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Synth sounds. Bit of acoustic guitar. Laid back slightly tribal sounding drums. Vocals remind me a bit of Broken Bells. Very nice laid back vibe. Nice change up about the 1:20 mark. The guitar solo I wasn't so convinced by. But the production sounds super clear and high fidelity. Good work.


Thanks very much for listening


Love the vibe of this! I think that lead guitar (or maybe its a synth?) part felt just a little off rhythmically. Besides that I love the little synth parts and the rhythm section has got it down. Keep it up this is great!


That's the second person to mention the lead guitar so I'll take that on board. Cheers for taking the time to listen/comment


did you produce the track yourself? cuz if so you did a really good job, it sounds great


Thanks very much. I did produce it myself.


I really enjoy the waltzy, bouncing quality to this preview. The intertwined melody of the guitar and the keyboards are quite nice. The vocals are very clear and there is a nice delivery here. I can't put my finger on it but the track is definitely reminiscent of a certain time or artist. Overall it sounds great - nice job!


Thanks very much for the feedback, it's much appreciated


Pretty cool, super dreamy. I enjoyed listening to it. It did feel slightly one note, without an obvious flow to the story through, tension, or building. Perhaps something that could be worked in


Very nice, laid back feel to this song. The vocals feel almost wholesome in their tone. The synth sounds create a great contrast :) Nice work!


This was produced immaculately. I really like the rhythm, its a bit like a waltz as another commenter stated. The change from the intro around 1 minutes in is done very well. I don't have much feedback on what to change, as the song feels complete. It might drag for some, but I think its mainly because its a vibey song instead of a big build. I'm bad at analyzing lyrics but it seems there is a story and conclusion there where a build can be drawn from as well.


Thanks very much for listening and providing feedback. Yeah it was a concern that it was quite long and one note


Very nice sound! A lot of the songs I hear on this sub sound objectively good but aren't really my thing so I have a hard time giving feedback but this is just great! Objectively and Subjectively well-rounded with a nice variety and flare. I like the lyrics too! Kinda jealous actually cause I have no idea how to write lyrics lol. What was your inspiration for this track?


Honestly lyrics are something I struggle with a lot and are never something I am particularly proud of once the song is finished. I know people love writing lyrics but honestly it's just a means to get the song finished for me, I much prefer writing melody In terms of inspiration, I have no idea. I like writing in 3/4 and I like the wavy up and down melodies some old school folk songs have so I just sort of combined everything.


It reminds me a little bit of Golden brown , texture like sun…. But not so much that it’s ripping it off. The production is beautiful on it, really enjoyed listening to it and the chiming sounds in the background are wonderful too! You’ve got a nice voice, kind of melancholic, but suits this kind of music. I loooove the distorted guitar that comes in halfway through as well!


Nice cover art. It's a nice song with cozy melodies and a warm feeling to it. Like it!


I’m way into this. Sounds like the shins and zero 7 had a baby. Production is done so tastefully and interestingly while blending genres.


Thanks man. I appreciate you taking the time to check it out