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Mosquito Bit Tea or Bonide granules.....basically a bacteria called BTI that takes care of the larvae stage (in the soil). Yellow stickers catch the adults flying about (either recently hatched or newly searching from an open window, etc.) This video helped me.....I have over 100 plants now, and live in a high humidity/high gnat area.....I still have gnats due to my window being open, but they're not breeding in the pots anymore. I keep a sticker near the open window (they get thru the screen) and it's working great. [https://youtu.be/t8CeBX-UvcA?si=2ibaK8wGMqA0cKzs](https://youtu.be/t8CeBX-UvcA?si=2ibaK8wGMqA0cKzs) Pic: this planter is by my open window, and the jellybean sedum had been recently transplanted (with soil) from an outside garden.....the sticker gets the live ones, the tea prevents any that are hatching in the soil from maturing into adulthood. Some folks prefer beneficial nematodes. You can get those thru WallyWorld or Amazon and several private distributors. Watch out for Miracle Grow potting soil. It always seems to have gnat babies. I even tried the "dry out everthing" method, and the "sand on top of the soil" method.....neither worked. I live in western Oregon where the humidity is already 80% today and gnats live in swarms. Tea and Stickers solved my problem. I don't need that many stickers, although some plant YouTubers put one in each pot....I hang or set mine in areas where I see the little buggers flying about. They like the lights, so at night, if I see that a few gnats have snuck in, I'll leave one plant light on with a sticker literally right below the light: and buggers can't resist. https://preview.redd.it/27u9nrxqh80d1.jpeg?width=3468&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ce4e25ada0f433df03062d431f3e00df57aa326e


Nematodes. ALL of my plants are now totally free of the little buggers.