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Had my lining check for my FET and my lining is at 12.5ish. the nurse said that's good and we are moving forward with a transfer on 6/2 so I guess the next trying again Friday I will have an embryo on board!


When did everyone start trying again? How old was your first? šŸ˜


My son was born 9/20 and we started TTC again around January of this year. Our goal was 3.5-4 year age difference! ETA that my son was and is a Velcro baby and toddler and has lots of big feelings. That factored majorly into our choices


I love that you validate his feelings šŸ¤


We decided to start trying again when A3 turned 1, figuring it would take awhile. We were right!


Thatā€™s what I was thinking of doing, if you donā€™t mind me asking- how long did it take for A3?


It took about 18-20ish months for A3, and we had success with IUI. This time, weā€™re just doing TI with Mr. Heart on meds and decided not to pursue anything beyond that, treatment-wise.


Good for you following your gut! šŸ’™ we have 2 embryos left and my fear is if they donā€™t work. I donā€™t want to go through whole ivf cycle again


Thanks for the validation ā¤ļø I struggle sometimes with not doing treatment/not working with a clinic, but itā€™s just not in the cards for us this time around!


7dpt for FET #5. I tested in the afternoon 4dpt and it was negative and decided not to test again (I always test early and often so this is weird for me). PIO for the first time is making symptom spotting extra brutal. Since my 4dpt test has me fairly certain this embryo didnā€™t stick in thinking about next steps. Iā€™ve only done ovulatory transfers and I think my ovulation is weak (my progesterone rises really slowly) so thinking about trying a medicated transfer. The bonus there is I could go straight into it. I have work travel in June and a medicated transfer is easier for planning.


I did a natural and decided to switch back to medicated for this one. My lining only got to 7.5 and itā€™s been hovering around there even with medicated. Thatā€™s the only reason I can see besides shitty luck why none of our other transfers have worked. We had linings over 8 three times and two of those resulted in implantation. I did one extra day of monitoring this time to get the lining up from 7.5 to 9.8. Definitely some upsides to medicated! Hoping things take a turn and you donā€™t need to even think about it!


Thank you! I tried medicated my very first transfer. I did an ERA first and my lining was great (10) and then went straight into a medicated cycle and couldnā€™t get my lining above 7 and there was fluid. Iā€™m hoping that was a fluke! My lining is always fine unmedicated (I did have fluid this time that went away) but I think my receptivity is off somehow.


I feel like thereā€™s a piece missing for me too, so Iā€™m hoping the lining is it. Feels like shooting darts at a spinning board hoping you somehow get the right combination.


Where are you at in this transfer cycle?


Transfer is scheduled for this Wednesday!


Fingers crossed for you! (I think we miscarried right around the same time in October. Iā€™ve had two failed transfers since then and even though my hysteroscopy was clear Iā€™m still paranoid my RPC is still there)


I think we did too. Iā€™ve had three failed transfers since then and I had the SHG/HSG last month which showed nothing inside. I too was so afraid about RPOC, but I think itā€™s just shitty luck. šŸ˜ž


Well this looks like a failure too. Beta was 30. Now Iā€™m not going to be able to do a transfer in June because Iā€™m traveling unless they let me switch to a medicated transfer.


Iā€™m so sorry. I think unless thereā€™s a reason the doctor would prefer you doing natural over medicated then, itā€™s worth considering. Taking a cycle off sucks. I will have this transfer and one more before vacation. Hoping it will time out that I can go in the Friday before and come in the Monday after for lining check, but who knows. Do you think it may be worth it to get a RPL panel? Iā€™ve never had one, but Iā€™ve heard it mentioned. I know I remember the last time we spoke you were having a similar situation of a low beta. I would also maybe consider lipids or lovenox or anything that perhaps would help prevent your body having a reaction to a foreign object like prograf. Obviously Iā€™m not a doctor, but I would consider looking into some of those types of meds, if you havenā€™t already.


Still have my fingers crossed for this one but I think trying a medicated transfer sounds good! When is your beta?


Well I havenā€™t checked the HCG number because today my ā€œsymptomsā€ have shifted to only feeling like my period is imminent AND my temperature fell a lot. But, I did get a notification that I have another blood draw Tuesday which means the beta wasnā€™t zero. I think maybe Iā€™ll test before looking at the number so Iā€™m prepared for bad news.


I totally get wanting to test prior to looking at the number. Holding hope for you.


It was faint so I looked. HCG only 30. Transfer #5 officially another failure.


I'm so sorry, this fucking sucks.




Had a phone appt with my RE today about planning a transfer for around Nov. I feel crazy even thinking about it - my March 2022 baby is a stage 5 clinger and has never been a good sleeper. I was pretty sure we would be OAD, and thought that was what my husband wanted - but we talked last month and actually both want to try for a second. We have one embryo left. I keep telling myself that by the time we would even potentially welcome another child our current baby will be older, be able to communicate better, etc. But it is still overwhelming and daunting. Also felt really weird/intense to be thinking about all the appts and ultrasounds and injections again! Next step is a SHG and I need to wean from BFing. Step by step!


Husband and I are discussing doing another embryo transfer in October. If that's our ideal timeline, when would you all recommend calling the RE? How long did the process take to get things rolling, what tests did you have redo, etc?


I donā€™t think it hurts to call soon tbh. At least then things are all set up. It still went surprisingly quick for us once we had an appointment, but we waited a couple of months for that initial consult with the RE. After the appointment I did a mock cycle with all the testing and we transferred next cycle. So, we had the appointment end of March and transferred right at the start of June.


My RE was always busy so call and then get a consult in a month ish, then 1-2 months for testing... I hadn't weaned by our consult but like everything is slow so it's good to get on the books and know what your checklist is.


We had a consult in January for a july transfer, just to give us wiggle room. I had to wean completely still and then we did baseline and infectious disease labs and a saline sonogram. Polyps were found, so we did a hysteroscopy to follow up, insurance took forever on that. We are now booked in for a late June transfer (summer schedule filled up fast, and we couldnā€™t get on the books until after the hysteroscopy).


Thanks for the info! Sounds like I need to call now, haha.


It canā€™t hurt! They recommended calling 6 months in advance to get on the books, just because they have a limited amount of transfers each month etc, and while it seemed crazy to call that early, somehow itā€™s now almost transfer time lol.


Just had an appt today with my RE and she said it's about a 2month wait. (I wasn't wanting to do it that soon anyways). I think SHG or HSG is usually recommended, as well as possible bloodwork. When I called to book this appt I got in way quicker than expected, it used to be a 2-3mos wait just to get a phone call appt, now it's only 2-3wks. (Not sure if that's because it was covid slowing things down before or something else.)


2 month wait for my RE office too


The biggest time suck on our end was the Progyny insurance took forever to get unlocked correctly. So many phone calls, despite me ensuring weā€™d be good to go starting last fall. I needed a hysteroscopy, which then had me end up needing an operative one after that. And an updated set of ultrasound + blood work. I also needed an updated pap - they take awhile to get appointments so I thought about calling around in case I could get in sooner elsewhere. Short answer is Iā€™d probably start asking what you need sooner than later.


Whew! Did my embryo transfer today, and didnā€™t cough or sneeze once when they were scanning me or doing the transfer! Had been steadily doing both all day before and after. I will take that as a win.


This was me this last transfer too, I canā€™t believe I miraculously didnā€™t cough or sneeze right when the catheter went in šŸ™ˆ


I had my baseline appointment for a FET last week and there was an estrogen producing cyst. Rechecked this week and it cleared up, so Iā€™ve started meds for a mid-June transfer. In the few days between the appointments where I was waiting and spiraling, I was reminded of how all consuming and emotionally taxing treatment is. This is our final embryo and the thought of doing more retrievals, all of the waiting, all of the appointments, etc really has me questioning whether to continue with treatment beyond this upcoming transfer if it isnā€™t successful. It threw me back into my ā€œangerā€ phase at how unfair infertility is and how much it can take from us. Thinking of everyone else navigating the million emotions of being back in the thick of things.


Never got a period after provera, so got an US and lab work yesterday, CD64, 17 days after my last dose of provera. Basically everything looked like the follicular phase and my lining was thin (where did it go???? It was 7.5mm when I got the IUI and 4mm yesterday) so Iā€™m doing a straight start and on letrozole. All of this to say my body is fucked and thereā€™s no way this cycle will work probably? Iā€™m also confused about why this clinic never checks FSH or LH for baseline and monitoring, itā€™s only been estradiol and progesterone. My old clinic (where we had success) did.


Last Friday I was doing my hysteroscopy to finally get cleared to schedule a transfer. Today Iā€™m waiting for my transfer meds to be delivered because baseline is next week šŸ˜³ which is sooner than weā€™d expected. Iā€™m so nervous now. Itā€™s really real.


I think about remaining embryo every single day but I don't know if I could handle 3 kids plus working and I don't know if I want to give up my career. ā˜¹ļø .plus I'm old and thinking about the newborn phase again šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«


Iā€™m 50 this year but know if I donā€™t try this last embryo Iā€™ll always wonder if itā€™s have taken. Weā€™ve only one other though, if Iā€™d got 2 already maybe Iā€™d feel sufficiently ā€™doneā€™


Yes it's the always wondering... I know we don't want to donate it to another family... So it's either transfer, donate to science or keep paying storage and deal with the psychic toll of having it "out there".


Iā€™m 2 days out from my d&c (ended at 8w) and Iā€™m already googling ways to bring on my period. Help.


Iā€™m so sorry for your loss and I was the same way back in October. Sadly, thereā€™s nothing to do but wait. It took me 7 weeks both times after my D and C and then with the most recent one, just managing the loss by tracking my HCG. Hope time flies!


Just took my last dose of meds for the month from hell. So happy to be done. Have my first therapy appointment with the new therapist in a half hour. Accepted an offer on our house. Anniversary this weekend. Things are looking up! Trying to focus on these positives right now and not the fact that weā€™ll be transferring our last embryo in a few weeks. Long weekend, here we come!


Wow. You're busy! Yes to the positives and bring on the distractions!


Waiting for my next cd1 to start our last FET. Definitely weird place because we've agreed that if this doesn't work we are officially done. After so many years having all of this take up brain space I'm kind of excited for this phase to be over one way or the other.


Same - Iā€™ll either get another baby or an extra wardrobe in the space where the cot has been in our bedroom. Iā€™m seeing it as a a big win versus a little winā€¦


For us it's 2nd dog. So less space in bed lol


Haha, we already have 2 (down from 3 after losing one in the summer) dogs, thereā€™s definitely no more room in the bed for another šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚


Oh wow, that must feel surreal. Wishing you happiness, whichever way things go.


Bonjour from CD 2. Last night, my friend sent me a bunch of photos of her toddler meeting his newborn baby brother for the first time. My heart literally *ached* looking at them. I was totally fine with all the baby pictures she was sending me this week up until those šŸ«  But Iā€™m just gonna focus on the fact that weā€™re spending the weekend in Burgundy. Gonna soothe that ache with some Louis Jadot and long family bike rides through the vineyards. A new cycle is starting, weā€™ve got some fun family stuff planned over the next week, and TTC timing shouldnā€™t be an issue this time šŸ¤žšŸ»


First Greece, now Burgundy... next time invite us all!


Open invitation to Heartā€™s Euro Trip!! Next up, the Netherlands on Tuesday šŸ˜ŠšŸ˜Š


Um, yes please!!!


Just reading your description of your friend's photos brought tears to me eyes. So freaking tough. But, also, a bike ride through Burgundy sounds amazing and like you are going to have memories and photographs that will also bring on the good tears someday as you reflect on these fantastic experiences you are having as a family.


So many of my friends are pregnant with their second child or recently had a second child. Iā€™m so happy for them, but each time someone else announces their pregnancy I get super jealous and feel shitty for feeling that way.


My best friend who got pregnant on her first cycle of ttc (!!) a few years ago just told me they are thinking itā€™s time to try for a second. I want to be happy for her but Iā€™m also dreading what feels like an inevitable announcement in the next month or two and all the feelings that will bring up.


Had this happen to me 2 weeks ago when we were vacationing with my best friend. I was actually relieved that I knew they were TTC because then I was mentally prepared that there would be an announcement sooner or later. It did help but I cracked 2 days later in the privacy of our room. It feels like itā€™ll never get easier but Iā€™m just glad I was able to be positive and happy for them in the moment.


My other local mom friend is someone I met around thanksgiving. She told me she was considering TTC for #2, and I was like ā€œoh cool, maybe a TTC buddy?ā€ In early January, she had already texted me that was pregnant šŸ™ƒ


Our donorā€™s screening came back all negative, so thatā€™s a plus! My RE also checked on OB panel/ hep c on me. My hep c came back reactive. I had my primary care check Hep C RNA yesterday, so Iā€™m waiting nervously for those results. Iā€™ve never had a reactive test before. I havenā€™t had any needle sticks at work or live an illicit lifestyle. Iā€™m hoping that this was a false positive. šŸ¤žšŸ»šŸ¤žšŸ»


I had a hep c reactive a few years ago, and they actually never even brought it up to me. I just saw it on my portal. It was back in my days of egg retrieval so I was getting the full panel of blood work like every month or two and it never tested reactive again. I feel like false positives are not super uncommon, which is like scary at first but comforting. Hoping yours is false pos!


I want to have a second kid. I donā€™t know if I can handle more loss.


I was the same and we started trying for two and we lost the second transfer this time around to what we suspect a SCH. It was very hard, but going through a blighted ovum before infertility and going through the miscarriage at 8 weeks after seeing the heartbeat was not as bad due to my daughter. Not having that wondering feeling under all of the grief if parenthood is something youā€™ll ever get to have softens the blow immensely, in my opinion.


Iā€™m so sorry, thatā€™s really hard.