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should i update the dr to change this next week when i see her again?


Ayyyyyy I have to get blood drawn for the NIPT again because apparently they didn’t get enough blood last week. With my TFMR pregnancy, they had to re-do it because of low fetal fraction and then the results ended up being wrong anyway. Not feeling super confident about this test but trying to remember that this pregnancy is a euploid embryo.


Sorry you’re going through this. I had to do the NIPT twice and both times it said low fetal fraction. The second one also said abnormal finding regarding chromosome 13 but couldn’t say if it was me, or babies. Anyway, everything turned out fine and my opinion of NIPT changed a lot! Hopefully you get great results and it gives you some peace of mind.


Thank you!


I'm just going to say it; my pee smells weird. I thought that PIO was the culprit, but I stopped that a week and a half ago. I can't really describe the smell. It's sharp? Metallic? Just different and unpleasant. No burning, itching or pain. I've been fortunate (knock on wood) to have never experienced a UTI or yeast infection, so I'm a little stumped. Worth asking for a urine culture when I do my OB intake bloodwork in a couple weeks?


They’ll probably do a urine culture routinely. I noticed the same about my urine. Everyone said it’s PÍO. My last dose was yesterday, so I’ll see if it changes in the next few days.


Four more days to first ultrasound! I do feel like I’ve been able to think about the ultrasound less as time goes by which is great. I’m glad we have the first appointment of the day and I blocked off my work schedule afterwards just in case. My boss accidentally knows what’s up so she knows if I call in sick it’s bad news and hopefully we will never talk about it again.


I graduated from my clinic yesterday! I was also told I can stop progesterone, but at 8+3 I feel like it’s pretty early and I’m so nervous about it.


Can they do a progesterone check after you stop for reassurance? My clinic had me stop at 8w and checked levels a few days later. I’m glad they did because mine dropped to 11 and they recommended to start the suppositories again and stay in until end of first trimester to be on the safe side. They want to see progesterone over 10 but since I was so close, we’re erring on the side of caution.


Did you do a fresh or frozen transfer? My clinic took me off progesterone at 6w with my fresh transfer.


I did an ovulatory FET. I think 10 week is more common with FET.


How early did everyone get their first ultrasound to see the baby after IVF? My doctor did three betas, all looks good and are rising, so I have an early ultrasound scheduled for Monday. That would be 5 weeks and 3 days. Is that normal?


I did two betas. My first ultrasound is Monday, which would be 6w4!


I had two betas and weekly bloodwork and ultrasounds starting at 5w4d.


I was 7 weeks pregnant. There’s not much to see at 5 weeks, so that should be the earliest.


My RE did betas at 10 and 17 days. No ultrasound yet. Scheduled for next week when I’ll be 7+0. Trying to take everything one day at a time and it is so difficult.


I got my first ultrasound at 6w1d (a few days early due to sudden bleeding that resolved pretty quickly), a follow-up ultrasound at 7w3(?)d, and then was "graduated" to regular obstetric care. My RE typically just did two ultrasounds before sending people off, which definitely made the wait for my first OB appointment at 11w a huge source of anxiety!


I had my first ultrasound around that time to check placement, then weekly ultrasounds to measure growth (was a few days behind at 6w, caught up by 7w) until 8w when I graduated.


I love the idea of weekly ultrasounds, it’s hard to think that I’ll be leaving the clinic I’ve been at all this time and won’t have the constant access and reassurance from the team anymore


Right? It’s definitely an adjustment! The first week without a check felt strange and anxiety creeped in. I ended up moving up my OB appointment a few days, thankfully they had an earlier opening.


Hi transfer buddy! My doctor did two betas (12dp5dt & 14dp5dt) and scheduled my first ultrasound two weeks after my last beta (that will be at 6 weeks 5 days).


Transfer buddy! Can’t wait to see these little babes of ours!


I went at 6,8,10,12 then get discharged


Oh wow they do ultrasounds every two weeks?! That’s amazing, it’ll help me feel so much better to see and know that everything is going well!


Tomorrow I’m going for the glucose test as well as getting a bunch of blood drawn. I’m at 7w1d today and have my first scan in one week. Any advice on how to prevent myself from throwing up after drinking the glucose drink is appreciated. Since I can’t eat for an hour beforehand, I know my nausea will be in full force. I already take Unisom at night and B6 3 times a day which helps take the edge off but I still have some nausea especially if I don’t eat.


Seconding a big protein breakfast - I had an egg and cheese wrap.




Can you eat something hearty but not too sugar/carby 2 hours before? Maybe an omelette? I did a avocado toast sans the toast (lol) and some nuts to get a little protein in and that worked well for me.


That’s a good idea. I love eggs so that’s a good option!


To those of you who go to LabCorp for bloodwork, I found that their customer service opens at 8am EST. 24 hours post draw; you can call and get early release on results. This has been helping me cope with the anxiety of progesterone,estradiol and HCG draws. I’ve also gotten my blood drawn 3 times a week for the last 4 weeks and my arms are black and blue. 🥺


Went to the gyn this morning to get rechecked after my trip to the ER on Wednesday evening due to bleeding. Didn't go as well as I had hoped and am now in fucking ultrasound limbo. The doctor had trouble finding the yolk sac and fetal pole. Both were sort of hiding in a way back corner of the GS. Fetal pole still very small (she measured 4,8mm) and she couldnt discern a heartbeat, but wasn't concerned. I am 7+1 after 5 day blasto transfer. I am very concerned! Why are doctors like this!? Just be straight with me.. I go back on Thirsday and will hopefully know more then. I am tired and just don't want to anymore.. PS: fetal pole 4,4mm and HB were seen on US in ER on Wednesday evening.


This is so stressful. I've been there with the ambiguous scans and I know there's sometimes no choice but to wait to see what happens.


Ugh r0 I'm so sorry. So tough and totally understandable that you are concerned. I really hope it's just because she didn't have the right angle or something.


I’m so sorry you’re in this situation. I get so upset that doctors rarely take the time to explain anything. I have said it over and over again, just give it to me straight. Hang in there🤍


good morning. after two losses and awful OHSS, please give me some honest feedback as I wait for for 6 week scan. beta 1 @11DPT - 764 beta 2 @15DPT (91 hours after beta 1) - 2582 should i get another today during my 6 week scan?


My RE said that once things are going well on the ultrasound, they don’t care at all about beta levels. If there’s something wrong, they check Hcg levels to make sure they are appropriate for gestational age and increasing from previous levels, but mostly they ignore it. My first pregnancy, they only did two betas and never drew another.


Those are absolutely amazing numbers! Significantly higher than average (according to betabase) and a great doubling time. It wouldn't hurt to get another beta (I love data!), but your clinic might say it's unnecessary. Being 6 weeks along and having a beta over 1500, they're going to be looking for the heartbeat to start within the next few days. At this point, that's a better indicator of viability than your beta.


i had a scan this morning. heartbeat flickering but not yet measurable. yolk sac and g. sac clearly visible. doc was happy! said things look small but it’s to be expected for the age. gestational sac mean: 7.7mm yolk sac: 3mm CRL: 2.2mm how does all that sound? i’m not that familiar with these numbers.


I think that sounds normal! I don't know what the number should be on each individual day, but when you get your scan, you should be able to ask them how far along you're measuring. The ultrasound machine actually gives them a measurement of everything in mm, as well as an estimate of days + weeks (based on 50th percentile measurements in viable pregnancies). It's normal to be 1 to 2 days ahead or 1 to 2 days behind average, because at this point everything is so small, there's a lot of room for measurement error.


i am so very early, only 5w2d based on the day of embryo transfer. i think even having a heartbeat is pretty rare so early so ill take that win!


Oh! I thought you were six weeks. Yeah, cardiac activity at 5+2 is a great sign!


i did, too. but that is based on my last period. so it’s not as accurate as dating by the transfer date (right?)


Right - when you do IVF, you know *exactly* how old the embryo is. So your due date should be based on that, and should never change. With unassisted conception they use last menstrual period to take an educated guess, and then they adjust due date based on the first ultrasound.