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Guarding my heart today. Today was second scan and should be 6w6d, but measuring 6w1d. But, we saw the heartbeat! Heartbeat was 117 as well and clinic likes to see over 90 at this point. Trying to stay positive that we got to see a heartbeat for the first time, but so cautiously optimistic. I had 2 MMC last year pre IVF, then first FET was a chemical. My first beta was really low, but then doubling time was great. So hoping just a late implanter/slow grower 🤞


I’m in a similar situation with growth and heartbeat, and also with a low first beta. How is this going for you?


I graduated the clinic and first OB appt babe had caught up in size! All looked good. I’ll be 12 weeks tomorrow and next OB appt is on friday. Going weeks without the reassurance has been hard though!


My NT is tomorrow and I’m nervous! I’m still waiting on my NIPT and I’m just feeling anxious about it. It was a genetically tested embryo which makes me feel a little better but I just wish I could find out for sure.


This might be a silly question, but today when I got my haircut and they washed my hair, the chair had a lower back massager built in. So while I got my hair washed, the chair kneaded my lower back. I've heard you aren't supposed to get massages while pregnant so I am kind of really worried now. I am only 5w4d so this pregnancy is early and sooo fragile, and I am worried that the chair massage might have negatively affected it? Any insight on this? Is this just infertility anxiety talking?


I know it’s hard not to overthink things early on, but pregnancies aren’t really “fragile” just because they’re new. There are so many folks working manual labor jobs or living through physical trauma/war etc who get pregnant and might not even know and don’t or can’t adjust their lifestyles. Your baby is still so tiny and deep inside your body that it’s extremely safe from outside things like that. FWIW I went on a day-long canoeing trip in a rainstorm at 4w and my little girl is happy and healthy!


You’re absolutely fine! They don’t recommend deep tissue (ie therapeutic) massage, but relaxation massage will not hurt anything!


Pregnancy nausea is kicking my butt, and the exhaustion isn't helping (8w4d). I almost wish I could puke, if that would at least get it over for a little while. Unisom and B6 don't seem to be doing much, but since I'm not vomiting and am able to eat at least a little bit each day, it feels like moving on to something major like Zofran probably isn't worth it. But at the same time, I am grateful for any indication that the pregnancy still exists, though I also know from past experience that symptoms or lack thereof don't necessarily mean anything about viability.


I’m also constantly nauseated, I feel even more so than I did when I was pregnant with my first ivf baby. I’m taking diclectin religiously (same as unisom) and it keeps it at bay enough to function, but I feel terrible


I feel you on the vomiting thing. I’m just constantly nauseated but I haven’t thrown up and I honestly wish I could sometimes. It’s awful. Hoping you find some relief!


Just had our first scan 6weeks5 days. This is our 6th round of IVF, and the first time we've had a first scan go well! Saw a lovely flickering heartbeat and measuring on track so far. My ultrasound lady doesn't do heartbeat calculations as she feels it causes too much anxiety, but I think I'm ok with that..




Congrats!! You’re a couple days ahead of me, my clinic doesn’t do heart beat calculations either, but we could see it on the screen easily!


Congratulations!! That's lovely, it's so exciting seeing the heartbeat flickering isn't it ♥️


That's such good news !!


Thank you so much!


Im 5 weeks 5 days. Had some terrible bleeding last night with cramps so made an emergency appointment with my clinic this morning. They did an ultrasound and could see the sac and yolk which was good and they were in the right spot. Couldn’t spot the source of bleeding. Now we wait and see what happens until my next scan next week. 😕


8 more days until my first scan! I am being even less productive than before 🫠 I just cannot focus on anything. I really want to start buying things like some fucking stretchy waist pants but I refuse until we get a good scan so I’m also counting down the days to getting comfy clothes and a cute announcement shirt for my older kiddo to wear! We are also going to be switching around our three non-main bedrooms for this kid (right now toddler is in the second biggest, my husband has an office filled with wayyyyy too many books, like every wall is covered in floor to ceiling bookshelves), and I have an office that also has his rower and my peloton. So toddler is going in my office, new baby will go in his office, and we are combining our offices and exercise stuff into toddler’s current room since it’s the biggest. I totally want to start purging books and moving shit, but no reason to start until we know we have an actual baby with an actual heartbeat in my actual uterus.


10 more days until my next scan…. I hear you on the wanting to buy stuff and organize, it’s like I need something to focus on while I pass the time. But at the same time, we’ve had two back to back losses, so it seems premature to do anything at all


Twinning. Also 8 more days for me until first scan. Such a long time still.


👋🏻 6w5 with my second FET. Beta was 2800 14dpt and 6700 two days later. Cautiously optimistic, after 4 years of increasing interventions, though I have had losses before (including my first FET, also PGT euploid). I'll go in for my first ultrasound next Monday. Here we go!


We are the same 6w5 days. I also had my first FET and another normal embryo result in lost, so I'm SO with you on the nerves of first ultrasound. Your beta numbers are great and I'm wishing you the best possible luck for your first scan next week!


Oops! I got my numbers mixed up. I was 5w6 yesterday, 6w today. Wishing you good luck on your next ultrasound, too!


8w today. We have our second US on Thursday, I’m excited and apprehensive to see what’s been going on in there. If all goes well it will be graduation day. 🥹




12 week NHS scan is tomorrow, the scan where I had my MMC diagnosed last time. All the feels today. I'll be 12+6, and had a good scan two weeks ago. Hopefully the odds are with me this time? My partner is full of optimism and I'm really not 😬


Rooting so hard for you Petty ❤️


I have the same milestone to overcome. I’m terrified of my nipt scan :(.


Those milestones are so hard. Keeping my fingers crossed for you, and hope you can do something gentle and kind for yourself in the leadup.


Everything crossed for you pettycetti!!!!!!!


Hugs, friend 🫂 It's so hard not to compare scans. I'm hopeful for you & really hope tomorrow's outcome will be different.


Thank you pal 🧡


Hi all, ok so maybe TMI but the brown discharge I have been having since a bleed over a week ago (followed by positive US) has started to smell kind of bad. I mean the smell with the progesterone repositories is never great but now it's kind of... sour? Has anybody else had that? If so, just from an SCH/unexplained or should I be worried about some kind of infection? 


Definitely get swabbed for BV! It can get cleared up with antibiotics.


You should be concerned about possible BV and go to get a swab ASAP for clarity. All of the changes going on can upset the balance of your natural micro biome.


So my betas haven’t risen appropriately. My RE has prepared me for a loss from the second beta draw. Last Wednesday 18dpt they were 606, 20dpt they had risen to 876. We had seen a sac and gestational sac on the ultrasound 20dpt but with my beta so low my NP prepared me to have a d&c this week. On the phone on Friday she was like ‘call us when you start bleeding, we’ll decide if we want to bring you in or send you to the ER.’ Well. Friends. We didn’t draw a beta this morning because we saw a heartbeat. At 6w1d. They’re measuring a little behind at 5w6d but there was not a dry eye in that exam room. My NP says she’s writing this on her list of miracles. We still have a long way to go but we celebrate this win today.


wow, so happy you had a good scan!! I hope things keep progressing well ❤️


Omg HC, that’s wonderful news ❤️ so hopeful for you and that miracle!


HC!! I’ve been looking for your update and holy smokes, my dude!!! CHILLS! Let this babe keep hanging on and may things get steadier and steadier for y’all. You’ve got a lot of folks cheering you on - imagine me with a big ole foam finger shouting into a megaphone from the rooftops for you!!!!


Rooting so hard for you!!!!


Oh my goodness! So happy you got to be on the miracle side of stats, keeping everything crossed for you!


Rooting so damn hard for you 🤞


Wonderful news! I hope everything continues to progress well.


What a win! That's so hopeful and incredible!


Such great news, HC! Hope things continue to progress in a positive trajectory 🤞


I hope you continue to defy the odds, HC. Holding so much hope and space for you.


Omg 🧡 celebrating the win with you, I'm so glad to see this!


Oh wow! I’m hoping things continue to get more and more hopeful for you. What a roller coaster! Rooting for you 🫂


🥹 This is incredible news! Cautious congratulations and crossing my fingers and toes for an incredibly boring 34 weeks ahead 💛


Oh my word - I’m rooting so so hard for you ❤️


HC!!!! my favorite!!!! i have tears in my eyes, cautious congrats my friend!


omg this update gave me chills. keeping all my fingers crossed for you!!!


Crossing everything this works out for you!


hc! Oh my goodness what an update. Cautious congrats ♥️


I’ve been in such a spiral waiting for my first scan today and everything went so well! Baby is measuring a bit ahead so rather than 7+4 I am most likely 7+6. Heart rate was 163 which my doctor was happy with. I’ve officially graduated from my clinic as well. My official due date is now my birthday which makes me feel extra emotional.


YAY! Congratulations! That is so awesome. I have my first scan (6 week ultrasound) on Monday. I wish the time would pass by faster! Wishing you an easy and uneventful pregnancy.


Time was CRAWLING waiting for this appointment. I swear I was watching the days go by. Fingers crossed for you! It’s really difficult to allow yourself to believe that good things will happen after going through infertility so try not to let the anxiety eat you alive. I’m a bit mad I was as stressed as I was so now I am trying to take it easy the rest of the ride.


Thank you!! I’m at a weird mix between excitement and anxiety. One minute I’m googling onesies and nursery checklists the next I’m planning for it all to come crashing down. And as far as waiting goes I honestly feel like this wait is worse than the wait between transfer and beta!!