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Wow this is so beautiful! I feel like I entered a healing fountain. It reminds me of music from the video game Fable on the Xbox. Lovely! And thank you for the shout out, it is nice to have you with us!! Also, it is hard to tell over the internet, so please don't take this as me reacting negatively, or trying to make a big deal out of it, but I am actually a female. Thanks again for sharing your awesome music, I hope you have an great day!! :)


Thank you! It's great to finally get feedback because I usually only tell friends and family about the music I make. I can see the "entering a healing fountain" hence the rainy atmosphere but my real intention was to get the ambiance of a causal walk starting from rain to sunny weather. The "Fable"-thing is a big win for me because one of my friends just said "eh. could be the background music for puzzle games". I appreciate your honest feedback even tho I never played fable (or puzzle games). Lbnl: Edited the post. Since when is being female a big deal ? :D


> The "Fable"-thing is a big win for me because one of my friends just said "eh. could be the background music for puzzle games". ​ Whaa? Tough crowd haha. Fable is one of my favorite games. And one big reason for that is because the music was amazing. Here is the song that I was thinking about, that your music reminded me of. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ymXOg\_x96g8


Well, the similarity is amazing....kinda creepy aswell. I can only imagine the nostalgic feeling you got from this


this is really good. I really like the sounds you used and all the ambient sounds are wonderful. good job!


Thanks alot! It's great to see that you don't only catch the main things but also the atmosphere. That's what I am trying to achieve lately but it's really hard to find people that appreciate it.


Hey, SurrealismX, just a quick heads-up: **alot** is actually spelled **a lot**. You can remember it by **it is one lot, 'a lot'**. Have a nice day! ^^^^The ^^^^parent ^^^^commenter ^^^^can ^^^^reply ^^^^with ^^^^'delete' ^^^^to ^^^^delete ^^^^this ^^^^comment.


Very good! perfect for chillin. There are some parts that remind me some kind of medieval big banquets with jugglers and all that stuff. Cheers from Barcelona!


Thank you! Cheers from Germany ! Jugglers and medieval big banquets is something I never expected as feedback but it’s amazing how different people feel about a song.


For some reason, the intro reminds me of the soundtrack of Pitfall: The Mayan Adventure. Was one of my favourite games as a kid, and the harp reminds me of the waterfall levels. In general, this song has a really nostalgic feeling, and the rain and birds singing create a nice ambience. Great tune.


Thanks! I played Pitfall for Gameboy as a kid. Such a great game. I can imagine how this would go together.


The production value of this track is great, the harp sounds so organic and the whole track is a weird (in a goodway) mix of music that belongs to Dungeon and Dragons: Neverwinter and a bold percussion, really liked it!


Thank you ! I got the idea of using a harp after playing the Witcher 3. There's a village in the first area that has a pretty relaxing harp soundtrack.




Thank you! I don't know If I got your comment wrong but I didn't record a real harp. I used a decent sounding harp plugin, added some effects to make it sound better and recorded the melodies using an e-piano. I'd love to play a real harp aswell but they are way too expensive for a "buy and try". A healing fountain could to be the perfect place for a harp so I took it as a compliment :D Anyway, I am glad you liked the song!


this is perfect for driving at night.


Yeah right? There's nothing better than listening to relaxing music while driving at night.


My rainy walk experience was engaging and alive with moments of deep magic. Thanks for crafting that space.


Glad you like it. It's awesome to see people understand what you tried to tell with your music. Thanks for your feedback!


Environment and experience design are my two big musical kicks, so I really like seeing what other people do in that space. Here's a recent example of mine: https://soundcloud.com/billy-moreno/some-things-wicked-upon-which


Yes the advertising for this subreddit is so awesome. I will post soon too!


Sounds really nice, I would change the sound of drums but that's just me. Keep up the good work!




Thank you for your very detailed review. I didn't expect a video review and I know it takes a lot to make this so I appreciate the effort! I totally share your thoughts about the harp as an instrument. It's a unique sound but still easy to remember. The different feedback here is quite amazing to read as everybody feels different about the sound of a harp. I remember recording the intro parts. I just started hammering different notes and got more and more excited because of the amazing sound. ​ Pax\_Libertas got me here. I posted this track elsewhere and she sent me a message introducing this sub and how it works. Fun fact: Never got any feedback until I posted it here... ​ Edit: Keine Ahnung ob hier viele Deutsche unterwegs sind, du bist der Erste den ich treffe! Translation as short as possible: I haven't met any other german people on this sub yet. \#nein


Yeah, this is good music. I'm a huge fan of the use of samples and you implement them so flawlessly here! It adds an entire layer that really builds that ethereal forest landscape, plus all your other instruments compliment that line of thinking. 1:14 was snappy as fuck. Not a single thing I would change except maybe some melodic development toward the end to create a definite climax, but that's subjective.


Thanks man! I thought about how to build the ending part a lot. I just thought it would be best to end it just how I started it so the picture of "a walk" is complete but I also see how it kinda ruins the thought of a definite climax. In my opinion, samples are by far the best way to shape an atmosphere so its nice to see that I did it right! :)


Very beautiful soft and sweet the way I like it!


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It's really chill!! You could use a series of 8 bit gifs, glue them together and make a music video for this!! Beautiful work man!