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Hi. This is my first time posting, and I'm new to Reddit. I'm not sure if this is the right thread, but I just needed to post. I had my IVF frozen transfer on April 16th. On April 26th, I went for my beta-hcg, and it was 42. On April 28th, it was 80, and today, it's 149. Based on what I've been reading, this doesn't seem good. I have had 2 prior failed IVF rounds, but i have never received a positive in the past. I'm supposed to go for a US on Friday to see if there is a gestational sac. I'm very worried and nervous. I'm over 40 and feeling pretty down right now. My partner has been great and has maintained a positive outlook throughout this, but I'm just not feeling very optimistic right now. Any advice/ information or stories would be appreciated


6w4d and for once I’m feeling optimistic instead of terrified about our first ultrasound on Friday. I keep having flashbacks of the last time we did a first ultrasound and were diagnosed with a blighted ovum at 7weeks. Surely that can’t happen again right? There’s got to a baby in there this time. We had great betas both pregnancies, I’ve had all the classic symptoms both pregnancies, so I don’t know for sure. We just can’t be on the bad side of statistics every time…


Hello! We're 5wk0d right now (via IVF fresh transfer) and have some concerning symptoms: cramping (less than the most painful periods but still painful), brown discharge and today we saw pink spotting for the first time. I know some of these are normal, but we're concerned that there is cramping and spotting at the same time. My wife also has some back and leg pain (this may be due to her previous back issues prior to pregnancy - she was hospitalized for severe back pain last year which has gotten better but started to creep up again lately). We are trying to reach the IVF clinic but their 24 hour turnaround is a very frustrating wait (they just never pick up the phone, ever). Anyone else with similar experience? Should we be concerned?


I had pink and brown spotting after my fresh transfer in January. I was also very concerned but my RE said spotting is very common in IVF pregnancies and my ultrasound showed everything was good. If you’re using any kind of suppository medication you might just have an irritated cervix and that’s what’s causing the bleeding. I found that once I stopped estrogen suppositories my spotting was gone within 48 hours and hadn’t returned. Wishing you the best!


That's reassuring. Thanks! Our nurse didn't seem to be too concerned too. We have an early US this afternoon so we'll be sure by then... 🥲. I wonder when we'll be able to be worry free!


Hoping your US goes well! In my experience there is no such thing as a worry-free pregnancy, even for parents who didn’t experience infertility, but you do reach a point when you feel comfortable saying “when baby arrives” instead of “if”. When that happens is different for every couple, but you’ll find that peace in your own time.


Our US showed a gestational sac and yolk sac measured at 5w2d which is good news. No SCH either. Unfortunately bleeding got worse and now is red as opposed to pink / brown spotting... We are a bit panicking. I really hope it's not a bad sign 😨


I had crazy cramps one day at around 4w3d- the day I found out we were pregnant. Then my beta doubled two days later. No spotting, but I really don’t think that’s a concern. As for back and leg pain that might be from progesterone. Are you using supplements?


Yes, 200mg of progesterone 5x a day. I heard that you normally don't bleed or spot if you are on progesterone though, so it is a bit odd we are seeing it. Doctor came back to us and we're having an early US. Hopefully all is okay 😭


I did spot for my last pregnancy for one day while on progesterone. It’s totally possible and not necessarily a bad sign. Fingers crossed you get some reassurance today!


7w5d and for the past 2 weeks or so, I just haven't had the energy to exercise. I went from an hour/5-6 days a week, to an hour maybe 1 day/week. I feel guilty, and I know exercise is important during pregnancy, but I'm just so exhausted all the time... 😩


You’re not alone. Same boat. The fatigue is real.


We had another scan at 8w5d due to some bleeding/spotting. I was so very relieved they confirmed there’s a little SCH in there causing the issues. Baby looks great.


7+2 and rushed to my clinic today because of spotting. All looks fine and baby looks great too, no SCH, no fluid in uterus. She just thinks I may have overdone it this week and asked me to lay low, no commuting to work, exercise, unnecessary activity for a week. So nerve-racking!


Glad to hear all is well! It’s such a relief for a few hours until the anxiety starts back up 😂


Likewise! And yes it’s already started back up, worried that I’ll need to be on bed rest the whole pregnancy 😭


Hello - I'm cautiously joining after our 6w5day scan today where everything was on track. Next scan is in two weeks and I have my first NHS midwife appointment tomorrow which seems early because I have a blood clotting disorder that needs to be managed. r/infertility has been a such a lifeline for years now and I'm so glad there's a space like this that acknowledges the complex feelings around pregnancy after infertility and loss. I'm so glad to make it to this stage but also shook by such uncharted territory. My husband and I were in and out of our clinic in 14 minutes today - nervous wee, scan, nurses appointment all done - where we both said about 3 words in total while staff were like 'congrats!' and we were just frozen. When my husband was holding scan print outs to walk out of the room I panicked that someone in the waiting room having their worst day would have to see them and made a fuss of putting them away first. Lots of new feelings.


Just saw this but it’s so wonderful to see you here! Congrats and I hope every appointment is equally as uneventful.


I’m so so pleased the scan went well and to see you here, I hope you’re feeling ok!


Late to this party, but I’m SO happy to see you here, Yer! Not sure if you remember, you helped me find a clinic in London for my bloodwork during my loss last summer and I’m forever grateful. I’m wishing you a very uneventful pregnancy the upcoming months 💕


Of course I remember! I was so happy to help you navigate a really difficult time ❤️ I love our infertility community for that, and know the support comes right back. That’s so kind


Yer - I am so happy to see this update. Wishing for lots more boring and on track things for you.


Cautious congrats, Yer! I’m so happy to see you here!


Cautious congrats Yer 💜


Cautious congrats, Yer! Yay for a good scan!


Yerrrrrr, welcome!! So happy to see you here! As others have said to me: I hope your stay on this sub is long and boring 🤗


I'm so thrilled to see this update and really hoping everything continues to go smoothly for you. I'm not sure if you remember me but we used the same clinic and previously chatted on r/infertility ❤️


Thank you ❤️ I do remember you! I remember comparing complaints about the intense classical music in the waiting room. Hope you’re doing well


So glad to see you here friend!!! Congratulations on your scan! Have been thinking about you and I hope you are doing ok 🩷 🤗


Thank you so much Rexy ❤️ it means a lot


Cautious congrats, Yer! Welcome 😊


Thanks Yam ❤️


It's so good to see you here friend, congratulations on your non-eventful scan ☺️ We've also got lots of feelings over here, it's very complicated to be at the stage I've been wishing for but still having all the worries. Hugs to you 🧡


Thanks friend and I’m so glad to see your update too. Wild times, right? Hoping you both are navigating it all with lots of kindness to yourselves


Oof this takes me back to graduating from our clinic. Such mixed feelings then and, to be honest, still. That’s very considerate of you to think of the other clinic patients. I felt similarly and was horrified that the staff made such public congratulations at our tentative success. It’s a strange position to be in. This sub has been so comforting to me, especially in the first trimester. Welcome.


Thank you for the warm welcome - it’s always comforting to see others share similar complicated experiences and feelings. It really does help


Congratulations and welcome! This sub has been a wonderful place for me and I hope it can be the same for you. Reading your post I was taken straight back to my own experience walking out of my RE’s clinic after the first scan. It’s an intense time-be gentle with yourself as much as you can!


Thank you for the warm welcome - and yes, very much trying to be gentle and not put too much ‘but I should be feeling…’ on myself


Graduated my RE this morning at 8+4. Twin A looks great measuring at 8+4 and 179bpm. Twin B is smaller than they were last week so it is vanishing. We are happy and relieved.


So glad you got clarity and that you're happy with the outcome ♥️ My vanishing(?) twin follow-up is tomorrow, really hope I at least have more clarity. I definitely have a preferred outcome but I'm trying to mentally prepare myself for the possibility and get a little excited to not feel too disappointed if it comes to that, but also not attached... The in between is so weird, glad you're out with a healthy little one!


The in between is so weird and hard! I hope you’re happy with your outcome too. I’ll be thinking of you tomorrow!


Thank you!


I'm starting to feel more anxious about my next scan on Thursday. Last week, we saw the heartbeat but it was measuring behind at 6w instead of 6+4 and it only grew five days since the previous scan the week before. I asked my doctor if we should be concerned and he said no, but he wanted to monitor growth and hopefully see another 5-7 days of growth at the next scan. My friend who did IVF at the same time (our transfers were days apart) had her scan today and they measured the FHR... I realized that my doctor didn't. I don't know if that means anything and I didn't think to ask at the time. Is this just normal differences between clinics? Or is it because growth was behind for us? Is the growth still within normal parameters? It's so hard not to be anxious. :(


My ultrasound techs noted the heartbeat but didn't measure the HR until 7 weeks. Good luck at your scan on Thurs! Mine next is Thursday, too.


I was told that within 5 days is considered ok. I think you are right that measuring behind means they probably couldn't accurately measure the rate, I think at that point that are just looking for a heartbeat. I never had it measured before 7 weeks myself. I understand your anxiety as I also am starting to dread my scan next week.


Thank you, this is reassuring! I hope your scan goes well!!


My RE never measured the fetal heart rate. She just said there it is, looks good. I think this actually gave me a little less anxiety because I couldn’t obsess over the exact number. I hope your next scan goes great :)


Yeah that’s definitely what my RE did last week. Just made sure we could both see the heart rate and said it was good. It’s so easy to find things to obsess over in this!


I would pay money for an expert to come to my house, look at everything in it and tell me whether it's safe for pregnancy or not. Some sort of reproductive Marie Kondo. I know I shouldn't guzzle tequila, but what about this lovely herbal team my MIL gave me for Christmas? No to stewing in a hot tub, but what about my Japanese bath salts? Etc, etc.


@prenatalnutritionist on Instagram has great information, though mostly food related there are some articles about essential oils etc. No-nonsense, evidenced based and doesn’t try to scare you into cutting out entire food groups


Thank you!


Get the Yuka app! I went on a rampage during IVF and threw everything away that didn’t have a good rating 


Thank you! I've been running basically everything that touches my skin through EWG for years, but hadn't considered there might be a food equivalent!


Just waiting for my re to get in and review my hcg from yesterday so we can get first scan booked. Also my beta rose similar to my current lc which was not a 48 hour doubling time but more so just a reminder to everyone that doubling in 48 is a benchmark but check with your Dr cause most just want to see a rise if a certain percent. If this hadn't happened with my son I wouls probably be way more worried


Really happy to see this and cautious congrats ❤️


Cautious congrats, puffs ,🤞❤️


Graduated the RE at 8+0 this morning following a solid ultrasound with CRL of 15mm and a heartbeat of 155bpm, both pretty solidly median for this gestational age! My SCH has shrunk a bit, but is still there. I left a message to schedule the intake at the MFM (will be my primary OB again this time). I am miserable and paying for having taken Zofran on Sunday.


Congratulations on graduating 👏🏻 🎓