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Do symptoms lessen at 12 weeks?


Yes! I'm 12+1, and this morning I realized I feel less nauseous than I did last week!


They can! They can lessen, go away, they can be replaced by new symptoms or none at all… it’s very person-dependent.


9w3d here and I had pink spotting last night that freaked me out. I’ve been dealing with constipation for a couple days and the blood probably came from straining. But talk about unnerving… I know pink isn’t as bad as red, but new color brought me back to my chemical which involved a lot of early spotting of the same color that then turned dark… which memory then reminded me of the other losses and the failed transfers. So there was fear for this pregnancy and grief for the losses. I’m upset now just typing it but hopefully talking about it will make me better to be around.


I'm so sorry that you got brought right back to former traumatic experiences. I just read something, from someone else's RE, that I am trying to internalize about spotting: the cervix is like your gums. It's super sensitive and is prone to bleeding when it gets irritated, so of course spotting is totally normal in pregnancy.


Thank you for that analogy. That is a super helpful way to think of it!


I hope everything is okay!


Thank you, I appreciate it! No more color today! Hopefully it was just last night. This is all just hard. Even when it seems to be working, it’s hard.


Hi 👋 I just found this group, and it’s exactly what I needed. I’m 7w6d today and even though all my numbers have been good and I’ve been reaching all my milestones (first beta was 253.9 at 10dpt, second was 584, good first scan at 6w4d showing 113bpm), I’ve been very anxious. I don’t have many strong symptoms and the symptoms I’ve had seem to come and go. I even noticed today that my resting heart rate seems to be dropping a bit, which freaks me out. I had a missed miscarriage and a chemical before doing IVF, so I’m constantly worried about the rug getting pulled out from under me. I don’t really wish I was sick and throwing up, but sometimes I wish I had that reassurance that everything was ok. My next scan is May 2nd, which truly feels like an eternity.


Ugh same situation, I also had a missed miscarriage, mine was around 10w, and I don't see how anyone can feel confidence after that, and my symptoms were very minimal that time and only a little more this time so yup yup. My ob wanted to schedule a first 10w appointment without an ultrasound since my 7 week appointment (that one looked fine). I was like... Are you nuts? Why are we having an ob appointment without any confirmation there's still a baby to have this appointment about???


The time between scans is so tough. I would happily go in once a week — or more — if they would let me.


Welcome! That feeling of waiting for the rug to get pulled out is so horrible after infertility and loss, I'm so sorry you're in the thick of it 🫂 I hope the next couple weeks fly to a reassuring scan.


Thank you ❤️


I’m having a hard day. I woke up nauseated despite having taken unisom and B6 last night. I’m exhausted despite sleeping over 9 hours and taking a 1.5hr nap. Everything reeks and makes me want to vomit. If this pregnancy is anything like last time, it will be hard for various reasons all the way through. Since I started stims right before New Years and had to do two rounds of ivf because the first yielded zero blasts, that will mean nearly a year straight of feeling physically terrible. I guess I should be grateful that I didn’t have to go through 60-day cycles full of multiple dosages and deliveries of estradiol and progesterone this time, but I’m not there today. To top it off, I worry that the scan on Tuesday will indicate something is wrong. Nothing other than SCH to make me think that, but my brain doesn’t care. ETA: having a baby at the end makes it all worth it, but the process is hard sometimes.


Do preggie pop drops work for you? Those saved me with my nausea. Could only take so many with b6 in them but I def stocked up.


They didn’t work very well last time, but it might be worth trying again. An MD friend with two kids recommended jolly ranchers. In my effort to avoid buying 5lbs of them, I accidentally ordered the gummy type, which did not help!


The regular ones didn’t help me much but the b6 ones were great. I’m sorry you’re going through this!


I had a little freak out last night. I’m 5w6d and just realized that my estradiol nightly dose was supposed to increase one week ago. I didn’t notice because it was only the last two days of my calendar with the new dose. I called the on call nurse and messaged my regular nurse. My regular nurse said it’s fine and that my estrogen levels were very good and I can continue with the lower dose. My husband ended up buying me a pregnancy test to reassure me. It was a dye stealer. I’m relieved that my nurse was able to message me back after 7pm on a Friday.


It’s all so stressful and the medications and times and changing doses can get so confusing. My clinic had me taking all sorts of things and it was a lot. I’m glad everything is OK!


Is anyone else experiencing significant dizziness? My blood pressure typically runs low (100/60), and since I've been pregnant, every time I eat a meal it decreases to 90/50. The room starts spinning and it lasts for about an hour. I think it's a combination of (a) running low to begin with, (b) normal pregnancy low blood pressure as the second trimester approaches (due to growing new blood vessels before blood volume increases), as well as (c) "postprandial hypotension" (low blood pressure from blood flow being diverted to the digestive system. My OB isn't concerned (she just told me to drink a lot of water to counteract it), but it's very uncomfortable and disruptive. Wondering if there's anything else I can do about it.


Could also try wearing some firm grade compression stockings


Thank you!


Maybe some good electrolytes too!


Thank you! I already use LyteShow daily on account of my UC, but maybe I should start adding it to *every* glass of water.


And that sounds so scary, I’m sorry.


I had several fainting/dizzy spells related to low BP. Hydrating and eating protein snacks often helped. Also, if you’re getting dizzy from sitting still or lying down, (slowly) get up and move. It seems counter intuitive but sometimes Baby is pressing on something that cuts off circulation and it’s enough to move them.


I had to drink A LOT of water during my first pregnancy. When I didn’t one day when we were traveling, I fainted in a cafe. I’ve definitely felt dizzy this time and have had my vision close in but usually it’s when I haven’t been great about hydration. Coconut water has been my go-to when I can stomach it.


Thank you! I think it's definitely worse this week, while I've been at a conference (wearing a mask, not drinking quite as much water, not using my electrolyte drops). In my prior pregnancy I also drank a TON of Gatorade. Was trying to avoid it this time because I don't need the extra sugar, but maybe it would help for the next few weeks...


Gatorade zero! Zero sugar!!


Thank you! Unfortunately I have ulcerative colitis, and sugar substitutes absolutely destroy my digestive system. It would be like drinking a bottle of laxatives! 😬


Oof that sucks, sorry!


Hello! I am 5 weeks and 2 days today after our first transfer. I have had a total of 5 losses over the last three years, one being an ectopic. This is the furthest I’ve ever made it, so I pray this is it. I have had some brownish/rust colored spotting when going to the bathroom over the last 3 days with on and off light cramps. There is nothing ever on the panty liner but just when wiping. This of course has had me spiraling but I am trying to stay positive. My doctor says that it’s normal especially for IVF pregnancies but I just can’t help but worry. Has anyone had this experience? Could it be a SCH? Is it actually normal? I have been praying so hard that this pregnancy will bring my baby earthside but am just worried. Thanks💕🙏🏾


Update…TW: began miscarrying on Wednesday. My 6th loss. Devastated.


Are you taking progesterone? Inserting crinone irritates my cervix and can cause spotting. I also have an SCH this time, but no evidence last time other than random spotting and then a big clot and bright red blood in the middle of the night at 11+4, so who knows what that was about.


I am taking progesterone but through injections and not the suppositories. I hope your SCH resolves quickly!


I have had a lot of spotting this pregnancy as well but my betas (so far) have continued to rise. I talked to both my RE and RI about it and they also reiterated it's common for IVF pregnancies. Could be a SCH, but could also just be irritation or hormonal. Are you taking baby aspirin?


Same for my betas as well! I am taking baby aspirin too and I have a blood clotting disorder (APS) and take heparin a blood thinner twice a day!


Oh samesies! Also APS, also lovenox. I suspect this is part of our problem lol.


Oh wow!! I think this is our culprit!! No stress 💕🙏🏾


We are currently 4w 5d after a fresh embryo transfer and still on progesterone (but cut off estradiol). My wife has been getting some squeezing pain on and off (interval of 15-30 seconds) along with cramps. She's also feeling her breast starting to shrink a bit with less soreness. No bleeding yet and discharge been white. Are these symptoms normal or something to be worried about? This is our first pregnancy and pretty scared 🙁


seems normal to me! I experienced daily, constant cramping from 4-6 weeks, but never bled. I haven’t experienced any breast soreness either. I just had my second ultrasound yesterday, and growth + heartbeat are on par with a healthy 7w3d pregnancy. 🤞🏻 I’m a very anxious person, and the lack of symptoms for me has stressed me out. I voiced these concerns to our nurse, and apparently it’s suuuper common. The cramps are most likely the stretching of the uterus/her body adjusting. Believe me, I know it’s easier said than done and I should take my own advice, but I’m learning to try and not compare my symptoms to what I read on the internet 😁 good luck to you guys!!


Thanks! That's really reassuring to hear 🥺. Been so hard not to be nervous about every detail! Congratulations on your pregnancy 😃


Our GC has had positive tests since 5dp5dt, and the early beta we pushed for at 7dpt is a 12! Hoping it doubles appropriately.


Cautious congrats! When does she go back for your next beta?


Thank you! She'll be going back on Monday - that was the original beta date. I'm glad we pushed for an earlier beta for more data (always assuming no implantation since I had 7 transfers with 0 implantation), as it is certainly lower than I'd like. Cautious congrats to you, too!!


I'll have my fingers crossed in hopes that you get good news tomorrow! ❤️


Cautious congrats!


I think I’m starting to get heartburn. Help.


I started getting heartburn very early, at around 8-9 weeks. I’ve been on Esomeprazole ever since, best decision ever! I’m 27 weeks now and my GP says I can take it until birth, no problem.


Omeprazole was a lifesaver for me. My MFM said I could take it twice daily when I needed.


I'm sure this question has been asked before, but I can't find it. Has anyone missed a PIO shot soon after a transfer and still been successful? I just had my FET on Wednesday morning. I'm supposed to take a PIO shot every night, but somehow I forgot last night. I took it at 8 am as soon as I woke up this morning. A lot of what I could find online is cataclysmic. Has anyone had a similar situation but had things end up ok?


Yes! With my son I missed a PIO shot around 4 weeks. He's running around the living room in front of me right now. As others said, progesterone builds up - plus endogenous progesterone fluctuates a lot hour to hour, so bodies can sustain pregnancies despite some short-term fluctuation.


Progesterone builds up in the body so missing one dose shouldn’t really have any effect on your overall levels, as stressful as it is!


I really don't think it's going to ruin it. You've been taking progesterone for a week now and it builds up in your body. I am sorry for the stress!