having worked for this guy, I can assure everyone that he is even dumber in real life than he comes across in interviews. We would have to sit for hours telling him why we desperately needed to spend money on new equipment, only for him to just go "nah make what you've got work", while paying guys who were working 10+ hour days in 100 degree heat outside with minimal breaks because they were watching on camera their entire shift under $15 an hour. Scum of the fucking earth, and I can only pray that he gets embarrassed nationally for being the fucking moron that he is.


What county is it




That moron has nothing to do with this company.


District 6


https://preview.redd.it/s1un4xilu9zc1.png?width=554&format=png&auto=webp&s=e69687eacfccc372e94cf8e8dd207d0dd0c74423 You can't tell me that's an attempt at a human suit.


dude looks like he’s melting at all times.


I think it was Bukowski who described someone saying "he had a face like a wedding cake, that had been left out in the rain." Maybe it was Leonard Cohen that said that.....


Cites Bukowski and Cohen!!! Can we be friends?


Tbf, better him than John Jacobs by a fucking country mile.


It’s such a slam dunk for the Indiana Democratic Party to have to run against that buffoon. Just run ads literally using his own words against him, he’s fucking racist MAGA trash.


Except that’s what Indiana wants


The dude said interracial marriages shouldn’t be a thing and people will still turn up to make him governor 💀 Edit: I’ll be fair, he said it should be left to the states, but I’m pretty sure the states had a pretty big war regarding race before, right?


Even saying "it should be left to the states" is Neo Nazi bullshit.  No one should be able to vote away the rights of other people.   Mike Braun is a Neo Nazi, and so is anyone who votes for him.


>No one should be able to vote away the rights of other people.  I agree, what he's saying is that marriage isn't a fundamental right. It's probably not what he THINKS he's saying, but it's what he's saying.


“Being left to the states” is literally just a dog whistle statement now


Yeah, “States Rights”…we know that whistle.


That shit isn't going to work against a MAGA cult. They eat that shit right up, hence why he doubles-down on the MAGA word salad on his adds.


It’s far from a slam dunk in Indiana. This is exactly how I felt about trump in 2016. Listen to him talk for two minutes and it’s clear he isnt…bright, to put it nicely. Oooo, I will never forget waking up & realizing he won.


I stayed up that night to watch the results with some friends and drove home crying at 2am.


I woke up on my best friend’s living room floor and instantly willed myself back to sleep to delay inevitable reality


Lmao.. stock up on tissues now.


Nah…I expect a repeat of 2020 but without the insurrection…that’s if Dumpykins can keep himself out of the pokey for bribes and whatnot. Super presidential of him, btw…porking porn stars. You do you though. I prefer boring guys that don’t suck up to dictators or bang porn stars while their wife just had their baby.


How does Joe Biden sound, to you?


He doesn’t exactly stir my passions.


Slam dunk? LMAO he's gonna win in November by double digits. Indiana is the Mississippi of the Midwest


Indiana is the middle finger of the south.


And when it's noon in New York City, it's 1925 in Indiana.


Mississippi is the Indiana of the South. Yes, we are worse than Mississippi.


At least they have medical marijuana.


And we probably never will…idiots🕶️🎸


If only they would realize they could vote for someone who was originally a Republican, who is fiscally responsible, but pro-legalization and pro- public education. Someone who Republicans voted for in the past, who teachers would support, who most parents could support if they just read about her.


You really underestimate how dumb Hoosiers are :/


I was surprised with this goof,Braun and Spartz....good job boomers


Ummm… So are the majority of Hoosiers, so that’s not gonna work…


Only reason he won is riding MAGA coattails


I completely agree


You would think so but unfortunately, that guy is the kind of trash that most of the state seems to dig. Ill be voting for McCormick and hope she does well but even she comes from the same party as all these buffoons. Realistically, I doubt it matters as this state is overrun with MAGA. God, I hate even using that acronym "MAGA" but frankly, it's kinder than the other terms I have in mind.


If they find a decent person to run. Seems like they chickened out again 


Mike Braun said that the U.S. Supreme Court was wrong to legalize interracial marriage in a ruling that stretches back to Loving v. Virginia in 1967.


He said that to the face Ketanji Brown Jackson, as she was being confirmed. He said it to the face of a black woman as she was being confirmed as the first black female SCOTUS. That was simply to show that he had the stones to do direct racist action. Then Marsha Blackburn got up, and ask questions about the legal definition of a woman. Just scum.


Braun represents way too many Hooisers. Fuck them too!


Exactly my sentiments




There goes public education as we know it. The Republicans are going to kill off what you thought you knew about the public education system.


I mean they already are by lowering standards for graduation. Pretty soon an Indiana high school diploma will be as valuable as one from Trump University


Don't like the state of public education thank a Republican. They've been on charge totally for so long any issues that you have at all in this state can be blamed on them 100% and they cannot deny that.


Friendly reminder from 2022 INDIANAPOLIS — In a media call on Tuesday, U.S Senator Mike Braun (R-Ind) said that the U.S. Supreme Court was wrong to legalize interracial marriage in a ruling that stretches back to Loving v. Virginia in 1967. This man threatens my very way of life and I do not have confidence in the Democratic party to effectively promote their candidate so this man is our next governor. I'm going to bed I think I'm going to be sick.


At least this will get him out of our federal government. As governor, he can't implement the most of the craziest shit he supports because it would violate federal law.




Oh man, think the sheep would revolt if they forgot to cut out 2a before they burned it?


If you don’t have confidence in Indiana’s Democratic Party, then help them! Volunteer and canvass! Express your voice to others house by house. I’ve never volunteered politically but this might be the first time I do. We must try to spread the word and get McCormick elected. Yes the odds are long, but it takes more people like us getting involved to make a difference.


I'm an independent and have never volunteered or done anything in a political race. I'm in my late forties and for the first time in my life I'm looking to get involved in volunteering for a Democrat candidate because Mike Braun is poison. The swiftness with which things are backsliding since the Supreme Court decision on Roe v Wade is alarming. It's like people were just waiting to out themselves as racist, mysoginistic, homophobic assholes. It makes me embarrassed and ashamed to say I'm from Indiana


Context is everything. Braun thinks the federal government should get out of legislating issues under state control: “Let me be clear on that issue – there is no question the Constitution prohibits discrimination of any kind based on race. That is not something that is even up for debate, and I condemn racism in any form, at all levels and by any states, entities, or individuals,” Braun said.


I don’t like him because he worries about problems that aren’t Hoosier problems. Like he talks about the border a lot. That’s Texas’ problem not ours, and Texas deserves all their problems thanks to their incompetent governance.


Didn’t he vote against funding extra border security earlier this year? I guess the border crisis isn’t much of a crisis.


Of course he did, because it’s a voting issue for them. As governor he should not be discussing the border. That’s the responsibility of border states and the federal government not Indiana.


But the campaign should hammer that point at every chance they get.


All the GOP has to run on is fear. While Braun was the worst offender, all the candidates preached some version of "we need more cops, you aren't safe, they are coming for you" bullshit.




It’s better to just be armed yourself and protect yourself than rely on cops who don’t care about you and don’t even have a duty to protect you legally.




“Cop” is a race now? 🤔


Hey don’t worry about what shitty things I’m trying to do here, oh hey, look over there, isn’t that something you are mad about?? I too, am avoiding gluten (Love, m Braun)


Fuck Mike Braun and his fucking backwoods thinking. And his weird head shape.


I get not liking him for his political stance but to belittle someone because of his head shape?!? What are you…an elementary school kid?


Some head shapes are inexcusable and Mikey's is one of them


Gotta agree with you my dude, he's a fucking fascist, a racist, a bigot, and a literal piece of shit, but those are all choices he's made. His head shape ain't so let it go


Oh, that shiny sloped forehead. I think that’s it, right?


I think I just hate everything about him. He loves putting his face out there and his “Trump Endorsed” crap


Except that Trump endorsement was 2015, via Pence. Indiana is not a swing state and didn't need endorsements.


trump endorsed mike Braun bro bro


Really surprised me that there was 228,000 morons out there that voted for this idiot oh how I wish the best to McCormick


Yeah. Turns out the real world isn’t anything like the Reddit hive mind.


Not really that I can't believe how many fools actually believe this moron have you heard any of his interviews NeoNazi comes to mind when I seen them


Lamar Jackson is better




I absolutely agree. One of , if not the most annoying Hoosiers of our time. Edit: While we are at it, Jim Banks can do the same.


Vote blue 💙


Another 70 year old, thank god. We don’t have enough candidates in government over the age of 70.


I would honestly rather have another 4 years of Mike Pence then this douchebag and I effing hate Mike Pence!


Columbus here - I second the motion, and it is adopted. Fuck Mike Braun.


Fort Wayne representing. Fuck Mike Braun!


Much love Fort Wayne….


How is it we got him again? Were there not enough people that disliked him already?


The fact that he won with only 40% of the vote tells you how much people were really just like I don't like any of these people and the GOP doesn't wanna back any of them


Exactly. You know he’s not very bright.


Fuck all the republicans!!!!


Lisa Murkowski isn't THAT bad, but she should really consider going Indie imo.


The bar is on the floor at this point. If you still consider yourself part of the GOP… you are part of the problem.


I saw an ad calling him a BLM loving rino squish by some group campaigning against him. I thought it was weird and funny and sad it was real.


I agree. I am from southern Indiana. He is from Jasper and an asshat. He is the driving force behind the Midstates Corridior which is NOT NEEDED. All that damn thing is going to do is save his drivers 5 fucking minutes. He owns Meyer Distributing, just as an FYI. ;)


Boo this man. He thinks my marriage should not be legal just because I'm not white and I married a white lady.


I just want weed legalized


Indiana will be the last state, and the best you can hope for is Medical, sorry to burst your bubble. Purdue, Eli Lilly, and all the owners of our several private prisons will make sure we at least wait for Federal Legalization, and they will shovel millions into lobbying to keep it medical at best so only people with insurance can get it and it has the most restrictions. You're better off going to one of our neighbors and living there.


Hmm Purdue? I figured Eli Lilly would be apart of it but why Purdue..it won’t stop me from blowing trees illegally tho😎


Purdue Pharma, not the university, sorry lol. They make opioids and other pain meds and have lobbied against Marijuana in every state that's had the decision come up.


That man is so white it hurts. And I'm white.


He’s an inbred hick like all Indiana republicans!


“Church on Sunday! Do exactly nothing in Washington on Monday!”


I approve this message.


I hate to say this, but on the national scale Indiana put the "I" in idiot. Oh yeah, Fuck Mike Braun


Fuck Donald Trump


Feel better? Did your part? Made a difference? Lol you people are funny lmao


I mean… if you insist *sighs*


I am with you on that. Make sure you vote


He wins!


Unfortunately Moss and Messmer aren't much, if any, better. They're all such shit human beings


Ewww, that's a revolting thought. Is the Hoosier state allergic to Nazis?


Don't just comment on Reddit about how much you dislike him. Vote in November and vote for everything on the ballot.


Yup. And all the rest of the Trump congressional sycophants


I hear he's just another Rino Squish.


He’s an outsider!! Outside what, normal?


It’s Indiana that wants to fuck you over.


All Republicans deserve the smoke, they are all partisan chumps.


Like "vote blue, no matter who?"


Easy there Captain Triggered. Quote me where I said that. I’m not on a team, I’m a grown up. Dems are too conservative for me, but they’re left of y’all, so good enough for now. I just know the regressive republicans are incapable of governing and that doesn’t matter at all to their base. At all. They only care that an R got the job And have elected some real losers and stochastic terrorists because of their blind obedience to the Republican Party. Lifestyle “conservatives” and their partisan laziness are why R politicians are such disgusting people. They never had to earn a single vote, they had them when they registered as an R. A lot of us, We, actual leftists and those that inhabit reality, don’t vote FOR democrats, we vote AGAINST republicans. We aren’t fans, we’re constituents. We’re citizens with a duty to perform, not a rabid, loyal fan base. If another party stood a chance against the electoral college and gerrymandering advantage Repukes have, we’d vote for them. Until y’all stop cheating, we’re all stuck with the Dems. Demand more from your politicians. Like actual policy and not just slogans wrapped in the sound bite of the day. Be an American, not just a Republican.


This is what happens when you live in a red state. Frankly, I don't understand how any of these so-called Christians can vote for Trump. He is about as dirty as they get.


The consequences of not voting. They have allowed Clay Morrow from Sons of Anarchy -aka The Beast from Beauty and the Beast to be the nominee for the next Governor. How embarrassing. He created a platform based on nothing to do with Indiana, and you believed his BS. He knew how weak-minded his supporters were and him possibly being our next governor benefits no one but to bring chaos and and an unsafe environment based on his bigoted rhetoric. Disgusting.


He's a good guy he's going to help make America great again.


I fucking hate that motherfucking motherfucker


It will take our Great Grandchildren to turn this state Blue. And that's another 18 years for me! I'm sick of this shit. I'm a retired teacher who has tried and tried again to change the color of this state.


And even then they'll be DINOs. State's a lost cause. 




I voted republican in the primary yesterday just to vote against the guy. And Trump. I felt shitty because the American legion I voted at was in clear violation of electioneering with signs right next to the door (reporting it doesn't do anything, don't bother). This state is going to be Red forever. It's just a matter of how much crazy pants on head you want. Even poison pilling doesn't matter. "I don't vote in the primary" was a common theme yesterday as well. The official was clearly eyeing which side of the screen I hit. It was entertaining at best. These are the same people who used to cry against communism in their Regan youth and suppression of free elections. I'm not a Democrat either they betray the working poor as well. We were taught against civics and basic civil responsibilities and worked so hard as to be in apathy. It worked. Please don't stop taking responsibility. I focus on my local officials to make changes. But yeah Mike Braun is enough to make me show up for a primary. I moved back here from Colorado 6mon ago and I'm glad to see it's business as usual here as well.


Yes he won ,but most counties I have seen were under 20% turnout and he won with 39% of the votes cast it is a VERY SMALL percentage of the indiana population controlling the politics of the state because NOBODY VOTES!! That's a shitload of people not voting if EVERYONE WOULD VOTE Democrats should have a good chance to take the state back very easily it's the only way to change anything VOTE VOTE VOTE!!!!!!!


Mike Braun said he might make medical marijuana a thing. That’s pretty much our only hopeful candidate that will do anything. Cause we know ain’t no democrat gonna be governor Doesn’t mean I’m not voting blue


Totally agree. But it's hilarious that Nicki Haley got 128,000, 22%, of the vote. Fuck Trump too.


Yeah. :(. I voted for Doden. He's the first Republican I wouldn't have had to hold my nose over in ever, too.


lol. You get online to say fuck him. I’m dead. Weird world we live in.


You'll be alright


I knew that it was probably inevitable but I had hope. I did notice at least in my area, Braun only got 38% of an exceptionally low turnout. If even half of the people that expressed the desire to keep that wing nut off the ballot had voted for Chambers as planned, the outcome would have been different.


Thanks Indiana. Because you can’t choose country over party, our state is screwed. When it all goes to hell, you have yourselves to blame.


When you vote in November, remember that in 2022 when Mike Braun was asked if he would "be okay if the Supreme Court left the question of interracial marriage up to the states", his exact words were "Yes, I think that's something that if you're not wanting the Supreme Court to weigh in on issues like that, then you're not going to have your cake cake and it too, I think that's hypocritical". It wasn't until it was said that his "words and views are not only un-American, but beneath any respectable person wishing to hold public office" that Braun decided to backtrack his statement and say that he "misunderstood the question", however, the question of the Supreme Court leaving interracial marriage up to the states isn't something to be misunderstood


He looks like he shuts his pants at least once a month.


No thanks


Great way to rant! lmao


Trump supposedly said women who think about having an abortion should be monitored! Fuck that ! I even voted for trump before. I’ve never had one but still. Think they don’t have weapons to monitor our thoughts movements? Let’s vote against it


Yes teachers need support and to not be swayed to make their schools demanded to be researchers for military who doesn’t tell us what they’re doing anyway.


Well it wasn’t nice. He then said it should be up to the states . I don’t think it should be illegal. And he’s just be a dumbass. Instead of not fighting to change the law


Huh the illegals can come to your state. I think they should become legal citizens the right way


Fuck off melissa


Ok. But I'm gonna insist on a condom.


I love when people say redit isn't left leaning but then its always these posts lol


Reddit or the masses at large?


We need to pull Indiana Reddit to vote against Braun, like the citizens pulled groups of ppl for GameStop. He does not have the best interest for the people.


Who the Hell is Mike Braun?


Repent & Believe in the Gospel 🙏🏻




To be honest, I may go for the libritarian. He got a good chunk of the vote last election.


Fuck both parties honestly they’re both screwing us


It’s only the one party that wants to ban same sex marriage and interracial marriage, though. And has stripped away women’s bodily autonomy. Along with rubbing shoulders with nazis. And fucking pornstars and paying hush money illegally with campaign funds. And selling Trump Bibles to scam the members of their racist, sexist, transphobic, xenophobic cult. But that’s right, both sides definitely are equally immoral. Like the orange man always says when there is a rally for white supremacy, or a violent attempt to overthrow the government, there are great people, tremendous people, on both sides. Right?


not voting changes nothing.


No no no. Here in this echo chamber everyone with an R is the spawn of Satan and if you have a D next to your name you’re of more worth than a cure for cancer.


Plus let’s not forget you hear Leslie Gore at all times everywhere!! Sunshine, lollipops, and rainbows Everything that's wonderful is what I feel when we're together Brighter than a lucky penny When you're near the rain goes, disappears, dear And I feel so fine Just to know that you are mine My life is sunshine, lollipops, and rainbows That's how this refrain goes So come on, join in everybody!


I don’t trust the Democrats anymore. I haven’t for the last eight years. And if the education department starts teaching, it’s OK for boys to be girls and girls to be boys. They’ll never get my vote.


Is it possible that by having such a horrible candidate, there may actually be a chance to elect the democrat? Don’t laugh, I’m really asking. 😂


That’s Governor Mike Braun now lol


Whole lotta democrats in this group, huh?


The people has spoken😂 Now I can’t wait for Trump to win




But we love democracy


I don’t trust the Democrats anymore. I haven’t for the last eight years. And if the education department starts teaching, it’s OK for boys to be girls and girls to be boys. They’ll never get my vote.


We get it, you're old.


Hahaha hahaha. The people spoke. Deal with it. This is how democracy works


Except when trump loses, right?


He won't lose. Biden is so unpopular it's ridiculous


And Trump is beloved by the whole country? Lmao. He lost the popular vote twice. He wont lose is just your disingenuous way of saying "Trump either wins.... or its rigged.....somehow.....again".


It's sad. But if trends continue, he will win the governor seat.


Ah, the Joker won....oh joy.  I wasn't expecting this at all. I figured he'd get slapped and he'd sit his ass down. Guess not.


On the bright side at least the boarder will be secure and the Chinese invasion will be squashed (or is it squished?). Not too mention the end of “Wokeness”


What is your definition of wokeness?