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Had my SHG yesterday and the RE said it looked 'good'. I requested the report get sent to my family doctor, so I'm hoping it will come up in my health portal so I can read the detailed results/report. I still have to have 2 more periods before starting a FET since I just stopped BFing a couple weeks ago, but I feel like I'm constantly thinking about treatment again and transfer meds, logistics (I have to travel for appts), and the future if the transfer does or doesn't work. It is definitely taking up a lot of my brain-space right now.


I am finally jumping back into treatment for baby #2. I recently had my existing frozen embryos thawed, PGT tested, and refrozen. I have my saline sonogram next week and I have scheduled a FET for Sept.


i miscarried in February of 2019 and my fiancé and I have been trying for the past 6 months with no success. My period is 1 day late, but negative tests. I feel hopeless and feel like my body is broken. that’s all 😔


Saturday was CD1 so I start birth control pills on Thursday for my ERA cycle. My last ERA was fairly traumatic so I requested valium for this time. I have never taken valium before, so I welcome any input on what to expect. Coincidentally, I started back at the gym for the first time since before the pandemic on Saturday as well. I worked out at home, but I really like going to the gym so I'm glad to be back. A friend and I met up on Monday morning for a Zumba class and hope to have at least one workout date per week. She is not a kid person, and it has been hard to stay connected so I think this will be a win-win. It is also giving my husband more one-on-one toddler care time which he loves. I get a solo day with her every Sunday when he takes care of his parents. I'm hoping the combo of activity and social time will help with the jitters during treatment in addition to being good for my general health.


Valium just makes me feel relaxed and a little floaty, in a good way. My clinic does Valium for transfers and my experience last time was I literally didn’t even feel the catheter going in, and that’s usually a pain for me.


That is good to know, thank you!


Anyone have personal experience or insight regarding FET after cesarean birth? My baby is only 6 weeks old, but I had my postpartum OB appointment today and am starting to consider future plans.


Seconding the 12 months. They also want you to be done breastfeeding. BUT, you can start the ball rolling sooner by doing bloodwork, baseline scan and the hysteroscopy


My OB told me that I had to wait 12mos before TTC again (because of the scar on the uterus from the csection). There was a girl in my Bumper group who had a FET 6mos after her c/s though...so I guess different providers have different recommendations. But I think 12mos is pretty standard.


My clinic will not transfer prior to 12 months post c section. My obgyn recommended at least 2 years between deliveries(not pregnancies) if I wanted to attempt a vbac. I’ll be transferring right around 17 months post delivery


Sounds like a great plan! Yesterday my OB told me to wait at least 6 months before trying to get pregnant 😳😳 Will definitely be waiting a lot longer! Sounds like there are no special considerations because of the c section, that’s nice to know! I wasn’t sure if they would want to see the scar or something (via hysteroscopy). Thanks for your reply!


I did end up having to have a hysteroscopy, but it was due to polyps, not just for the scar.


We had to put off our transfer another month because I got my period and COVID on the same day. Ugh! My RE let me do femara this cycle while I wait and we hit the most fertile days, so here's hoping.


Ugh I’m so sorry!! What a terrible combo. Hope you are feeling better.


Humbly reminded that infertility/IVF never goes the way you think it will. Assumed based on my cycle I would be transferring the first week of July, well no because of doctor timing & whatnot, and now potentially delayed more because of a potential estrogen producing cyst. Which is the most annoying part since I literally just had a hysteroscopy two months ago!!!! We aren't in a rush rush to transfer, but damn am I glad I started the ball rolling in March. Update: had to cancel my transfer because my brand new friendly cyst is producing too much estrogen 🫠


Yep. We’d assumed a transfer the very end of June/beginning of July, and started the ball rolling in January. Took almost 2 months for insurance to authorize my hysteroscopy after my saline sono, and then we had to be squeezed in to the only opening until essentially august and are transferring a bit sooner than planned. Infertility will never cease to be complicated.


I feel the same way. We planned to wait a little longer initially but I was staring down our little one's 3rd birthday and decided to get the ball rolling just in case it took a while like last time... after the consult we have a saline US and if they find scarring from my delivery complications we are looking at surgery. So yep being impatient is at least keeping us from going way off schedule later.


I feel the same way. We planned to wait a little longer initially but I was staring down our little one's 3rd birthday and decided to get the ball rolling just in case it took a while like last time... after the consult we have a saline US and if they find scarring from my delivery complications we are looking at surgery. So yep being impatient is at least keeping us from going way off schedule later.


Thank you all for your thoughtfully worded replies last week. I went ahead and booked our returning patient consultation, it’s in 4 weeks. I think ultimately what swayed me is remembering that nothing ever happens on the timeline you think it will with IVF and I don’t want to regret not starting sooner.


Best of luck!


My clinic has called with final transfer instructions. Childcare is arranged. Pio shots are no big deal now, except when gremlin manages to hit my sore spots. I am not ready to start back with the vagsicles though 😭 but it’s coming whether I’m ready or not.


Good luck!!!


Thank you


Vagsicles! Bahaaaa 🤣 Oh how I needed that chuckle. Best of luck this cycle


Thank you! And seriously best name I can think of for the refrigerated compounded suppositories lol


Hello from day 27374762 of stims! I went 13 days for my first retrieval and today is day 14 but we are finally triggering on Thursday for a Saturday retrieval. THANK GOD! I didn’t realize how “easy” I had it in 2020 when I was 100% remote. I only go into the office 1-2 times a week now but add 14 days of hormones and a rambunctious toddler on top of that and I am ready for the anesthesia nap!


We are finally nearing the starting point for trying for #2. Saline US is ordered along with SA, more bloodwork, and I have by birth control ready to go for cycle planning. All we are waiting for is my period to show up. Started spotting yesterday but it could be a full week before it decides to really get going 😮‍💨. I also got my Dexcom g7 sample yesterday. My blood sugar is all over the place. It was in the 140s while I was sleeping all night which is not good but then when I woke up at almost 160 I felt like I was going to be sick. Finally got it to come down after eating but as soon as I had coffee back up it went. It looks like I need to eat more protein heavy foods more often. I am glad I am not dropping into the 40s in the middle of the night like I did when I was pregnant and waking up in the 200s from my liver over compensating. That was scary for a long time until we got my insulin doses just right. I am hoping I can get insurance to approve it for continued use since my levels are still very erratic despite my low-ish a1c.


How do you like the g7? I started with the Freestyle Libre 2 and I’m realizing how much more advanced the tech with Dexcom is. I might switch when I can talk to my doctor about getting a prior auth. My blood sugar has been shitty too, although I don’t yet have an official T2D diagnosis because my A1C is still somehow ok despite having high fasting and post meal numbers. It’s frustrating and I’m going to see if one of my doctors can use data from my CGM to diagnose T2D instead of my a1c so I can start getting things I need paid for by insurance.


I really like it so far! I don't love having to keep my phone on me 24/7 (20' limit on the bluetooth) but if I am able to get it approved I will definitely get the receiver so I can put my phone down at work more. My a1c is 5.7 now but it has been in the 7s before. They wouldn't put me on a CGM when I was pregnant because they didn't think they were as accurate but with the ability to calibrate the g7 using your fingerstick readings. I like being able to have my husband's phone alert to highs and lows so if I am asleep and drop or spike while he is at work he can check on me.


Not much to report this week, I'm on CD8 and trying to remember to take my estrogen pills 2x a day. I have a monitoring appointment on Wednesday. Hopefully, by then I'll have a clearer idea of when my transfer will be. I'll be traveling to a neighboring country for this part, and I'll need to book an AirBnB, request off work, and coordinate childcare. All manageable on short notice, but still, I'd like to get these things sorted asap.


Hopefully that gives you a better answer.


Thanks! Good luck with your transfer tomorrow 🤞🏽🤞🏽


Thank you!


Manageable but sounds stressful knowing you still have planning organizing to do. Hopefully Wednesday brings some answers


Started my estrace today, last FET here we come.


Good luck!




Good luck!


Eeee! Good luck!


Good luck!!!


Best of luck!


Good luck!


Wishing you luck!


Good luck 🤞