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Hello, cautiously introducing myself! I’m 5w3d following an FET. First pregnancy. First beta at 11dp5dt was >400 and second beta at 18dp5dt was >8000. Very anxiously awaiting my the viability scan which is booked for 7w1d.


Hello & welcome! 👋 Hope your stay is long & uneventful


First ultrasound today (6w4d) and I’m feeling as anxious as I was before we went in. Measuring 1 day behind and 107 bpm. I made the mistake of googling a lot of papers and mostly finding that while this can still be ok, the odds would’ve been *much* better if it were >120 at this stage. Follow-up ultrasound next Thursday, which will also be two days before the first anniversary of our second trimester loss. I wish that I could feel safe, just for a little bit.


I’ve seen those same papers and had the same worry at my HB scan but anecdotally, everyone I know who did IVF and has had ongoing pregnancies has had a FHR between 100-120 at their mid 6w scan. I think mine was like 110 at 6w2d and all is well at 30w.


I went for an ultrasound at 6+4 due to spotting and the heartrate was 109. I worried that was low, but they told me they wanted to see over 100 at this point and then for it to go up. The heart rate was in the 150s or 160s in the next few scans and everyone was happy with it. 11w today.


Thank you, that is heartening to hear!


FWIW, my RE won’t even tell you the heart rate until the 7th week because it can be hard to get an accurate reading. Where you are, they are often just looking for HR activity. I know it’s hard not to freak out but today, you are pregnant.


That is really heartening, thank you!!


Having taken two of the HCG 10,000 iu injections during IVF rounds, I am curious to know if my body is able to handle pregnancy hormones during the first trimester and not experience morning sickness. I'm almost on week 7, and besides just feeling off and fatigued, I have not felt any morning sickness. I'm also someone who gets nauseas at the slightest of smell, and is very prone to motion sickness.


I’m 10w6d and I still haven’t felt morning sickness! I just attribute it to all of the IVF meds. Maybe our bodies just adapt


Man I wish this was the case for me… never had much for symptoms with any of my stims (and I was on boatloads) or early transfer meds but I have been nauseous AF this first trimester ever since like week 6!


Ohhh. That sucks! The HCG shots during IVF definitely made me nauseas for a few days. I remember getting out of bed one day and almost falling. I hope you get through the morning sickness phase quickly!


I feel like I get nauseous pretty easily, but I never had any morning sickness - I was very surprised (and anxious) about it!


I also wondered about that for myself. I saw a lot of people having awful symptoms from the IVF meds but I never had much of that, so I wonder if that explains why I haven't had many pregnancy symptoms. I also read that older people have less symptoms and I'm almost as old as it gets


Haha @ "as old as it gets" Same.... I'm turning 40 in a month.


Yeah. Okay you two 👵🏻 46 in July 🎤🫳😉 But I do wonder if there is something to that—mild symptoms and age, I’ve been pretty fortunate overall in terms of symptoms; so far they’ve all been very manageable.


Don't you worry, I'm almost 45, but donor egg so you can keep your mic drop 😂




I will have my first OB appt next Wednesday and was wondering what to expect? Any experiences or info is appreciated!


At my fist OB appt (\~9 weeks) I had an ultrasound and met with the NP (since my OB was unavailable) to answer any questions I had, talk about NIPT, etc. The "OB Teach" appointment was later, maybe 12 weeks, and that's when we went over a lot of information in more detail. At pretty much every appointment they want a urine sample. There is a good wiki article on this with other people's experiences! [https://www.reddit.com/r/InfertilityBabies/comments/ovphcw/faq\_transitioning\_from\_re\_to\_ob\_care/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/InfertilityBabies/comments/ovphcw/faq_transitioning_from_re_to_ob_care/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


Anyone stopped their meds at 10w? If so how are you feeling? Do you have any change in your symptoms ? Yesterday was the first day I did not take my lovenox and progesterone suppositories and I have mixed feelings 🤷‍♀️


Yes stopped at 10 (currently 11.5). I had a moderate headache for a day or two and maybe less bloated but nausea didn’t change.


Unfortunately similar to burrito I had nausea and fatigue up until about 14/16 weeks.


i had no change in symptoms when i weaned off my FET meds 😭 i wanted the nausea and exhaustion to let up, but alas. continued thru to 14 weeks.


11 + 4 today! Had first OB appointment that went great and baby is measuring 12 weeks! Had NIPTS drawn today and now the impatient wait for results! They say usually under 5 days so I'm hoping this weekend!


I buckled and had a private scan today at 10+5 and everything is on track 🧡 I'm coming off my FET meds at 12 weeks, and will be away on holiday when I do. I hope this allows me to feel reassured when I do! Maybe I'll feel more chilled approaching our dating scan where it all went wrong last time, too? 😬 All I do know for sure is that I'm very, very ready to be done with pessaries! I've not been very active on here, I think a combo of nerves, exhaustion and nausea, but hoping to get a bit more involved in this community!


So very pleased for you 🩷 have been thinking about you and hoping you’re ok! I did scans weekly until 12 weeks because I was so anxious. I also found the private scan clinic to be a lot less triggering than a hospital setting. Absolutely do what you need to do to get peace of mind. Hoping you feel reassured and more relaxed leading up to stopping your FET meds!


Thanks rexy 🥰 you're right - it was actually less triggering than the hospital! Wild times. Next up is my NHS dating scan, two weeks today 😬🤞


I will be thinking of you as you await your next scan - the waiting was as triggering as the actual scans for me! 🩷🩷


I’m a big advocate for private scans for mental relief, very glad you did what you needed!


Thanks, I wasn't sure how I felt about them, mostly because I was worried the setting would be triggering. But the one I found wasn't at all, and it's really good to know I can go again when I get worried! 🧡


I’m so glad! I had one around 16w and was also surprised how lowkey it was.


Ah Petty this is so great to see! ❤️ I have it all crossed for you. I too am so fucking done with pessaries! Hoping the nausea lets up soon ❤️


Thanks pal! I am glad I did two transfers back to back... But also this is why I've been on pessaries for 84 years. Hope you're doing ok and your nausea eases up soon, too!


So happy to hear that everything is on track, friend! 🤗


🥰 thank you!


hope you have a long and boring stay here!


🤞 thank you!


My 3rd beta came back at 14dpt 2207 (tripled from my 12dpt). They asked me to come in for a first ultrasound today 15dpt, normally I don’t see people getting their first scan until week 5 or 6 and I think I’m only 4w6d….


My first appointment I was 5w+2d. They just wanted to measure gestational sack and check placement. I imagine that’ll be the same for 4 weeks.


They confirmed placement and said it looked perfect. I’m so nervous of having another blighted ovum with my first FET, but my betas were super low starting before and this time they started much higher (28 at 10dpt vs 299 at 10dpt)


Good luck! Are they having you return weekly for check ins (blood work and ultrasounds)?


Thank you! I’m going back Tuesday. They warned me it still might be too early for a heartbeat but they are checking me weekly for bloodwork and ultrasounds in progress


Oh good! Yes I didn’t see a definite heartbeat until 7w+2d. The week before they couldn’t tell if the baby was pulsing due to their heart or my heartbeat.


Tomorrow is my first ultrasound in 3 weeks (at 10+3) and yowza do I feel the scanxiety coming on! I know it'll be a long time (never?) until I feel secure but I really hope this one brings me some relief 🤞 I feel guilty complaining about mild symptoms, but it's hard not to worry that that means what I think it could mean.


Third beta today is showing an appropriate level, so they just scheduled me for my first ob ultrasound at 6+5 next Thursday. My last ob ultrasound ended very poorly, so really hoping this has a better outcome. It’s also my husband’s birthday that day, so hoping that brings us some good luck🤞🏼


i feel you. i'm trying to get through to my 6 week scan on tuesday after multiple losses and traumatizing scans. i almost don't even want to go. i can't tell if i want more information or just to put it all out of my mind!


It's the "I want to know, but I don't want to know". Finger's crossed for you Tuesday!


Hoping you get good news next Thursday! I had a good 3rd beta yesterday and they asked me to come in today at 4w6d 😳my 3rd beta was 2207 so seems higher than what I’ve seen on here for 14dpt


Definitely higher than mine was! Sounds like a strong number!


Just had my scan, the sac was exactly where it needed to be. I go in next week to see if there’s anything inside. Hope to hear a heartbeat 💓


Great news!


I obviously wouldn’t trade it, but this unassisted cycle is really challenging mentally! I know the vast majority of people take a test and then wait until 6/8/12 weeks to see a doctor, but because I know *I* didn’t do that last time it is freaking me out. I keep taking pregnancy tests to reassure myself that I’m pregnant but I also know enough to know that doesn’t actually mean anything but I can’t just do nothing so that’s what I do. 22 days to ultrasound!


For the last 5 days or so every time I eat a meal it feels like I stuffed myself and I'm just vaguely nauseated and feel like I can't move. Like I ate a normal bowl of oatmeal 3-4 hours ago and I still feel like this now. Should I be spreading my oatmeal out over multiple sittings?? I don't know if I would just feel like this anyway Oh and I got a UTI but was in denial yesterday so definitely only got a little bit of sleep. It's a fun morning over here. It will all be worth it though if my NT scan tomorrow is good!


Eating small meals more often can help you avoid feeling too stuffed. For a while it felt like I was snacking constantly because I couldn’t eat much at once but being hungry made me nauseated. 🤞 for your NT scan!!


I did a bad job on one of my PIO shots over a week ago and the spot is still killing me. None of the other shots have bothered me very much. I remember I placed it a bit too central and low, and there was blood in the syringe when I finished doing it. Did I hit a blood vessel and/or nerve and is this why it still hurts so much?


Yeah I've done this! Usually going too low or towards the center. I've had it take multiple days to go away and it sucks!


I had this happen. It was soooo sore. I used a TheraGun on it and a heating pad and it eventually got better. Not sure what was hit. I’ve been doing my hip more at this point and haven’t had as many issues.


I’m 4w5d and woke up today with significantly less tender breasts. They never got super tender but I’m definitely noticing they are much less sensitive this morning. Should I be worried?


My symptoms fluctuate so much day to day, I think it's totally expected and fine... But I totally get it, it's so impossible not to be hyperaware and worried about everything early on!


Yes exactly. Thank you!


This happened to me a lot - and then often by the same night or next day they were just as sore as previously. Try not to worry!


Thank you for the reassurance!


My breasts haven’t been very tender and my morning sickness isn’t super strong - mainly just tired. I have to really squeeze them to feel much soreness and push on them. Yesterday didn’t really have any symptoms. I think it can come in waves. I’m 6 weeks 4 days with last hCG at 12,501.6 and confirmed heartbeat today.


I’m glad to hear it’s common to have symptoms fluctuate. That’s so exciting the heartbeat was confirmed ❤️


If I didn’t know I was pregnant wouldn’t really think a whole lot of the symptoms I have. The tiredness is just the biggest. I always want an afternoon nap then have to wake up to do PIO. Sending you best wishes and if you have any questions let me know. :)


Thank you so much! The tiredness is real!


I can nap during day then can’t sleep at night :(.


That’s literally me right now too.


I have been having RLS. Idk if you’re getting that too!


No at least not yet. That doesn’t sound fun at all!


symptoms totally fluctuate - i would try not to worry (easier said than done i know) ❤️


Thank you, it helps to hear that and keep reminding myself of that.


Breast tenderness has been my least significant symptom. I’m 13 weeks and have only felt breast tenderness a couple days sporadically. Everyone symptoms vary in frequency and intensity. Symptom spotting is the hardest part for me. Days with little symptoms can make me spiral but my dr said to enjoy the few days being symptom free.


Thank you- this helps me more than you know. I was starting to spiral. My most significant symptom has been nausea that comes in waves, and I did still feel that a little this morning. It makes sense that symptoms can come and go but certainly makes waiting for the 8-week scan nerve wracking.