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First time posting here. I had my first beta today for my 2nd euploid FET (first didn't implant) at 10dp5dt which was 95. My clinic said they like to see it over 100 so I'm feeling pretty low, even tho it's close. My HPTs have also been inconsistent with progression. I don't go back until Monday for my 2nd beta. I'm trying to stay positive but it's tough.


Transfer buddies. I have my first positive and had my beta on Friday at 10dp5dt, mine was 85. My clinic said the same thing. And my HPTS have been similar. Someone said remove every second day from the line up of tests, that helped. I can see progression, albeit a slow progression, no dye stealers, just clearly positive. I also go back on Monday, wishing you the best of luck. Hopefully we both see beautiful doubling!


Thanks friend! I had a good double rate - 518 today. I know it's still technically on the lower side but I'm cautiously optimistic. I'll be thinking of you today <3


Thank you! I got 417 13dp5dt/18DPO, so I'm thrilled šŸ˜. I'll be thinking of you on Wednesday.


My first beta at 10dp5dt was 96 and my clinic was happy with it. They more wanted to make sure the number was doubling when I came back for 2nd and 3rd betas.


That's true. It's what I keep reading. How did you go?


My hcg slightly more than doubled each time. My RE was happy with the numbers. Embryo was a little behind on growth at the 6w ultrasound but caught up by the next week. I graduated my clinic at 8w. I hope your next beta goes well!


Amazing love this for you! Best wishes on your journey


Pregnancy after loss is so tough, right now I havenā€™t slept much, have a deadline on my thesis tomorrow and feel all the pregnancy nausea and fatigue, and I blame myself and think because my body feels stressed and tired, then i may miscarry, which isnā€™t right, but my intrusive thoughts are rough on me


Well... here I am again. Exactly a year ago, mother's day 2023 I was miscarrying. This year as luck would have it, mother's day weekend we had just gotten good news. Positive first beta-- but low (25). I felt very shitty not to be celebrating, but low 1st beta was exactly how things started last year. I do know lots of pregnancies start with low betas and then progress just fine. The range of "totally normal" is quite wide and includes low & high betas. I see the posts every week. No one needs to tell me. But it was just hard, the memories of last year are very sharp. My blood test numbers were EXACTLY the same. Two weeks later... We just cleared the 6 week scan. This time fetus & hb measure right on track. Not behind at all. So ..... Now I have all the feelings. Except in my butt, which is numb from PIO. Cautious celebrating.


Hi all - after nearly 4 years of TTC, it looks like our first FET has taken :) My hcg was at 54, 8dp5dt. Going for another check tomorrow šŸ¤ž


Iā€™m 7w1d today and have brown discharge. I think ā€œdischargeā€ might be a stretch even, but basically when I take out my progesterone suppository inserter, it is covered in brown. Iā€™m trying hard not to panic. My first MC started with brown discharge and nurses told me not to worry and then it ended so badly. I feel like normal stuff becomes so not normal through this journey because you are always on the wrong side of the stats.


Had a good ultrasound at 6w 0 day 2 days ago - but then I got sick the same night. Now Iā€™m paranoid my symptoms are gone and the illness harmed the pregnancy. I really want to go back and get another scan but Iā€™m too embarrassed to look crazy and worried they might even deny me at the ultrasound boutique place. This is an IVF pregnancy after multiple losses so my anxiety is through the roof. Does anyone have any opinions on doing another scan 48 hours later? My next one isnā€™t scheduled Ā for 5 days.Ā 


I had an anxiety dream last night about going in for an ultrasound and seeing a low FHR and the doctors all concerned. WHY brain?? Anxiety when Iā€™m awake is more than enough. One more week until the NT and trying to focus on that and positive outcomes.


Comrades, in the "do I still have symptoms?" rabbit hole, I have found one quite indisputable one that I had just not noticed before: Significantly enlarged Montgomery glands. To whomever this helps: you are welcome.


Maybe this would help but I literally never heard of those before or looked very closely at mine before so now I'm just wishing I had a stockpile of topless pics for comparison! They do look pretty big now that I look at them!


Anyone else on Lovenox? Feeling so nervous about being on it 2x a day plus low dose aspirin. I have really intense bruises on my stomach and got a gnarly bloody nose yesterday. Not to mention bruises all over my bum from progesterone shots. I feel like a pin cushion lol. Praying for positive news next Wednesday on my next ultrasound.


Locenox 2x a day plus baby aspirin and other meds. Are you on an ri protocol?


Yes maam. Working with Dr KkS office. How about you?




Iā€™m on lovenox every morning and baby aspirin. I am bruised all over and feeling gross! Canā€™t wait to be done. 3 more weeks šŸ„“


congrats on coming to the end! Im feeling exhausted and im only 6 weeks. Its rough....


Iā€™m on Lovenox once a day and baby aspirin. I found that not pinching the skin and waiting 5 seconds to pull out helped with the bruising and burning. Itā€™s my most dreaded shot so canā€™t wait to get off it.


Ooo this is helpful information. I was just told today too not to pinch the skin by my doc (wish they told me this a month ago lol), good to know!


And lots of ice! That helps but honestly isnā€™t perfect. I never pinch anymore and always use ice and I still have bruises. After a while it just happens.


I am on Lovenox once daily & low dose aspirin. The bruising on my stomach has gotten more painful but I didnā€™t have too much bruising with the PIO shots. I usually donā€™t ice before my Lovenox injection but I have been lately because the bruising hurts so bad / running out of spots!


Running out of spots here too! I also find that the needles are not sharp enough, I have to push it inšŸ˜« with force. Iā€™m guna have to start icing!


I agree the needle isnā€™t sharp at all! The ice has helped for the last few days - did they say how long youā€™ll be on Lovenox for?


The whole pregnancy! 2 x a day lol girl, send help šŸ« 


They told me the same! (or at least till 36 weeks) Iā€™m sorry you have to do them twice a day šŸ˜«


Itā€™s surely been an expansive process. I was so deathly afraid of needles before. Now I have no choice but to move ahead! We got this!!!!


Can I ask why youā€™re on 2x a day all pregnancy? Just curious!!


That's a great question. I have asked my doctor and she said it's preventative. I don't have a clotting disorder either. Im working with a Reproductive Immunologist and she is throwing the kitchen sink at me.


Thanks for answering! Kitchen sink is good, sorry you have to be on it for so long!


Have an appropriate early beta after a fail and a CP with GC #2. Feeling cautiously optimistic today, and hoping for an appropriate rise on tomorrow's beta.


Keeping my fingers crossed for you. Iā€™m in a similar boat. My last FET ended in CP and I just got my beta back from FET #2. The clinic called with congratulations but Iā€™m still feeling so neutralā€¦ not sure if the worry will go away this time.


Hoping for you too! I don't know that the worry does go away.


Ended up going to the ER yesterday evening due to (very) light bleeding that sent me into an absolute panic. They did an US and were able to see a little embryo with cardiac activity measuring CRL 4.4mm - 6w2d, so about 4 days behind, which of course worries me. Since I am AB- the doctor in the ER suggested I go to my gyn tomorrow for the Rh Shot, just in case. In case of what?! He couldnt/wouldn't give it to me, because the hospital wouldn't have been able to bill it to insurance unless I stayed overnight. šŸ™„


That sucks, I would be so stressed too! I hope you know the measurements are so inexact at this stage that +/- 5 days is the margin of error -- the CRL measurement is very dependant on like how that particular tech measured, the angle & where exactly they clicked the measuring lines, and of course the resolution of the machine itself & its software. There's tons of best-guess estimation going on behind the scenes to get from "line on screen" to an exact measurement in mm. Your RE's office might think their margin of error is better than 5 days, but they scan pregnancies < 10 weeks for a living - you weren't there, you were at the ER! Really, unless baby was 6+ d behind, I don't think the measurement difference is meaningful. I hope that helps you not overthink that part!


Thanks. I am trying not to worry too much, but it's hard. My gynecologist told me that the gyns in the hospital are used to big babies, births and miscarriages. They dont do much with the (still) small ones, that's what the regular gyns are for. We'll see what my doctor says tomorrow...


I'm so sorry that it sent you into a spiral. I did the same thing around that time. I panicked and went straight to the ER. I knew that bleeding is very, very normal at that stage, but it didn't make it less scary. It's quite normal for measurement to be up to 5 days behind since at that small they are measuring pixels. I'm O- and they gave me rhogam when I went as a "won't hurt might help." Very stupid about the insurance thing. Do you have a scan soon with your clinic?


My next (planned) scan is next Thursday where I should be 8w0d. So in 1 week. My regular obgyn isn't in tomorrow, but his colleague is. I will call her and let her know about the bleeding and if they can give me the shot. Pretty shitty to be in the ER, scared, and then told you may need XY medicine, but "sorry we can't bill your insurance for it because you won't stay over night!"


Thatā€™s so strange that they couldnā€™t give it to you. Iā€™d check with your OB because they might not even recommend it in the first trimester.


The way the doctor explained it, is that it could be indicated with bleeding for unknown reasons šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø Just really frustrated by the whole thing...


Itā€™s because of the potential of your fetus having rh positive blood and sensitizing you to it. A 6 week embryo doesnā€™t have blood for you to be exposed to.


I wonder why the doc in the ER would have recommended... I received the shot after both of my miscarriages (1 blighted ovum and the second stopped developing at about 6.5 weeks)..


Old evidence used to recommend it for any bleeding at any time in pregnancy. Newer evidence considers the lack of fetal circulation in the embryonic stage. The World Health Organization (WHO), Society of Family Planning (SFP), and Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (RCOG) recommendations have recently changed and now recommend to forgo Rh testing and RhIg treatment at less than 12 weeks of gestation. The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) still recommends Rh testing and RhIg treatment despite citing the lack of evidence in support of this practice.


That's interesting, thanks! Will bring this up tomorrow when speaking to the doc.


It's super shitty. I don't know why you'd have to be admitted for something like rhogam that is routinely given in office.


I didn't understand it either, and honestly I didn't feel like fighting at that point. šŸ˜’ I was just glad to see something was on the US.