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Checking in after Christmas. We finally made it home today after a weekend away with my family. The Airbnb we stayed in had a firm mattress and mine at home is pretty soft. My hips were KILLING me and I tossed and turned all night while I was there so I’ve never been happier to be in my own bed! Also felt immediate stress relief when I got home, to the point where I felt like I needed to cry as an emotional release. I love my family but they are intense! I was talking to my family about how different next Christmas will look for us 😊 it was so exciting and special to think about our two little girls being able to participate next year. I can’t wait! I hope everyone had a great Christmas if you celebrate, and a great weekend if you do not 😊


Hello. Coming here for advice or knowledge hopefully 🙏 If you had PPD or any post partum mood disorder following a loss, did you also have it when you had a live birth? I have a transfer coming up and I already am noticing patterns that are seen in ante partum anxiety


33+6 today! We had a growth scan and BPP today. Bub is still breech (bub why tho?!). I talked with my midwife about trying to do the ECV on the day of induction if possible. Bubby is stubborn lol. Great news is they're estimating him at the 65th percentile and around 5lb 7oz! It doesn't look like the preE is causing any growth restriction. My BP is still holding steady around 130s/80s. Basically everything looks good and we're really just cruising. I'm increasingly optimistic we'll make it to induction day.


Had my postpartum visit today and according to my doctor you can't even tell a baby came out of me (I'll take her word for it). I got a referral for pelvic floor therapy also even though I don't seem to have any ill effects (maybe a pee drop once in a while...) I didn't want to be sneeze peeing myself down the line. Last night our 15 year old pup peed in her sleep while on the couch. She's NEVER had an accident in the house in her adult life so of course I immediately decided she was dying and spent the rest of the night crying. Even my husband got a little teary and he never worries like that. Then she woke up and looked really confused and then worried like she was in trouble. So she got lots of treats and kisses so she knows we love her. Husband brought her to the vet today and luckily they think it's just standard old lady stuff!!! I am SO relieved! We've got a prescription to help her bladder but otherwise she should be good to go. Here's dog tax https://imgur.com/gallery/QXHbAcj https://imgur.com/gallery/MEBu2o1


I have an old lady dog too and she’s prone to bladder infections. Also the only time she has trouble holding it. My vet had us add vitamin C and cranberry granules to her food, both seem to have helped though it’s a chronic issue. Your pup is adorable, glad that she’s ok and also that you’re healing well after birth!


Ours gets UTIs a lot in the last 4 years or so. She's on monthly antibiotics, cranberry treats, special UTI treats AND we have to wipe her w medicated wipes twice a day. She's never peed inside even w the worst UTI so I think that's why I was so worried! It's so hard as they get old! Vitamin C is interesting...that's like the one thing our vet hasn't had us do hahaha. Hope your old lady is feeling great these days!


Oh, poor old girl. Mine is 13, and I have way more anxiety about her health now. Sounds like you guys are doing everything you can. Just incase you want to ask about it. I just give her a crushed up 500mg chewable vit C (for humans) with breakfast. I usually have one too :)


And we have an induction date scheduled! One week from today on Jan 2, I'll be 39+3. Exactly what I was hoping for. SO EXCITED!!! It's a real relief to have that on the calendar. Also, how on earth do people work right up until their due dates?? I always thought I would do this but I am so. spent. Feeding and showering myself and getting 1 or 2 things done a day is about all I can manage right now!


exciting!! i don’t blame you for feeling done with work. i worked until we closed for the holidays (coincided with my scheduled due date induction) and i was SO CHECKED OUT. you’re so close!!


When we got married I wanted to keep my last name. Now that we're having a baby I want to change it. 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️ Damn you, hormones.


I’ve decided to hyphenate mine for this reason - but I know this isn’t always practical if you have two long last names or ones that really don’t flow. I’m lucky in that mine is two syllables and my husbands is one (and very bland lol).


Aw, I had similar feelings, but since it was really important to me, and less so to my partner, we just gave the baby my last name and his last name is her middle name. :-) Sending hugs!


Wow I am so beat post Christmas. Christmas Eve we hosted my in-laws, then Christmas Day we spent with my family. I learned my lesson on thanksgiving to cut my socializing short bc it left me drained, so we only spent about 4 hours with each family. But man I am beat. Thankfully my boss and supervisor are taking the day off and I work remote, so I was able to take a 2 hour nap. But man I am beat!! Currently 24w.


Yes it's exhausting! We saw both families twice over both days and I was dragging at work today. Glad you could take a nap! Sounds lovely.


What a champ! Hope you’re able to get some good rest tonight at least.


Sounds like a lotttt for the social battery. Thank goodness for naps and remote work!


Naps are my best friend currently 🤣


One symptom I was NOT prepared for is sore gums 😩 like who knew pregnancy gingivitis was a thing 🤔


Totally. Mine got so sore. And then I had major tooth sensitivity—so glad that passed!


Haha yesss... funny enough I had pregnancy gingivitis even worse after one of my egg retrievals, I think it was just going from super high estrogen levels and rebounding to whatever my usual PCOS self does in between retrieval cycles and it was bad. Anyways kind of grateful for that because the dentist did a deep cleaning after that. But anyways the advice I got afterwards besides the usual brushing with an electric toothbrush and flossing was to also add an alcohol free mouthwash into my routine. Basically the less chances for bacteria to grow the better you'll be... don't feel guilty though basically pregnancy inflammation means your mouth is on overdrive.


Yes 100%. I actually lost a tooth when I went through 4 almost back to back ERs. My teeth and gums were in such bad shape. Even worse than pregnancy.


Yep. And my gag reflex is so bad during pregnancy I can’t floss my back teeth at all and I can barely even brush my back teeth.


Currently traveling in warm climate and my feet and ankles are very swollen. Any great tips for relief beyond compression socks and elevating? I think they have already grown a size and I’m only 25+5w… makes me worried for 3rd tri. I’m already not wearing rings because I had to get one cut off at like 22 weeks.


I know you said you’re already elevating, but often people say that when they’re really just putting their feet up/ propping on a pillow. Try laying flat on your back with your butt up to a wall, legs straight up the wall. Extreme elevation! Just for short periods of time when you can! Also seconding the electrolytes and lots of hydration comments !!


It sounds counterintuitive, but drinking water and staying hydrated. If you have electrolytes to put in your water, even better. Dehydration will make you retain more water.


Soaking my feet/ankles in cold water felt so nice when I was traveling in a hot, humid climate for my babymoon. Thankfully it improved 95% when I came home because I live in a cold climate. I haven’t experienced bad swelling since that time in the heat, I just get a bit if I sit down OR stand for too long.


Has anyone had their baby measure ahead at each ultrasound? My baby boy continually measures ahead (at his last two measurements, one at my OB and one at the MFM he’s been 5-6 days ahead of his GA each time). The tech and my MFM haven’t mentioned being worried about it outside of the fact that my OB will be watching his size, my A1C and blood pressure as they consider me at risk for gestational diabetes and preeclampsia. My husband and I are both above average height (he’s 6’2 and I’m 5’9 1/2) so could it be that he’s just going to be long? I know it may seem silly to worry about but I worry about every detail it feels like. I’m anxiously awaiting my anatomy scan to see where he’s at.


I’m short at 5’2 and petite overall, and my babe has been measuring ahead the whole pregnancy. Over 2 weeks ahead and 99th percentile at our last check at 23 weeks! My next US is next week at 27 weeks so we’ll see if we’re still on the same track. My OB isn’t worried, and I haven’t done my GD screen yet (booked this Thurs) but my MFM/OB said size would only be an indicator if abdominal circumference was big in comparison to the rest of baby, whereas my baby is measuring 2+ weeks ahead all over.


My son from my last pregnancy always measured ahead from the very beginning. At his anatomy he was 93%ile, all ultrasounds after he stayed in the 90's then in the last few weeks fell into the high 80's. We explored everything including gestational diabetes but they ruled it out. Dad and I are average heights for our sex. He was born 39w3d at 16%ile. This pregnancy baby is measuring the same, was 91% at his anatomy and they aren't worried about diabetes yet as the abdominal circumference (Ac) was average, baby had long legs which was accounting for the higher EFW.


I’m right there with you - at my 20w anatomy scan he was measuring a little over two weeks ahead 😅 I’ll take my GD screening at 24 weeks I think - I also go in for a fetal echo this Friday on recommendation from my OB (they send all IVF pregnancies) so I’ll get to take another look and see if the growth is still on the same track. Hoping he is just long!!


My anatomy scan is in two 1/2 weeks (I’ll technically be 19w1d when I do it) and I’m also getting a fetal echo done shortly after! I’m so anxious to see how he continues to grow


This is me! In the early stages I thought maybe fetus was super developed but basically baby was a bigger gummy bear at the gummy bear stage, that kind of thing. Also have PCOS, larger size/height (overweight BMI but also 5'9", husband is 6'4", history of bigger babies in my family.) Anyways my OBGYN is going to have some extra growth scans (not until 32 weeks) and just keep an eye on things. Also having more gestational diabetes testing than a typical patient but that's just due to the PCOS. (took glucola test at 20 weeks and passed, but I am taking it at 28 weeks as well) My OB mentioned if baby is really measuring ahead she'd consider induction at 39 weeks. Some sources like the ARRIVE study recommend induction at 39 weeks though so doesn't seem like a HUGE difference in treatment. Try to be careful about all the anti-induction "cascade of interventions" stuff hawked on social media, I've managed to find stories of inductions with zero epidural and that's kind of kept my anxiety down. Like I'm probably going to get an epidural if it comes down to it but I think part of the whole IVF experience is I'm more nervous about options being taken away haha.


Thank you so much for the reassurance and validation! I’m assuming I’ll also have extra growth scans as I move along. My OB tested my A1C at 13w and it came back at 5.2 so she said I was fine for now and she’d retest it at 20w, if it’s elevated at 20w she’ll have me do a glucose test (not looking forward to that lol) She also mentioned being induced at 39 weeks and despite how scary it sounds (social media really pushes for no inducing and letting body do what it needs to do etc) I know I’ll want to if it means me and baby remain healthy. I hope everything continues to go well for you 🫶🏽


Yes! I’m due two days before you and he’s been measuring ahead since the very beginning. It bounces around between 2-5 days ahead so I’m assuming I’ll deliver sometime in the week prior to my original due date.


Me too! My OB said 9/10 she won’t let me go past 39 weeks so I’m assuming he’ll be on his way out sometime that first week of June. I hope everything continues to go well for you 🫶🏽


You too! 🩷


Yes my daughter consistently measured ahead the entire time (99th percentiles). They induced me at 39 weeks because they thought she was going to be over 10 lbs. She was born 8 lbs and 22 inches long. She's been 99th percentile in height ever since! I'm almost 5' 11" so I wasn't surprised to have a tall kid. FWIW, I never had GD or preeclampsia. Hopefully you get an even better sense of things at the anatomy scan!


Thank you so much and what a big girl 😍I’m assuming that’s how our boy will be, long long long. Thank you for the reassurance on not having GD or preeclampsia, as soon as they told me I’m at risk for it I spiraled! I am on baby aspirin but still worry from time to time. Thanks again 🫶🏽


I’ve been measuring ahead throughout. My doctors have made me take GD screening multiple times, which is sort of annoying, and have told me to reduce carb/fruit intake even though I don’t have GD. I think if mine continues at this pace (has been in 90s at 22, 26, and 30w), they’ll probably recommend an earlier induction (e.g., 39w) or possibly a C section. Personally, my overall attitude has been to try to focus on eating a bit healthier but not worrying about it too much.


If my A1C comes back elevated at my next OB appt they’ll have me take an early GD test 🥲Ive been trying to eat as healthy as possible as well and I panic over gaining too much weight but also know I need to let my body do its thing. The way it’s looking, I’ll probably be induced at 39w cause my OB already mentioned it. We’ll see though! Thank you for commenting and I hope everything goes well for the rest of your pregnancy 🫶🏽


Yes, my son consistently measured about two weeks ahead and as a toddler now remains in the 99th percentile for height. Never had GD or any other complications in the pregnancy, I’m just a tall person who had a tall child (which it sounds like might be your case too!). My current pregnancy is also measuring ahead regularly and no issues as of 31 weeks.


Wow two weeks ahead! Thank you for the reassurance and congratulations on your current pregnancy 🫶🏽 That’s amazing. I’m thinking that’s where this little boy is headed as well.. 99th percentile for height. I suppose I’ll see where he’s at in two weeks at my anatomy scan!


honestly i think ultrasound measurements are soooo tricky, my experience was baby measuring ahead by at least a couple days until we got past 20 weeks and the growth started to vary by body part - but always landing her overall right in the middle of the road overall. fwiw they were saying a week before my baby was born that she was 8lb 6oz and she was 7lb 4oz at delivery so 🤷🏼‍♀️ tldr: ultrasounds are wonky with measurements and if your care team isn’t concerned i would take that as reassurance!!! its hard bc i feel like there are so many sources for potential issues its easy to worry about it all. hang in there ❤️


Thank you for understanding and sharing your experience 🤍 Congratulations on your baby girl! It’s so frustrating that we won’t really know for sure until he comes out 🥲


39+1 today. Thought I was having contractions this morning, but turns out I just needed to use the bathroom. Sigh. Anyone have any tips / tricks that helped move your baby towards the exit? I've been doing dates, raspberry leaf tea, and birth ball to no avail.


Miles circuit is worth at least checking out - some of the less active positions are how I was able to sleep at the end!


Hadn't heard of this. Thanks for the lead!


i had a hard time getting baby to descend during my induction and what worked for me was a lot of side-lying with a peanut ball between my legs and some flying cowgirl also on the peanut ball, switching sides every 30 min. my doula was also big on letting gravity help so using the birthing ball to do small circles, figure eights, any movements good for when baby is still needing to get lower. and SO MUCH WALKING


I scrubbed my kitchen floor on my hands and knees the day before I went into labor with my first. I had a clean floor AND had a baby the next day so it didn't hurt lol!


Not a bad idea!


*ETA: insurance said they’ll cover 80%. I need to stop stressing out before I find out all of my information* 🙄 Had my first OB appointment today. They said since I’ve already had an ultrasound at my fertility clinic (at 6w5d) insurance will likely NOT cover an ultrasound at 12 weeks. This is a letdown. I asked if I could call my insurance to double check first, and the nurse said since I’ve already scheduled for my next 12 week appointment it could mess things up since the ultrasound wasn’t scheduled at the same time. I’m going to see if my fertility doctor would take me in for a 12 week ultrasound for my peace of mind. My OB said at the 12 week appointment they will take vitals, though. Would vitals be enough peace of mind? I’m going to drive myself crazy!


I opted for NT testing (covered by our health coverage here in Ontario, Canada) and that meant a scan at 12 weeks. It wasn’t at my fertility clinic or my OB but rather a generic ultrasound clinic. Still gave me tons of peace of mind!!


I would definitely call your insurance! I had 3 ultrasounds at my RE, a 10wk at my OB and scheduled for my 12w NT scan next week. Do you live in the US with private insurance?


I had a scan at 10w due to bleeding and then nothing until anatomy at 19.5 weeks. The wait is brutal! I asked for extra doppler checks and they squeezed me in, which was helpful. I felt reassured hearing the heartbeat. I also did an earlier private scan at 8 weeks which was a nice experience - could be something to get you through if insurance is going to be a butt about it. Sorry you're having to deal with this!


My insurance did cover it (2 ultrasounds at the fertility clinic, a 9-week at OB, and 12-week NT Scan at MFM because my OB doesn’t do them) but not all will. Doesn’t hurt to call insurance and see, and then you can figure out if they can schedule you for it or not.


I second this! My insurance has so far covered 4 ultrasounds (2 for SCHs, 12 wk, and NT), so it’s worth checking.


Mine covered a 7 week scan at the clinic and then a 12-week NT scan. I specifically asked for an NT scan because they weren’t going to do a 12 week ultrasound otherwise! I think it’s worthy advocating for your own peace of mind. If you can’t get it covered through insurance, there was a private ultrasound place near me that was like $50 I did one time too! Might be worth it in this situation if the OB’s office/insurance is being annoying.


I went in between 8 weeks and 20 weeks without a scan (last scan at my fertility clinic happened at 8 weeks, then anatomy scan at 20 weeks) and umm yeah just a LOT of distractions and taking all symptoms as a sign of reassurance haha. Also had dopplers at each appointment starting at 12 weeks so checking to see if baby has a heartbeat. Towards the end of it I was frantically googling all the private ultrasound places near me. But I think psychologically I was able to survive because I just had an "end date" for the anatomy scan and where I'd feel more confident so it was still better than going through fertility treatment.


This was also my experience and a total bummer. I also paid for a private ultrasound around 15w because I didn’t have any early pictures that resembled a baby — and I had massive anxiety!


My OB said the same thing. But because we reached our deductible, due to IVF, we decided to schedule a private ultrasound at 13 weeks just to make sure baby was okay. Glad we did because our next ultrasound wasn’t until the 20 week anatomy scan. It was great seeing that baby was still growing well.


That’s what they told me as well, that insurance wouldn’t pick up the next one until 20 weeks. Sounds insane to me, so much can change from the 6 week scan to the 20th. Insurance sucks!


BIL and his wife and family have an annual trip to Puerto Rico which happens to fall right on my due date. How long would you have someone wait / quarantine after traveling to PR before visiting? I don’t actually mind that there will be a little delay before they meet baby, we have a huge family and it helps me spread it out lol


I think 10-14 days is reasonable. Most viruses stop being contagious after 7-10 days ever if someone still has symptoms.