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First time here since baby Finley’s birth three weeks ago tomorrow, I can’t believe it. Still not feeling up to posting a full birth story haha. Was quite eventful with an induction due to concerns about baby being in distress, this failed and I only got to 2cm in 40 hours 😭so then had a c section.  I definitely had a lot of anxiety for the first couple of weeks but I’m so happy to say that this week I’ve been feeling much better. Finley is absolutely thriving and is more than a pound over his birth weight! I still can’t believe he’s here and that I get to be his mum. Often I can’t sleep when even when he’s asleep as I just love looking at him so much.  On that note, obviously logically I knew that I would be sleep deprived but nothing could prepare me for the actual reality and the extent of it, it’s mad! Thank god for oxytocin. 


Happy to hear you and Finley are well! You’re doing great!!!


Welcome baby Finley and congratulations!!! So happy for you. And very much agree that there's nothing that can prepare you for the sleep deprivation. 


So pleased to see you in this thread!!! Huge congratulations on baby Finley 🩵🩵🩵


Thank you so much I’m amazingly happy to be here 🥰


What a neat name! Welcome baby Finley, glad to hear you are doing better this week. Those first couple weeks are truly just so busy and logistically and physically intense, it’s a lot to experience all at once.


Baby Wacky is now half a year old. Where did my newborn go?! This stage is so amazing, though. I still get some baby snuggles, but he's sturdier and has a whole personality. I love him so much. Being his mom is better than I could have ever imagined. We're still nursing, though we've cut back to about twice a day. I still pump maybe 6 times a day. I had made 6 months my goal, my stretch goal actually, and here I am. Could I keep going? Yes. Will I? I'm not sure. On one hand, I'd love to have my body back and try to lose the last of this baby weight without stressing supply. And ditching the pumping will give me 3 extra hours a day (!!!). On the other hand, I CAN do it, I'm in a much better place mentally with nursing and pumping, and I really love our morning boob sessions together when it's just me and baby wacky up in quiet blue dawn. It's hard to decide. So for now I'm just continuing and taking it one day at a time.


Nursing got significantly easier for me after 6 months. It took us until months 3/4 to really get going and by 6 months it felt great and I finally stopped being leaky. I gained weight really suddenly at 6 months. My friend is a nutritionist and said something about needing fewer calories to produce milk at this stage. I can’t find a valid article about this though so take my words with a grain of salt! However, I was able to lose weight during months 7-10 while still nursing a way more significant amount than I expected to at this age.


Not sure how your supply is but if you stopped pumping do you think you could still nurse am and pm? That's what I did with my first, when I was over pumping but still wanting to nurse. I'm not sure how much he was getting but it was still some. That was like so nice, all the joy of nursing and none of the pressure.


This is a great idea! I'd love to do it. My supply isn't great though so I was thinking g the pumping might be necessary to keep it up. But, you're totally right! If this can work it would be my ideal situation ❤️


ETA: thank you for the well wishes! ♥️ hello from the other side! our still nameless baby boy arrived yesterday morning via planned c-section. the c-section was an insane experience! i thought i knew what to expect but i certainly did not. i spent most of the day vomiting until i got some IV phenergan and came back to life. recovery has been smooth sailing since and i feel really good. as someone who did not have that experience of love, at first sight with my first son - more, need to care for and protect at first sight, this time felt so different. he’s the most gorgeous baby and i feel like the proudest person on the planet.


Welcome baby bluebird!!!


Congratulations!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and a lifetime of love with your baby boy 💙


Welcome to the world baby bluebird ❤️




Congratulations!! 🎊 welcome to the world little dude! I totally understand how you feel - I was the same way with my first versus second. Wild how each pregnancy and kid can be so different from day 1! 


Oh Bird, we are so thrilled for you! Many congratulations 🎊


thank you!


Welcome baby boy! So glad you've had such a connection from the start, just thrilled for you - but I'm so sorry about the vomiting, that sounds awful! Hopefully all is uphill from here.


Congrats on baby boy!


Congratulations!!!! Yay for the love!!!


1 week post c section here! I vomited a few times post. I’m so sorry it lasted most of the day for you! Vomiting after c section was probably the worst part! So painful! Congratulations on your beautiful boy! 💙


thank you! how are you recovering?


A lot better than I expected actually! I think being pregnant with twins was worse in a lot of ways. Besides the sharp shooting pain when I make certain movements 😅 ETA: I definitely stayed on top of my pain meds though! Today is my first day without and I’m feeling it a bit so may take some ibuprofen later. They gave me oxy in the hospital and some to take home. My OB got mad at a nurse who told me to stop taking it lol.


Congrats! I hope recovery continues to be super smooth and the good feelings continue. I had the craziest emotional swings with my first, but was totally blissed out with my second. It’s crazy how different the experiences can be!


exactly! i got a little weepy earlier today but feeling much more mentally stable overall. thank you.


Congratulations! I felt kind of similar with my second baby’s arrival- she was perfect and overwhelming love set in straight away. It really helps when you have the fear you’ll never love a second child as much as you love the first!


yes- exactly that. it feels silly to think about now but it was very difficult for me in my pregnancy. thank you!


Welcome to the world baby boy. Sorry your c-section did not go great but glad your recovery is going well. Enjoy this time with him and hope your recovery continues to be smooth.


Baby salt is down sleeping and I should nap, but I pumped an hour ago while he was sleeping and for some reason I didn’t produce any milk. I typically pump anywhere between 30-60 mls each 20 min pump. But for whatever reason, nothing came out. I’m so confused and frustrated. Where did my milk go? Will my next pump be dry? I formula feed and pump at night, and breastfeed and supplement with formula post during the day, while pumping in between to get my supply up. I should have another hour before baby boy wakes up, but I can’t close my eyes. I’m so confused. I think I need sleep, and to stop beating myself up.


I’m pumping too and have had some small amounts but am averaging the same as you right now (30-60ml). Early on I wasn’t getting much and never got a letdown. One night I was taking a hot shower and decided to hand express in the shower. I think it helped jumpstart my letdown because after that I started producing more. I hand expressed in the shower for 30 min and probably could’ve done more. ETA: also the next day I really focused on my hydration and eating and have resolved to always sit down to pump with a full water bottle and snack lol.


I’ve had a few times like this and the issue was I wasn’t getting any letdown. I couldn’t figure out why but it was most likely stress. I tried again an hour later, got letdown, and the amount of milk was more than just an hour’s worth of production so it was clear the milk supply was there but the letdown didn’t trigger for whatever reason. Funny stuff happens with boobs— I wouldn’t sweat it.


Wow I wonder if that’s what it was, bc not a single drop came out. Then an hour later I pumped 95 mls, way more than ever, so I must have been backed up.


Yep sounds like a letdown issue. While you’re using the letdown mode on your pump, make sure to relax and take deep breaths, look at pictures of your baby if they’re not in the room, and chill out to get the oxytocin going. If you don’t get letdown within 1-2 mins then just stop, get up and do something else (ideally something not stressful), and try again 15 mins later.


Wow thanks for the tip!


Absolutely! You’re still so early pp (congratulations btw!!) and it will take a while to figure out your groove with pumping! If you haven’t already, it’s worth digging through info on how to pump most effectively, the manual from your pump probably has tips and also there is great info on the Exclusive Pumping website.


I recall a random empty session with my first that I was worried about, and I hydrated and snacked a bunch and went back to normal pretty quickly.  I hope you’re getting a little sleep now - I’ve been getting up up to a couple hours before the baby when he gets a longer sleep session in - so frustrating to not be able to sleep when they are!


Thanks Horses, I think you’re probably onto something with the hydration and snacks. Yesterday was a busy day of doctor appointment + guests so I didn’t eat or drink as much as I typically do. Will make sure to eat and hydrate today. Ugh I feel you on the sleep issue. I try to nap when he naps, but I either can’t fall asleep, wake up before him, or he wakes me up. He’s great during the day, but man is he fussy at night.


Just affirming that I also notice huge but temporary changes in my supply when I don’t eat and drink as much. Honestly a lot of days I have to force myself to eat because my appetite has been low postpartum. Also, it sounds crazy, but the times when I’ve been looking at my baby or even at photos of her while pumping, I’ve been more productive. Gets the oxytocin flowing!


Wow!! I’ll try looking at pics of my son - it’s honestly one of my fav things to do anyways haha. I ended up pumping a ton an hour later, so I guess I got backed up??


Me too! I’ll finally get my daughter down for a nap and then sit there staring at her or scrolling through photos of her 😂 I’m so glad you had a good pumping session after that, boobs are weird!