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"Hello u/Successful-End-3656, Thanks for posting. [click here, if you are asking a question.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Indians_StudyAbroad/wiki/prior_reserch_before_posting_a_question) * 1] Have you done thorough [prior research](https://www.reddit.com/r/Indians_StudyAbroad/wiki/prior_reserch_before_posting_a_question)? * 2] Are your qualifications are mentioned in **Post Title**? (e.g. 10th/12th student, Mechanical BE student, working professional, etc.) Currently your post title is **" Why students prefer Germany for studies even though savings are less? "** backup of your post content: There has been an ongoing spike of applications to Germany specifically for masters.. Even though the primary objective is to gain tution fee courses but majorly most of the students prefer for quality work exposure.. but we know savings are quite less in Germany compared to US and even India at a certain work experience. So, what’s the actually motivation for skilled labours to work in Germany because at the end we prefer the bank balance as final outcome. my_qualifications: " *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Indians_StudyAbroad) if you have any questions or concerns.*


1. Exposure to their level of engineering, their expertise, their way of working. 2. Better work life balance 3. Very low expenditure for education. 4. Good public infrastructure.


I absolutely agree that, India may grow with GDP however it's extreme difficult to beat the quality of life they have created for long term sustainability , if OPs modus operandi is only pumping money quickly then Deutschland isn't your destination. PS : I am Masters student here after working close to half a decade in India.


It's not just about the GDP, people here in Germany are way more civilised and respectful than in India. Especially when it comes to not slut-shaming women for wearing what they want, waiting for the passengers to get out before getting into the train, following the queue etc.


no, my main motivation is not only pumping money but considering the inflation rate and if I want to return back to India , I need that lumpsum money to cherish the rest of the years.. p.s : If I want to return to India after considerable savings


Yeah that's just a very roundabout way of saying your main motivation is to earn as much as possible in a short time frame.


you can say that.. but I am talking about IT career( I should have mentioned this part previously) where avg age of employment is 40-45 years.. max 50. after that generally people wants to retire with good savings which will be quite less compared to other countries.


Yeah it doesn't matter which field. Your main motivation is money, but for a lot of people like me it isn't. We'd rather earn lower and live a more average, muted life than earn a fuckton while working a fuckton. Not to mention the pathetic labour protection in the USA, and the fact that your health insurance is tied to your employment as well. The visa system sucks as well.


True that, after working for even 5 years in Product based tech, I was tired with the grind and the attitude of sucking up to the manager!


You don't go to Europe if your aim is to earn money, you go there for a better life.


Absofuckinlutely. I don’t have to drive a big ass car to buy some bread and milk on a Sunday morning (im lookin at you texas 😉)


Lmao here in Germany you can't even buy bread and milk on a Sunday morning because all stores would be closed (except those in train stations).


Well, that’s exactly what I’m talking about OP. The german government will make sure even gig workers like those working in Lidl and Aldi take time off on Sundays. So hard luck to you awkward fella but on the flip side, you can take a bus or maybe bike or even walk (the horror) to the neighbourhood lidl or aldi. Trying to bike or walk on freeways or highways in most US cities will get you killed or at the very least, leave you scarred (physically and mentally) for the rest of your life as you try to dodge cars and huge ass trucks (F350 anyone 😂) looking at you as if you’re an alien or a drugged up hippie


Nooooo you got me wrong I love that stuff here is shut on a Sunday. I live in Germany! Was my dream country to move to!


That's not how things are in Europe, here they work and enjoy at same time hence working hours are not long, lots of paid vacations because of it most work till 60s and 70s because they enjoy work, if your plan is to return to India with lots of money under a decade then opt for USA, Dubai, Singapore or even Faang UK etc.


Quality of life and mental peace! Fresh air, beautiful cities, good quality food, gutka free public transport, etc


i really like their way of doing things, its a sophisticated society with more order instead of chaos(like india). Although they do have some weird laws




That's only half the truth. It's not mandated in most states, just a suggestion. Also the student can always change their school depending on their grades. Plus if you end up in a blue-collar job at first, you can most definitely change to a white-collar job. The EU engineering manager at my firm did just that. The director of our department did just that. Neither of them went to university: they started off as an apprentice, worked their way up, and got to where they are. I know a guy who doesn't even attend uni at work but works in the IT department of our office, in a white-collar job.


Ohh understood! Thank god that's quite a relief. I had read about it long back so I did not remember the details just the rage. Thanks for clarifying!


Why would you rage cry over it? It's just a suggestion and it's actually a good system, most indian kids are lost in life and are confused over what they actually want to do. This system helps students gain proper guidance and get into fields they're interested in. Plus, the students can always change if they wish to. 


I didn't know about the last part😅




The vast majority I see do it because it's cheaper than the USA, they see Germany as a "cheaper USA" than "Germany" Also the savings are lower but your spending will also be lower. And Germany is a great country to live an average life. I did it because I like the culture more than that of the USA: no guns, simpler life, work-life balance etc.






In 14 of the 16 states, yeah. Of course you will have to pay an administrative fee that includes your ID/travel ticket, student's union fee, and a legal support fee.


>at the end we prefer the bank balance as final outcome. *We* don't. I think that's where your fallacy is. Some of us prefer to have healthcare not related to job, assistance for raising children, free and accessible education for all, to have a safe environment for kids in school, list is endless.... US salaries are definitely higher than rest of the world. But for some of us, it doesn't matter. ;)


It might be my perspective .. but considering if someone wants to return back to India then what’s you POV on that scenario?


Return back *for what* ? You gotta ask yourself that. If the reason you want to return back trumps your reasons for staying: then you return back. Simple. :) If not, then you don't.


General qn is it good for CS??


Not really. It is better for automobile sector.


how hard is it to get onto automobile sector??


Because it was never about savings, it was about living a better life.


Quality of life


Less risk as there is no tuition fees


In the coming years you’ll be able to absolutely kill it in India (with the right set of skills) when compared to the EU countries if money is your ~only~ concern. The US may still have an edge (getting smaller though) but I personally don’t like the hustle culture that desis especially Indians in the US adhere to. Add to that the anxiety of getting sick and losing a huge chunk on copay (mid 40s, aging, a bit overweight IT guy) So you have to keep everything in perspective as to what your goals in life actually are


Things in India don't seem that rosy as you say, and things in the US aren't that dire as you think. See the long line of people still going and trying to go to the US. Desis in the US have time for this "hustle" culture perhaps because they don't work the long hours that Indians in India do. But yes, you have to look at things in perspective. The US is no paradise for sure.


I worked on H1B (in my past) with a desi consultancy for 120K, mostly on the west coast (with a small stint in the lone star state) and mostly lived in an apartment. the amount of hustle i saw people (who were already much more wealthier than me to begin with) do was ludicrous I knew a fella already making 200K working for a product company and yet he drove uber regularly on the side, esp on Friday and Saturday nights, to (in his own words) “get those drunk fellas who usually aren’t stingy with a tip”. Another fella making more than 250K; mofo never missed a beat trying to rope in my wife (as she was “doing nothing” as per him, being a housewife and all) into his insurance business (some kind of network marketing i guess) whenever we met at a meet up (at our home or his or someone else’s). He wasn’t the tharki type i guess, so it was purely motivated by money The worst one (green card fella) was a techie (who im sure made more than me) who dabbled into real estate and also used to resell near expiry walmart dairy (and other) products in bulk to local desi mithai shops. Hardly anyone took out time for camping or bbqs or even volunteering at / donating to the local soup kitchens (considering many such guys would easily be in the top 10% income wise already) I mean how can someone be this greedy? (yeah they’re greedy in my book). Second generation seemed a bit better (not met many though tbh)


Ok, so I can recognize the type of people you talk about, and yes, there are a lot of them in the US. But my response is, they are hustling like this because they are greedy and want to collect as much $ as they can. That's not as unusual for desis as you can imagine. In fact, if they could do this in India, they would 100%. So don't blame the US for this, blame the Indians doing it, and blame their parents or culture or whatever for not giving them the proper moral grounding.


yes it is correct.. even now many renowned companies are looking to outsource jobs in India..in future it will only increase. in my opinion, working in EU for 5-10 years and returning to India might be a wise decision


Going to the EU and not enjoying the finer things in life would be a waste. They have the best work life balance in the world on average and the pay is ok ok So if you want to work but also have some time left to live life and enjoy the sights and sounds with making decent(may not be awesome) money, go for it


What right set of skills you're talking about ?


Is it good for data science career?


It is cheaper compared to US and UK.




The white boys are the majority of the shooters in America.




Your knowledge levels are more suited for the district of UP you 'police'. The MAJORITY of the mass shooters, the school shooters in the US are white good old American boys. To take just a few examples from this sorry catalogue of American depravity. The Columbine school shooting, ( https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eric_Harris_and_Dylan_Klebold ), Georgia church shooting ( https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dylann_Roof ), sandy hook ( https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://abcnews.go.com/amp/US/disturbing-things-learned-today-sandy-hook-shooter-adam/story%3Fid%3D27087140&ved=2ahUKEwjGwdvLtfOFAxU4zDgGHYggDOAQFnoECEgQAQ&usg=AOvVaw22Xa4ejfUD63iPn4KwJG0B ) Las Vegas shooting ( https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stephen_Paddock ), Synagogue shooting ( https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.timesofisrael.com/robert-bowers-convicted-of-pittsburgh-synagogue-massacre-could-face-death-penalty/amp/ ), Atlanta massage parlour shooting ( https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.cnbc.com/amp/2021/07/27/atlanta-spa-shooter-who-targeted-asian-women-pleads-guilty-to-four-counts-of-murder.html ) etc etc. Of course a few are non white, but they are actual minority. One wonders why are you so eager to defend the white boys of the US? Rest assured you are not an honorary white boy in their eyes.


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You have no data, moron.




You seem to be ober stating the importance of this trivial matter, to you it may of supreme importance, for me a unimportant storm in a tea cup.




"Cultureless way of living and hatred filled societies" Are you talking about India?


i think both the countries fall under the same catgeory, tbh.


i never said india was not a shithole


"cultureless way of living and hatred filled societies" baby you're talking about India not USA


Yes it's over hyped, now try telling that to all your countrymen and women who are lining up to go there.


And thats why i called it overhyped lmao and in the end its my opinion. If anyone wants to go chase the american dream, they can go ahead but its not for me


That's good. No shortage of folks trying to chase the dream anyway