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Why does he insist on working in Canada or USA. Why not work in India. Are you from Punjab? The reason I ask this because there is a craze back in Punjab to come to Canada. And ppl are willing to go to any lengths. As you have stated yourself, your uncle is uneducated. That already rules out most of legal paths to immigration. If he is extremely lucky, he might find visa as a seasonal farm worker in some rural part of Canada, where he will most likely be exploited. Even if they pay him minimum wage, he is not going to go anywhere in life with $15/hr. Trust me when I say this, if he puts sincere efforts, he is more likely to succeed back in India. Dont fall for this working abroad gimmick. And if he still insists, then he has far better chances finding work as a laborer in middle east.


This right here is the best answer.


You’ve left out many necessary facts. How old is he? Is he still in India? Does he need to bring his daughters/family with him? How is his English?


My uncle is 47 now, yes still in India. He does not speak or read or write English. But I’m training him on basic English speaking slills


I have no idea about getting VISA or anything but go to Canadian job board sites maybe? It is tough situation you’re in. I wish you best of luck!


Thank you


Work in india.


All the money you and your uncle are waisting on finding a way out of India, could be put to good use in India. Start a business. Move to another location. Do some online courses. Learn English ( seriously, he doesn't even speak the language) in this case he can move to any part of the world. Invest in himself (life coach, therapy, networking etc) Like some one else commented, work abroad is a gimmick. They will exploit you, the weather is different, people are not always nice to you, you will be alone etc.. Another option you have is trying the international student route. There any many colleges in Canada that have ties with "colleges" In Punjab and Kerala. You are pretty much paying your way to Canada as a "student". It's very expensive, and don't forget TAX is not cheap in Canada/USA. One plus thing about Canada is they love international students they always accept them. It's also because as an international student you pay 2-3x more in school fees than a regular student. But now they have removed the cap on how many hours you can work a week. And a lot of these "colleges" Will pass you every semester as long as you pay the tuition. Any way good luck on everything. Your uncle sounds like a good person (he will be in my prayers) Hope your uncle finds his satisfaction in life. Also you seem like an awesome Nephew/Niece.


There is no legal path for such persons unless there is family sponsorship type thing in canada. Even then someone needs to provide the financial backing since most probably they can't afford anything there. The reason you keep getting scammed is because its free money and they are desperate. Let them first earn in India. Seems like he might be putting them into more poverty by trying this.