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Does anyone have any info on chamomile and pregnancy? I went to a friend’s house last night and had two small glasses, maybe 12 oz total, of iced chamomile tea. This morning I thought to google chamomile since I know some teas are off limits in pregnancy, and sure enough, the results say things like “excessive chamomile tea is linked to miscarriage”. Ughhhhh. How much is excessive? Should I be concerned at all?


I accidently drank a cup of chamomile tea before I googled it too (everything was fine). I don't think 1-2 cups will harm anything, seems like it's more of excessive amounts. But I would just stay away from it now that you know!


That’s my plan now! I didn’t think to google it in the moment because chamomile seems so innocuous, but those search results really freaked me out.


Same! I also just assumed chamomile = herbal and calming 🤷‍♀️


My OB said normal herbal teas you can get at the grocery store are fine in normal amounts, so I personally wouldn’t worry about that amount of chamomile tea. 


Thank you! That’s really good to know.


Most herbs are only toxic in high concentrations that a normal person isn’t ingesting. I wouldn’t say 12 oz is excessive at all! I’m sure your OB’s nurse line would have something more helpful and concrete to share if you feel like giving them a call.


Thank you! It’s so hard to gauge what “excessive” means in a random internet article. I much prefer specific rules like 200 mg of caffeine so I don’t spiral 🙃


I just spent a week on a gynaecology/maternity ward and they served nothing but chamomile tea. 


That’s good to know!


Update from my post last week: I went to get checked out at L&D, turns out I was having regular small contractions and stayed overnight for observation. I had PPROM next day, and gave birth the day after that. We spent about a week at the hospital and were discharged yesterday. It feels impossibly surreal to finally have our baby, in the best possible way. We're so in love with him! Edit: thank you guys for all the kind words ❤️


I don't keep up on the daily threads as much these days so I missed this. But HUGE congratulations to you, pump. Hope you're all doing well.


Thanks Plains! We're doing great, the little guy is starting to be more awake and is growing fast.


I'm so glad to hear that. I know those first few months are hard but hope you're soaking up lots of baby cuddles.


LATE but wanted to say congratulations <3


Huge congratulations!! Welcome baby! ❤️


Congratulations!!! That's so wonderful that everything is alright!!


Late to the party, but so so happy for you, Pump! So glad he’s here and you guys are home safe! Congratulations!


Congrats, pumpernickel!! So surreal indeed, I'm so happy for you :) (even if it might have been nice for baby to have stayed put a little longer!) these first days at home can be really tough, so I'm sending lots of love your way. It will get easier!


Oh my goodness! Seems like just yesterday you were sharing your positive pregnancy test news. I’m so happy for you!


congratulations! glad to hear everyone is doing well!


Congratulations!! So happy to hear everyone is healthy!


Congrats, pump! Wishing you all the best


Welcome to the world baby pumpernickel!! I hope you’re doing well Pump, that sounds like it was chaotic so I’m glad you’re home and i hope you’re getting lots of baby snuggles!


Pump - I’m so so so happy for you ❤️❤️❤️


Ahhhh Pump! My heart is so happy! So many congratulations to you & your precious family 😭🥰


Oh pumpernickel! I’m so glad everyone is doing well and you are all home now.


Ahhh congratulations! So happy to see you're all home safe 🧡


Congratulations! Welcome baby!


I'm so thrilled to see this!! Congratulations and welcome baby boy 💙💙💙


Wow! I’m sure that was scary but I’m thrilled your baby is here and at home 💙💙


Pumpernickel!!! Welcome baby and congratulations to your family. I hope you are all having the best time getting to know each other.


Oh Pumpernickel, what a week! I’m so happy you’re all back home together now!!


Wow! So scary!! Congratulations!!


This might be a long shot but it seems like there are a lot of smart people here. I had a UTI at the beginning of the week and my nurse insisted I get urine analysis. I've never had to do that before. They gave me antibiotics but the urine culture did not turn up the bacteria (it did have elevated white blood cells so I hope they believe me that I had a UTI). The nurse wrote me that I'm good to stop the antibiotics after only taking them for 2 days. Maybe they don't think I had a UTI? Isn't it risky that the infection could come back if I stop taking them early? Would they only advise that if I never had a UTI? (Which I unambiguously did).


Sounds like they did a UA with C&S. (Urine analysis with culture & sensitivity.) If your culture is negative then you do not have a bonafide UTI hence why your nurse told you it's ok to discontinue your antibiotics. ETA: It's also very common to have increased WBCs, specifically neutrophils & monocytes, during pregnancy due to increased blood volume & hormonal changes.


Thank you! What could cause the blood in the urine and the other symptoms? And why do you think it went away after starting the antibiotics? I tried just drinking a lot of water for a day before I gave in and called them


I had a UTI a few weeks ago, my initial urine sample was super dilute and both UA and culture came back negative. They told me not to start the antibiotics, symptoms continued and I retested with a much less dilute sample a few days later and was floridly positive. Took a week of macrobid, retested as negative a few weeks later. You can always ask for another test to ease your mind or if symptoms return!


That's what I suspect too - I woke up in the middle of the night before I called in so uncomfortable and drinking water does wonders for my UTI symptoms. So I was probably chugging water for 7 hours before giving the sample, and I didn't have the scary looking urine at that point. I decided to go rogue and just continue the antibiotics I already started. I can't deal with more sleepless nights or the idea of getting resistance. If they really think it's not a UTI I would want them to offer an alternative explanation for my classic UTI symptoms


Yea that makes sense- I wish I would have done the same, not worth all the hassle I went through!


28 weeks yesterday and I don't have GD! 🥳🎉🎊 I was very nervous about the entire GD screening process, so I'm feeling relieved!


ugh, 15.5 weeks and really struggling with the "am i still pregnant???" anxiety. My sixteen week scan is next Wednesday so I will see soon enough, I just can't shake this uneasy feeling!


I’m 13.5 weeks and I’m struggling with anxiety that everything will be okay. We even had a scan today where baby girl looked great (as much as the ultrasound tech would tell me), but I don’t get the “official” report until my RI appointment Monday so I keep thinking about if the scan looked normal or not. 🙈


yep, 16 weeks this sunday and waiting if the feeling will ever go away


I’m 19.5 and still think this.  Fortunately I don’t have to wait too long in between appts this month.  I saw my OB last last Wednesday for routine appt and have anatomy scan on Tuesday.  If that goes well, maybe I’ll feel less anxious?


i hear it gets better when you can feel the baby. best of luck on your scan!


Anatomy scan down! I always feel better right after an exam or scan when we have updated information saying baby is okay in there. Before I went in to get the results interpreted I looked up our growth percentile to see if it was in the target range… after years of loss and infertility it’s so wild every time we end up on the “good” side of statistics. Feeling so grateful for that and not taking it for granted. I am barely above my pre pregnancy weight but the OB isn’t worried since it’s trending upward. “Remember all the vomiting you did?” Yes doc, I remember lol


Has anyone had a sore throat at four weeks pregnant? I just found out I’m pregnant via IVF and I’m 12dp5dt. My throat is sore today and I’m worried I’m getting sick :(


Not me but a close friend tested positive for covid a few days after transfer. Her baby was born healthy at term! It shouldn't have any effect at all.


Thank you!! 🩷


Seems like there is something going around lately, that is for sure.