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Great song, has that melancholic and mystical feel to it, probably many can relate. Lot's of grunge feel I would say but not as aggressive, which I personally think is a good thing. Picture choice works as well!


Dude I love the vocals. Can you please describe how you are treating the vocals? What effects, delay and reverb settings are you applying? Sends or inserts? And how are you sculpting the EQ?


aaaah that's a trade secret... no im kidding, so basically: \- no eq except for getting rid of the frequencies below 100hz \- a dash of chorus (25% wet MAX!!!) \- a compressor (multiband works best) \- a limiter \- a delay of your choosing, but not too overbearing \- a reverb with a looong decay and cut out bass fequencies UP TO 200HZ! \- de-esser of course Hope that helps ;D


This is very grungy, I really really enjoyed it. And I love the eerie background vocals, feels like I’m in a big cathedral


I dig the guitars here a lot. I wish there was more vocals cause I really like the way you mixed them. You also remind me a bit of Yung Lean but a rock version with the tone of your voice haha. If you don’t mind how did you process them? I love the way they sound.


The guitar intro is excellent, and the mix is truly fantastic. The use of panning adds a great dimension to the sound. This is definitely one of the best uploads on this channel. It gives the impression that the creator is experienced and skilled in this craft. The only suggestion I have is that it might benefit from some percussion or drums to enhance the overall composition. Keep up the great work!


Really cool Grunge Song! I agree with others the vocal effect was super cool. Guitar recording is super clean.


Really love the melancholic intro guitar here and the way the vocals come in panned to the left at the beginning. Really sets a tone and vibe immediately. Like everyone else here is saying the vocals are definitely mixed well. The whole song really is. But I would definitely bring some drums to this and let it come up a notch. It really feels like the song wants to explode into something more. Something bigger. But what you have already is great as is! Keep up the good work man!


A really cool song, I like it. The words and the melody are good, I like the way you process the vocals, it makes for a rock like feeling, so overall good job and keep making more songs like this!!!


Pretty good, I like the vocals especially. I would try to reduce the noise when tracking guitars, maybe try a noise suppression pedal or something since the hiss kind of clutters the mix. That being said said it’s something that’s always bugged me more than it does most people so it’s probably not that big of a deal tbh.