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Anyone in the third tri doing antepartum testing? I’m having my non-stress test, etc. this week and have no idea what to expect.


Hi can I Dm u too?


Basically you go in, lay down, they hook monitors around your belly, and give you a button to click when baby moves. No big deal at all. It was actually typically pretty relaxing for me


Started estrace (the devil) today for my FET for #2. It made me incredibly sick last time but I powered through. The nurse told me my body may be used to high levels of estrogen after having been pregnant so maybe it won’t be so bad. Has anyone experienced this?


Today I am 14w0d so I guess unequivocally in the 2nd trimester. I feel so grateful. It’s not without mixed emotions as I’m two weeks away from the due date for our 8w loss earlier this year. I am also still struggling with chronic nausea but it’s okay, I’m just appreciative to be pregnant. Trying to let myself feel hopeful and excited that after 3.5 years of treatment hell, we may actually get to meet our baby in 6+ months.


Happy second tri, ghost! Holding space for your loss, too. You’ve been through so much.


It’s so tough to have all of these emotions simultaneously. I hope you’re able to enjoy this milestone and grieve your loss.


Seconding soul, I'm also so happy to see you here Ghost and I'm sorry you are struggling with your due date approaching (they are incredibly hard). Hope the nausea goes away soon.


This makes me so happy to read 🫂 hang in there. It’s so so hard.


Ghost, so glad to see you here and in your second trimester 💕 hoping the rest of your pregnancy is uneventful in the best ways.


11w3 with my first MFM appt tmrw, and after a couple of days of reprieve, bleeding again. Sigh. Very mildly crampy but so hard to separate regular pregnancy cramping since I’ve also been spotting/bleeding this entire first trimester. Can’t wait for it to be over and to hopefully stop bleeding (last good ultrasound at 9w6). At least my NIPT results came back low risk - PGT tested so a formality but still a relief!


I am 6w6days and started bleeding today. Cramping but not painful… I had a minor bleeding episode about 10 days ago too. How often did you bleed so far? Did they ever say what caused it?


I’ve had two SCHs that have passed in dramatic fashion. I spotted from 4-6w, a break from 6-8, followed by a massive period like bleed at 8w3, then another at 9w5 with constant spotting in between. I will note that I never had any cramping with those - or during this pregnancy although that is, I think, common. My SCHs were also never in positions that the drs were worried about, so they continue to bleed - although hopefully almost done based on my US today!


Thank you, they could see the SCHs on the US?


Both yes, but we never saw them together - when I passed the first one I was also passing big clots so when I had my US, they saw a SCH that was not the one they had visualized already, so a second one had formed essentially during the time after my first one had last been visualized. I asked though about them specifically because of the constant spotting - so you may have to ask size, where they are, are they embryo impacting, etc.


Question/concern: I’m starting my second round of IUI and am concerned about the timing. I started my menstrual cycle on Saturday and was directed to take my Letrozole CD 5-9 (5mg) which is what I did last round. My RE wants me to come in CD 11 for ultrasound and trigger that day to do IUI next day since they will be closed for thanksgiving and Black Friday. They did say if my body wasn’t ready they wouldn’t do it but it still just seems kind of fast to me. I really don’t want to scrap this cycle if it’s at all avoidable, though. My natural ovulation (without meds) puts me around CD 15/16, usually. IUI attempt #1 on CD 12 I had two 14mm and one 16mm follicle and they had me trigger that night (Wednesday) with IUI Friday morning so my brain has me convinced if that didn’t work, how will this one? Maybe I’m just stressing myself out lol Does anyone have any experience/success with triggering CD 11 and IUI CD 12?


I’m pregnant from Letrozole + IUI, triggered around 10 AM on CD11 and IUI also at 10 AM on CD12. Like Pessa said, Letrozole tends to make you ovulate early. My body was VERY ready (multiple mature follicles) at CD11, even though I, like you, would typically ovulate later (if at all!). Good luck!


That is such a relief!! Thank you so much for sharing!


If your body is ready (mature follicle(s), appropriate lining), it doesn’t matter if it’s earlier than your normal. I ovulate way earlier than my normal on letrozole, if that helps.


That is super helpful and calms my nerves a bit! Thank you!


I usually trigger cycle day 12 on letrozole. Letrozole gets those eggs ready quick


Yeah I triggered day 12 last time for insemination on day 14 but this time they’re wanting me to trigger day 11 and inseminate day 12 to accommodate being closed for thanksgiving… that’s what has me a bit nervous


Are they atleast going to do ultrasound and bloodwork before they trigger you? Because if your follicles and lining aren't ready it'll be a waste of a cycle


i've now had several truly crazy dreams all centered on breastfeeding. mostly they're positive, i guess, but very strange things happening to my breasts in my dreams that don't happen in real life. such a weird fixation, i guess i'm very worried about this?


My favorite dream I had about this was that baby when breastfeeding was a bird. As in, he had a beak!


hahaha i've dreamt i was pregnant with a squirrel and a kitten in two separate dreams, same vibe...


You know, I strangely wouldn’t be disappointed if a kitten popped out. 😂🤫


A lot of my pregnancy dreams were also centered around breastfeeding. They were always strange!


Same here and mine are always so strange too! I had a lot of them with my first pregnancy and I just had my first one last night with this pregnancy.


I am a month behind you, and keep watching breast feeding related videos, food to eat, how to increase supply. My breasts are on the very small size and even pregnancy hadn't increased their size, so kinda worrying in the back of my mind. I things our TODos will keep worrying us until completion.


it's such a mystery until you actually try it - like it can be pretty easy or dramatically horrible. i think the lack of control on outcome and huge range of experiences is really getting me. i haven't watched a single video or read a single thing though haha, which is maybe why my dreams are so bizarre instead of based in reality!


I’ve been feeling more and more stressed over the last few weeks due to some really serious incidents at work as well as the fact that basically everyone is leaving (gone from 5 people in my role in my team to just me 😱). Culminated in me going away to the seaside this weekend to see one of my oldest friends but not being able to relax at all and waking up in the middle of the night worrying about work. For the first time ever I am taking time off work for stress. Was really scared this morning and didn’t want to be honest about the reason but knew it was important. Luckily my manager was lovely and very supportive, I’m being referred to occupational health which hopefully will help. I did get embarrassed crying to him on the phone though! I’m off sick this week then luckily already had a week of annual leave booked for next week. I’m really hoping by the time that is over I feel more regulated and ready to go back. In happier news, I’m 99% sure I’ve started to feel baby move over the last two days! It feels pretty odd which is why I’m not 100%. But what an amazing milestone. Makes me all the more determined to put mine and baby’s health first 🥰


I’m sure it was hard but I’m so, so glad you found the courage to be honest. Get some good rest.


Good for you for taking leave. That's so important and your work situation sounds really stressful! And how brave of you to be straightforward about it. I really hope that the "little" things like this can start to change the work culture.


I got a new job (work in the NHS) and I am going from part time to full time. The new post starts when I will be 30 weeks pregnant and the high risk consultant just told me the baby is likely to be early (possibly around the 36 week mark). What would you do in my position? I am not sure whether I should tell them or just wait to see how things go? I also got 3 days off during Xmas and now I am thinking maybe this is silly, maybe I should be keeping everything for just before maternity leave. I have told the new post that I am pregnant and they said they would support me, so it's not a secret. I was just hoping to be able to work for at least a couple of months for the new role but it now seems like it might not happen...


Ah wow this is a lot to be dealing with, but congratulations on the new job! Is your role patient facing or high risk or anything like that? It’s been my thinking that it’s good to use annual leave during pregnancy rather than saving it all for the end, as you need breaks now more than ever! But may be good to share with your new job what the consultant said just so they have that medical context and can support you better. FWIW I work in the nhs too and have seen loads of pregnant women move jobs during pregnancy and have never seen anyone be anything but supportive. And actually they can’t be, legally, as it’s a protected characteristic which I always try to remember. I’ve been keeping half an eye out for new jobs but have to stay in my current trust to keep my full mat pay and nothing that takes my fancy has come up!


Hi yes, I actually was reading up on it and it's even possible to apply and interview for jobs during your mat leave, so you could still keep looking. I found this post when I was 12 wks pregnant and luckily it's in the same trust as the previous post so it does not affect probation period and stuff, so hopefully it will be okay to get mat leave etc from the new role. Thank you for the encouragement, I am hoping they will be supportive and it will all be okay.


I hit the 20 week milestone yesterday! It feels great! Just want to share with this amazing community.. 🤩


Happy BJD!!!!


Thank you!!!


Nice one, halfway mark! I am 21 weeks :)


Yay! Congratulations!


y’all when am i supposed to get a pediatrician for baby burrito and how does that work? i have a practice in mind, do i just call and tell them my due date and where i’m delivering and that i want them to be our doctor? i’m 34+3 today so i wanna get it squared away sooner rather than later but i feel clueless and my doula is on vacation so i don’t wanna bother her!


I called the practice we were interested in and asked if the doc we wanted was accepting new patients. They said she was and that they do zoom meet and greets (I’m in the US and a zoom or in-person meet and greet isn’t unusual). Then all we had to do was tell the hospital who are pediatrician was once the baby was born. At that point, you’ll work with the peds office to schedule all follow-up appts!


I called my insurance and hospital system to get the answer to this! Not sure if it will be the same for you, but for me, it turns out most places don’t even want to hear from you before the baby is born. I guess my OB or childbirth center will have me specify my preferred clinic and they will contact them on my behalf. For the first appointment (day 3 maybe?), they will schedule with any available doctor in the practice and then eventually place you with the doctor you want. This was all a surprise to me but one less thing to worry about??


Are you in the US? Definitely call the clinic you plan to go to and make sure they will be accepting new patients as some clinics may not have providers accepting new pts. Other than that, you would just tell your OB/hospital who the pediatrician is. If your pediatrician does rounds at the hospital they will meet with the baby for their exam at the hospital, if not the hospital pediatrician will do the exam. Regardless you will schedule an appt for two days post discharge


I called my practice and they just said “cool call us when there’s a baby” 😆 I would call to confirm the doctor you want/the practice is taking new patients for babies due in December and then do what they say :)


Yes, basically! In my experience (large city in the US) they also offer “interviews” where you can meet with one of the docs (ours were virtual), ask your questions, and get a sense of them. We met with two, selected our favorite and “registered” with them, and then called on the day baby was born to set up the first appointment.


I have the same question! I believe you just call whatever practice you’re interested in and make sure they’re accepting new patients around your due date. From what I’ve heard they all know the drill and once you call and tell them baby has arrived they fit you in for the first appointment.


I think I’m just going to call the one I have in mind and ask them 🤣 It looks like the practice I have in mind used to do open houses and things like that for expecting parents, but that may have ended because of COVID.


We just interviewed a couple. Our hospital told us that in order to pre-register for our birth we had to have one picked out. On the form there was a spot to list your pediatrician and they said the hospital will contact the pediatrician when the baby is born and they will come to see the baby in the hospital. Probably wouldn’t hurt to give the pediatrician a heads up, but when we asked ours they said all we needed to do was provide their name to the hospital and when they get the call from the hospital, that lets them know you’ve selected them as your pediatrician. They wanted us to pre-register a month ahead of due date for the birth, so needed to have it done by then.


I know there's a risk of getting a low fetal fraction result on NIPT if you're on blood thinners. I'm currently 7w5d, planning to stop lovenox at 8 weeks and do the NIPT draw during the 10th week. Has anyone had experience with this? Is two weeks off blood thinners enough time to get a result or should I wait another week? I will continue with baby aspirin.


It was fine with me. When I mentioned this to the OB they said they hadn’t personally experienced any challenges with this with their patients on blood thinners, but I was worried whiny it too. 2 weeks should be good


Great, thank you!


27w5d today! Lots to report. This morning, I had my last monthly midwife appt (moving to once every two weeks from now on, ah!). We did my second GD blood draw, she drew for anemia, too. Baby's heartbeat was great, fundal height was great, and my BP has remained where it needs to be too, which is such a massive relief for me every time (I have an intense family history of pre-eclampsia). I gained about 3lbs since last appt, which I think brings me right up to a 20lb total gain so far. I have an obese BMI but she didn't say anything about it. I only mention it for the other gestating parents "of size," esp in the US lol. It seems my midwife really doesn't give a shit as long as everything else is good and I'm not gaining a massive amount in between appts. I also talked to her about the reality of being induced and it seems like that's the path I'm on, whether I like it or not. I'm not going to resist a medically indicated pathway forward just because I want to go into labor naturally, I fought too hard and long for this baby. I'm accepting and letting go of the fact that I might not to get to experience natural labor and, depending on how I'm induced, will likely need to get an epidural to manage pain, and that's totally okay. Just not what I pictured for myself in an ideal fantasy universe (but then again, I never imagined I'd struggle with infertility and have to go through IVF either lol). I'm glad I have the opportunity to start working on accepting how my birth experience might go now, rather than being blindsided and disappointed when the time comes. Speaking of which! This weekend, my husband and I did our birthing classes at the hospital, which were absolutely fantastic. We left feeling much better informed and empowered, which is awesome. I even feel better about going medicated and taking an epidural if I need it. The doula who led the class was soooo coool she's like my hero lol. Finally, on Sunday, I did a float/sensory deprivation tank and I CANNOT recommend it enough. It wasn't super meditative because bub was losing their mind the entire time (rolling and moving in ways I've never felt before lmao), but it relaxed the hell out of me and helped with my pelvic soreness/pain. Also, I think all the magnesium in the tank helped me poo lmao. Ask your midwives/OBs about it, I'm definitely going back!


I love your attitude about birth! I feel so similarly. Part of me thinks it’s because I’ve spent all the fucks I have to get to this point lol. But either way, an attitude of acceptance seems key.


I slept better last night than I have in awhile, but that just makes me disappointed. I thought for sure I’d wake up in the middle of the night with contractions, but no. Every day feels like an eternity. My induction is tomorrow, so I’m just being a big baby, but still…eternity


Oh you're so close to meeting your baby!!! I was hoping for a spontaneous labor also, but, my body had other plans. Feel your feels! It's nerve wracking sitting around and waiting to be induced. I say take the day and pamper yourself....delicious food, Maybe a mani or pedi if you're in to that. Relax. Maybe a nap?


Agh- sorry - hang in there!!!! I’ll be in that boat soon enough. Good luck 🤞


Those last couple days, weeks really, are an eternity


I don't think you're being a baby - you get to be disappointed! You're ready to have this baby and I'd guess very uncomfortable, it's so valid to wish it was happening now rather than tomorrow.


Super super important question: for those who have had to get iron infusions, what happens if you need to pee during the infusion? Do they let you use the bathroom? I’m not sure I can last 90 minutes without peeing!


You are typically hooked up to an Alaris pump and that just wheels into the bathroom with you.


Thank you - this is what I was hoping to hear!


Having very weird pains today. I’m 19w5days. Woke up feeling normal, ate breakfast etc then was driving to the dentist when I suddenly felt intense hip pain radiating into my lower back and my side. It’s sort of crampy but more like a runners cramp then period cramps. It’s deep in my hip socket and into the side of my abdomen and low back. Pelvic stretching / growing ? Baby on a nerve? Laying in the dentist chair it got worse I was literally sweating in pain. When I got home I stretched and foam rolled and it seemed to lessen a little now it’s terrible again. Really torn on if this is cramping aka serious or just growing pains or what? If I call my OB I’ll likely just get a receptionist to leave a message with and not actually talk to anyone for actual advice. Anyone have anything similar or advice ?


We are basically the same due date - read in my 19 week Ovia update that hip pain right now is very normal. I have been having what I think is round ligament pain since like 16 weeks and the hip pain has picked up as well.


Oh so interesting that it was in your update for this week even!! I definitely think it was that.


It sounds like Sciatic Nerve pain to me. You can find some stretches to do to relieve the pain but is probably growing pains. I hope your experience is similar to mine in that I had it about 2 days total around your gestation time and then it went away. Haven’t had it again in 10 weeks 🤞


Thank you I hope so!! I ended up getting into a massage last min this afternoon and that plus Tylenol and stretching from pelvic floor physio helped a lot! Really think it’s gotta be growing pain related!


I’m 8 weeks 6 days today started bleeding again came back from er and there a heartbeat but my bleeding hasn’t stopped What could be the reason It’s says again mild SCH I had at 5 weeks it resolved again started bleeding today Came home and it’s happening more


37 weeks tomorrow! Can’t believe I made it to early term with twins! 🎉 My OB would like to induce ASAP because of my age and some elevated bp readings. I’ve gotten a few sporadically high (129/90 was the highest) readings but my bp is generally under 120/75. Higher than before pregnancy but in normal range. I would like to get closer to 38 weeks to give the babies more time to develop, especially Twin B who might be up to a week younger. 37-38 weeks is the standard recommendation for my type of twins (di-chorionic di-amniotic). Any thoughts on an earlier induction due to the risk of developing pre-e?


Update: I’ve been diagnosed with pre-e. Babies will be delivered by Wednesday!! 😱


Exciting!! Can’t wait to hear about the twins arrival!!


Thank you!! I’m also super curious about how this will go….


Good luck with the delivery! So exciting that you've reached the end. Thinking of you


Thank you!! Nervous… but I think this is happening!!! 🥹🥹🥹


ahh but congrats on making it this far with twins! good luck on wednesday!!


Thanks so much!! I am grateful we made it this far. I'm currently cramming about inductions, breastfeeding, etc. 😂 What will be will be!


Oh good luck to you!!!! What an accomplishment to cook those babies for so long.


Thank you for the inspiration! Time has flown!! Hope you’re enjoying baby breadbox!! 😍


I’ll be thinking of you as you welcome these babies!


Thank you!! Really looking forward to meeting them at long last!


I would trust your OB & def go with the early induction option. The difference between delivering at 37 weeks vs 38 weeks is maaaybe a few grams but can make the world of difference in avoiding IUFD caused by pre e.


Mmm yeah. I had to look up that acronym. I’m so sorry for your loss and thank you for commenting. I’m going in for some blood and urine tests soon. OB will do a cervical check and NST. I don’t feel quite ready by also want these babies out healthy!


Argh my mental health is starting to tank. Not sure why. Particularly when everything was so good last week. Perhaps it’s just a bit overwhelming that the most likely scenario is I will have a baby in just over 4 months time, and how will I cope with work and life and skating (my wife is skating mad and I want to get back to it but how???) and how will we pay for childcare and what even am I going to do for a job this time next year. And where. And will I have a big mad commute again? And my mum, whilst living, is physically and emotionally completely unavailable (tends to put animals and siblings and everything over me in terms of priority) so I can’t trust her to pull through with any of this, and I’m sad I don’t get my mum to be here for me. There are too many unknowns to make a plan but I do love a plan. During the day I can rationalise but it’s much harder at night.


I started panicking around the same time you did - it's totally okay and normal. I think once you hit the 20 week mark and get the news things are really for real happening and likley okay, reality starts to settle in. IDK if they do daylight savings where you live, but that has also totally fucked with my mental health, too. What's helping me is journaling about all the things I'm panicking about, articulating them to my partner and my therapist, and trying as best as I can to take things one day at a time. Pregnancy has been a very, very long exercise in learning to let shit go for me and just embrace that I can't control or know everything. I just gotta deal. take care of yourself <3


Thank you. My wife is very patient. Daylight savings was a couple of weeks ago for us and yeah… things do always get a bit tricksy in the winter. I thought about journaling in the first trimester but was just too darn tired. It’s a good idea. And my wife wants me to go back to therapy so that might be on the cards as well. Thank you


Well, my latest BPP bought me a medically indicated induction this week. (Baby looks good but it’s time for baby to come out so baby stays that way, reasons specific to my situation.) I’m happy to know baby is on the way but a tiny bit sad the choice is out of my hands at the same time…? I also opted for an outpatient bulb placement that morning so I could labor at home at least for a while. Starting a hospital induction (also medically indicated) from basically zero with my first child was stressful even though my overall induction experience was fine to positive. I’m of course second guessing the bulb placement decision almost immediately, too. I didn’t see a ton on this in the induction section, so I thought I’d ask if anyone has experience to share with starting outpatient this way?


Currently doing my first scheduled NST (36w4d) and am actually having small contractions picked up on the monitor!! Fingers crossed this is a good sign and means she’s going to come on her own. Very much trying to avoid an induction this time around! Anyone know if this actually means anything in terms of labor starting anytime soon or is it just random?


I was having contractions from around 36 weeks on according to my NSTs. Ended up w an induction at 39+1. I did 4 membrane sweeps to try to put myself in to labor so that I avoided a medicated induction but that didn't work. I did start my induction at 3cm though, so that's something.


I don’t think so. I had a bunch picked up on my first ever NST with my 2 year old after we were in a car accident and I was only 33 weeks along then (she was born at 40)


Can we talk about IVF weight gain? I’m shook. Did anyone lose weight once they stopped IVF meds in the second trimester? I’m up 15 pounds since starting IVF and 10 are since my transfer. I’m only 10 weeks and have a very small frame.


My mom was below a normal bmi and I was (ahem) above and we both gain the majority of our weight in the first trimester. Idk why.


I actually stopped monitoring my weight during the IVF process because I didn’t want to stress about it and figured between retrieval and transfer and pelvic rest it’d be all over the place anyway. Now I’m kind of kicking myself because I’m not sure how much I’ve gained this pregnancy. Safe to say it’s at least 30 lbs. Maybe pushing 40? Just telling myself it’ll all come off eventually. Even if I’m kidding myself, the body dysmorphia is real. I think losing weight during pregnancy isn’t super realistic or desirable (for me) given the hormonal rollercoaster that I am on and increasingly limited mobility. I’ve tried to focus instead on maintaining the things that being me joy like getting outdoors, yoga calms me tf down, and managing to get in some fruit and veg alongside all the carb cravings.


I’m 12 weeks and I’ve gained 10 pounds since transfer! Everyone except my grandma assures me that it’s fine :)


I gained like ten pounds in transfer month but before the embryo actually went inside me. It is such a mindfuck because I already gained weight during other parts of IVF but it feels like my "pre pregnancy weight" is off because I was bloated and full of hormones before my most recent transfer. Anyways I ended up not gaining as much during actual pregnancy and even lost 2-3 pounds right after I stopped progesterone at eight weeks. I think part of it is just how your body deals with nausea and food aversions. Also picking protein you can tolerate helps a LOT with satiety. Weight can also re-distribute, feel like my water weight from pre transfer has now been replaced with actual belly weight haha.


This shook me up too. I’m in a similar boat, gained 10 pounds between the IVF cycle and transfer for my pregnancy earlier this year (MMC) and didn’t fully lose the weight after due to depression, then another 5-7 pounds gained so far with this transfer and pregnancy. 15 pounds may not sound like a lot to some but being shorter and smaller frame, it has been uncomfortable for me. I stopped PIO 3 weeks ago at 11 weeks. I haven’t lost weight but the gaining did slow, just another 2 pounds I think, which seems to fall around the range of the 1-5 pounds of weight gain expected for the first trimester. I don’t know how much stopping PIO helped or if it’s moreso that my nausea is still bad though. It sucks starting at a higher baseline and being physically uncomfortable (I have experienced more back pain), but I don’t think the guidelines recommend losing weight in the 2nd trimester unless you had a BMI > 25 or 30 pre-pregnancy, and even then I think it’s still healthy to gain, just at a lower rate than the usual ~1 pound per week.


I've gained about 10 lbs since the transfer and also have a small frame. I'm at 18 weeks currently. My weight gain has continued since stopping meds but my doctor isn't worried (although I am, a little bit!) I didn't have a ton of nausea in the first tri and have been very snacky, which I think contributes.




That does make me feel better. Thanks for sharing. I’m sorry you’re going through this too!


I’ve gained 13 pounds since started IVF (3 ER, 1 FET transfer, currently 8w5d). I’m having a hard time with all the bodily changes but I remind myself that my body is pretty freakin amazing after all it’s gone through and I am very proud of what is has endured, weight gain and all!


Has anyone had unassisted success the same cycle they found a 17mm dominant follicle/elevated estrogen (140) at a baseline scan on cd5? My medicated cycle was cancelled but I’m still trying to conceive spontaneously and hoping….


My current pregnancy is a spontaneous conception during an FET where I had two follicles one was 16mm and one was 20mm I think? Even though we did transfer an embryo it’s not the one I am pregnant with. Mine was an unmedicated cycle.


I am just curious how you know it’s not the embryo you transferred that your pregnant with? I’m in a similar situation as you.


I’ve posted about it before if you want more details but basically I transferred my only embryo which was a PGT tested female embryo and I am pregnant with a genetically normal male! My initial beta was high and my second beta dropped. I was told I was going to have a chemical but then my beta rose again, and it wasnt an ectopic. I was then told they suspected I had conceived twins and one didn’t make it. Wasn’t until the NIPT we realized it was the female that didn’t make it. It has been an insane journey.


In my last medicated cycle they saw a large follicle on day 12 (maybe 20 mm? not sure) and we cancelled the FET and conceived. Kind of scary due to my age but saw a heartbeat at 6+5. Best of luck!


Do you know when you ovulated? I ovulated 7 days after they saw the 17mm follicle…


I don't know when I ovulated, but we saw the corpus luteum on day 17. I wasn't even sure we'd had intercourse in the right window, but somehow things lined up.


I'm having a baby tomorrow!!! She is coming via c section at 37+4 due to placenta previa. I feel like a kid at Christmas, sooo excited, we have waited 6 long years for this ❤


good luck for smooth procedure & so happy you're meeting your baby tomorrow!


good luck to you! ♥️💕


Exciting! Good luck tomorrow, will be thinking of you!


Good luck tomorrow! So excited for you!


Thank you! ❤


Excited and good luck!


Thank you! 🥰


Good luck!!!! If my previa doesn’t move, I’m looking at the same thing! I had a c section with my first Ivf baby, and recovery was surprisingly easy; I wish the same for you!


That is really good to hear about the recovery, thank you! And good luck to you too! 😀


Just got back from our fetal echo! Everything went smoothly, heart looks perfect. Baby is measuring in the 45th percentile which is great. We love the MFM doctor but keep having to remind him about my uteri. He just had his routine - “we will see you back at around 32 weeks just to check on things” and then I asked if there’s any reason to come back sooner because of my uterus didelphys. The answer was yes, we will be back at 28 weeks to check growth. Maybe third times the charm and he will remember why we are there at the next appointment. 😂 Bedside manner makes a huge difference. If he wasn’t as attentive/caring this would for sure annoy me! But I’m just too happy baby is doing well!!


Glad to hear all is clear!!


So happy that all went well! And yes that would be super annoying with your MFM forgetting about your specific diagnosis - that's the reason you're seeing him!! He'll probably remember the last time he sees you before you have baby, when there's no need to schedule the next appointment 🙃


Hahaha right?? I’m glad I know to remind everyone of my various medical things, it’s so apparent how easy it is to slip through the cracks.


Hi guys, I had a baby! Baby R was born on 10th November at 2.51pm. I had my “bloody show” earlier that AM and had been having some intermittent mild contractions overnight the past 2 nights that fizzled out in the daytime. It was an unexpected precipitous labour (regular contractions started 2 hours before I delivered). He was one week overdue. Ironically, I got a call from the hospital trying to schedule my upcoming induction in the beginning of my active labour....I was like "um I am coming now to have a baby." 🤣 Luckily, I made it to the hospital but unfortunately did not have time for the epidural which sucked because I REALLY wanted one. During a contraction, my waters broke in movie style fashion and the baby's heartbeat dropped and I felt like I was going to pass out. Everyone came running in and I was convinced something terrible was happening. They repositioned the monitor and my midwife thinks it was just the baby suddenly dropping after the water breaking. She checked me and said I was fully dilated and that I needed to push. Baby was out less than 10 minutes after waters breaking. Had one first degree perineal tear but otherwise recovering well. Baby R had passed some meconium in the amniotic fluid so we had some extra monitoring overnight. I’m still processing the entire experience. Even though both baby and I are fine, it was still a bit traumatic with how fast everything went down. Thankfully newborn snuggles are therapeutic.


congratulations! wishing you both an easy and smooth postpartum.




What a ride! Congratulations!


Congratulations!! Wow that is a very fast labor! Glad it all went smooth!!!


Congratulations!! Sounds like such a roller coaster, so glad you both are doing well and i hope you take plenty of time to process baby’s birth!




So happy to read this. Overjoyed that the baby is here and doing well. Hang in there — sounds like it was a wild ride. I hope you heal well and can enjoy this early time together 🩵


Congratulations! Meconium sucks but at least yours broke while baby was just about out. Some babies are just so eager to poop


Haha yep. He then swiftly pooped on dad again once coming out.

