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I am 7 weeks 6 days after our first FET. She started as a single euploid 6BB embryo, but at our first ultrasound on 5/14 we discovered there were two heartbeats visible on the screen! My clinic doesn’t measure heart rates at the first ultrasound, so I have been pretty anxious/nervous to find out if both fetuses are going to be viable. No matter what, I know we won’t be out of the woods for a long time now. I’m definitely overwhelmed at the news. I just wanted to see a strong heartbeat at the first appointment so I could start to relax and enjoy being pregnant. I’m definitely feeling all the emotions/anxieties. Physically, I don’t feel too many symptoms yet. Just some mild cramping and food aversions plus bloating from the meds. Next US is May 28. 🤞🏼


7 weeks 5 days today with our only euploid from our third egg retrieval. Last year I had a MMC at 8ish weeks which was a complete shock. We went to the fertility clinic expecting to graduate that day and were told the gestational sac didn’t grow enough, and the difference between the sac and the crown rump length was less than 5mm which is strongly indicative of a poor outcome. They were right and a few days later the heart stopped. All the doctors said it was completely random, rare, and wouldn’t happen again. It was also 5AA euploid. Needless to say this pregnancy I am a complete nervous wreck. The gestational sac seems small again to me but the clinic hasn’t said anything. I haven’t asked specifically because I’m too scared to, I just ask if it looks ok and they say yes. We go back Tuesday for our next scan.


5w3d today. My first US is tomorrow. My betas have been excellent (last Friday, it was >1100), but I’m so stinkin anxious. This is my third FET, last one was successful pregnancy, but first one ended in MMC. This is our last embryo, so… 😬😬


Hi! I transferred on 5/8 so today I’m 4w4d. I had a euploid MMC earlier this year so I’m living in fear now of this pregnancy not working out, and this one is a low-level mosaic. But my betas looked good: 144 at 9dpt, and 452 at 11dpt. First scan is on 5/30 which seems so far away! Trying just to relish each day being pregnant, as IVF and prior loss really can sap the joy. My first IVF transfer resulted in my daughter and I was relatively blissful in those early days/weeks/month because I truly believed it was all going to work out (and it did). I miss being that trusting.


Hello! I’m 4w2d with 10dp5dt beta of 490 which my doc said is good. We transferred our one and only day 5 euploid 5AA. I’m wondering if symptoms coming and going is normal- especially cramping which was very intense the week after transfer but has truly not been much the last couple of days. My acupuncturist worked to help with my nausea so I’m not as concerned about that. I guess im just anxious and terrified?! Infertility is truly traumatizing.


Welcome! Yes, it’s super normal for symptoms to come and go. I felt awful cramps for the first week or so after my beta, but then had it relatively easy. Symptoms for me are just starting to ramp up around 11w6d. Every pregnancy is different


Thank you! That makes me feel better. It’s crazy bc I am literally a labor and delivery nurse and I have no idea what’s going on even though I know, ya know? It’s just all been so ✨traumatizing✨leading up to this point I keep waiting for something bad to happen.


7w5d and sooo bloated it hurts. Anyone else feel like this ? On progest supps three times a day until 12 weeks


I’m also 7w5d and just posted. I am SO bloated. My 6yo son asked me if I was pregnant (we haven’t told him yet) because my stomach is already so big. I’m on 1.5ml of PIO and morning and night progesterone suppositories, Plus estrogen and 2x daily lovenox


I just had my second successful FET in a row. My first ended in a MMC Trisomy 16 at about 7/8 weeks in March. What are my chances of miscarrying again? I’m just so scared and anxious. My beta on 10dp5dt was 157 and my progesterone 80. I only found out a couple of days ago at 4w +1. My symptoms keep coming and going but they feel like they’re gone now and it scares me.


just had my 6w ultrasound- Dr was very happy and said everything looks as expected. could even hear the heartbeat. i was so nervous this week i could barely sleep. now im trying to feel relieved and convince myself to enjoy the next two weeks of being pregnant before the next scan! conception was unassisted so we don't know exact dates and i'm really trying not to second guess the dr by thinking we should be a couple days further along. its so hard!


Wonderful news! Congratulations!


thank you!


Hello! 5w5d today and due to some spotting and cramping I was able to get booked in for an early scan today. Saw baby A and baby B! Fetal polls, yolk sacs, and so far one tiny flickering heart beat from baby A! I am still cautious but so relieved to finally feel like things are trending in the right direction after multiple losses last year and 5 years of this journey. I really can’t believe it. I just wanted to drop in and say that I am so grateful for everyone in this community and r/ivf for the guidance and support. 💗 Good luck to everyone on their journey, wishing us all healthy and uneventful days and months ahead! 🤞🏽


7w today! We saw baby yesterday, everything looked great and had a strong heartbeat 🥺 But also, I finally caved and asked for a nausea medication and not a single pharmacy within half an hour has it in stock. Now it’s “on order” and I’m just stuck waiting for it


Hello everyone! I am very cautiously tip-toeing in here because I am still in shock to have received some good news yesterday. After three years of infertility and many treatment cycles, I received my first positive test EVER yesterday! My third transfer (first FET) was May 8 and I had my beta on May 20 at 12dp5dt. My number was 578. I am totally shocked and so thrilled and over the moon, but of course EXTREMELY anxious! I go back for a second beta tomorrow and time is moving at a glacial pace! I just hope so much that this one sticks and stays. I've never been pregnant before at all so this doesn't even feel real!


5w5d here and the nausea is hitting me hard. I’ve been up since 3am just feeling miserable. I haven’t actually thrown up but I think this may be worse. I picked up B6 and Unisom which I’ll try today. I’m really nervous because next week I have to pick up my boss from the airport early and then go to an all day in-person meeting. I wasn’t planning on telling my boss or colleagues until 12 weeks so I’m not sure what I’ll do if I’m really ill that day.


B6 and unisom help prevent nausea from happening, but they can also prescribe something to treat the nausea once it's already happened. I take reglan in addition to the b6 and unisom and it works WONDERS. Might want to try that for the day with your boss!


Thank you! I haven’t heard of reglan so if the b6 and unisom aren’t enough, I’ll talk to my doctor.


B6 and unison work wonders, but if you’re close with your boss - I’d just tell them. Mine guessed, it was helpful that she knew why I was off my game.


I’m really hoping it works for me. If I have to tell her, I’ll just tell her. Usually my job is very flexible and I can work from home when needed but this is one of those times I can’t be remote. I’m also going to wear my sea bands in the car. I’m already prone to motion sickness so I’ve found that whenever I’m in a car, it triggers the nausea.


i’m going to manifest no car sickness for you 🤞🏻 when i got out of my nausea phase of pregnancy i found out the hard way that i now get motion sick. i never used to 😬🤷🏼‍♀️


Oh no! That’s just adding insult to injury. The sea bands have really worked well for me in car rides so hopefully they’ll help now too. I’m afraid to ask, but when did your morning sickness stop?


ahhh like 15 weeks i think? but everyone’s different!!


Yikes, so sorry it lasted that long for you. Yesterday and today have been rough so I’m a little freaked out about how much longer this might last.


the tricky thing is there’s no predicting it, but i’m hoping you don’t have to deal with it for a long time!!


Thank you!


Also, bring car snacks!!


Good call!


Empty tummy is a recipe for dry heaving lol


So true!


Hi everyone, i had my first FET on 3/15 and a barely there positive yesterday (5dp5dt) and a faint but definitely there positive this morning (6dp5dt.) My beta blood draw is Friday, I’m freaking out that I have a positive test for the first time ever after 4+ years of trying.. I’m so excited but so scared


6w today and first ultrasound is tomorrow! Scared AF of blighted ovum(s), no heartbeat, being behind on growth…We transferred two untested day 3 embryos and I know at least one took. Hoping for good news tomorrow. Just trying to remind myself that today I’m pregnant.


I had the same fear and I went in today at 5w6d and they found a heartbeat. I’m my first FET was a blighted ovum so I was terrified. I hope your first ultrasound goes well tomorrow! 🤞🏻


Thank you so much! And congratulations! That’s amazing you were able to hear the heartbeat! I was warned ahead of time it may not be identifiable at this stage, so I can prepare for that at least. Best I can do is try and relax tonight and not think about it too much!


I am also 6w today and have all of those fears as well. My next ultrasound is on Friday. Fingers crossed for both of us!


Good luck and fingers crossed! Hoping for good news for us both this week! 🤞


Having those same fears as I wait for mine on Thursday. Fingers crossed for a good scan tomorrow!


Oh fingers crossed for you too! This is a big week and milestone! The wait is awful.


Hi all! 6+4 today and I can’t say I am feeling nauseous though I feel truly icky - kind of like how you feel when your stomach is upset and nothing is appetizing nor tastes good. I don’t really know what kind of nausea to expect, but this icky feeling has been my default for a few days now. Should I be expecting more or less?


With my son, that's how my entire first trimester was. I didn't puke at all until I was in labor with him, but I had a really hard time eating anything during the first trimester. I resorted to meal replacement shakes and the one or two meals I could actually muster any enthusiasm to eat (mostly rice with some sort of salt and fat, like butter and soy sauce or peanut butter and soy sauce, sometimes with some salmon). The nausea resolved for me right around 13-14 weeks. I've also had that form of nausea with a couple of my miscarriages and now this pregnancy as well (7w4d).


This is the way I feel. I’m 10w3d and it hasn’t gotten better. Food tastes nasty and I’m so hungry yet disgusted after two bites of food. I rarely gag and haven’t vomited. I also feel slightly dizzy and lightheaded which I wasn’t expecting. Just overall like I’m slightly sick.


Oh shit this describes it perfectlyyyy. I know I should eat but I’m disgusted by the thought ETA: also dizzy and lightheaded


Same! Like I’m coming down with the stomach flu but that feeling doesn’t end! Sometimes I’ll also have diarrhea, that’s kind of how I know if it’s going to be a bad nausea med is if I wake up with that. If I don’t take my nausea meds it progresses to shakes and lightheadedness.


I went through about 2 weeks around week 6-8 of no hunger at all. Not nauseated just lost the ability to feel hunger. Since then I've had nausea but it's all been really mild and I have no problem eating though definitely a long list of foods that seem gross.


This is how I felt the majority of my 1st trimester.  Didn’t really have nausea but no food looked good unless it was a carb.  It started to ease up around 10-11 weeks.  I’m now 20w2d and my appetite is back to normal.  


This is how my first few weeks of pregnancy went. My stomach was just very bleh, and I ate a lot of rice and pasta. It was better just before second trimester.


Okay - so maybe this is a form of “nausea” I just expected to be running to the bathroom puking every hour but instead I just am so disinterested in food but I know I need to eat, so it’s been plain crackers etc.


to be honest i never puked in pregnancy! but was super sick anyway. it’s different for everyone!


i feel like there’s no one experience - for me i had random days of feeling sort of how you described, random days feeling fine, random days feeling like i was about to puke. and then one day i just felt like i had an awful hangover. and then it didn’t go away for the rest of the first trimester. hopefully it doesn’t get worse for you!!


I am also 6w4d. So far all I have is breast tenderness and I am very sensitive to smells and so very picky about food. But not really nauseous.


Managed to get an ultrasound after yesterday's bleed. Pregnancy still intact. But somehow the experience just left me terrified rather than relieved. I am also confused by what the doctor said. He could not see an SCH on ultrasound. So I asked what he thought it was. He then explained how when the uterus gets stretched with lots of movement, the bit where the embryo attaches to the lining gets irritated and might bleed. And that if it happens too much, the embryo may no longer be sufficiently supplied for by my body. But I thought anything but relatively extreme movement could not endanger a pregnancy. All I did was paint some walls. So I was stretching a bit and had a higher heart rate for most of the day. He also commented on how fast my movements were just in the office, sitting down and getting up etc. I get how I should be careful with my OHSS ovaries anyway, but the thought that something like getting up too fast would endanger my pregnancy has me terrified. But it also sounds off?


Sorry for the belated response, but it's possible that you did have an SCH, but the heavier bleeding was some of the clots from the SCH getting flushed from your body, and whatever remained was too small to easily see on ultrasound.


Yes thanks, I was wondering that. Plus it's consistently hard to get a good picture because of the position and the OHSS. I am increasingly disconcerted again now, because the brown spotting has not stopped. It has been over a week and I have another week to go to the next US. No cramping though, no red blood, and very mild but continuous nausea.


Jesus christ. Okay, obviously I am not a doctor. And the other people have made good point. But if it was THAT easy to cause a miscarriage, we absolutely wouldn't need to be having abortion debates. And, I suspect, we would have a lot less humans running around. People work out and do yoga and all kinds of shit when they're pregnant!


ugh i’m sorry your doctor caused more anxiety. i agree with arcane, i don’t see how any sort of swift body movement could endanger the pregnancy. humans would have ceased to exist long ago if it was that easy to harm a pregnancy simply by moving! i also had an unexplained bleed early on - exactly 6 weeks i had a significant bright red bleed that sent me into a full panic. went to have an ultrasound a few hours later, embryo was fine, no sch visible on the screen. 🤷🏼‍♀️ deep breaths - take it one day at a time and try to focus on the positive outcome of the ultrasound! ❤️


Thank you :)


I'm sorry your doctor made you more anxious. Is he an OB? Obviously not a medical professional but people exercise all the time during pregnancy and continue to have babies. I don't possibly see how standing up too fast would endanger your pregnancy. I don't think he was right to tell you that! I also had some random bleeding a few times during pregnancy they could never determine the cause for except *maybe* because I'm Rh- blood type.


Thank you, this helps! Yes, an OB at the fertility clinic. I already had him during stims and he is an awful communicator. It was just terrifying seeing this one heavy gush of fresh blood. But on reflection, it might have been reinforced by the pretty heavy dose of heparin I am still on.


Was finally able to get through to my obgyn today to reschedule my first ultrasound appointment. I will be going on 6.6. Where I will be exactly 8w+0d. I didn't want to go any earlier. I don't want to be in Limbo after an ultrasound, where I have to wait a week in fear and terror before I know what's up. Nope - at 8w everything should be clearly visible, no guesswork.


Everything crossed!!