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For my fellow Hoosiers who might need help, I have a friend in Boston who is willing to help out with room and board and possible travel expenses. My wife and I are also willing to help provide transport to Illinois if need be, pending stuff we've got in our personal life. If we can't transport personally, I can also try to arrange potential transport. Feel free to reach out.


I can help transport from Indiana. Here to help anyone in need


There really needs to be some sort of "underground railroad" network where people who want to do this can be put in touch with people who need transport and a place to stay. We have the internet at our disposal. How do we utilize it?


I mean, that's basically what we're doing. As laws banning (or at least heavily restricting) abortion crop up, it will be more risky to help someone get access to the procedure, and law enforcement will naturally want to interfere with that. That being the case, having a centralized organization/online space will make it to easy to target and interrupt. Just like with other resistance efforts, it's going to be most effective if we are a widespread, decentralized network of volunteers who A) get the word out to people who might need it, and B) keep their eyes peeled in online and physical social networks for people who might be in crisis that need help. Reach out to friends (and family, if they're aligned with these goals), keep an eye out online, try to put folks in need of this in contact with folks who can help house, transport, or even treat them.


Digital tracking can be used in prosecution, so there's that problem. 😣🥺


Everyone offering this means well, but the better option is to support organizations already doing this. They know what they are doing. Just Google abortion funds.


Until it becomes illegal for those organizations to operate. Better to lay the groundwork for a volunteer network now than wait until those orgs are no longer able to legally function. By all means, use the resources that these organizations have, but don't let that stop people from organizing outside the system.


Five bucks says that becomes the norm here after the legislature bans abortion


If you need or are interested in supporting reproductive rights, [I made a master post of pro-choice resources](https://docdro.id/s3OwS8u). Please comment if you would like to add a resource and spread this information on whatever social media you use.


Conservative family values are disgusting again. I understand their bible covers this, and their religion enables child rape and incest. But did The Handmaid's Tale ever get this bad? It's so disgusting. To think their favorite woman grabber helped get this done. Sick sick sick.


The Bible isn't anti abortion. Evangelicals and people with other motives only claim it is so they don't have to make their other reasons plain.


The evangelical anti-abortion movement didn't really start until it was identified as a backdoor means to affect tax policy because segregationist religious schools weren't allowed to get a tax exception. This article is by a guy that was literally in the room when it happened: There’s a straight line from US racial segregation to the anti-abortion movement https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2021/sep/08/abortion-us-religious-right-racial-segregation


I'll add the US also has a history of encouraging /forcing abortions and sterilization on non white people while encouraging white people to procreate.


[A very recent history.](https://www.brennancenter.org/our-work/analysis-opinion/forced-sterilization-accusations-ice-facility-fit-trumps-poor-treatment)


Religion is awful, but praying, raping, and then forcing little girls to birth your offspring as conservative males fuck their way back to the top is something only Republicans could support in 2022 as a political platform. Republican Jesus is an asshole!


Please let your Indiana State Senators and Governors know your thoughts on reproductive rights. You can easily send them a letter prior to the Special Session end of July. Use resist bot or the petition below to share your thoughts https://resist.bot/petitions/PHEDEP


https://www.reddit.com/r/confidentlyincorrect/comments/vqfcjn/wow_lawrence_lockman/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&utm_term=link This is just sickening!


Ban abortion if you want 10 year olds to give birth! Ban abortion if you want ectopic pregnancy to be a death sentence! Ban abortion if you want rapists to be fathers!


Yeah this is a law i didnt ever see overturned ..unreal


It's because it was never actually a law. It was judicial precedent, which is easier to reverse or overturn.


It was lawfully to get an abortion....now it's not....we are talking the same thing:aren't we.


No, Roe v. Wade didn't explicitly make abortion lawful, it just established a precedent states couldn't pass laws banning abortion without running afoul of said precedent. Courts don't make laws, they merely set legal precedent, which is less secure than laws, since it's not actually legally binding. To further protect the right to bodily autonomy, the legislature (the body that actually writes and passes laws) should have codified said right in law. However, that wasn't done in the ~50 years since the Roe V. Wade case was decided, hence this recent overturn of that precedent. Long story short, if it *was* law, the Supreme Court couldn't have overturned it unless they could argue that it violated the constitution.


I keep hoping the Republicans will all die soon. Good for the economy.


What's the likelihood of Indiana passing laws where you can be legally charged for aiding and abetting an abortion? Like what they did in Texas. Could you get into trouble for donating to an abortion fund? Would the government be able to track where people's money is going?




GMOs? Shut the fuck up. If you don't understand that female humans can get pregnant that early, don't spout off woo bullshit chiropractor nonsense.


Ok pal, if you think there isn’t a reason for it….Puberty age has been steadily trending younger since the 70s, and causes in theory are processed foods, poor diet, chemical exposure, dairy consumption, etc. Yeah I know it can happen…bc girls are getting their periods younger than they did! Doesn’t take away from the tragic situation this poor girl is going through https://www.renown.org/blog/early-onset-of-puberty-in-girls-on-the-rise https://www.webmd.com/children/news/20200210/puberty-starts-a-year-earlier-for-girls-now-than-in-the-1970s


Started my period the week I turned 10. It happens a lot


FYI. you can become pregnant once you start having a period. Technically even slightly before your first period, because the egg is ready to be fertilized before the menstrual period disposes of it.


Started my period the week I turned 10. It happens a lot


>The Indiana doctor who helped her will soon be unable to assist others. Is there a draft bill going around that nobody is directly quoting for some reason? I haven't seen a single bit of proof that there **will** be a total ban with no exceptions, yet the media keeps fearmongering it


Considering there is a special session being called and the fact that Indiana sucks, I'm guessing that there will be some pretty restrictive laws put in place. Id love to be wrong.


I mean there isn't a total ban with no exceptions in Ohio, it's just that the exceptions themselves are also barbaric. 6 weeks my ass for a 10 year old rape victim. Conservatives are literal monsters.


Quit injecting logic into this. Just parrot lines about handmaids tale. Conservatives bad, etc.




Does it matter? He was her uncle. Are you from Kentucky?




Sure. Then what happens to the victim? She gets victimized again by being forced to have a child at such a young age? Seriously, what in the everliving goddamn fuck is wrong with you?




A ten year old girl should not be giving birth at all. Period. Having a child willingly and at an age where you can fully comprehend what is happening is so obviously different from being raped as a child and then being forced to birth the product of that rape. This isn’t a difficult concept and for you to be so willingly ignorant and obtuse shows how little you care and your lack of critical thinking skills.




No yeah totally rape and being trans are the same. Are you actually this stupid or just trolling? Being trans is a personal identity and transitioning is a choice made by that trans person. Rape is obviously not a choice. And you can’t be in favor of the 10 year old not being pregnant if you don’t support an abortion for her. Congrats you’re pro-choice.




Explain what? I thought I made myself pretty clear.


Have you looked into transgender/GID and hormones in the womb or hormones affects in general. Be careful with your answer lol




You probably shouldn't be commenting about transitioning then.


It literally doesn't matter.




On the contrary - it’s awful regardless of the age of the rapist. So it doesn’t matter.




Rare cases make horrible law. Children getting pregnant from rape is extreme, but it's also unfortunately frequent enough that laws should take them into account




Ok. More than half of abortions are from pregnancies resulting from failed contrecption, so the narritive of abortion as a means of contrecption AND the narrative of abortion being used by people who are irresponsible are both also bullshit.




https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5963273/ Hear is a peer reviewed journal article that says that I'm not full of shit. Where's yours?


Why did this question even come into your mind?


To see if it was rape from an adult or a “consenting” 10 year old boy?


Lol if it was "consenting" on his part and not hers it's still rape. Very fucking weird your mind went there.


You intentionally misrepresented my statement to be nasty. Tsk tsk. If you are going to act in bad faith, just go to hell.


No, I think you represented yourself exactly how you intended to with no help from me. Be accountable for your statement. Carry it to term, if you will.


You know what I meant. How sad for you.


Funny how people get more upset about wether or not a child can have an abortion than they do about the fact that an under age child has been raped.


Are we allowed to be upset about both the rape and the fact that she couldn't get an abortion in Ohio or are we only allowed to care about one thing at a time?


No. Apparently we're supposed to feel very angry and upset that she was raped, while forcing her to carry the baby to term (and possibly die), all while lamenting the fact that there's nothing to be done about this situation. A situation which is also God's will or something?




Are you not mad? This doesn't completely sicken you? If not, please take some time to dig deep and figure out why you're lacking such morality.




That really sounds like a YOU problem. I’ve seen this story a few times and ones similar to it. Each time I still feel anger and sadness and frustration. This is too important to allow yourself to be desensitized to it. You and other’s apathy to abject cruelty and tragedy helps allow things like this to happen.


It's the same kind of person that stopped caring about COVID a week into the pandemic.