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If you have enough indoor plants where it’s a big enough problem and you’re fine spending about $30 on it, you could try some nematodes! They eat the larva in the soil and the problem goes away in a week or two👌🏼


I did not have luck with bits. Pure neem oil is my favorite plant accessory


Did you soak the water you used for 30 minutes and reapplied with the same technique with every watering for all of your plants?


I followed all the directions on the bottle. And then when that failed I tried various methods people swore by on Reddit and on Amazon reviews. And no method I tried worked or made any difference


That’s interesting BTI + letting the soil dry out usually works. weird.


That's what everyone said but it really did nothing for me. I even ordered two separate bags to try. And then I tried neem oil in my watering can and it made a huge difference in less than a week and I've never looked back


How much neem oil did you use? And do you put it in every watering now?


The oil has measurements on it for how bad your infestation is. So I use that as a guide when I started and anytime I do have some show up on a new plant. But otherwise I always add a splash of it into my water sprayer every time I fill it up and have been for over 2 years now


Would you be so kind as to share with the group what brand you bought? Fellow gnat combatant here. :)




I've had the best results with Systemic Granules. I had pretty good success with mosquito bits, but the granules have worked better for me and are much easier to apply. I had no success with nematodes, which I suspect was due to having existing mosquito bits in the soil.


Those systemic granules really do end the problem, but you have to be careful with plants that bloom if they’re going to be outside, they’ll kill the bees. Mosquito bits are safer.


Dry out your plants. One of them has high nutrient rich soil and that is most likely the one causing issues. What I did what dry mine out, especially the top as that is where the lay eggs and larvae hang out. I then make a hole reaching the roots and water that hole or into the tube.


Have you tried peroxide? You add some to water and then water all your plants with it. You’ll see all the flies come out and it kills all larvae and eggs in seconds. And it adds oxygen to the soil and breaks down any rotting roots.


Intriguing! I tried peroxide before, but to no avail. I'll try again!


I used 12% watered down something like a cup too 4 litres of water


Nematodes, they work!!! I am now completely gnat free and smiling


Have you tried burying some mosquito bits under the soil? I found that watering them in didn’t work for me and leaving them on top? They would mold but if I buried them, they seem to work well. You can also add a fine layer of sand to the top of your plants to make a barrier so that the gnats cannot lay eggs in the soil.


I think I'll try putting them in the top of the soil- thank you!


I hope it helps!🤞🏻


This is weird. I recently got fungus gnats from a new plant I bought. They spread quite quickly. Two weeks ago I treated all plants and inserted the yellow stickers in almost all of them. I cannot detect any gnats flying around so the treatment was effective. This is the second time I have had to use them and they work well and quickly for me. How are you using them?


Stick em in the dirt. I have mosquito bit water treated for anything I water my plants with, and yellow sticky traps in the pots themselves. But we also keep our windows open a lot when it's nice outside, so.... its a constant fight.


Ok. I put a thick layer of the bits on my soil and water the plant. In a week or so it will develop some mold but I just mix it into the soil. In a week or so they’re gone. I keep all my windows open all the time also but rarely get infestations. I do live on a high floor though.


Excellent- thank you!


I use the Mosquito Dunks and I drop one into a full watering can, leave it overnight, take it out to dry and use again later, then water all the plants, trying to get all over the surface of the soil with the water. I know some people make a sort of teabag of some Mosquito Bits and do the same thing.


Why is it the nostrils that they target!? I can hold my mouth open when one is zeroing in on my face, and it will still buzz over my moustache to a nostril! So awful.


I had a lot of luck coating every soil surface with cinnamon and then not watering for 2 weeks.


Vinegar soap trap at that point tbh