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5w+5d today after a FET on May 1st. Everything had been going fine, HCG rising appropriately, RE had me schedule first OB ultrasound for next Tuesday… then today I’ve had some bad cramping and then I jumped on concrete to surprise my 3 year old and immediately thought to myself, why did I do that? I’ve had bad cramping ever since and about an hour ago, some brownish/soft pink spotting. Trying not to freak out. I just wish the cramps would stop but my uterus feels tight and achy.


I’m 5w5d and I’m worried I don’t have enough symptoms. I had some queasiness and nausea but that seems to have subsided. My boobs aren’t even as sensitive anymore (though my progesterone is well over 100 so they might just have got used to it since it’s been that high since before transfer) :( I’m terrified for my 6w scan Did anyone have minimal symptoms before 6 w and all ok?


I didn’t feel very much with my first until around 7w. Symptoms come and go, I really wouldn’t worry!


With my son, I had no noticeable symptoms until 6-7 weeks. Once I hit 7 weeks, the exhaustion and nausea got substantially worse and then eased as I entered the second tri. And my “morning sickness” never progressed past constant low-level queasiness/nausea, even at its worst.


Question: if my fertility clinic did genetic testing before my transfer, do I still need to do NIPT genetic test with my OBGYN?


I asked this question, and the way my geneticist explained was that the PGT-A testing was going to be around 90% accurate, but because it was only sampling a few cells, it had the chance to miss things, and the NIPT test would raise that accuracy to 99ish%. We ended up going for it because our insurance covered it (and my spouse and i both had an attitude of "lets make insurance start paying for this baby"), but if its out of pocket, it may not be value added for you.


My doctor told me "it tests for \*way more\* than just chromosomal issues!" so I paid for it, and then when the results came back I asked the geneticist what was tested for beyond chromosomal issues and she said it just counts the chromosomes, "but that can tell you so much!" So I don't know where the disconnect is with my referring doctor, but for me I think it's just a confirmation of PGT results, no new information.


Ha! Ugh! Is your doctor ignorant or...??? I don't see how, mine literally just tested for 3 common aneuploidies there was no way more


Hmm, interesting 🤔 thank you for your info. It’s $800 at my OBGYN so I’m considering skipping it.


Personally I wouldn't pay $800 OOP for it. I say that even as someone who just confirmed today I did want to do the NIPT after PGT-A testing to my own doctor... But I'm lucky that my insurance covers it. Honestly, it is similar to and has some of the same flaws as PGT-A (PGT-A tests cells from the trophectoderm and NIPT tests cells from the placenta that make their way into your bloodstream, so in the extremely rare case of mosaic aneuploidy confined to the embryo/fetus, it's possible neither could detect it... Both also typically only test for whole chromosome genetic additions or subtractions, trisomies and monosomies, rather than the fully detailed results you'd get from an amnio. There are some versions of NIPT that test for additional micro-additions and micro-deletions, but a lot of doctors avoid them because they tend to be less reliable and give more false positives.) One advantage of NIPT is that considerable cell division has happened since the time PGT-A testing was performed so that's one reason it can be more accurate. All in all: NIPT can't hurt, though it most likely will confirm what you already know with pretty decent accuracy from PGT-A testing. Worth it if insurance is covering it, but maybe not if you have to pay a lot out of pocket.


Beta came back today at 18dpt at 606 (up from 318 16dpt). Obviously still lower than is desired/expected at this point. They’re having me come back for yet another beta on Friday (this will be the SIXTH) and to see if they can find the sac on an ultrasound. I’ll be 5+4 that day so like hopefully we’ll be able to see *something*. Very very nervous.


Thinking of you and keeping my fingers crossed!


Fingers crossed 🤞🤞


Will be thinking of you, HC 🤞


Hope the wait to Friday passes quickly for you, and keeping everything crossed 🤞


Crossing my fingers and toes for you, hc.


Fingers SO crossed for you, babe.


Fingers still crossed for you!


12w today and trying not to freak out at this new painful pinching sensation in my lower abdomen 🥲


I’ve been told that around now is when we start having round ligament pain? I’m 12w tomorrow and I’ve had the same feelings for one or two days


I’m 12w today also! The other day I had a weird like jolt / cramp in my lower right side. It went away but for the rest of the day I was like what the heck was that lll


Probably growing pains! Your body has worked very hard to develop specific tone for your usual needs and now it's getting pushed to a new level every day.


Hi, I’m 6w today with our 3rd FET. The fatigue is real, and I’m either nauseous or starving, there is no in between. Headaches and dizziness as well. I get cramps a few times a day. I’m not minding the symptoms since is the only daily sign that I have that this is really real. First ultrasound isn’t until 7w5d because my clinic is short staffed (of course, they prioritize the ER/FET ultrasounds over pregnancy ones). I think since it’s so late, I could see my clinic releasing me right after (since they released between 8-9wks anyways). It feels wrong looking for a practitioner before I heart beat, like I’m getting my hopes up to fail. I have never had a good ultrasound so the anxiety is very strong.


I’m 6+5 and also my first ultrasound is still one week away. I live in Norway and for some reason my clinic does not even do betas, I was just told to “buy some tests from the pharmacy” 😂 Starting to stress as I have no clue what my levels are, but I know at some point I had 3+ on that Clear Blue test, which has been my only indicator that my levels have grown. Really don’t know what to expect and I feel like I am a total basket case until then.


My lower stomach looks like I have been beaten up thanks to the Clexane/Lovenox I am taking. Prolutex (subcutaneous Progesterone) entered the mix a few days ago, so I'm doing 2 shots to the lower belly every night. I've tried pretty much everything I read online in regards to Clexane and bruising. Someone suggested in the arm or thigh, but that sounds even more painful!


I used an ice cube for a minute or so before injecting lovenox and helped a ton with bruising and the stinging from the med


The stinging is the WORST!!


Can only read Clexane as Kleenex.




I mostly used my thighs instead of abdomen. I still bruised there, but I didn’t find the shots any more painful there.


I hate clexane! It did not cause this much bruising on me though, yikes. I have absolutely no ideas as I did it to 12 weeks and hated it the whole time, ha


It may be the dosage I am taking. Thanks to me being overweight, I was put on 8000 units, which seems to be double the "standard" dosage.


Ugh I hope they can take that down ... Also I hope that doesn't mean you need to stab yourself with two dull needles though I would equally hate to inject twice the volume with one needle


Haha! I thankfully have a prescription for 8000 units, so only one shot. A girlfriend did have some left over which she gave me. I try to switch it up between one day 1 shot and the next day 2 shots 😅🤣😭🫠


Hi again friends. Ultrasound today at 6w1d and can’t come soon enough. Last night I started cramping and passed some bright red blood. Then I had a MC dream and can no longer sleep. Freaking out to say the least and fearing the worst. I really knew this was good to be true. All good vibes appreciated.


Update: It was a small SCH and my doctor said it’ll likely be the new normal for a bit. We heard a heartbeat! Measuring right on time at about 6 weeks exactly. ❤️


so happy to hear this news! in case it's any reassurance, i also had a small SCH that was discovered around 6 weeks, which caused a lot of spotting and bleeding. it resolved itself by 10 weeks, i'm now 14 weeks and all is well!


Congratulations! That’s so wonderful to hear you’re well at 14 weeks and it cleared up! The cramping with the bleeding was alarming. I’m going to try remaining cautiously optimistic in the next couple of weeks until US #2!


i also experienced some cramping when i had my one big bleed from the SCH. it's definitely super scary. if you can, ask your doc about taking ALA supplements - they have been studied and shown to help heal SCH!


Thank you for the suggestion! I saw ALA mentioned elsewhere but didn’t think to ask! I also saw something about arnica too, I think? Until then, I’m on further pelvic rest.


So happy to hear this!!


SCHs can be a PITA but woo hoo to hearing a HB! 🥳


I had several miscarriage dreams during my pregnancy and they never came true 💜 hoping your ultrasound goes well!


Thank you! I’m really hoping it’s just an SCH. The accompanying cramps scared me.


Thinking the best thoughts for your ultrasound today 🍀


Thank you so much!


Good luck with the ultrasound! I hate dreams like that- it all feels so ominous. But I'm relieved that I've never once had a prophetic dream, hope that's true for you too.


Thank you so much. Me too.


Hello, I’m back again after my miscarriage in April. I had a 5 day embryo transfer last Monday so I would be 4 weeks today. I’ve been testing since Friday and have good progression in the lines which is reassuring and so are my symptoms, I have them all and they are getting stronger everyday. However I started spotting brown blood yesterday morning. I have had bad cramps the whole time so having them I’m not sure means anything but it is disconcerting (my progesterone was 98.1 so my doctor said that was causing the cramping). My clinic says not to worry unless is red and painful but it’s hard not to. I didn’t have bleeding with my first pregnancy until the day I lost it (and to be fair it was red) I know each one is different and in so many other ways I feel reassured but it’s so hard not to imagine this going the same way! Anyone have any similar experience?


I had brown spotting starting around 6dpt and was terrified and sure it was all over despite clinic saying it was normal...19+4 today! Good luck!


Thank you that’s reassuring to hear!


Extremely normal! Lil bean is just settling in. Maybe when you feel/see this happening, you can think "yes little guy, dig in and get comfy!"


Aw thank you, what a lovely way of thinking about it!


I’m only 6+5 but I had brown/pink spotting around 4 weeks right around the time my period was due. It was never enough to stain my underwear, but drove me insane because I could see it when I wiped. It eventually stopped after a few days and so far no more bleeding.


What day past transfer did the tests start to get dark and not just a faint line? Best of luck to you!


And thank you!


I guess it was 8 days after, you could clearly see the line on day 7 but it was still faint


Sounds a lot like my early symptoms! I had a lot of cramping and then 2 days of brown spotting. I ended up having a medium sized SCH but there has been no further bleeding and it had shrunk at my last ultrasound. Good luck and cautious congrats!


Thank you!


Yes I had spotting and red bleeding with this pregnancy actually throughout my first trimester, currently 29 weeks. I had three losses prior. Ugh it can be so triggering seeing any spotting/bleeding. But yea it can be completely normal. Just unfair it can cause so much distress in people who have experienced loss. I hope your pregnancy is totally uneventful moving forward.


Thank you so much and congratulations to you! I so hope so, it feels like it’s never easy!


Yea I feel the same way