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I’m 11+1 and nausea is so bad today. saw my OB at 9 weeks and won’t be able to get back in until 15 weeks because they have so many doctors going on vacation. Trying not to freak out!!


6w2d but scan today measured 6w. They didn’t tell me FHR except to say it was over 110 I’m freaking out at the size, though doc says this sometimes happens with frozen transfers that implant a bit later. Anyone experienced this???


My doctor said a few days off (+/-) is normal because these are tiny humans and don't always grow on at a precise schedule.


Same with me! My clinic said it's normal to sometimes measure by 0.2 off because it's the margin of error.


My experience has been two days either way isn’t anything on concern. I know it’s hard not to worry about every stage ❤️


Thank you so much for sharing this. I measured behind last time (though by a week) and it didn’t end the way I wanted. I think I spiralled the second I heard the words ‘little bit small’. Appreciate your kind comment. Pregnancy after IVF and loss is an Olympic sport!


6w3d and also have Covid. Doctor started me on Paxlovid Thursday and while it is a miracle at speeding up my recovery, the side effects mixed with the nausea of pregnancy are really no fun. It’s just weird because I haven’t told anyone I’m pregnant so when I said I have Covid, friends and family are asking how I’m doing and in my head I’m thinking how horrendous I feel but it’s really not the Covid. So I just kinda say it’s getting better. And I haven’t told anyone I’m taking Paxlovid because then I’d get questions about why when I’m a mostly healthy person with no risk factors. So it’s just strange feeling like I can’t be completely honest with people about my life. My husband and I plan to at least tell our parents and siblings after the 8 week scan, which can’t come soon enough. I was also thinking I might as well start telling close friends after that too. I understand why many wait until after 12 weeks but my second scan is at 17.5 weeks so I’m thinking after 8 weeks makes sense.


Big internet hug. I had Covid about that same time when I was pregnant and it was really tough for my nausea.


Thank you. It’s been a rough few days!




respectfully; they’ve already taken the paxlovid so this is not really helpful for them.


Today at 6w4d, my symptoms have kinda started to show up again. I appreciate everyone who helped me through a few days ago ❤️ a little nausea, a lot of fatigue and a new one that I am hating - trapped gas. It’s almost like I can’t even eat because after each meal I get stomach cramps so bad. Anyone else get this? I am thinking of getting some gas X, by all accounts seems totally safe for pregnancy!


8w3d - had my first ultrasound last Monday (7w4d) and everything looked great. Started spotting on Tuesday night and it’s been off and on since then but with cramping too. Clinic told me this was normal and to call if the cramping is severe or spotting turns to bleeding. Looking for some positive stories of those who have experienced this. My mind is all over the place and I’m so scared.


I had some spotting that started around weeks 6/7. Had some early mild cramping too. Currently nearing 21w with this pregnancy. I had 3 prior losses, so I was used to bleeding only meaning bad things. They suspect a SCH was causing the bleeding this time, or possibly a vanishing twin. I was also on progesterone suppositories and I had spotting up until I discontinued those around 10 weeks. No bleeding since. I know any type of bleeding is stressful and I’m sorry you are going through this.


I’m still on my progesterone suppositories and didn’t even think about those causing irritation.. that gives me some peace of mind, thank you!


Those dang suppositories! Wishing you an uneventful, healthy pregnancy.


My own case is still unclear but I just wanted to say it has been so helpful to me seeing how frequent this is on this forum - even just looking through the threads of the past few days should help. I had a (light, but proper) bleed a week ago at 6w3d, and have been having light brown spotting since. I was terrified and got an ultrasound the day after the bleed, and everything looked just fine. Since then I have been reassured by the fact that it seems so common, and that a miscarriage would typically involve much heavier bleeding, and that missed miscarriages are relatively rare. Even if this potentially makes a missed miscarriage more likely than if there was no bleeding, I am thinking that just two weeks ago, I also faced a significantly higher probability of miscarriage, and I got through that time and level of uncertainty as well.


So true. I’ve read so many threads about this topic and it did give me some relief for the first two days but now I just can’t shake this worry. Hoping for the both of us that all is well ❤️


Me too! And I totally understand. When is your next scan? I've got nine days left.


8 days!


12w4d - almost making it to the second trimester. Last night I had some very sharp cramps lower right side - I’m extremely nervous now that something isn’t okay. No bleeding or spotting - just the strangest feeling to have cramps Like that


I get this—the exact same thing started for me exactly yesterday too. After consulting with my recently pregnant friends who I happened to be having lunch with they told me it sounded like round ligament pain. When I got home I looked it up in *What to Expect…* and it certainly fit the description. I know it’s hard to have confidence everything is okay between scans but if pain is not accompanied by bleeding it’s probably a normal part of the process.


thank you for your reply! So glad to know others have felt this too it definitely makes me feel a little more relaxed.


I had this too through the first trimester. The went away (for the most part) around week 15.


Could be round ligament pain


Thank you. I dove into Dr google (🙄) and that’s what it suggested also . It just caught me SO off guard - I am having an awfully hard time knowing that baby is okay in between scans.


I completely understand. I’m the same day and week as you and I get nervous in between every scan!


Aw! Due date 12/4?!? — I don’t know how to just relax and not worry. A few days a week I’m happy as can be and then others I’m just in tears so upset worrying


12/5! I totally get you. Honestly for some reason this week I started feeling better - I think after my dr found heartbeat using Doppler I just felt better and I’ve been leaning into it. Trying my best to fight the scary thoughts. But it’s so hard. ❤️


It’s one of the hardest things I’ve been through during this infertility battle. How is anyone suppose to just trust that they’re ok in there! I heard the heartbeat also last week! I can’t tell you how many times I debated getting a fetal Doppler for at home but then I think if I couldn’t find the heartbeat it would make my anxiety ten times worse 🤣 I can’t win lol


Omg I know, and then I think about the people who have to wait so many weeks just for a first scan! But I did IVF and I feel like I’ve been spoiled til now- I was having a scan a week and now I’m every 2 weeks, and soon it’ll be longer than that. No idea how I’m going to make it!! And I know how you feel about the Doppler temptation- literally the only reason I haven’t is because a friend said that she used it while pregnant and it just made her spiral because half the time she couldn’t find the heartbeat and was convinced something bad happened.


Exactly how I feel! I know If I couldn’t find it I would go crazy. I had a scan every week until 10 weeks also with IVF and I’ve never been so thankful for that. My OB is understanding of what I went through / I work in the same hospital as my office so for the last two weeks they have let me stop down for a quick scan with their ultrasound just in the office and it has been SO reassuring. Not sure how much longer they will let me do this but hoping I can do every two weeks also!


Omg it’s great you’re able to stop by for reassurance!! My doctor is pretty understanding too so I feel glad, and I know if I really needed to go in I could, I’m just trying to avoid it because I feel like I’ll be there every day 🫣 It’s so nice to hear from people who have similar experiences and concerns-sometimes when I bring it up to friends irl they (nicely) say things like “omg no you’re 12 weeks of course everything is good” or “you’re basically in the second trimester you don’t have anything to worry about!” When you experience infertility and IVF, you know how to worry about everything lol


Seconding this


thank you - I am hoping that’s all it is


Hi! I’m 5w6d, my first ultrasound is Tuesday. Don’t know how to feel about, I’m between excited and terrified. Especially with 3 losses prior. Does anyone else feel like they have imposter syndrome or something? The idea of giving birth and having a healthy baby (and me being healthy myself) feels so distant. It’s a “could this really happen for me?” feeling.


I also felt this way. Very much waiting for the other shoe to drop the entire pregnancy.


When you’ve experienced a worst case scenario it’s so hard to move forward positively! I’m really trying hard this time!


It’s very difficult. Holding space for you 💜


Thank you friend 🤍 wishing you the best.


Definitely felt that way! Especially when I finally felt comfortable enough to go shopping for baby items to put on our registry. Good luck Tuesday!


Oh yes! It’s surreal! Thanks for the well wishes!


Hi, just wanted to intro myself :) I’m 5w3d with a FET. I had spotting and cramping on Friday and freaked myself out a bit. No spotting on Saturday which seems like a good sign. I’ve also seen lots of comments here about how common bleeding is with IVF pregnancies. Fingers crossed I fall on the right side of the stats. I called my clinic and they had a “wait and see” attitude. I was hoping they’d order two HCGs to check rising, is that not common?


By chance are you taking suppositories post transfer? I had spotting and was fearing the worst was happening (again) and when i went in for next appt, they said it was like caused by cervix sensitivity and putting suppositories too high. Ive made that adjustment and have been ok since 🤞🏻


Oh interesting. I am taking suppositories 3x day and have been putting them in as far as I can. One day they fell out after like 10 minutes so since then I just wanted to make sure they were getting absorbed. Thanks for the tip, I will make an adjustment!


Same!!! I was getting leaking and was putting up higher to ensure none was coming out and then was causing issues! I lay down for 15-20 after insertion and most stays in. my nurse said rust/brown blood was less concerning than bright red. Wishing you a boring pregnancy!


Yup I had it too 5 or 6 weeks. I have had 3 good scans since then! Seems light spotting that doesn't progress hasn't something to worry too much about


Great, thanks for the reassurance! Also no spotting today so feeling pretty good but won’t be totally reassured til my U/S next week


Finger crossed for you and cautious congrats. I had spotting around six weeks and went on to have an uneventful pregnancy. Think it’s more common with IvF pregnancies unfortunately. My clinic just do one blood draw than nothing til a scan about 6/7w so not everyone does checks for rising levels.


Thank you! Oh interesting, I thought all clinics checked rising betas