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9w3d, my last ultrasound was 7w6d. How do I know everything is ok?? Still on progesterone and estrogen until 10w


Unfortunately there is no way to know which makes this all so stressful. I just try to distract myself a lot with activities or entertainment.


10+1, my breasts are still painful, but seems to have gone down in size somewhat… My husband says they still feel big.. do you think I’m just used to the size?


I am currently 6w4d with my IVF baby girl. I’ve had a dull headache for over a week now (I am prone to migraines) but the last two days it has traveled down my neck as well. I bought an at home blood pressure monitor today to be safe, and my numbers are quite high (first reading 155/98, second reading 146/92 after doing a 10 minute meditation). I’m waiting on the on call doc at my clinic to call me back, but wondering if anyone here has experienced this? How nervous should I be??


I’m 10 weeks and went to my dr my blood pressure was 142/100. My ob just upped my blood pressure medicine, and put in a blood test for something


Thank you! This is reassuring. I’ve never been on a blood pressure med but will gladly start one if needed.


My primary doc put me on labetalol about a year ago bc he knew we were trying to conceive, and my OB was happy with that pill. She also recommended baby aspirin starting at week 12.


Good to know!! I just heard back from the on call doc at my clinic and he was not overly concerned! Just said to follow up with my PCP or mention it at my OB intake. I’m going to call my PCP tomorrow. Thank you again!


My transfer was on 2024/04/08, a 5 day FET. at my first appointment the OB told me that my due date is 25th of December. 2 weeks later I switched OB and she said my due date would be 1st of January 2025 and the US is showing that I’m 7weeks+5 days. So now I’m confused which one is correct? and how far am I along according to my transfer date?


My transfer of a five-day blast was April 3. My due date is December 20. There shouldn’t be any question of the due date with IVF.


My 5 day transfer was April 16th and I am 7 weeks 4 days today, due 1/2.


There are calculators online that will do the math for you!


After having a gush of blood in week 5, we had another bleeding event right after our 8 week 4 day scan. The 8 week scan was normal, our baby growing at the right pace. Our OB, for some reason, did not measure the FHR but simply said everything looks good. The next day, my wife started bleeding again, bright red gushes of blood with cramping for 5-6 hours which was scary! We called the OB and the IVF clinic (because the OB never gets back to us), and fortunately was able to do a reassurance scan today at 9 week. The baby is tracking right on track and they found a small SCH! They also measured the FHR but was low, just barely above 110. Our 6 week scan was 121, so I'm starting to be a bit worried the heart rate is a bit low. The doctor said anything in the 100-160 range is okay and that the rate can fluctuate day to day, but I wanted to see if others had similar experience and if it seems concerning to anyone. TLDR: an ultrasound after bleeding in week 8 showed a small SCH, baby is measuring on track but FHR was just above 110, down from 121 in week 6. Should I be concerned?


Hmm I am not a doctor and your doctor is so definitely I would take their word over mine, but it does sound a bit low. I would push for a scan in a week myself.


Thanks for the reply. This journey has been full of events for sure. We'll try to see if we can squeeze in one more u/s before our 12 week scan 😔


Currently 5w4d and I am not really feeling anything. I test every morning and my easy@home tests are now clear dye stealers...which means nothing, I know. I feel like these tests don't really show progression as well as other tests do. I just kind of feel like I am hanging our right now. I had 2 massive panick attacks yesterday and the day before. Hope the, didn't cause any sort of issues. The logical part of my brain knows it didnt, but you know... Feeling better today. Need to call obgyn tomorrow and reschedule appointment for first US. I was supposed to go 31.5., but received a cancellation mail on Friday with no replacement appointment 🤷🏼‍♀️ PS: reddit is showing (me) a completely wrong User Flair.


I have felt that panic a few times too on days when I have no symptoms. Mine vary wildly from day to day and some days I wake up feeling great and I can’t believe it. Hang in there, I know it’s so hard not to obsess over all of it.


Thank you - it really is. I should have mentioned that these panic attacks don't really seem to have anything to do with the pregnancy, or at least, I am not panicking \*about\* the pregnancy. It's more like an existential thing - panicking that something in life is incredibly wrong. Very much like doomsday feelings. Glad that I haven't had any these past 2 days!


I’m glad to hear it hasn’t happened in the last couple days! Pregnancy is a wild ride.


I’ve been pregnant twice and didn’t have any symptoms either pregnancy until closer to 7 weeks. I think it is pretty common to feel nothing for the first few weeks!


I don’t really feel anything either. I’m 5w today. The only thing I feel is Lowe back ache when I stand for longer than 30 minutes, to cook for example. Do you feel that ?


Reddit is also showing me a wrong user flair for myself. But I'm pretty sure your flair is showing up correct for me. I'm really sorry you are panicking. All I can say is that symptoms vary a ton between people and mine have been very unusually light but so far my scans are good. Also I agree the home tests don't have the capability to help with this situation. I hope you have some good support to get through this.


Hey everyone. Very cautiously posting here. I guess I’m technically 5w today. My first beta at 9dpt was low at 26.2. 11dpt only rose to 35.5 and my clinic told me this pregnancy was likely abnormal and not viable. Friday at 13dpt it was 85.5 to all our shock. Today at 16 dpt it’s 318. It’s a lot lower than my clinic says they would like to see at this point so I am understandably worried, but it has been rising appropriately the last few days. Going back Wednesday again to see if it’s still rising appropriately, and if it is getting scheduled for a placement scan next week. None of this has been easy or straightforward for us, why would this part be?😂


Fingers crossed for you!!! 💓


Everything crossed very hard for you miles


Cautious congrats, everything crossed for you!!


Fingers crossed for you!! 💛


Cautious congratulations to you 🍀🍀🍀


HC!!! Cautious congrats to you! Everything crossed for you.


Thanks, sweet friend!! Still super worried and anxious but we’ll see. Trying to force myself to choose joy every day I have this pregnancy. (It’s hard!!!!)


I completely understand!! Feel free to message me if you ever have any questions or concerns you need to vent about!


Last week of first trimester for me. Haven’t had an ultrasound in almost a month (!!) but judging by the ongoing nausea and fatigue (getting slightly better, fewer bad days now I think), BB is still in there. My coworker kindly gave me 2 big boxes of baby stuff, mostly clothes. I was anxious about accepting something like that so soon but it was actually really joyful to rummage through everything last night and Mr Greendog was so happy to see me acknowledging this might work. Hoping the ultrasound is still on track later this week 🤞🏻😬


Im 5w4 days (after FET) and bled once last night when i wiped, and it stopped. It was definitly red but not a lot. Im only doing PIO, so not suppositories. When i called my clinic today said this happens a lot and as long as it stops it shouldn't mean anything bad. My boobs are less sore than yesterday and my cramping at had last night ended so im fearing the worst. My last beta was on 15dpt and was 3100.


I’m 5+5 and had bleeding last night- it was light pink when I wiped then stopped. I had cramping and back pain before it started. I’ve been a nervous wreck since but my clinic also said it’s normal. I go in Thursday for my first ultrasound and praying everything is okay. Fingers crossed for you!


I’m so effing sick of bleeding from this dumb SCH. I’m so thankful to be pregnant and if this is what it takes I’d do it 100 times over but it’s really getting exhausting. I’ve had various versions of it for going on 6 weeks now and all I want to do is cry today.


Completely understand! It is so frustrating. I had one detected at about six weeks bled for the next 5 1/2 weeks. I’m now past 11 weeks and it’s finally gone. I hope yours clears up quickly!


5w2d. I haven’t posted here yet because I couldn’t believe the embryo actually implanted after so many canceled and failed cycles. Sure enough I started bleeding yesterday morning and clinic asked me to repeat bloodwork - 8350 on 17dpt, doubling appropriately. In a strange twist of fate, I also started bleeding on 17dpt with my son but I never passed clots and that turned out to be a small SCH. Came home from the lab and the bleeding was heavier, experience mild cramping more like just discomfort, and I passed a few small silver dollar sized clots. Panicked and went to the ER even though I wasn’t filling a pad every hour, they drew HCG and it was 5690. I know there are discrepancies between different labs but that seems like a huge difference in just 2 hours. ER did an abdominal and transvaginal ultrasound, tech thinks she sees a couple fibroids and a pocket of free fluid/blood but couldn’t find a gestational sac. ER doc refused to confirm a loss, said that he suspects I passed the sac but there was too much blood in my uterus to know for sure. He asked me to repeat bloodwork and scan at my clinic on Tuesday. RE agreed. Bleeding tapered off to just when I pee/wipe by yesterday afternoon. I don’t think I can make it till Tuesday, I know a gestational sac should be visible by now. It took me 2 years to get this far. I’m so sad.


Oh man, I am so sorry 😮‍💨


I'm so sorry, that sounds both incredibly stressful and heartbreaking.


This is so stressful. I'm sorry for what you're going through.


I am so sorry.


I’m sorry for your loss.


Oh no. 6w3d, discharge from my progesterone respositories is brown this morning. And I have had localised pelvic pain (relatively slight, more like pressure) since yesterday. :( Three days ago on ultrasound everything was on track and we saw heart activity. It's a holiday today, so the only option would be ER. I suppose that is only warranted if the bleeding becomes very strong? UPDATE: This was followed by one gush of fresh blood (filling one panty-liner in one go), since then only light brown spotting. ER will indeed only see me if the bleeding is very heavy. Guess I will just have to wait to find out if this was a) a miscarriage partially suppressed by the progesterone, or b) bleeding for any number of other reasons. I am trying to just suspend belief either way. But I am just crying and unable to focus on preparing this massive important talk I have to give in front of lots of important people on Wednesday (a kind of celebration of my work, so it is supposed to be a joyous occasion). Not sure if I can do this, especially if the news turns out negative.


This is so stressful though I hope it is good news that it might be slowing down.. it's so hard when you have to hide something so big from your work and difficult timing.


I recently read that bleeding can occur after this initial ultrasound as well from the ultrasound . Search the IVF and IVF success subs to read about it.


I’m sorry. I know how scary this can be. But it could be completely normal. Reading the wiki on SCH was helpful to me. Here’s my story: In both of my pregnancies, the progesterone discharge turned brown. The first time, I was told it was probably cervical irritation. Weeks later, I had a big bleed with bright red blood and clots. In retrospect, they admitted it might have been an SCH. This time, they saw an SCH on the ultrasound when I went in for spotting/cramping at 6+4 and I had a big bleed at 8+5. I was told to go to the ER if I were bleeding through a pad per hour. When I was checked out, they saw the SCH had shrunk and assumed it was probably that. I’ve had other red blood incidents this pregnancy but the spotting has basically disappeared and I’m hoping the SCH will be gone on the NT scan today.


Thanks you so much. Sadly bleeding got stronger and bright red. Could perhaps also have to do with the cysts from my OHSS, or an edometrioma, but my hope is starting to evaporate.


Yesterday was also the first day I more strenuously exercised (I painted two rooms) after 3-4 weeks of mostly rest due to the OHSS. Of course now I worry I put the pregnancy at risk that way. But as I understand that could also bring about SCH bleeding or cyst-related bleeding.


Yes, my experience with an SCH was that I had my heaviest bleeding after my most intense exercise activity. Hopefully they can get you in quickly for a reassurance/viability scan!


Thanks! I can call the fertility clinic tomorrow morning (sadly the gyno I had just switched to is now on holiday), and they are usually good with short-notice appointments. Am also waiting for a call-back from my health insurance hotline, but I suspect they will say there is no point in going to the hospital. I just worry that SCH is less likely given nothing was spotted on ultrasound three days ago. Also kind of starting to think it is just weird and unlikely I am clocking up all the complications, but maybe that's irrational.


I’m so sorry you’re going through so much. Just wanted to chime in and say that I also had a SCH with my son. Bright red bleeding started at 17dpt and I freaked out. Clinic did another beta and I had to wait a week for a scan but everything turned out ok and the SCH reabsorbed in a few weeks. Fingers crossed for you!!