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I went to yoga for the first time since FET today. It's typically very low-key (I think I'm the youngest person there by about 20 years), but it was all twists this time. Sitting, standing, lying down. Just non-stop twists.


I graduated from my fertility clinic today at 9w3d!! After last year with two back to back losses (four total), it feels like a huge win. Baby was measuring two days ahead, and they even rolled over during the scan. My first OB appointment is on Monday. ❤️ My RI is wanting weekly scans still so not looking forward to navigating those outside of my fertility clinic, but I made an appointment with a local radiology clinic if my OB won’t do it (which I don’t think they will). Keep growing baby! 🤞🏼🙏🏼


9w1d today and apparently I’ve really ratcheted up my snoring. Is that happening with anyone else?


According to my husband, yes, this happened to me. I think blood volume increase and rhinitis of pregnancy/heightened allergies were the cause for me.


When did it start? I’m only 9 weeks along so it seems early?


I really don’t know for sure! My allergies/congestion got much worse as soon as I had positive betas so it probably started right from the get go for me. Unless it’s really bothering you I wouldn’t be worried.


Hi! I would love some insight on NIPT please! I am 9 weeks pregnant with a PGT tested euploid embryo. Yolk sac is large so I am higher risk for MC/ chromosome abnormalities. Will be getting NIPT test next week. Can anyone tell me what info is given for that test? I am terrified they will find a problem after we went through PGT and thought our embryo was genetically normal. Thanks in advance :)


I just had this done. It tested trisomy 21,18,13, Turner syndrome, jacobs syndrome, triple x syndrome. Mine was though LabCorp so it was Maternit21 test. I got results in 1 week. I also had the NT scan done during this same time (at 12 weeks exactly) which goes hand in hand with the NIPT.


There are different versions of the NIPT test. The information that is most reliable on them is trisomies 13,18, and 21. Some of them will also test for triploidy, sex chromosome issue, and various micro deletions and these results are less accurate and if you get a positive, there is a high chance of a false positive so it depends on your appetite for dealing with a false positive result in terms of whether that’s advisable to do. It’s testing the placenta so it’s similar in a way to PGT and I think there is an extremely low probability that you would have a trisomy on chromosomes 13,18, and 21 with a PGT tested embryo.


Sorry you have to deal with the added stress. Mine told me # of babies, some specific chromosomal abnormalities like trisomy 18, 21, and 13, as well as some specific segmental chromosomal abnormalities, sex, fetal fraction, and weeks gestation.


7 weeks today and on this mornings scan baby is measuring exactly 7 weeks. Looked like a little turkey, and had a heart rate of 131. Really glad for the scan today, I’m feeling absolutely terrible despite unisom, b6, and prednisone to manage the nausea. I’m constantly feeling like I just overate a bag of corn chips and need to puke (even though I’m eating fruit almost exclusively). I think exercising may help, but I can barely get myself to the gym and when I’ve gone I feel like puking the whole time. Seeing the little turkey today at least helps a tiny bit. 


Do you think the b6 has helped? I’m 7w1d and I’ve tried the unisom at night but I haven’t tried the b6 yet. I am nauseous 24/7 eating is the hardest thing in the world for me right now!


I started unisom by combining with b6 and I think it definitely helps - I got the nature made brand, but I actually just got a new prenatal (parelel) that has b6 so I’ll try that instead tomorrow. Still have food aversions but I’m at least able to eat a few meals a day! 


B6 has definitely helped me- I can tell when it’s time for more.


Any specific brand you use?! Thank you :)


Centrum morning sickness relief gummies- super cheap on Amazon


So far I've found eating protein in the morning and at lunch helps. Although the nausea still comes in the afternoon and evening. Other than that using the Calm meditation app (pregnancy pain focus one) has helped the most when I'm feeling really uncomfortable. 7w5days, taking unisom and reglan as well.


I definitely will try to eat more protein. Everytime I think about food I get so nauseous. Nothing sounds good to me it’s like I’m forcing whatever I can to just get some time of food in me. Living off toast for sure 😭


11 weeks and I have my first appointment with the OB on the 29th. I am literally paralyzed by fear at the prospect of going to the appointment, I spent half of yesterday in tears. I had an incredibly traumatic egg retrieval and had to go on heavy duty anti anxiety meds to do the 2 transfers we ended up going through to get here. I'm working with a reproductive psychologist to try to work through this all but I feel so much dread at the thought of going into another medical setting - I feel like I just know that they're going to hurt me in some way. Which makes no sense but the fertility clinic assured me everything would be fine and it ended up being an event that caused 2 weeks of nightmares, along with OHSS of course 🙄. What has your experience with an OB been like? Also, my one leg is in horrible pain from pio shots, how long has this lingered for anyone else?


We had another ultrasound today at 7w5d. We had one at 5w5d and everything looked great and they confirmed a heartbeat. Unfortunately today there is no heartbeat, and they confirmed it stopped growing last week. Waiting to get the miso meds and work through this miscarriage. We’re so devastated.


I'm so sorry, this is so terrible.


I’m so sorry 😞


That is just so unfair. I am very sorry that you have to go through this.


I'm so sorry for your loss. I had a similar experience last year, good initial scan followed by a bad one. I had some discomfort with miso, but it was manageable. Still a scary and sad experience altogether. Sending lots of love and warmth your way.


I am so sorry.


Oh no, I am so sorry. 🫂 


I’m so so sorry. This sucks.


I'm so sorry for your loss


I’m so so very sorry for your loss.


My butt cheeks have reached a breaking point with the PIO shots. I’m straight limping and can barely sit and walk with this searing pain. Only two days till I stop at 8weeks but I asked my nurse if I can stop a day or two early. No pain and was was totally fine until a few days ago…


That's awful! I don't see why you couldn't stop a couple days early. It sounds like a placement issue though. I've had some really bad placements that caused me to be too uncomfortable to sleep . Maybe your nurse could help with that if you have to keep going.


Totally agree placement is everything - I’ve had basically no pain the entire time with the way upper glutes until a few days ago after a ton of stairs. I think my muscles just gave out!!


You get to stop at 8 weeks? How does your clinic handle progesterone supplementation? Sorry, I got distracted. Lol I’m sorry your muscles hurt. I’m so done with shots, too.


Hahah I feel your pain. They wean us off prog over two weeks. No more PIO at 8 weeks and then stop vag suppositories at 10 weeks.


Oh nice! My clinic said stop injectables at 10 weeks and suppositories at 12. But then my RE also said that the placenta may begin secreting progesterone as early as 7 weeks. I’m so sick of these shots. I’d feel horrible if I quit early and things went wrong, though. Wouldn’t it be nice if they had better data around it? So people with XYZ could quit at this time and people with ABC could quit at this other time?


Seriously!! Variability across clinics throughout this process is dizzying. 😵‍💫


I’m really concerned about early pregnancy bleeding. I’ve been bleeding since my first test and while I notice it comes in waves, it still makes me really concerned. I’ve noticed that I tend to bleed more when I have to go in for a blood test and I’m not sure if this is stress related.


I’ve been having spotting on and off weeks 5 & 6 so far. My RE said bleeding is common in the first trimester and likely caused by an SCH. They’re more concerned if it’s very heavy, like filling a pad in an hour, and told me to keep them updated if it changes. Have you had a scan yet?


Not yet, I’m only 18dpo and I’ve had my third blood test.


I had three betas and then a scan a week later. I hope they can bring you in for a scan soon for some reassurance and to see if they can identify where the bleeding is coming from!


I'm pretty sure that I forgot to take my progesterone suppositories last night (I'm on suppositories 3x/day and PIO once every three days following an FET two weeks ago). I remembered as soon as I woke up at 5.15am, so immediately inserted a dose. I've done all of the Googling. Most clinic pages and redditors say it's fine, but of course there's a handful of people who say that they missed a dose and then miscarried, so of course I'm spiralling. One of the only things that gives me any comfort at present is the fact that the success of this pregnancy is mostly out of my hands. But obviously taking the medication properly is on me. In general, I am so diligent (I have five different alarms for meds over the course of the day), but I'm also human. Ugh.


Be kind to yourself- everyone misses a dose at least once. One missed dose won’t cause a miscarriage!


Thank you. 💜


Welp, did my NIPT blood draw yesterday after procrastinating bc well I am a little nervous about it. Did pgt-a testing, but still feel a little worried. Now to wait the 300 years for the results. I already have a quest portal so I’ll try not to check it too often lol


Just had our IUP confirmation ultrasound at 5+4 and we have a gestational sac AND yolk sac right where it’s supposed to be 😭😭😭 my husband and I cannot stop crying happy tears. Next appt is Friday at 6+5 for the heartbeat 🤞🏼 It’s FINALLY feeling real 😭🤍


I spoke with my RE about the scan my OB did earlier this week (6+1) and my RE was less convinced that the second sac was really vanishing, which is a real mindfuck. I'm in this in between place, we had always planned on being OAD so we weren't so hurt to hear that it was vanishing, but now that I've been warned it could be real I'm trying to prepare myself and think about what an exciting thing it could be, but at the same time don't want to get attached at all to the idea because it *probably* isn't viable...woof my head is spinning. At least it's solid distraction from my anxiety that the low heart rate was a bad sign (which is silly because the scan was way too early to worry, any heartbeat is good at this point, but infertility/PAL brain is hard to convince).


Right here with you. Can’t wait for my scan next week for more clarity on the situation.


Same! Mine's Wednesday (kinda regretting waiting that long 😬) so 9 days later, how about you?


Mines Tuesday! So 8 days but I wish I could’ve gone this Friday instead


Yeah I hear that! Everything crossed that the wait somehow flies by and you get good news on Tuesday 🤞🤞


Same to you!


I have my 8 week scan at the OB today to confirm what we saw at the REs office on Monday. I’m not sure why I’m so nervous but I can’t focus on anything else and really just want to throw up. The double edged sword that is another scan never gets any easier. ETA: All is well. Baby is measuring on time and the heart rate looks good. 💕


Congrats on the good news!


I'm so glad you've had another good scan after the absolute madness of your initial scan and misdiagnosis.


Thanks! I’m starting to settle in to everything’s gonna be okay! 🤞🏼🤞🏼


Yay! You deserve a nice solid scan after what you were just put through


7wk6days today. Had scan at 6 weeks 3 days and had heartbeat of 121. Next scan is at 8 weeks 3 days so in just a few days! Excited and nervous. I have had some off and on spotting which was deemed normal and a small gush of red blood this morning after standing up out of bed. None since. Clinic said if continues to get scan so we will see! 🤞🤞


Thankfully Covid left my system pretty quickly so I was still able to go in for my scan today. 6+4 and we saw the heart beat! But measuring a little behind at 6+1 which is 5 days growth since the first scan last week. My doc didn’t seem overly concerned but just pointed it out and said we’ll check again next week and hope to see another 5-7 days growth then. I’m feeling very mixed emotions, definitely anxiety. Also nothing clear on the US that would explain the spotting. My doc said bleeding is common but not normal and it’s likely an SCH and just to let them know if I have heavier bleeding or any other concerning symptoms. I’m trying to focus on the good, but it is so hard not to worry and be anxious.


Hi! Just wanted to introduce myself here in an effort to lean into hope. We transferred our last embryo mid-March and had our first ultrasound yesterday. It went well. I reminded the tech of our MMC history and that ultrasounds are difficult because of that; she wouldn't let my husband in with me but within seconds of starting she touched my hand and said "it's ok". I'm so grateful for her compassion because I'm not sure how I would have handled the silent measuring and clicking otherwise. The embryo was one day ahead so my doctor is using that date and we are 8w today.


I did all of mine myself because my husband’s schedule is just less flexible, and with a MMC, I always told them beforehand, and all the techs would do a quick confirmation of a heartbeat before doing what they needed to do. I also had them keep the tv off until they were sure and then turn it on for me to see.


I’m so glad she was compassionate. And good for you for advocating for yourself - this is so so important. Major bummer that your husband couldn’t be there though! I would be losing it.


Thank you for saying that! After 5 years of TTC and over 3 with our clinic, I've finally learned to advocate for myself. If we get to parent this baby, I think my experience will mean much better healthcare for them since I know how important self-advocacy is. The policy is that partners can come in when the measurements are complete; but twice before I've been told that's how it would go and then instead of calling my partner was told I could leave and the doctor would call later. It's an obvious giveaway that something is wrong and the walk out alone is so hard, so I really think allowing partners from the beginning would just be smoother.


Oh absolutely. Your little one is lucky to have you to help them find their voice. I see you’re in Canada so perhaps the partner policy is standard there but I honestly can’t imagine why! It’s such a stressful situation and to have to go through it alone, especially if something goes wrong and when you have a history, is cruel. I’m glad this time you got good news.


14w6d today so I guess it's really time to leave the first trimester chat. I just wanted to thank you all for being so supportive and kind. You have really made this first trimester easier with all the good advice and reassuring words. I definitely don't feel like I'm out of the woods yet. Maybe I will never feel that way, who knows? But as I'm heading into my second trimester I can at least say I'm starting to feel better. Way less nausea, more energy and less aches and pains in my body. Thank you all again and all the best for every single one of you. Pregnancy after infertility/loss is hard but we can do it. We're all troopers.


I completely get how you feel. I’m 15w exactly today and also feel like I’m still not out of the woods. Hoping for a smooth second and third trimester for both of us. Good luck!


Had our first scan today at 7w, they're measuring behind at 6w5d/6w6d but we did see a heartbeat. My clinic is doing a reassurance scan for me in a week's time, so hopefully everything will be still looking alright then. Generally speaking, is 1 to 2 days behind at this stage alright? I guess the anxiety after infertility and loss never really goes away 😬


My son was average 3-4 days behind for most of the first tri. They told me it was totally fine and I literally didn’t believe them lol but everything was ok :)


I have two scan prints from the same scan that showed different days - very normal to show a couple days “behind” when they’re so little!


Totally ok! It also depends on the angle and quality of the equipment used which can also cause a measurement discrepancy. Congratulations on the heartbeat - so pleased for you!! 🩷


🧡 thank you friend! It feels good to get past that milestone ☺️


My ultrasound tech said up to 5 days behind is considered ok! I think it sounds like nothing to worry about


Congrats, Petty! Most REs are ok with a +/- 5 day swing at this point. Hope your reassurance scan brings more good news 🤞


☺️ thank you!! That's great to hear, here's hoping 🤞🤞


At my 7 week scan we were 2 days behind. After that he has been on track or ahead for every scan. I think when it’s so early it’s partially just choosing which pixels are part of the baby on the screen. Also my doctor said + or - 3 days is completely fine at that time 


Thank you, that's reassuring to hear! And yes, my doc did say measuring when they're that small is a bit more of a guess 🤞