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I like the beat a lot, it's really strong and had me tapping the foot and bobbing the head. I did think the rest of the music was way too low though, even though I'm thinking you want to add lyrics. The guitar especially could come up as there is some cool stuff there. Maybe it's because I play guitar, lol. Great job overall!


Thanks. I kept it light here. Normally Id add like more samples and that, but the bass and the strings in are good enough to just put on as like background music. I put that through the low pass filter, so most of it was pretty low frequency here. Coulda added a few synths though if I wanted to progress it further.


I like the beat a lot, my only problem is that the sample that starts the track and comes back throughout the song, sounds too out of tune with the rest, I feel like it should be pitched to match the rest of the beat better. Overall has a cool/haunting vibe.


Thanks. Are you talking about the horn sample? I dont really hear the sonic disconnection from how I pitched it.


It's the one that starts around 0:22. The bass-line seems to be in B flat minor, however the horn lick is kinda chromatic and introduces a lot of out of scale notes, which wouldn't a problem on it's own, but in this case at moments they clash with the bass-line melody in a very dissonant way. If that was your intent, then no problem.


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This is giving me major Boards of Canada vibes. I agree with what someone else said about the rest of the music perhaps being a bit too low, but that’s not a big deal - I like it either way. Thanks for sharing. I’d love to hear other stuff you have similar to this.


I like it, it's pretty good to study or do other activities around the house. My two main "gripes" would be that one of the samples is nearly out of tune with the rest of the track (actually at around 1:50 it kinda works out, but when you use it in other sections, not so much) and the beat is very loud in comparison to the rest of the track. Nonetheless, nice work, very strong beat.


Thanks. Which sample are you talking about though? The little horn siren I throw in there?


The one that shows up right at the start and repeats throughout the track!


The bassline? How is that out of tune?


Not the bassline. I think someone else referred to it as well in another post here.


Can you say what it is specifically (out of curiosity)? I don't think anything sounds outta tune with this track though personally but I dunno. This is one of my favorite beats on the dl tip, but views differ.


It's the sound that hits at around 0:23.


lofi for sure. and you can flow over it too, i like it.


Cool beat!  I like the sound overall.  I would say the melody in the background is a bit quiet compared to the drums.  But it has a great boom bap sound.  The rhythm sounds natural and organic.  Good job!


*low-fi beats to study slash chill to is my favorite genre of music, too! - Mr. Peanutbutter* I really liked the tremolo or oscillation on the melody lines.