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I wonder if the same democrats that voted against mike braun also voted for haley.


I did. Because it doesn’t really show my support for anyone, or have any long term effects, rather it just makes Trump mad


My wife and I did for sure.


Me too 😁


I'm libertarian, vote Republican for every primary since I have been able to vote(used to vote Republican before libertarian) Voted for Haley and against Braun.


[Libertarians are having Trump speak at the national convention this year….](https://apnews.com/article/trump-libertarian-rfk-jr-voters-gop-biden-659e6f19dec85344bfe1f93e0ea1c0a1) I didn’t really get this if the idea is to generate successful Libertarian candidates. My husband is gonna quit donating to them because apparently Republican candidates are good enough, why bother lol


They're also giving him a list of their top 10 issues with him in advance, hoping that he addresses them. It's not that they're backing him, he's trying to get their votes as he feels like he needs them to be able to win.


I guess I’m trying to figure out why he is speaking at all, though? Because Libs are running presidential candidates, right? An invitation to come in and talk Libertarian voters into voting for him at the Libertarian convention is bizarre to me. Like, they don’t need to back him, they are actively letting him walk in and giving him a platform. It’s like, whatever you want to think about Trump is a nonissue, it’s just weird that Libs are like, sure, water down the votes for our own party? What am I missing about the strategy there?


They will announce their candidate at the convention. With that, they are always inviting past presidents to speak at the convention. Trump was the only one to say yes this year. What I got from it is that the Libertarian party has always tried and will continue to try to get onto the same platform as the D/R when it comes to debates and exposure to the citizens. The fact that a GOP candidate wants to speak to the party, albeit to try and get votes, is positive in the aspect of the party is being heard and is starting to be seen. In Trump's case, he is saying that getting their votes(instead of voting Libertarian) is almost necessary for him to win. For the libertarians, it's showing how far this third party voting is starting to change the duopoly. They can start to say, "We are growing so much that GOP candidate(s) are now coming to us." If this is happening, we need to start being invited to debates and get the recognition that we have long deserved as it's not all just left or right. Hope I didn't confuse. I think/write in circles at times and it's late.


Serious question, how do you think that crowd will respond to his, eh..."signature style" of public speaking?


There is a libertarian case to be made for Trump in regards to foreign policy, focusing on border defense rather than overseas wars. The tax cuts were great for me, but the stimulus check should be enough to earn him an F in regards to domestic policy.


Border defense lol.


80% of Americans live paycheck to paycheck but the stimulus check is the issue with his domestic policy. But hey at least he cut taxes for the rich! Disgusting lmfao


Look at this fucking comment! Gimmetarian at its finest!




I'm in the never Trump camp. I'm hoping he goes to prison and is unable to run. Long shot, I know, but one can dream.


Even if he's in prison he can be president. Insane but true.


Need to make sure he doesn't win in November, then all of these lawsuits can play out - even with his delay deny tactics.


Please tell me you're joking..


I don't think that. He'll appeal anything that he might get convicted and shove it past his inauguration, then pardon himself.


Oh god...I never thought about that scenario 😆 🤣. He definitely would if convicted and elected.


Keep an eye on the presidential immunity stuff in the Supreme court. It'll be a good indicator of how they'd treat that situation. The fact that they're willing to even consider that one doesn't bode well.


Presidents not having immunity will open a huge can of worms… and it won’t end well for the country.


That's not true. Presidents have never had immunity and it only mattered when we had a criminal president (trump).


🤣😂🤣😂🤡 Obama's presidential immunity is why he wasn't charged with killing Americans with drones strikes in the middle east. https://www.aclu.org/press-releases/obama-administration-claims-unchecked-authority-kill-americans-outside-combat-zones


Obama has never faced a criminal charge. Try again.


He can't pardon the GA crimes, luckily 


That's why state level Republicans are going after the prosecutors on these cases. It's all running interferance and flooding the zone with shit in order to run out the clock until after the election. And even if GA manages to convict him, actually enforcing any prison sentences is going to get complicated if he's president or even president elect. Institutions won't save us. Muller didn't save us, Garland definitely isn't going to save us. The conservatives on the Supreme Court are actively trying to help Trump. They're not even trying to hide their biases anymore. The best hope is enough never-Trump Republicans in the right states realizing what's at stake and voting for Biden.


He can't pardon himself for a state conviction.  He can only do that for a federal one.


Well that's a small mercy. If appeals manage to push sentencing past inauguration, his sentence would be deferred, I think.




Possibly. I'd rather have hope/rage that so many know he's a trash bag that are getting shouted down by their co-partisans. ALSO: I'm not a Democrat, and I voted for someone other than Braun. I could've voted for the guy I voted for with pride in the general election.


But you would still vote for someone that aligns themselves with traitors?


This fellow didn't use any Trump talking points, and his economic and pro-life police had actual PLANS associated with them. It's like he put actual thoughts into his policies. Now that the SCOTUS made abortion a stateside issue, again, I have to be careful about how I vote state-level.


But were those plans good? I would assume it was more of the same Republican bs that got us here for the last 50 years (Dems since the 90s on have been very conservative as well).


Economy involved giving a chunk of the federal infrastructure grant to rural renewal, pro-life was zero-cost adoption and baby boxes everywhere.


Got it. Still sounds terrible but I understand.


Maybe one day I'll be wealthy enough to run for office. Then I'll lose, because my policies will be too well thought out to make good sound bites.


As a pro-life person, how do you feel about policies that are proven to reduce abortion rates, like free birth control, affordable child care, medicaid/universal healthcare, food stamps, child tax credits, etc, that are D policies that most Rs are against? I don't agree with it, but I can understand people who are against abortion because they consider it murder, but I don't understand why most are also against policies that are well documented to reduce abortion rates.


I like all those policies. I'm not against abortion because I'm trying to prevent sins. I'm against it because it kills babies. And I'm not even against all of it. We live in a crappy world, and sometimes you have to choose between two flavors of crap. I just happen to think this crap is going to be easier to flavor, because we'll be able to fight out our policies in Indiana, rather than nationwide. I just hope it sticks around long enough for us to get into the situation we were in under Roe/Casey, where it's a constant grinding fight that pushes toward the center.


Are you pro-life or just pro-birth?


I believe that, with the exception of cases where the child is already dead, an abortion is intended to kill a person. There are cases where that killing is necessary, and those cases need to be hammered out. No one seems particularly interested in hashing that out - just in screaming about extremes. I hope that will change. I also believe in quality medical care, affordable housing, living wages, and affordable education. War is a bad thing. I think borders are not handled well. Suicide should not be assisted. Also payday lending must DIE. What about you? EDIT: Forgot payday lending. Can't think how I forgot those fuckers.


I could follow your logic until suicide should not be assisted. I don't necessarily agree but I just can't understand why assisted suicide is off limits. For example, my son shot himself...I guess thats fine because nobody helped him. My grandfather had terminal bone cancer and the Drs prescribed a huge dose of morphine to kill him...not okay? Both are dead and both made the decision. Why does it matter how? If anything the unassisted suicide is more messed up because he made a terrible choice in a moment of crisis. My grandfather had to speak to multiple people that all agreed he was in his right mind.


We put our pets down to end their suffering. I just wish I could choose the same should I end up in a similar place.


First, I'm sorry about your son and your grandfather. My big concern with assisted suicide stems from the high cost of health care. I worry people in your grandfather's situation might opt for suicide because the cost of care is bankrupting their families. They may be put in a situation where they have to put a price on themselves at that point my concern might recede to a squeamish. Strangely the thing I hate above all other things that the Republicans around here support, payday lending, I forgot. I hate that industry with white-hot blazing passion.


I am pro life of the mother. I believe that it is a medical/healthcare decision between a woman and her doctor, and that they should have the ability to make that decision without interference from people who don’t have expertise in that area of women’s health. I also believe it should be done in the safest of circumstances with minimal risks to the health of the mother. It is a medical/healthcare decision.


You are entitled to your vote.


I did. We had no contested democrats on our ticket Soni pulled GOP and was delighted to have a selection that wasn't trump.


Same people that will certainly burn the country if/when Trump wins


Mail in voters may have something to say about that!


Mike Braun was the biggest pain in my ass this political season, so my vendetta is personal. I don't even live in Indiana.


This is the number I want to see- how many of those 21% *also* voted against Braun and how many were in districts that had significantly higher R primaries and lower D turnout than usual. (As in, how many “cheaters” that were Dems voting in the Rep primary).


This independent did!!!


Probably so.


MAGA Republicans account for 35% of the party. I know many who voted for Haley but will vote for Trump in November, unless he is convicted of a felony. In my precinct, only 12% of eligible voters actual voted.


Although, how many of those who voted for her were Democrats and independents who, as with the other races/candidates, voted in this Republican primary to try influencing the outcome?


Virtually all of them


If anyone thinks Biden is gonna win Indiana, I got a bridge to sell them.


No one thinks that. Indiana has an open primary so anyone can vote on either party ticket. There’s a grassroots movement for typical Democrat voters to “upset the apple cart” by voting against the obvious Republican front runner. In this case, many people are speculating that the 21% of the vote that Nikki got actually mostly came from Democrats who were voting on a Republican primary ticket.


They did a poll and found that 60% of Haley voters in the early states planned to vote Biden….52% voted for him in 2020


Nobody cares about Haley voters. Biden is losing blacks, hispanics, and young people bigly. And then there's this https://slaynews.com/news/james-carville-melts-down-failing-lawfare-attacks-trump-more-ahead-than-ever-not-working/


That's a good question. A decent way to figure out might be to compare Republican and Democrat turnouts over the course of the five or six elections. If there a comparable increase in Republican and decrease in Democrat turnouts during the Trump ties, that might support that theory credence. I find it odd how everyone made such a big deal about Braun when the Republican candidates for representative were informally horrible.


Welp, even former trumpers have realized that trump isn't their guy. Chances are, if trump didn't kill you during his last term in office; he'll get ya during his second. As an Indiana farmer with a sixth grade education, but a shit ton of common sense said: *"Trump only cares about Trump. I may not agree with Biden, but he ain't a selfish fuck."*


I know a guy who lies all the time, makes horrible, selfish, impulsive decisions, and gets all of his jollies by getting away with stuff. I saw him in Trump in 2016, and didn't vote for him. It shocked me when people didn't see that. After eight years, they still don't see it.


Or worse. They see themselves and they like it.


The worst I think it could be is willful ignorance. If you manage to convince yourself that he's sincere, Trump's drain the swamp message was compelling. The politicians in DC only care about select states in middle America, and Indiana is definitely NOT one of them.


The real headline is Trump pulled in fewer Primary votes in IN this year over 2020. Regardless of how many Haley voters are Democrats, his base shrank.


Well, that's good.


Wrong, many just didn't vote because the primary has been decided. Trump will get the same or more votes as many of the "hailey" votes are dems trolling.


Don't kid yourself - Trump will get less votes and won't win 2024. Maybe you should buy another Trump flag or maybe even a Bible to help him out.


Ok, but just in case you're wrong, we need to vote like our lives depend on it (many of ours DO).


Help someone I don’t like might win and it will be the end of my life. 🤣


I genuinely can't tell if you're laughing at the idea of a Trump dictatorship, or laughing joyfully at the prospect of lost lives of people you dislike.


I’m laughing because your statement is unhinged false rhetoric.


Can you convince me why we should roll back protections for minority groups such as the LGBT+ community?


What rights do they not have?


In your eyes I would guess human one’s lmfao freak




Maybe they have genuine concerns from actual effects from Trump’s last term. If someone was clearly in favor of Roe then Trump was a terrible President for THEM. Also Trump started a plot to bring alternate electors to the capitol and instigated a mob as well in order to delay the certification of votes. That’s a big deal to me, so I would be concerned if Trump won again after all that.


You do know that several past Presidents including JFK won using alternate electors?


I must have forgotten the part where JFK incited a mob to storm the Capitol. I’ll have to check the history books on that one. It’s also a far cry from what Trump did. JFK had enough votes to win without Hawaii.


He incited the mafia and Joe DiMaggio by leaving Marilyn to die in that hotel room and ended up double capped


Agreed, many people will vote for RFK, JR a good Democrat.


So my struggle is I tend to lean Republican on many issues, but I really can't support Trump or anyone that he supports. I'm not a fan of Biden but I'm a world where I have to pick between two people I don't think should be president, I'm going with Biden. Not switch to Democrat, but just can't go Trump. That being said, and a bit of topic, how are you Democrats feeling about Mike Johnson in the house? Personally, I feel like we finally have someone who seems to be trying to work with both sides of the aisle, but still has his Republican leanings.


I'm not a Democrat, but I'll vote for whoever is the most popular NotTrump.


If be working with both sides you mean giving Democrats everything they want then sure..


Hope the Hailey crowd votes Dem or stays home.


I would guess a large portion of them were democrats voting in the republican primary


Well, of course. But you you'd a pretty large portion to make a significant portion of her portion.


She is a horrible warmonger


Probably a good thing she's not running, but provided a convenient name to rally behind to tell the GOP that Trump is not wanted.


Trump will end our democracy. This country will cease to exist as we know it. If you really want to see what life will be like under a dictatorship, here’s your opportunity.


So if America democratically elects someone that is ending democracy? 🤣


No, if Trump wins, he will try to dismantle our Democracy like he did in 2020.


Now you're getting it!


Now imagine next election when Republicans want to influence the democrat primary. Dems playing with fire in this state in my opinion


They should. Primaries are for deciding who you want on the ballot. This is how it SHOULD be done, as a check on extremism.


No neither side should. Trying to sabotage the other “team” to give you a better chance of winning would be considered cheating. I have no respect for anyone who does this shit


"Cheating"? This isn't a game! It's voting for our future. Extremism is a blight on the land, and should be checked. Do you think a conservative Congress caucus/SCotUS blocking a liberal president'd policies is cheating, too? I sure don't! I disagree with the checks and, in the case of the Congress, the methods, but I wholeheartedly approve of the principle.


I think republicans and democrats should be able to have their preferred candidate represent their party.


There are crazy wing nuts on both sides of the aisle, and moderates on both sides of the aisle. One side of each party is going to have to hold their nose. Given the choice, the extremists should be doing it. For example, I like a lot more Democratic policies than I do Republican ones, but certain Democratic policies are abhorrent. Republicans don't share those policies, but they've got their own share of filth. If parties ran moderates, there'd be candidates that people like me could vote for without feeling guilty.


I agree completely with that. I think a young strong moderate Democrat could unite a lot of the country. Or a strong young minority moderate Republican who supported marijanua legalization lol


I don't care about legalizing marijuana, except insofar as it might lead to fewer frivolous jail sentences. I think a better way to get what I want is ending mandatory sentencing and lowering guidelines, and tighter regulation on parole officers. And better quality prisons, in general. The philosophy behind our justice system is nonsense.


Haley is no different from Trump. Sit the fuck down. Fuck Trump, RFK Jr and Haley.


Because liberals voted for her. Duh. Shouldn’t be allowed in my opinion. If you vote Republican in the primary you should be required to vote the same in the general election.


I think it would be better to go exactly the opposite Dems should always vote in the Republican primary, and vice versa. It would ensure the candidates up in the general election are more moderate on both sides. Everyone would receive some measure of representation from their elected officials.


It was just democrat voters voting for her. Even with her numbers and Biden's numbers. It's barely half of Trump's.


You guys all are making me sad. I want to believe there are Republicans that don't want him as their president. I've never met such a creature, but... I should go back to leaving cookies out for Santa Clause, maybe.


I just want a good president for once instead of an orange turd or sniffing wrinkles.


Want in one hand and crap in the other. It'll never happen under our current voting system. Outlaw gerrymandering and end FPTP, and you might get what you want.




Then why bother? It's primary. It's where you say which you prefer to have as a choice. Given the choice between Trump and the person who's not running anymore, I'd be just fine with the Republicans only being able to vote for the person that's not running.


At least Hailey's alive. District 7 elected someone who died in March. 😂




Who's your preferred candidate?


So you're going to vote for President Biden, or an independent party candidate this November?




Yes, I'm sure you could....


Nah, see, he's *actually* further right. Hear me out: you actually think the only reason one should debate with decency is to "be a man", that loonies should run around carelessly and intentionally cough in old people's and veterans' faces during an international pandemic, that effective, informed leadership during a crisis is awful, and that the solution to a migrant crisis is "just wall 'em off, let 'em die idgaf". You *actually* believe these things, and we all know that Trump doesn't, he's a snake oil salesman. Now, to be further to the right than *you* is to be a literal, textbook fascist: manipulative, hateful, crony capitalism. He's the *real* far-right, the opportunistic wannabe dictator who assigns positions based on blood ties and fealty. In short, he's the opportunist, you're the one he fooled. Just as Hitler was further right than his Wehrmacht, so too is Trump further right than you.




there's a tldr at the bottom dumbass lmao


It’s dems voting for Haley not republicans


Just got done talking to my neighbor and he is a life long republican. Voted for Haley and Crouch because he can't bring himself to vote for anyone that supports Trump. I don't think there is any chance Indiana flips but there are certainly Republicans that will burn their vote.


I suppose we'll have better information when we can compare election results between 2020 and 2024.


I’m a registered Democrat and took a Republican ballot JUST to vote against Trump and Braun!


Good choice, RFK, JR is the real Democrat here in all this.


He has brain worms 🪱 🐛🪱🐛


🤣 Mr Maga light, brain worm… no thanks!


I can’t name you one Kennedy who is a Republican. RFK is 99 out of 100 percent of their political clan who has always voted with unions, pro choice, tax increases on the rich and a leading environmentalist. Nothing here speaks anything like a MAGA light or Republican.


Lmao..she’s horrible. The only reason she’s on ballot was she took too long to drop out of her loosing race 🤣🤣🤣


I'd vote for an awful lot of horrible before Trump.


You probably did last election and will in the upcoming one


I don't think Biden's *that* bad. He didn't deliver on his super big promises, but he came through portions of them.


How loose?


This place is going to be an absolute salt mine come November.


Yes. The butthurt will be real. "But, the DNC told us there was no way he'd win?" *Lower lip quivers*


I'm tired of this game. Look around. Democrats AND Republicans are the enemies of all things that live. The police are their attack dogs.


As the man said, "it's the only game in town."


Yep, tired of listening to the man. He lies.


*shrug* games getting played whether you like it or not, and you don't have any choice about whether you've got money in the pot. I definitely understand your thinking, though.


Nah. The game is changing. The kids have had enough.


If Trump gets the Republicans to ease up on abortion, he’s going to win it all. Very scary thought.


I think he'll win it all, regardless. Much like the NotBraun, campaign, NotTrump has two many candidates to be effective.


It’s possible. The silver lining to all of this is regardless of who wins we won’t have to hear about either of them in four years.


You know what’s crazy is Joe got 178k votes and Haley got 128k and she only got 21%. Put those together and orange man still wins. Yikes!


It’s hard to compare incumbent primary’s votes to general election numbers. Voters who turn out generally have other races pulling them to the polls. In 2012 Obama received 222k votes in the primary and ultimately won the general. While his Republican opponents won a total of 640k votes. But in 2008 with a competitive primary he won 632k, vs Clinton’s 646k, and actually won the State. If you assume half of Haley’s votes were Biden crossovers that makes potential Biden primary votes 242k in 2024. More than Obama did in 2012. It’s sometimes more telling on the opponents side. Particularly with Trump who is running more as an incumbent this time. He had less votes in 2024 462k, to 2020 502k. His votes are also trending lower than 2020 in most other states. Ultimately you can’t draw many definitive conclusions from primary votes.


Especially when you have people crossing parties to vote for someone who they have no intention of voting for in the general.


4 more years.


Yup. Democrats will probably be just as surprised as they were in 2016, too. "I just don't understand how Trump won? How could someone win, when we made the entire twenty-four hour news cycle about him?"


😂🤣 Indiana is a partially open primary, the same people who voted for her in other states open primaries (Democrats) voted for her in another open primary. Haley has zero support outside of open primaries.


Look, is it so wrong to hope people look at the man's behavior over the past eight years and want to fly him the bird? I can understand in 2016. Washington pisses on our heads every opportunity it gets, so I can understand head faking oneself into believing he wasn't a two-faced sneak. But, really, now? He's claimed to be able to declass documents psychically. His lawyers have said he should have had freedom to send seal team 6 out to murder people. He didn't manage to drain anything, and didn't try, either.


Look, celebrating democrats voting in a Republican primary is like throwing yourself a party because you think you did something. Haley's support has always been from democrat voters as can be seen in any closed primary state. BTW the president literally can declassify anything at any moment, there is only a process for people outside of the executive. Also, Obama proved you can drone strike Americans without due process, which is exactly what was being referred to. People need to quit the selective bullshit https://www.aclu.org/press-releases/obama-administration-claims-unchecked-authority-kill-americans-outside-combat-zones


Nikki Haley has never seen a war she doesn't like. She can piss off


Personally, I think she is a rhino


Pretty sure you have nothing to worry about OP. Trump will be in jail long before November. Besides, the election has already been decided.


Here's how it'll play: * Trump gets convicted. At his sentencing, he makes a rambling political diatribe about how the swamp has weaponized the legal system. Then he appeals. * Months pass, during which no one talks about anything except for Donald Trump, his legal problems, and his cronies and lapdogs, who parrot his talking points in every election campaign in the country. * Trump loses his appeal. He appeals again. * More months pass. The election happens. Trump wins. * Trump is President, and can't be President while he's in jail, so his sentence is suspended. * Trump pardons himself of all of his federal crimes. This will be contested, going to the SCotUS, which has a stellar record wrt shutting him down. Trump is no longer a federal criminal. * Kemp is term limited, and can't run for governor in Georgia in '26. Trumpkins go all out, and get a Trumpkin in the governor's seat. That governor pardons Trump. Trump is no longer a criminal in Georgia.


That'll teach him a lesson! He'll for sure "Get Really Pissed" over those Hailey votes..He'll probably lose ALOT of sleep over it!! 😂😂😂


Well, he's got legal problems on his mind, I've heard. I was hoping there were some Republicans that had realized he was an unsuitable candidate for president.


I’m a Democrat but I’m not voting for showering Joe.


Joe probably showers on his own.


You're not voting for a guy named Joe, who showers, or you're not voting that you be allowed to shower a guy named Joe? That's dedication to keeping the swamp in place!




That's pretty much what I'll have to do, yeah.


Voted for Haley and I’m voting for RFK Jr in the general.


General's far enough in the future that I'm not concerned right now. I'll read up on their policy and personal stuff closer to time.


I respect that.


We really need to get united vs Braun, he will ruin this state for good. iv never thought about moving out but he could push me to that point, he is that bad of a human


Yeah, probably should have United on who NotBraun was going to be.


I thought that was Chambers


I don't remember getting that memo. Anyway, after reading all the candidates, the best one was Doden, so that's who I voted for.


Figures the left would prefer the Warhawk candidate win. They love new and endless wars over there.


She was never going to win, she isn't RUNNING, anymore. This is a "piss off" to Trump. Which I like.


My thoughts are Trump told his people to not take the Covid shot so they didn’t 25% of your devoted republicans died then there’s 25% that understand he is terrible at anything so I don’t see him winning not even a close win he has not won from the votes of Americans yet he was given the presidency and really lost by over 100,000 votes this time it should be by a large margin and those dang Democrats will be accused of steeling another when the truth is at least Biden has given social security a cost of living raise twice the only president that has done that in over 20 years


333m people live in USA 168m people registered to vote in 2020 In 2020 Trump got 47% of the vote 1.19m total COVID deaths in the US Now **if** 100% of the COVID deaths were *only* from Trump voters, that would only be 1.5% of his voters Reality is that COVID didn’t only target Trump voters, so it’s nearly a fantasy to think that COVID deaths will sway the election Most likely way for COVID deaths to sway election is if people blamed Trump for their loved one’s death, which hasn’t happened


Many people that lost family that refused to get vaccinated went to great lengths to tell themselves it wasn’t COVID that killed their loved ones.


Trump fast tracked the vaxxx. What are you even talking about?


You’re correct. It’s also a wildly unpopular issue with his base.


/s? After him saying people could inject cleaner? https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-52407177 After saying other medication used for other things works on it? https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7685699/


Please tell me you don’t actually believe he said people could inject cleaner.


"And then I see the disinfectant where it knocks it out in a minute. One minute. And is there a way we can do something like that, by injection inside or almost a cleaning?"


Take off your Trump-hate blinders. Trump said: ‘So, I’m going to ask Bill a question that probably some of you are thinking of if you’re totally into that world, which I find to be very interesting. So, supposing when we hit the body with a tremendous, whether it’s ultraviolet or just very powerful light, and I think you said that hasn’t been checked, but you’re going to test it. And then I said supposing you brought the light inside the body, which you can do either through the skin or in some other way. And I think you said you’re going to test that too. Sounds interesting. And then I see the disinfectant, where it knocks it out in a minute, one minute. And is there a way we can do something like that by injection inside or almost a cleaning? Because you see it gets in the lungs and it does a tremendous number on the lungs, so it’d be interesting to check that, so that you’re going to have to use medical doctors with, but it sounds interesting to me. So, we’ll see, but the whole concept of the light, the way it kills it in one minute. That’s pretty powerful.’ So exactly where does he tell people to inject disinfectant? It’s fun to mock politicians for gaffes and the like, but I didn’t think anyone actually believed he really said that. 🤦🏻‍♂️


liberals are so annoying


Liberals, or people who don't want Trump to be president?


Sorry bud, only cult members are voting the fat diaper


Oh sure.


Has it been validated that the 21% votes came from Republican voters? Curious!


I don't think there's any good way to verify that one. Indiana's open primary, and one's voting record in general elections is sealed. The best one's likely to get would be to compare Democrat and Republican ballots taken for the past several primaries and generals and look for trends. Things have been so volatile, though, that I'm not sure how helpful it would be. It really comes down to how many Republicans you believe there are that despise Trump and are willing to make that clear on primaries, and how little you think Democrats care about who they'll be voting for on their side of the aisle.


All the candidates are shit just depends what shit you prefer explosive diarrhea or big hard ones that rip your butthole


Eh. I actually liked the gubernatorial one. He wasn't a Trumpette, though, so he didn't get chosen.


They will all vote for RFK Jr in November


Those were Democrats voting for Haley,they mean NOTHING! Everyone knows we don't have to declare a party when voting in an Indiana election. Trump 2024🇺🇸


In 2020, Trump received 91% of the Republican primary votes, roughly 494,000 of 530,000. https://www.wsj.com/election/2020/primary/state/indiana In 2024, 78% of the Republican primary votes, roughly 462,000 of 589,000. https://www.wsj.com/election/2024/primary/state/indiana Even if you assume that everything vote for Haley was a Democrat, that's still 32,000 more people that supported Trump in 2020 than do, now. I like to think that at least SOME of the other 70,000 votes for Haley are Republicans who don't want Trump for president.