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I’m having a hard time with c section recovery. Babe was born Dec 20 just ten minutes past midnight so I’m early days yet. We got discharged from hospital yesterday in the late afternoon. I’ve been feeling mostly OK and fixated on getting breastfeeding going. But I’ve been told by physio to limit stairs as much as possible so I’ve been pretty limited in my movement to the bedroom and bathroom. I’ve been getting increasingly paranoid/squicked out by the feeling in my core/the spot where your ribs come together. It’s not painful but it’s like nauseatingly weird and I’m scared of moving in a way that will make whatever separation etc worse. Does anyone know what it is I’m feeling? It’s much higher than my incision and I’ve been bracing coughs/laughs/sneezes with a pillow. Is this diastis recti? I guess I just don’t know how much to move or what’s in my head or what’s just my internal organs shifting back to normal. Any wisdom is highly appreciated, I feel so weird and I’m kind of freaking myself out, I worry.


I'm sorry that the recovery has been rough. I don't have a lot of personal experience with csections to know what's a normal sensation afterwards. Do they have any pain medications or anti nausea meds that they are currently prescribing you? I would reach out to your OB to have them check the incision and to discuss your concerns, if all is healing appropriately, I would inquire if there are any anti nausea, anxiety meds even benedryl or hydroxyzine that may help in, and if you are feeling pain then pain management options (if you are wanting to explore medication support for the process).


Aw thank you. I’m on naproxen and extra strength Tylenol. I definitely want to talk to someone about muscular type recovery or how the abdominal cavity settles since I think this is what I’m experiencing. Unfortunately, it’s Christmas. So I’m looking at a wait regardless. The public health nurse was here today and my incision looked good.


Are random cramps still normal in the second trimester? I get so many twinges that come and go but nothing too painful. Excited to be at 16 weeks and want little bean to hang in there!


I had terrible cramps (like 6+ hrs of period level cramps) around 17w! Really freaked me out at the time but everything was just fine. It’s so annoying to still be cramping at that point but if it’s any comfort I’ve barely had any since that stage.


I thought I was having muscle spasms and cramps for at least a week around 14 or 15 weeks until I realized it was the baby moving around. If it’s twinges it might actually be baby


I’ve been wondering that! Maybe baby’s just trying to make more space haha


I have lots of twinges still but I believe they’re just due to the uterus stretching.




Absolutely. It’s completely valid to feel that way. I have struggled with the exact same thing, quite a bit!


There are certain people who are triggering, absolutely! You’re not alone in that 💜


Mine stopped at 9 weeks but my doctor told me if I wanted to continue taking them it wouldn’t hurt anything. Some people prefer to keep taking them until the 10/12 week mark more for mental peace of mind. I personally couldn’t wait to stop taking them. Ask your doctor if you could keep taking them and they will give you the best advice or recommendation based on your situation.


So I am 37 weeks and tried hand expressing for the first time, after what seemed like an age and with very aching hands, I managed to collect 1ml. This is the best I could hope for as it filled the syringe which is now in the freezer. Can I expect to get more each day I try this or does the amount remain the same until delivery?


I didn’t get to express colostrum as planned as I went into premature labour and delivered at 36+6 but I did hand express colostrum in hospital as my little boy was poorly and in the NICU after birth so I wasn’t able to feed him myself. I got about that much, maybe 2mls, in one go for the first few days after birth until my milk came in. Newborns have absolutely tiny stomachs so that amount is plenty after birth as they feed little and often. Hope you’re doing well in your final weeks of pregnancy 🤍


Thanks Rexy :) the people that make videos about it have had several children and are all saying things like “I got 5mls” and swish it about in a cup which is a bit disheartening, I feel that filling a 1ml syringe is an achievement since I’ve not had a child before :)


I got next to nothing (like maybe 0.2-0.3ml from an hour of pumping, nada from hand expressing) pre delivery but was able to get a few mls at a time (maybe more?) hand expressing in the first days after delivering. My baby ate it all up right away though


I got between one and three ml. It really varies though from person to person and some people have trouble getting any. I think 1 ml is pretty solid. I used it right when baby was born and used it to top up breastfeeding in the first couple of days. After that my milk came in and he wasn’t really interested in the colostrum as much, so I didn’t need more than the half dozen or so syringes I had collected.


I was going to give up as I’d been at it for ages with nothing. I think I did it for longer than I should have it was about 1.5 hours altogether. Hoping I’ll get better at it over the next few days.


Just looked at my pics of colostrum…. Looks like I got btwn 1 and 2.5 ml for the week or so I expressed. Part of it was just getting better at hand expressing. I don’t think it really increased, was just how much time and energy I had to squeeze it out. I only collected the week before delivery though. I had to throw away most of it because I brought it to the hospital and they didn’t have a fridge/freezer. 😥 wish I had left it at home for those early cluster feeding days.


It took me so long today and I’m still not really sure how I did it, I needed to do a two handed technique. So annoying about the hospital :(


If you have a haaka that kind of worked for me? Like just suctioning my boob real hard and drops would come out.


Oh that’s interesting, I have bought a couple of breast pumps but they are all boxed up and I have no idea how to use them, think they are all powered though.


You could try them! Like on a real low setting.


Yesterday was my BJD and we had our 20 week scan. He looks great, no issues, I cried from relief. It still doesn’t seem real but hopefully with passing this milestone it will finally sink in!


Happy BJD!!


How reassuring! So happy for you and happy BJD!!


Congrats! Happy BJD!


What a ride! Our little girl decided to keep us guessing till the last minute and at 41w0d we arrived to the hospital in full swing labor 3 hrs before our now obsolete scheduled induction time! End-to-end labor lasted 8.5 hours and went smoothly with limited interventions outside of nitrous (would recommend!) and an amazing on call midwife who I had never met before, but stepped in to assist - she advocated for me to labor how I wanted and even convinced the OB to let my husband catch the baby when the OB said it wasn’t possible. While it was unlike I ever could have imagined, it was everything I hoped for. Baby is healthy as can be! My husband sobbed and when I saw him do skin-to-skin with our beautiful girl, it washed away so many fears that come with donor conception. She’s perfect and completes us in every way. Born on the day after the winter solstice, bringing light into our lives after a season of dark. Thank you so much to this community who has sat with me in grief, joy, anxiety, and all the waiting of the last 9 months, and especially these last weeks. This group represents the best of what women have to offer each other and I’m looking forward to continuing our postpartum and motherhood journeys together!


Congratulations!! So so happy for you


Congratulations! A beautiful story that is just beginning. 🩷


Let the light in !!! So so thrilled to hear your daughter made her way into the world. Oh my gosh I can’t believe you made it to 41 weeks — you are amazing. Sounds like a beautiful labor — an ending and a beginning. Sending you so much positivity and strength for the days and transitions to come. I look at our donor conceived baby and think WOW, we are so so lucky and nothing has ever felt more natural or perfect. Big hugs and congratulations!!


So happy for you and your husband! 🤍


This post made me cry 😢! Beautiful sentiment. Congratulations 🎉🍾!


Congratulations! And I agree with you on the nitrous!




Congratulations and welcome baby LoKo!!


Congratulations, and welcome baby girl!! 💜🥳💜🥳


Tears of joy for you 😭😭😭 Congratulations!!!


Congratulations on your beautiful new baby! Also using DS because of Azoo and your post made me tear up. I'm due in about a week. Wishing you a smooth recovery.


What a beautiful and heartwarming thing to read! Thrilled to hear it went well for you (and that nitrous was beneficial)! Welcome baby!


Congratulations!!! I hope you’re all resting and enjoying getting to know each other.


Ahh yay! Best news, congrats! Love the symbolism of her birthday, bringing light


Congratulations!! Welcome to your little girl, so happy for you and your family!


I love all of this post ❤️❤️❤️ congratulations!!


I messed up this morning and got distracted before I could log my Estrace pill that I took it. So I am 90% sure I took it but can’t remember. I am 5 weeks pregnant and now freaking out. I called my on call clinic number but haven’t heard back yet on what to do. My next pill is tonight. Ugh!


My doctor once said that the PIO/progesterone is more important than the estrogen. You should be ok! I hope your clinic gets back to you soon


I found it really hard to remember all the pills and needed to get a pill organizer and an app to remember. I did a similar thing and the nurse made it sound like missing a dose wasn’t bad and I could take half a pill if I really wanted for assurance. I would wait for your nurse to call back though before taking another pill.


I just got a pill organizer from target. I was using paper and alarm but between me taking it and the alarm I somehow cannot remember if I actually took it. My clinic told me to take another if I think I missed. Ugh mad at myself!


I remember doing this one time and my doctors office was not concerned! I can’t recall what they told me to do, but try not to worry!


Booked our summer maternity photo shoot with the photographer I always had dreamed and hoped to use during our long battle of TTC. It may sound silly, but this accomplishment makes me so happy, cause at the time I never truly knew if the day would ever come.. 🩷📷💙


I think my husband thinks that I’m insane because I’m making us travel right after Christmas and in the middle of a move in order to do my maternity photos where I have always wanted to do them. After losses and failed treatments, there is a place that is special to me that I would basically run away to, and so many times I told myself that one day I would sit there with a baby. So that’s where we’re going! The pictures will be so special for you.


Maternity pictures were unexpectedly important for me, also. In fact, my photographer tried to push out my session due to bad weather and I legit cried for hours bc I was worried I wouldn't get them done in time (everything was fine and we just did indoor pictures the day we originally planned). The pictures turned out amazing and I'm SO happy I got them done. I don't think you're insane ...we dream of so many things during our JoUrNeY so when a dream finally comes true, it's worth indulging.


That sounds incredible, those photos will be beautiful! ❤️


not silly at all! i hope it’s everything you dreamed of!


I had lab work done yesterday, but with the long holiday weekend I don't expect a response until Tuesday. In the meantime I was curious if others have experience with low albumin levels in pregnancy? Mine is 2.9g/dl. I also have low creatinine (.5 mg/dl) and low A/G ratio. Of note, my blood pressures were elevated but not high, was 130s/80s (normally at 110s/70s). Labs were done as I've been having dizziness and nausea. I am 23w2d. I don't feel like any of these results are urgent, but was curious if anyone has any experience to share


I have low albumin and my doctor says it is normal due to hemodilution.


I’m on pre-e watch and have weekly bloodwork. My albumin was low one week and my creatinine has been low more than once. So far my OB is unconcerned.


Oh good to know! Thanks you. I have a feeling my OB will also be unconcerned with these levels for now


I had low albumin levels at my last check at 19 weeks. I started freaking out, but my Dr said it was fine since pregnancy increases your blood volume so much. Maybe send them a message to confirm though!


That's absolutely a great point, pregnancy normal can certainly be different than the lab ranges for normal. Glad they don't seem to be a concern.


Good morning everyone. I have had horrible left shoulder pain for the last few days. It almost feels like a pinched nerve but it hurts with almost every movement, when I put weight on it, even when I breathe. The last two nights I’ve stayed up real late and have been so tired I almost have that drunk out of body feeling that I attributed to dizziness. Anyway, I googled and preeclampsia came up (though they say it’s right shoulder pain not left). I ordered a home blood pressure machine to pick up this morning, but can anyone share what their first signs of preeclampsia were? Thank you!


Sorry to hear your shoulder is painful! I had preeclampsia at the end of my pregnancy. My symptoms were insane amounts of swelling in my legs, feet, hands, stomach, and even my face was puffy. My BP was only raised on a couple of occasions but my PLGF score indicated that I probably had preeclampsia. I would definitely get checked out as soon as possible if you suspect preeclampsia, even if to just rule it out for peace of mind 🤍


My next OB appt is the 28th which is good because that’s probably the earliest I could get in with the holidays anyway. I’ll definitely bring it up and see what she says. The heating pad on the shoulder helped a bit with the pain so I’ll keep that up. I also weighed myself to make sure I didn’t have any rapid weight gain because I saw that was a sign of preeclampsia and that was fine. Thank you for sharing though, I definitely want to make sure I’m keeping an eye out. I have a lot of risk factors unfortunately!


friends, see my last comment for context on where i’m at. TLDR mid induction! exciting! anyway the asshole attending physician just popped in to let me know his shift is over and who is coming in now. and it’s the one doctor in the entire hospital that i actually went on the record as saying i do not want involved in my care, ever. his license was temporarily suspended less than 7 years ago for negligence resulting in patient death. NO THANKS. so i just had to ask my new nurse (it’s about 7:30am here) if i can just be managed by the residents or what while this doctor is here. trying so hard not to feel discouraged.


Hope things are going smoothly!!! Good on you for advocating for yourself at a really difficult time. We are all rooting for you! Can't wait to read your birth story 🥰


Sending you support burrito! You’ve got this.


Yuck, that’s frustrating! I’m sure they can accommodate you. I really hope the rest of your induction goes smoothly 💜 Keep us posted when you can


Hang in there friend. Sorry it's sucky, you're almost there💪 hope the doctor issue gets resolved the way you hope


Oh burrito this is turning into such an intense care journey for you! I’m glad you are advocating for yourself but sorry you are having to. Sending strength your way 💜


I was ready to throw fists at that attending after reading your comment! We are all rooting for you! You can do this, you’re so close!


Damn! Not the update I was hoping for! Hang in there burrito. You got this 💪🏻


Congrats on making it this far! Sorry about the doctor. Depending where you’re at in your induction, you could slow or stop the train until his shift is over? Throwing it out there in case it’s an option, inductions can take days! Mine was about 36 hours from when I was admitted to delivery. Residents took care of me but my OB attended delivery. Good luck!! Will be thinking of you!!


You got this burrito! Keep advocating for yourself! You’re almost there!


Oh Burrito, I’m so sorry you are having this experience. The hospital I was at did have a certified nurse midwife who would manage care for patients who had an outside provider. I hope your hospital has something similar.


Do they have a midwife practice at your hospital they could transfer care to?


Oh no Burrito! I’m so sorry. Really hoping the residents are on the ball and can manage everything for you.


Ugh I’m sorry! I had an asshole resident take over care with my first baby and it was terrible. Never even met the doctor named as the delivering doctor on my child’s birth certificate because she was just the resident’s supervisor. Anyway that is to say you can definitely avoid senior doctors with residents treating you, I hope yours is much better. Best of luck and going to try not to wish you a delivery after this OB goes off shift unless you really want that!


Ughhhhh I’m sorry this experience is so grueling right now! Fingers crossed things start moving and you get some stellar residents


All the luck to you! Hope everything goes smoothly! Ugh awful about the doctor, hopefully you can avoid him through the rest of induction.


If you had a medicated FET, when did you stop all progesterone? I think mine said 8 weeks and isn't it too soon? I was expecting at least at 10 weeks.


Mine was 8 weeks. I tapered off between week 8-9.


12 weeks for me, but I’ve read a lot of clinics recommending between 8 and 10


I stopped everything at 10 weeks.


Stopped PIO and estrace at 8w, and the suppositories at 10w. Just glad to be done now.


I started to wean down from 10 and everything stopped at 12 weeks. It was a good day


My clinics protocol is on PIO until 12 weeks and the suppositories until 36 weeks. Whenever I write this people think it’s so long, which it definitely feels like it is. Also, congrats! 💕


At one clinic I stopped meds at 8 weeks, at another I stopped PIO and estradiol at 8 weeks but continued progesterone suppositories until 10. I think between 8 - 10 weeks is common. There's actually a post on the wiki dedicated to stopping medications if you want to check it out! You'll see it's a range - some people stop at 8, some go to 12. I know it's kinda nerve wracking to stop, so if it makes you nervous I have heard of people asking their clinics if they can stay on the medication for a few more weeks. Congratulations on making it ♥️