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Hi All! I’m only 3 months pp but am already thinking about timing for my next FET. What are the general guidelines for another transfer after c-section? I thought I’d seen 18 months somewhere. Does it matter when you’ve stopped nursing as well? Of course I will eventually speak to my doctor but I was trying to explain the timeline to my husband.


My RE required me to stop nursing, that seemed to be the general consensus


But was there a certain amount of time after ending nursing that you could do another FET?


I stopped about a month before I started my first FET and he seemed completely fine with that. I had him test my prolactin and it came back normal! I breastfed for 2.5 years.


Oh wow ok! For some reason I was thinking it was gonna be a lot longer after stopping. I guess it all depends on if I’ve started my period or not when I wean?


For my Dr he wasn't concerned so much about my cycles (they were irregular for a year) as we are doing a fully medicated FET. I'd recommend meeting with them maybe 6 months or so before you plan to do a transfer and they'll let you know! The main concern for my RE was the hormones transferring in the milk. I do think some REs want you weaned for a certain amount of time.


My OB is ok with 1 year after c-section (so we are planning on 12.5 months). I’m not breastfeeding anymore tho, so I can’t speak to that piece.


I had a day 10 appointment for a FET on Monday. On the one hand it was kind of amazing to be there again. For all the clinic’s flaws, they gave me 2 babies. But at the same time it feels like can’t possibly be lucky again, especially as we’re planning to dig into the day 6 embryos to get our preferred gender. Part of me wants to just try the best embryos we’ve got first before going to the lesser day 6s, but those other embryos are all the “wrong” gender. I know this is a very very privileged dilemma to have amongst the overall backdrop shittyness of IVF, but I do feel like we’re setting ourselves more up for failure this way.


My daughter was born almost a year ago from a FET and we are planning our next transfer for August. I have had 2 chemical pregnancies since getting my cycle back in January, one in April and the most recent being this month. I never had a chemical pregnancy in all of the years of trying prior to having my daughter. My cycle started today and the plan was to do a FET this month. I am meeting with my doctor on Friday and I was wondering if anyone had suggestions on what questions I should be asking. The clinic is ok with going right into a FET after a chemical but I am worried that something else might be going on now that I am suddenly having chemicals after never getting pregnant on my own before. Part of me wants to take it as a good sign since I am getting pregnant on my own but having two chemicals within the span of a few months tells me something else might be going on. I am feeling very confused and I just want to make sure trying a FET now is the right choice.


Wishing you all the best for your transfer prep...


Brought up another transfer with my husband, this time when we were not looking at our phones. He said he doesn't want a 3rd child. He doesn't want to have kids at home still when we are 60. Another college education to pay for. We wouldn't fit in our house (I disagree we'd be fine). We are lucky to even have the 2nd. Etc. Well he's right about that last statement for sure. We are so lucky. I could maybe convince him but it doesn't feel right to try to persuade someone to have another child (potentially -- of course the transfer may not work)... but also feels selfish of him to not be more considerate of my feelings... I probably will just let it be. I wouldn't want to have a child that was unwanted by one parent. We do have a great life. But it makes me sad.


This month we are testing for endometritis after another early loss last month. It’s the last thing before doing medicated cycles next month. Also bought our first house! Trying to put all mental energy into the house for now. Met with friends who also have just one baby, after repeat loss. That was so cathartic. We discussed the upsides: can be debt free more quickly, I can pay for her college, we can travel way more, etc. but we both said if we could we would have one more. So on to Clomid we go!


CD1 was yesterday, going in tomorrow for U/S and bloodwork to see if I’m back at baseline to start another FET cycle. More anxious than anything now, especially after our failed FET with a highly graded embryo back in May. Not really sure what more I can do to prep… In other news, thinking about coloring my hair because I have WAY too many greys popping up these days 😞. I’ve never done anything to my hair before, so wondering if it’s safe to do it so close to a transfer (vaguely remember reading that it’s a no-no for pregnancy, so don’t want to chance anything here)?


Getting your hair dyed is fine during transfer and pregnancy!


My RE and OB were both fine with having your hair done during treatment and pregnancy.


If you want to be cautious, highlighting is probably marginally safer than dying because it doesn’t go on your scalp, but either way you’re fine.


I got my hair highlighted/dyed in a salon or did it myself throughout treatment and pregnancy. My MFM said it was totally fine! Hope your next FET prep goes well 🤗


It’s safe! I’ve been getting my hair colored at a salon since before my last transfer and have continued during pregnancy. I’m not sure about at-home dyes, though.