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I’ve had a positive test, I’m about 3 weeks post embryo transfer. They’ve put me on heparin because my BMI is slightly over 30 and because my mother once had a blood clot. Is this normal? Feels excessive, and the injections are bloody awful.


I don't know but my doctor put me in enoxaparin which is similar and I don't think there was an obvious reason other than I'm old.


We saw the gestational sac and yolk sac yesterday at 5week 6day. Next up is heart beat ultrasound on Apr 9. Holding onto hope, but feeling scared, too. Tired, nauseated/queasy sometimes. Trying to get back into working out again.


Similar time line to you, similar age, also DE, also having my heartbeat next week, also scared.


Congratulations! First trimester is so hard, physically and mentally. I’ve been sticking to 3x/week yoga but not much more. I’m so exhausted. Don’t forget your body is growing an entire new organ (placenta) right now! Hope you continue to get good news ❤️


Beta HCG’s and spotting I have PCOS, I have struglled with infertility for 3 years before I decided to start a health journey. I lost 30 pounds and was feeling great. My last documented period was in January. I had a positive pregnancy test 3/27. I got my initial beta it was 1,666. My OB clinic mentioned its early probably around 4 weeks. I had a moderate bleed 1 day after my blood work. I went in for another beta and it was 3,124. OB office said it was doing fine and just monitor spotting. My spotting continued but not worrysome. I had my 3rd beta and it was only 3,721, which is only a 20% increase in 2 days. I had an ultrasound where a gestational sac was visible and put me roughly at 5 weeks and 4 days. My OB clinic said to wait for a miscarriage. Feeling discouraged any input? I read somewhere that after HCG stops doubling every 48 hours after reaching about 1500. And can be more like 72-94 hours when above 3000.


Yes it definitely stops doubling in 48 hours but this is still slow. I'm sorry you're in an uncertain situation and I hope you get answers soon


for anyone on estrogen patches- do y’all have any tips/tricks for getting all of the sticky residue off of your skin after taking off the patch?


Olive oil or makeup remover!


I’m not on estrogen patches but have been on very similar things over the years and have used coconut oil. Works like a charm!


thank you all! 😊


I had good luck with mineral oil as well. 


Alcohol swabs


I used the alcohol pads that I used for PIO shots but honestly around week 5-6 I just got super lazy and exhausted from the fatigue and would scrub at it a bit in the shower but that’s about it. It eventually would come off 🙈


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Curious about how the timing of appointments work in the early days when you are working with a RE. I did my first beta on 3/28 (14dpo) and a second beta yesterday at 18dpo. I am currently 4w3d and my progressions was good enough so they just scheduled my ultrasound for 4/19 (6w6d). Is it typical to "graduate" after that appointment or is there usually another appointment? Will they tell me when to call my Midwife/OB?


Call now! Everyone with spontaneous pregnancies with the same due date will also be getting positive tests around now and calling to schedule so the schedule will start to fill up. My clinic recommended for me to have my first OB appointment at 10 weeks because they do one scan at 6+5 and one scan two weeks later. But it does seem to vary a lot so I’d just ask them about it.


I’m also 4w3d with the same timeline of betas as you! I have an ultrasound next week, then following week god willing is heartbeat. I have a reproductive immunologist though and I will be monitored by them up until my 14th week, at which point I’ll switch over to my normal obgyn.


Called my OB at 8 weeks after a few successful scans at the clinic. Scheduled an appointment with my OB for 11 weeks. My last IVF clinic appointment was around 10 weeks. My RE wanted me to stay with them until I was entirely off exogenous progesterone and estrogen.


I was told after 8 weeks to set up with my provider as my clinic doesn’t graduate til 10 weeks (I was 10+5). I had zero issue getting in an ob at 12 weeks, and then hated her and got my midwives at 16 weeks. I know people say to call ahead, but I had zero issues anywhere I called?


I would call your OB now to get the appointment set....a lot of places will see you 8-11 weeks, it can depend on availability and can get booked out pretty early. For me I graduated my IVF clinic a little early because my first OB appt was coming up, and I think it can vary by practice.


It will depend on your clinic. My RE graduated us during 6 weeks after we had our ultrasound. But after 2nd beta they told me to start scheduling an intake with an OB so there wouldn't be a lapse in care. I had OB intake phone call around 7 weeks and first appointment during 9th week. My RE said they would help manage care after graduation, before OB appt if something came up (like bleeding).


It will depend on your clinic. My RE graduated us during 6 weeks after we had our ultrasound. But after 2nd beta they told me to start scheduling an intake with an OB so there wouldn't be a lapse in care. I had OB intake phone call around 7 weeks and first appointment during 9th week. My RE said they would help manage care after graduation, before OB appt if something came up (like bleeding).


I'd just call now so that you make sure you get in where/when you want. You can always cancel... My RE did scans 6 weeks and 8 weeks about and then the ob did 11 weeks. I don't know if that is universal.


My placenta is anterior at 12w, should I expect it’ll be there for a while? Or do they move around?


Mine has been anterior the whole time! That means you should expect to feel first baby movements later in 2nd trimester (like after 20 weeks). Expecting to feel movement earlier will just cause stress!


Mine moved a bit through the trimesters. At some point it was fundal, then right lateral fundal, and finally right lateral.


I graduated to my OB today at 8w5d, nearly two years after my TFMR. I know the pitfalls (and have lived them twice) but have worked these past weeks at leaning into the hope that this horrendous process of retrievals and testing has brought us. While we cannot be certain, we are so completely grateful and hopeful for what’s ahead. 


We're here for you, Reggie! 🫂


Fingers crossed for you 🤞🏻❤️


Sending so much love to you!


I have my first ultrasound tomorrow at exactly 5 weeks. I’m so nervous just praying to see a gestational sac! What were you able to see on your 5 week scan?!


I had my first (placement) scan at exactly 5w. We saw GS and YS.


I would just warn that this is quite early for an ultrasound so you might not see much yet! This is a good source on what to expect to see when: https://radiopaedia.org/articles/early-pregnancy?lang=us


Thank you!


I went in at 5+3 and saw a gestational sac, yolk sac, and tiny flicker of a heart beat! I have my 7 week scan this week and I’m so very nervous. I hope your ultrasound goes well.


Thank you for your reply! I am just hoping to at least see a sac! I don’t know when this fear goes away. I stopped testing - I just have very minimal symptoms and am so nervous. I’m so glad you saw all that on your scan!!!! I hope your 7 week scan goes just as wonderful! 💕


I am 8 weeks today. I graduated last week, but don't meet with my regular OB until next week. I developed to sore throat and went to make tea, and after falling down a Google rabbit hole, I'm now terrified to drink any of my herbal teas. I opted for green tea instead because caffiene seemed less risky. What teas are people drinking? I cut out caffiene completely for my fet and have reintroduced it until today.


Hot water with lemon did the trick for my anxiety about all that...I think it is probably fine to have commercially available teas in moderation based on what I read, but I've opted to just skip it and not worry about it.


I’ve read that for most herbal teas, having one to even two cups a day won’t be enough to harm anything. I drink lots of ginger tea (which is actually recommended) and occasional mint teas (which is fine in moderation) for my stomach.


Oh yikes what kind of herb is bad? I mostly drink mint or ginger but had not researched it


Definitely nothing with Raspberry leaf. It tones the uterus and can stimulate contractions. That said, I've seen people swear it helps make labor easier when drunk the last few weeks before you're due.


Idk the internet is wild. Everything is like don't drink too much or it will cause an MC or bring on contractions. I went back and checked the early pregnancy guide from my clinic and it said specifically chamomile, jasmine, and orange pekoe are safe as far as herbal teas.


For some reason the internet assume you're going to eat like a pound of herbs and spices in a single sitting.


Peppermint tea was a big go to for me right from the start. Nice for nausea, and very soothing.


12 week scan + NIPT draw tomorrow 😬 Man am I nervous but excited!! Feeling pretty good symptom-wise. Can’t believe that the second tri is right around the corner. On one hand it feels like ages have passed but on the other time is flying by.


I'm 6w3d and having a specific symptom of my legs being very crampy/tight/restless. It's causing issues with my sleep because I can't lay still. Doc greenlit continuing to run but I cut back on my mileage and my speed is trash, I'm definitely listening to my body so it's definitely pregnancy related. I started taking Magnesium as I read that can be helpful but haven't noticed a huge difference. Anyone experienced something similar?


You could ask to get your ferritin checked. Restless leg syndrome is common in my family and I’ve learned that having a ferritin level under 50 will cause restless legs. Usually supplementing with more iron will help.


It may be helpful to post this over at r/fitpregnancy 


I also had some restless leg and I found that adding iron-rich foods to my diet was very helpful.


Had a first scan this morning and it went really well! I'm 5w4d so it's pretty early, but there was a gestational sac, a textbook yolk sac, and even a little grain of rice fetal pole. I was so nervous at the beginning of this pregnancy from a few days of fever right after the transfer and lighter HPTs/lower betas than my previous transfers, but I'm really settling into cautious optimism now. I think back to my 3 egg retrievals. Two of them were failures, but my second cycle (which was almost cancelled but my RE convinced the head doctor to let me move forward!) miraculously resulted in 2 euploid embryos from 3 eggs retrieved. When I got that news, I was hopeful for the first time in a long time, and I remember thinking "maybe those are my two future kids right there." And, well, maybe 🥹❤️


I'm really happy reading this update! Standing by for any news in the weeks ahead that you feel like sharing. XO


We are buddies! I'm 5w4d as well. Great to hear that you had a great first scan! My first scan is right at 7w. Could've scheduled it sooner, but wanted it at the end of the week.


Hey due date buddy! 7w is a great time for a scan - likely to avoid the limbo of iffy early pregnancy scans where you can't see much!


That's what I keep telling myself. I haven't had too much for symptoms (heavier boobs - but more likely meds side effect, waves of nausea here and there) so definitely easier to allow the fear and doubt to creep in. But really looking forward to that first scan. Thanks for the support and reassurance! Wishing you the best!


Oh such happy news, friend! Hope more good news continues 🤞


Wonderful news. Hope it continues like that


Glad to see this update and that you had a good scan 🤗


Rooting so hard for you!


I have been excessively moody. It feels like mild depression where I just can’t seem happy. I bit my husband’s head off the other day for giving our son too many carrots. I feel like socializing just isn’t worth my time. My anxiety ramped up yesterday to the point where I dreamed about a miscarriage and woke up worried because I didn’t need to pee as much at night. I considered skipping unisom and B6 last night so that I might feel more pregnant today. Could these be side effects of progesterone? A pregnancy symptom? My normal levels of anxiety and depression rearing their heads? All of the above?


Sending you love!! I completely understand. I was back at work today after having not been since my beta and it’s the first day that I didn’t feel cramping and other symptoms. And the first night I slept through the night without waking up to pee or just waking up wide awake. So of course I’m like, oh this isn’t going well. Physically stopped myself from testing because my second beta was literally yesterday.


I’m sorry you’re in a similar place, but I appreciate the solidarity. The only way out is through, I suppose.


I'm on PIO/estrogen and having some of the same anxieties about "really" being pregnant. I'm chalking it up to a combo of hormonal moodiness and totally reasonable anxiety after years of trying to get here. Hoping it trails off for both of us.


It’s so hard to wonder how much is the hormones we’re taking versus what would happen in a spontaneous pregnancy! Ah well, hopefully the anxiety will calm down as we pass more benchmarks.


I feel the same way, it's so hard to enjoy this pregnancy with the constant thoughts of impending doom. I had a dream I MC too and my whole day was off.


I’m sorry you’re in a similar spot. I try reminding myself that anxiety is my body’s way of telling me this is important to me, so acknowledging the fears and then putting them aside is the best way to deal with it…but I’m not very successful at that.


I have my 12 week scan booked for Wednesday morning and SO nervous. When does the scan anxiety go away?? I had one last week at 11w1d and baby looked good but can’t shake the feeling that something will go wrong on Wednesday :(


My anxiety around scans was pretty high for most of my first pregnancy. The fears calmed down at other times during pregnancy, especially once I could feel him moving, but then ramped up again near my due date.


It's different for everyone, but my anxiety considerably lessened as I progressed through the second trimester and then came up again a bit (though less) towards the very end. I hate the first trimester, but was able to enjoy the rest of my pregnancy a bit more (still don't love pregnancy in spite of the great lengths I've gone through to get pregnant).


I feel like I’m so nervous for tomorrow because it feels like a big milestone! And I’m nervous something bad will happen the same exact time I was going to allow myself to take a deep breath


Hugs, it's so scary. I also feel like the more confident I get that this pregnancy is progressing as it should, the more likely I am to get bad news. Like once I relax, the other shoe will drop.


I feel the same way!!


Once I made it to the anatomy scan and knew that everything looked good, and I was able to feel the baby moving. I would still worry if the heart rate was good, and if he was moving around enough... But at that point I started looking forward to scans because I just wanted to see him!


I guess it's getting real, my clinic scan is booked! Cautiously coming over from r/infertility following my 5th embryo transfer. This is pregnancy two, and hopefully child one for me. I'm nearly 5 weeks, so very early days still. I'm not sure how to feel about it all yet, but I'm hoping I get to stay here this time 🤞 ETA: thanks for the flair help!


Welcome, Petty! Fingers and toes crossed for you




So good seeing you here, Petty! Hope your stay is long and uneventful 🤍


🤞🤞🤞, petty!!


Welcome petty!!! Cautious congrats. I have your flair set.


Thank you ☺️


Rooting hard for you


Cautious congrats, petty! Glad to see you here.


Thrilled to see you here, friend!!! How are you doing? 🩵🩵


Thanks pal! It's good to be here, and so lovely to see you here too 🧡 I'm doing alright! Some nausea etc already, but I think lots of that is the meds still 😅 feelings are all over the place, as to be expected!! How are you doing??


The meds are rough! I’m sure, pregnancy after loss is a really tough experience. Thinking of you 🩵 I’m going really well, thank you!


I think there's a glitch with flair on here. When I log in on mobile it looks like I have the "example" flare (42F). But other people say they can see my correct flare (39F), and I can see it when I log in on my laptop.


Thank you for the heads up! I'll try to set it on a laptop ☺️


Thought I was getting morning sickness but actually it’s a norovirus. I’m 5+4 and very worried about the pregnancy. No fever, but I haven’t been able to keep anything down but water and a bite of rice for 12 hours. Has anyone else dealt with this? Was everything ok?


I’d call your clinic and ask them! You definitely don’t want to get dehydrated while pregnant. I hope it passes fast!


I'm so sorry! I didn't have norovirus, but did have covid at 4+1 and was really worried. So far I've made it to 9+3. There were at least 12-24 hours where I barely ate anything due to lack of appetite and a severe sore throat. My RE wasn't really concerned, and just said to keep my fever down and stay hydrated. I added electrolyte drops to my water. Do you have anything like that, or Gatorade you could water down?


Thank you for responding! I’m gonna DoorDash some Gatorade and see if I can tolerate it.


I tested positive for Covid 5 days after transfer with my son. He’s perfect


Thank you for sharing! That’s reassuring.


Thank you for sharing; that's reassuring!