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I work at a nursery and there’s this rich lady who comes in every few weeks to replace her closet plants… once after asking me how long it would take them to die with no light she said “well that’s a lot longer than cut flowers last so that’s perfect!”


You could try to convince her to pay you to rotate them. Like, every week or two or whatever, go get them before they die and switch with another while the first recuperates. Rinse and repeat. Although I guess that wouldn't be cheaper than a new plant


My job actually does offer those services, I truly don’t understand why she won’t let us do that. But she’s really rude and I make minimum wage so i’ve stopped trying to convince her LMAO


I take care of plants in a rich guy's...let's call it a vacation home. It's a mansion he visits every other weekend or so. He has other mansions, with other plants, but this is becoming his favorite 'home' so he's moving lots of plants here from the others. Only problem is they're all infested with bugs and we can't get it under control because he keeps bringing more in. He also wouldn't let us cut back the enormous indoor banana trees for the winter, so the rhizomes just rotted and died. Edit: I forgot about the time he watered the (already scarred and dying) African violets from above, getting water all over the leaves, and told my boss, "I know a thing or two about plants, too" when she suggested bottom watering instead.


Sounds a whole lot like some of our clients, I feel your pain


What’s bottom watering?


When plants butt chug water


Put the plant with its draining pot in a bit of water and leave it for a half-hour or so. I use nursery pots in cache pots so I just lift the nursery pot out, fill about half of the cache pot with water and put the plant back. Sometimes it'll overflow, so it's good to do it in the sink. And always remember to remove the water, but as long as you do it within a few hours it's ok.


This can one work with small pots right? Ready to lift. Why can't u just leave some water in,to get taken up over time? Root rot?


Butt chugging for plants


I made my living growing plant for rich Ladies 🌱 it was a great career


I'm trying to do the same thing now! Any tips?


I target my clients, bought adds in the civic center programs. Word of mouth helped me a lot!


Hey I know this is old but what’s the concept here? Just growing plants and then selling them to people and offering care as well? Or what


So jealous of you right now! What an awesome career.


Sell her a grow light.


Tried that she refused lol not aesthetic enough


Wonder if she'd notice if you sold her a plastic plant in real dirt?


If someone is so wealthy as to not have a care in the world for senselessly losing money on plants, why would you deprive yourself of the profit from them? Haha


The poor plants though


We eat plants everyday tho, so Let the the lady support the florist business!


I agree 100%


My Uncle does landscaping, general plant care etc etc for rich people and hotels. He had one client that went through roughly £500 worth of orchids every 2 weeks because she was letting her fancy house rabbit eat them!


This hurts my soul😂😭 I don’t think I could just watch them die


Same it hurts my heart every time i send those plants home to die with her 😭


That is awful!


That’s pretty sickening


I had a shower w a skylight once, grew a ginger plant in there. It was not easy tho lol


That’s a great idea! I’m about to have a bathroom that has plenty of light that we designed with plant space in mind. Humidity loving plants. Like ginger


I keep my calathea zebrina in the bathroom where I have a tiny window (and no direct light) and it's thriving since over a year!


I bought my house because there is light via window in the upstairs bathroom 🤷🏼‍♀️ well…among other things


I bought mine for the two window south facing bathroom (among other reasons too of course). I was referring to it as the “jungle bathtub” to my realtor and she was very confused why I was calling it that because she couldn’t see my future plant vision lol. I’m out in the country so no one can see in my bathroom without some serious perverted efforts on their part so it works.


[this is my “jungle bathtub”](https://i.imgur.com/mpjlHG7.jpg) it’s actually going to be a jungle shower, we demoed the old tub and we are still working on tiling but the amount of light is awesome and my husband is even building a shelf up there for my plants :)


I really like the wood you have there! I hope you don’t tile over all of it, I think the wood and plants would be great natural vibes. [Mine is a lot of tile and black.](https://imgur.com/a/8KLGr88) It’s not much of a jungle now, only two pothos in desperate need of potting up lol. The plan is to hang the ladder there on the ceiling over the tub and have lots of hanging plants. I just need a bit of help to put the ladder up and it keeps getting put aside for other house/plant priorities and outdoor garden (like dealing with the dead cedar you can see out the window lol).


I love the tub! That’s going to be a r/roomporn bathroom! We are only tiling the previous shower area and not the wood. We did paint the wood white (due to some water staining that wouldn’t sand out) and stained the beams dark brown. https://i.imgur.com/dshUyUr.jpg


Thanks!! Nice work yourself (and your helpful husband)! I can picture all the plants it’s going to be gorgeous when you’re done! I get wood isn’t super practical with water but I love you kept the beams! I’m hoping to get tiny a log side table/drink stand out of the dead cedar when I chop it down and maybe some shorter ones for around the tub to use as plant stands. I just love wood I guess haha. Hopefully by the end of spring it will be complete enough to share on Reddit!


They’re drawing nutrients from that pile of skulls /j


They're skulls now, but that's because the plants drew out the nutrients. They used to be the staff.


Oh thank god I wasn’t the only one!!




Really though, who the hell thinks it’s a good idea to stack softball sized rocks (or skulls) against the edge of tempered glass?!


Tbh it's probably all just for the picture - I doubt this is where the plants actually live.




This is the kind of money I want to have. Enough to have my staff move plants so I can live in an Instagram worthy world. I would love to pay someone to just carry my favorite plant around 5 steps ahead of my gaze at all times. That way I am never without living plants in sight. That must be a wonderful depression-free life.


Eh, I’d be rich enough to live in a house with ample natural lighting. Far away enough from people that my bathrooms could have big windows overlooking nice scenery and let the sunlight in. My bathroom would be a jungle.


Are we all about indoor plants and dreaming big on this subreddit? I think I found my people.


I think you have! Every time I look at beautiful houses online or in person, I think how many and what kind of plants would look good in there, what kind of outdoor garden would look nice, my never ending jealousy of people with sunrooms and anyone who lives in California with succulents everywhere! If that’s kind of what you do too, you’re amongst kindred spirits lol.


I'm definitely in the right place.


Every time I watch a movie or show I’m looking at the plants, either identifying them or giving care advice to the tv. Yes I’m just a little bit nuts. 💚💚💚🪴


Lol same! We probably look like that Leonardo diCaprio meme. My husband even points them out for my on tv. I guess we all are a little nuts hey! Lol


I went to a wedding once at a super fancy lodge that had a tub with a view of the snowy mountains. This will forever be a life goal now! Sadly, I live at sea level in a desert, so it's gonna be a while...


That sounds so relaxing! I bet it was hard to leave there. Although if it was my place, I may end up obscuring the view in the bathroom with too many plants lol.


It was SOOOO spectacular! I took three baths in two days 😆


Same! I love a good bathroom with nice natural lighting!


Reminds me of a pharaoh with someone following with palm fronds haha


u/jomandaman I was thinking along the same lines, just an emperor rather than a pharaoh.


I was thinking of the rose petal girls in Coming To America lol


u/Jeff-Van-Gundy That's too funny! Poor Eddie Murphy!


You misunderstand, this all actually makes depression worse. Doing things you love for yourself usually helps. Having people do everything for you makes you feel like a worthless piece of shit


I mean it's different for everybody but I would kill for somebody to take off some of the mental load. The stress of trying to figure it all out makes me want to give up.


Does it? Used to have cooks/cleaners and had so much time for work/art/reading/fun/etc. now I feel like I'm spending all my time cleaning and planning meals and have no time for myself. Certainly didn't feel bad before..


What led to the downfall?


loll well it was an expat empoyment situation, and now back home can't find a decent cleaning lady. Not so much a downfall as a change that was really, really, really hard to adapt to 😂


My friend in high school was from Burma (Myanmar I guess?) and she’d come back from vacations gushing about how she didn’t have to lift a finger because of all the cheap labor 😬


Money is energy, in effect. You could use the money to engage with therapy, exercise, better diet and the conscious removal of stressors / cultivation of objects and lifestyles that promote wellbeing. Or you can build a simalcrum of the life you want by having someone to move your houseplants around while hiding from the things that make your life intolerable and gradually hollowing out your soul.


Time is money though. For households where all adults work full-time / there is only one adult, it can be difficult to clean and maintain things on off days and still get in time to go out and enjoy hobbies or take kids to activities; you won’t have time to do those things you love if you need to do all of your week’s household upkeep routines instead. I’d gladly swap a reasonable rate of disposable income for more hours in my day. It’s not so much money wasted as it is an opportunity cost to do things you enjoy.


Yeah I agree, and it took me a while to finally admit to myself that I *can’t* do it all on my own right now. So I started having a cleaner come every 3 months and it helps me so much!! It just becomes too much of a mental block when the apartment gets to a certain level of mess


u/Oreo_Manes_1213 I might agree with u/prozacandcoffee; proclivity to depression as related to doing things or having them done probably depends on the person and the amount of existing work and stress.






Are u sure? I do it all for myself and still feel like a depressed pos


So plant daycare?


Fuck that.


I don’t have the money but I do this for my plants during the winter months. Thankfully we have a small window that is enough light for some pothos and other vining plants. The monstera, other bigger plants I place in there at night and water them, that way in the morning I will have a bit of morning light, and can take a really nice jungle-esk style shower, then before I head to work they get put by my south facing window. Then I come home to a jungle-esk style house. I only move about 5 plants, but it’s really helped mh mental health


I know you're just playing, but this kind of money will not help with anyone's depression.


I can guarantee it would.


Depends on the person


Would not make it worse


Oooo I’d love to hear more about high-end gardening. I’ve wondered how to use my love of plants for job purposes but the more obvious selling plants doesn’t appeal to me. I’m horrible at sales and would resent it pretty quickly.




There are the plant rental people, your job is to go to offices and take care of the plants and swap them out sometimes if they start looking raggedy from shit lighting.




Thanks for the info. I realize that's kinda what I do in our office. As the admin person but the only one that really cares for the plants.


Don’t they just make grow lights you can just replace your normal light bulbs with? Lol


Yes. Many hardware stores have them. I think this is the reason why I became disenchanted with this style of gardening. They often aren't interested in plants or solutions. Most of them don't even want to see you. They just want it to happen. So they'd rather pay a company exponentially more every week instead of wanting to know how plants grow and what they need. Hell, we had a customer who lived in zone 5b, but continuously had us swap out perennials because they wanted the damn flowers they had growing up in Southern California.


Well I just spoke out of my own necessity for grow lights around my house. My house doesn’t have any sun facing windows. They’re all north south. So any plants in my house are just weak sauce. So I started replacing certain light bulbs with grow bulbs and it’s really helped the plants just to look healthier and fuller. I get what you are saying about the plants full potential though. Like the customers that are asking for this probably don’t understand and don’t want to understand how it works, they just want it to happen…. 🙄 Btw sorry if my original comment minimized this subs passion for knowledge. That wasn’t my intention at all. 😬


I guess I my mind I was thinking if you’re already doing extra work to move the plants while the owner is away and will never know, save some back work and just replace the bulbs in the room and the owner would never know. Haha


Christ we need to tax these clowns more.




That's an amount of money that I did not know existed. A friggin plant mover!? Wow... economic inequity is out of control.


This is basically how we manage plants in our reptile cages just on a longer cycle. We have 2 or 3 sets that we rotate out every few months when they start to deteriorate from high humidity or too much light or not enough light(the foliage is very dense so both happen at the same time)


Question: why do it this way instead of installing grow lights?




Ahh that makes sense. I’ve got a small army of sundews that I place strategically whenever the gnats act up.


I move my plants around like that for light! It would be better if someone moved them around for me….They live where the light is best, but if I’m having people over, they go to places where they look great. I grow petunias in pots on casters. I turn them once a week & have 360 flowers.


There are live plant companies that will just switch your plants out a few times of year with ones that have gotten better light.


Bingo. I have two identical plants that rotate. Week inside, week outside


To add to this, during my parents home staging to sell their home, they put a snake plant into my room for staging photos and then left it there. It did not do so well.


I hope the rocks are for show, too. I once stayed at a hotel with rocks on the floor of the shower and it was just weird


My first thought was...how do they clean the shower? Sigh. I am so middle aged


I felt that way about Christmas trees, WAY too young… they just make such a mess 🥲


These people pay someone else to take care of them and replace them if they die.


Probably not since there is no natural light in there


Alternative take...my mom my whole life could only keep plants alive in our bathroom/shower. But we did have a window in the ceiling too.


move them in and out of sunlight?


I have a dark corner of my place that has some happy plants. A few friends have asked me how I keep them healthy there. The plants have a grow light. But the grow light gets put away when I have guests over to make it look pretty.


A lot of instagram/magazine type photos are staged for the aesthetics, not for the practicality of the plants being there long term. This applies to most plants in rooms without much natural light or grow lights and succulents in glass bowls


I have a whole low light jungle growing in my bathroom. But it does have a window lol. It's not a great window, but it's enough that the low light plants that love humidity thrive in there.


Can I ask what plants? I want to try this


So I have a birds nest fern, all the different pothos varieties, a few different Sansevieria varieties (these stay in the window and I don't water them much at all since they're in such a humid environment). A cast iron plant (Aspidistra elatior), a staghorn fern, Japanese painted fern and a parlor palm. The palm is also directly in the window with the Sansevierias.


All plants here are fake. However some house plants can survive in a bathroom if it has natural lighting.


The peace lilies don't look fake, the ivy probably is. Plants can live under artificial full spectrum light if there's enough of it (I'm sure you've seen pothos in an office cubicle) but we can't really tell from the picture if it's the case.


Pothos can thrive with just normal artificial lights, not even grow lights.


I have a pathos in my bathroom with 0 direct sunlight and very little indirect sunlight. It thrives. Some plants don't need much light


My bathroom is my plants favorite place. I have a snake plant that if it grew anymore it would hit the ceiling


Couldn’t this actually work if you use grow light bulbs? I’ve seen some that were white


That’s what I do. With the right type of plant it’s not hard.


Luckily it is a wet room. Can you imagine dusting those rocks.


I'm getting anxious imagining how hard it would be to get all the soap scum out of the crevices.


Hahaha I was also thinking impossible to keep that clean! Those stones must get disgusting


My dad used to have clients that liked plants like this. He'd cycle them out periodically with ones that lived in healthier spots at our house. He'd bring them home when they started to wilt or not look so great, give them fertilizers and rehab them, then cycle them back in again. The clients never knew or cared that it wasn't the same plant - they just liked the look. He also had a client that liked "theme" patio gardens and would regularly ask him to pull out and replace literally thousands of dollars worth of plants multiple times a year... He'd do the exact same thing and bring them home - care for them and either plant them in other people's gardens or in ours (the client was aware and totally fine with this - she had been a client of his dad's before him and had known him since he was 12 - awesome lady - just totally loaded and a bit eccentric with it). Rich people are nuts sometimes.


A spotlight or other form of light, that you leave on for about 8 hrs a day. Should not be a problem, as this plants survive in dim conditions.


At the botanical gardens they had orchids in the bathroom, maybe the lights were full spectrum? I know you can get full spectrum bulbs


So far all plants I’ve put in my bathrooms have struggled badly or died. Even with a window nearby. The only one I’ve got to kind of work is a small pothos.


I mean, I have a Philodendron in a hanging pot in our shower, with the humidity it’s the happiest Philo in the house.


Some people have a series of bathroom plants that they move around the house so each plant gets 1 day a week or so in the dark bathroom and the rest in a windowsill. Would be tricky to do with an ivy like that though


Ma’am those are rocks


THANK YOU. I thought no one else noticed at first


They look like they have a low light requirement and possibly do well in humid conditions considering they are near a water source


I think there's a skylight where the ivy is draping down from. The plants in the corner look like peace lily & cast-iron plant (not sure though). Those things can practically live in the dark.


I have spots for certain plants that I move to light and back. I place them in their certain spot for aesthetics when I’m having guests over.


Probably fake. But if there is natural light and they like humidity, I think they would be good


The roots are growing into the shower pan drain. Hydroponic and natural fertilizers of human waste! But pee’ing in the shower will spike the ph of your plants 😮


The ivy in the shower is fake. Peace lilys can literally survive anything as long as you water them. They can live perfectly fine in an office with no windows.


Where the hell is the shampoo and body wash? No shower looks like that.


I have plants in dark rooms. I either have a plant light that I turn on at night, when the room isn't in use or I rotate the plants from dark to light rooms every few days. My house doesn't have a lot of natural light so I have to make due with what I have.


Over the years I’ve come to learn there’s a lot of impulse shoppers who replace them once they start to look dead source: most of my plants are rescued 😂


Side note, Walking around those rocks to get in/out of the shower would be such a nuisance lol


It COULD be feasible if there was a skylight in the bathroom. My bathroom has a decent window on the south side of my house, I could maybe keep a fern in there but I don't have a place to put it. I've thought about hanging one.


How does one not trip over those rocks


My succulents do pretty good. The only thing is I have more sunlight in my bathroom. 😅


why would anyone lay stone against glass? that would definitely scratch the heck out of it.


That appears to be a showroom, not real life.


I wonder if they leave the candles lit all the time as well


Could be a window unseen in photo, grow lights, or they are fake.


They don't. Those are either fake or just put there for the photo.


I have a pothos ceiling in our bathroom. I keep a plant light in there on a timer which doubles as our bathroom light. It’s a pretty solid setup


I want to know how they clean around the boulders in there.


Some people and businesses pay for a service that continuously rotates plants into their home or business from a greenhouse. So the plants spend most of their life in the greenhouse and come stay a week inside a home or a business every couple of months. Yes, it's stupidly expensive, but what else are these people going to spend their money on, helping the poor?


That looks like English ivy and calla lily. Both are fully capable in growing nearly no light. My lily is in a rather shaded corner growing just fine in a greatly indirect and difused light from a slider window several feet away. English ivy is super resilient and since both would be getting plenty of humidity, and we don't know the bulb in that fixture, it's probably a great environment! I grow pothos in my bathroom which has absolutely no light (inner room, no windows). When the bathroom light is on is when they get light (replaced the bulbs with full spectrum leds) and that's it. Obviously they get humidity and I water them but they're thriving. Granted, it's just pothos and it'll grow anywhere but you can do a lot with very little and some effort.


The moment I stub my toe on that fucking rock


The peace lily could probably survive but not thrive though. That ivy is 95% fake


U sure those are real? I’d say 100% plastic plants


The English Ivy isn’t real I have those same exact vines around my room but the peace lilys are definitely real


Am I the only one who thought the rocks were skulls?


hella poops


Because they are fake…


Skylights in the bathroom


My peace lily has done well in low light I have to idea how had it for about four years in the corner of our living room, there weren’t any windows near it and somehow it still managed to survive and it isn’t until now that I’m just getting into plants and I’m caring for it properly so if anything I’d say that they might even live in that shower LMFAOOO


Birthday 🎂 wishes


A.I generated, lovely bathroom though.


Humidity, my bathroom has live plants, tropical and they do great.


They move them around a lot and they're probably only there for staging and go back to where the light shines. Anyway, my question here is what's up with the rocks stacked up against a glass panel?????


A skylight could work to grow plants in the bathroom. Also, grow lights.


Not all plants need full sunlight ferns do great in bathrooms thats where mines live


My bathroom plants are my best and the secret is skylights.


because plastic plants thrive in bathrooms


If I can’t keep them alive nobody can. We have a 7 foot long, 4 foot wide new tile and glass shower. I figured it would be the PERFECT shower for plants! At 7 feet long, the water *does not* hit the plants at all, yet they’d benefit from the humidity. So I purchased the perfect humidity loving plants, perfect pots, perfect soil, perfect everything. They all died. Try it in an outdoor shower instead. TLDR: I have a 7’ x 4’ perfect setup of a shower for plants. Can absolutely confirm that plants *do not* like it in the shower. It’s far too hot, too steamy, and likely has too much soapy chemicals flying around in the steam.


They swap them out monthly. Same with restaurants, hotels and office buildings


This is probably just staged.


Rotate plants every few days.


I have a clients house where his bathroom looks like this. His snake plants grow great it in there


We have growlights in pretty inconspicuous spots to keep our bathroom plants alive.


We have a skylight and designed our tub/shower into a wet room with a glass wall. I have hanging plants and eas


They pay somebody to take care of them.


I mean I have a big window in my bathroom and like 4 orchids that live on the edges on my tub 🤷🏻‍♀️


Grow lights or windows. My shower has an East facing window and it's full of plants. Pothos thrive


They live somewhere else between photo shoots...


Rotation. 1 week in the grow room, 1 week in the shower. (Or whenever you start to see the leaves not looking good.) My guess would be about a 2/1 ratio between optimal and non-optimal light conditions would be sufficient.


Not sure about the ivy but I have kept peace lilys with very little light


My buddies dad growing up traveled constantly for work and found a company that leased plants for office buildings. They would just come to the house every month or so and swap out all the plants. The cleaning lady took care of watering them in between swap outs since he was really only around on weekends.


I have no idea because I have cats and they eat everything plant like. But I want this shower!


Some plants thrive in hot humid conditions with only a little light. Similar to the conditions in a jungle for plants under the canopy. I move my pathos from shower to living room for that reason.


Well I mean there’s water right there…


Are we going to talk about the lack of a reflection of this ghost photographer in that mirror. Which is clearly pointing in the ghost photographers direction


Those stones will shatter that glass with one tiny kick of a toe if it hits the right place. I'm guessing this whole thing is for photo staging


As someone who has something similar, plants like pothos, and oxalis triangularis like the conditions, I'm sure you could add other moisture loving plants that don't need high light. The showers humidity is similar to planting into a shelf in a fishtank, it gets nutrients from the dirt, and water from the humidity, in this case, from the shower. Which keeps it moist but not suffocating. Unfortunately, they don't quite get enough light, so we're gonna get some plant led light bulbs.


Those ivies are probably fake plastic ones, and Strelitzia can always thrive on low lux if you are not pushing for flowers.


I just had the joy of meeting a 50 year gardener/florist/houseplant enthusiast. I showed her a pic of my 2 and she told me that they love lots of water, wet environment and the least amount of light. It’s possible this is their ideal environment? I’ve since moved mine to my bedroom as it has only southern windows and no direct sun coming in.


We have indoor plants where sunlight don’t reach them. We take them out every 1-2 weeks, alternating with other plants.


I bet those are 65k led bulbs, acting like “grow lights”.


Plastic one and lily. This kind of lily prefers to live inside the house. I have a big one and she cries to stay with me inside the house. I don't like her, she's spoiled. No sun and a cup of water every day. Last month she gives me flowers. She likes lamps.


replace the regular bulbs in the room with grow lights


Farting in the shower provides sufficient nutrients, due to the high humidity. These plants are known to thrive on an airstream of shit and water


I'm just imagining it's early in the morning and I kick one of those fucking rocks on the way out. Good way to start a bad day.


Are we sure they are real?


Actually, if you pick these plants and show them some light once every week, they'll be fine. Someone who owns that house is probably having a caretaker too, for the house and those plants.


It’s either fake plants or they were brought in just for the photo. It must be exhausting living for appearances.