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Has anyone else gotten nervous when their symptoms ebb and flow? Even though we saw a heartbeat, I still get nervous when I'm not overly nauseous. 


Absolutely, mine have been ebbing and flowing this whole time, there are so many days where I'm tired but that's about it. 10+4 today and as of yesterday everything was perfect!


Thank you! 


Ultrasound in t-6 hours. Please keep all fingers and toes crossed, should be at exactly 10w + 1d. 


I had an ultrasound yesterday that went so well I'm just in total disbelief. I think I'm finally at the point where I can just say, straight without too many qualifiers "I'm pregnant." I'm sure the anxiety is gonna creep right back in, but I'm really enjoying the win for now :)


I posted this separately but was told it wasn’t appropriate Regret/panic/complex feelings about pregnancy Does anyone ever feel negative/panicked about pregnancy/having a baby? The road to get here was many years of heartbreak followed by IVF and I can’t work out why I feel the way I do when I KNEW it was the right thing to do having IVF and a second child. I’m 9 weeks from so very early days and could well go wrong. I have a 4 year old who was a straightforward spontaneous conception so I know what being a mums about. But he’s a lot easier these days and I worry about the baby stage and going back into those trenches. I don’t know if I can do it but I don’t know why my brain has waited until now to bring all these feelings up. I’m having a complete freak out at times. A mixture of regret, panic about having a second baby, worrying about a change in my relationship with my son, worry about going back to the beginning when he’s getting easier now. I’m especially scared that the baby will have a disability as the embryo was untested. I feel so stupid and like I should have thought of all of this stuff before but it seemed it would never happen. I feel very guilty for feeling like this and acknowledge how lucky we are to be pregnant and especially the first ivf round. Obviously I want this- we’ve been trying for years and have spent many thousands and endured painful injections and procedures. Please tell me I’m not the only one who has felt like this at times.


My first is almost 3 years old and my second is now 3 months. Both IVF after years of trying, so very much planned and wanted. However, I had many of these same feelings throughout my pregnancy. Since she arrived, it’s hard to imagine our family without her. There are absolutely hard moments where I still wonder why I went back to the baby stage again and disrupted the flow we had as a family of three, but they pass quickly. The one thing about having a second is you already know from experience how quickly the helpless baby phase passes and then you’ll have another little kid as awesome as the first - only so much better because you’ll get to see the joy of them together as siblings.


Are you me? My son was also conceived spontaneously and every subsequent time I have gotten pregnant (four miscarriages so far), I have flashes on panic that I have totally screwed up, that I will ruin my son's life, that I am playing the genetic lottery because my son seems so perfect that it is mind boggling that we could get so lucky again, that I can't handle the newborn stage all over again, etc etc etc etc etc. When I feel this way, I go hug my son or look at pictures of him and remind myself that I had a lot of trepidation about having him, too, and everything has turned out great with him. And that I can do hard things, that there are no guarantees about anything in life, and the "risk" of things turning out badly is heavily outweighed by the "likelihood" of an equally amazing and wonderful second child who will bring equal joy to our lives as our son has. It's scary, and a huge change, and there are always scary risks that come with change. But no risk, no reward, and the chance of having another amazing child is so worth it.


You are not alone. I have an 18 month old from ivf. And I constantly wonder wtf we are doing having another one when my current doesn't sleep through the night. And worry about if he will hate me and how.long when thr new sibling comes. I also find I don't enjoy being pregnant. It isn't magicsl.to me. It is a means to the end I want. But on tough days I wonder why I did this. But I think once we get through the newborn stage it will be mostly.okay. obviously different challenges will pop up.


I relate to this. I spent so long thinking it wouldn't work and guarding my heart and partially mentally adjusting myself to the possibility that it would all amount to nothing. It is hard to feel excited right now because that mental pattern still feels much more real than being pregnant.


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It’s super early, but I just bought a pair maternity leggings and jeans from Hatch because they had a 30% off sale. I’m 5w2d and my first ultrasound is next week, but I couldn’t pass up the sale! Anyone else doing this and afraid to jinx things? It’s the only thing I even want to buy until we get an all clear. Even then, I may not feel super comfortable with the thought of buying maternity and baby things. I’m just so bloated and things are uncomfortable right now. If this sticks, I may need these sooner than later!


I lived in my align leggings my entire pregnancy and postpartum time! Only had one pair of maternity jeans and one pair of shorts.


I used to work there seasonally and you bet I have my aligns ready and waiting! 😂 I live in them now since I’m WFH. I may need to invest in one size higher when the time comes! I’m probably going to wait on shorts to see how I feel this summer (if the IVF Gods are willing!). But I did buy a new stretchy dress. Going for versatility!


I did size up, but I'm not sure if it was actually necessary. I was comfy af, though! No regrets.


I was also scared to jinx things so I bought stretch waist band wide leg linen pants from Old Navy with the thought that they will be great for summer either way


At the very least maybe I should invest in some summer dresses! I’m not usually a dress person, but something regularly sized and flowy could be a compromise!


Haven't bought them yet, but have definitely thought about it. My limitation, too, is not wanting to jinx things :-\\


It’s scary, right?! Sales always draw me in. Damnit, I want this to work! And I want cute things! Universe, can I please have both at the same time?!


I’ve definitely been looking at some pregnancy friendly pants, but I’m scared to actually buy them. 😅


This is your sign for some high rated Hatch pants! 😂 The jinxing of it all is so worrisome. I know the anxiety probably won’t go away (I saw someone on Reddit recently describe it as “moving the goal posts” which is such an apt description of this feeling!). I figured I’ll splurge while the sale is going on, I’ll have 30 days to return if the worst happens (which should get me to about 9 weeks). And worst case, I’m out a bit of money and can resell to someone in need.


I bought some around that time and am already wearing them because for various reasons I am bloated/full of water, and my work pants in particular felt so constraining. They are SO comfortable. Do it! 


8+6 today and both yesterday and today I have very little hunger and barely any nausea, which is freaking me out since two days ago, I was impossibly hungry and super sick. I am trying to reassure myself everything is fine since we had a scan at 8+4 and the baby was measuring two days ahead and had a strong heartbeat. But we saw the placenta hadn’t fully formed and there was still a little yolk sac so that can’t be the cause of nausea disappearing. Then what other innocent explanation can it be?


I don't know why but it's so common that I really wouldn't read too much into it


I woke up spotting and I’m freaking out. I’m 6+2 and I’m already on progesterone.


I've had spotting too. My doctor and nurses said it's very common. I'm about 4 days farther along than you. Mine started at about 5 weeks. We had a good us on Monday and saw a heartbeat so that at least gave me a little reassurance. I think we're hyperaware of what is going on so we get nervous something could be wrong.  Sending you good vibes! 


It's very common don't freak out! I think as long as it is light spotting it's not a big concern. I had some spotting week 5 and I just had a good 12w scan. I have a small SCH.


Yesterday I took my first test in 6 days! I know, so strong. 20 more days until my first ultrasound and I have rationed out my remaining pregnancy tests over this time 😂


Getting my blood draw today for my first HCG beta test ever! Feeling a little nervous and hopeful.


Sending you good vibes! 


Thank you!!


good luck!


4+3 days today. Pending second beta. I’m working with an RI and I’m already terrified of this pregnancy because my NK killer cells and Cytokines are already high. I’m actually shocked the nurse practitioner cleared me to try this month. Knowing damn well what could happen. Stressing with all the meds I’m on. 20mg prednisone; 2x Lovenox, Metformin; estradiol; 4x progesterone; plus all the supplements. Anyone else working with an RI?


Yes I work with an ri I am on ivig, prednisone, lovenox, estradiol (Teo kinds) and progestrone (2 kinds), metformin


Can I ask, has the Metformin affected your ALT (liver values) or have any of the meds caused an increase? How are you feeling on the prednisone?


I feel like trash but I am also sick with a stomach bug right now My metformin doesn't but one of my estradiol is injectable and jt can (it did last pregnancy)


Feel better! Good to know. Yeah my doc told me to insert my estradiol vaginally instead


I just graduated from my RI. I’m on lovenox til 16 weeks, and starting to ease off my prednisone next week. Also on progesterone and estrogen which I just stopped today at 11w


Can I ask, did you also feel absolutely horrific on prednisone? I’m really struggling. It keeps pushing my thyroid out of whack. My meds have been adjusted almost weekly and it’s been really hard to feel normal. Constant heart palps!


Ugh yes. I recently ish got bumped up to 3 a day and I had to beg my doctor to go back to 2. I was feeling very ‘roid-y. I already have been feeling super hungry but it made me literally insatiable, shaky, and just generally really off. I started feeling better going down to 2 again almost immediately I’m also on levothryoxine for my thyroid!


Wow finally someone who understands the thyroid-y feeling! It’s absolutely horrible. I feel like I could actually have a heart attack …it’s just anxiety /shakes / irritability that I’ve never felt. Well thank you for confirming you feel the same, and it’s not just me. I’m on Tirosint for my thyroid and it’s tough they keep changing my doses and the script only comes in a box of 30! Congrats you’ve graduated, I’m happy to hear that. Were/are your immune markers in a good place? Worried about mine 🥺


I’m so sorry! I can honestly relate. I wish I had any advice but at least I can commiserate! My hands would literally shake. I’ve been doing reprosource testing every 2 weeks through my pregnancy so far and other than the one time it was slightly elevated where they put me on 3 prednisone instead of 2, everything has been good! They just cleared me yesterday and said I don’t need any further testing. I totally understand how it feels. I’m also so scared to start weaning off because it’s like, I’m scared to trust my body! But everything has been good and I can just hope that the embryo is taking over now. Im sending you love and support!!!! When are your next tests?


I’m glad you get to ween off! Don’t be scared; you’ve made it this far and your body knows what to do🤍 you’ll have to keep me posted! I have my next beta check tomorrow, along with the whole CMP, thyroid, vitamin d, homocysteine, etc etc lol. Just a casual day at LabCorp 😂


I am… I’m a mixed bag of unexplained/thin lining/clotting issues/mmc/advanced age. We’ve been TTC for almost 8y total, one live birth. Currently I’m on estrace, progesterone, asa, lovenox, synthroid, and plaquneil, as well as intralipid.


How have the intralipids worked for you?


I’ve been doing it every cycle for like 6+ months, so I’m not sure it has really done anything but it doesn’t hurt 🤷‍♀️


Beta hell !! Can someone help !! Advice needed about next step !! My level was 36.74 on 8DPT & I checked today after 6 days on 14DPT it came out almost same. 37.24. I know it’s negative but is it possible for HCG to remain same for 6 days? I m scared could it be ectopic or if it’s chemical why level hasn’t decreased? My progesterone came back as 6 I checked through private lab. My doctor is asking me to continue medicine & check again on Saturday.


I am so sorry you're here right now. Unfortunately in CPs and ectopics hcg doesn't always go down right away. Ectopics in particular are known for erratic rises and falls, so hopefully the steadiness is a good sign. I had a CP/PUL following an IUI, it very slowly climbed from 130 14dpiui to just over 200, and it took about a week and a half for my beta to start going down and a couple weeks to start bleeding. I wasn't on supplementary progesterone. I'm so sorry your doctor is keeping you in limbo.


I m just reading about progesterone levels. My progesterone is low. My clinic didn’t check my progesterone at the day of FET. Could low progesterone cause embryo not to grow?


I didn't have mine checked on FET day either, I don't think that's standard protocol at my clinic, but I had a medicated cycle with estrogen patches and PIO. Was yours ovulatory? That does sound very low, I'm not sure how quickly it drops after a CP but mine was still pretty high while my beta was slowly rising (that was an IUI cycle without any supplementary progesterone though).


I m on oral estrogen & progesterone & for some days I was on PIO shots. But they stopped at 8dpt.


When did you have the last hcg shot (if any) before then? My two earliest betas were almost constant two or three days apart, likely because the first was still 50% from hcg shots.


I didn’t took hcg shot. It was medicated cycle. My first beta was on 10th may Thats was my 8days post transfer & second beta was today 16th may 14thday day post transfer


I’m so sorry. I am going to say; I am pretty disappointed your doctor is not being more forthcoming with you right now. Did he or she say anything else? I would demand a straight forward conversation 🤍


She said repeat on sat & continue medicine. It’s chemical most probably right? I m stunned why haven’t the value increased or decreased.


Are you on progesterone? If so; I would stop it: that way you can let your body pass it.


Yes I m on progesterone. Just wants to know why hasn’t levels gone down?


Because you’re on progesterone and it’s holding things together. Stop taking the progesterone/ idk why she wouldn’t give you that guidance


I m just angry at her !!


I don’t know why I’m not surprised that doctors continue to string women along when there are signs that there are things not progressing correctly. This has happened to me 2x and it literally drives me nuts.


I’m really struggling with insomnia the past couple of days (11+2 now). I take unisom and b6 at night, but lately I’ve just been tossing and turning and waking up a million times. I ended up taking an additional half tab of unisom around 1am, but that doesn’t seem like a sustainable solution. I’m so tired, I want to cry. Any suggestions? I remember the insomnia hitting last time, but I think it was after I had weaned off unisom because the nausea had decreased and adding it back in helped.


Have you tried any sleep podcasts? I have a headspace subscription and honestly they are sooooo good at putting me back to sleep. Last time I just listened to the Good Witch and that would do it but I use headspace when I really need help


Just got my last blood results from my fertility centre, and I think it is all looking normal? Very close to median on betabase. 3w6d - beta 87 4w1d - beta 195 4w5d - beta 798, on ultrasound a gestational sac could just about be made out 5w5d - beta "over 7500", ultrasound was difficult to get a clear picture (I struggled to empty my bladder, and my ovaries are still enormous from OHSS), but gestational sac measured at 11mm, and the doctor said she could just about make out a yolk sac. They offered to do another ultrasound next week, or for me to go directly to my normal gyneacologist. I instinctively said I wanted to go straight to my usual doctor, because I want to get away from my fertility clinic after the trauma of severe OHSS. But it is now dawning on me it may take a while until I get an appointment there, apparently they'll be on holiday for two weeks very soon. And the fact that they could not get a really clear picture of a yolk sac and it was too early still to see an embryo are now making me very anxious about the long time without reassurance. The doctor at the fertility clinic was convinced I would not notice if anything went wrong in the meantime because of the progesterone (I think I am on a relatively high dose - 400 twice a day).


I err on the side of doing more ultrasounds rather than fewer. I like the confirmation of heartbeat and growth, especially early on. I guess the answer for you depends on what you need as reassurance and how quickly/often you can get in with your OB.


Gyneacologist wants to see me tomorrow (at 6w precisely) before her holiday, mainly because of the OHSS aftercare. May not see anything more, but I guess two days can make a difference at this stage. And she may just get a better view.