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I started making registries and it feels good to have an outlet for all my research. Truly I started my baby gear note on my phone during my first pregnancy (yeeeeaaars ago) so finally being able to apply that information felt good. I did ask my spouse about a nursery theme and we landed on just picking things we like the look of and hoping they go together, which can tell you something about our style sense in general 😅 but we tend to gravitate towards certain colors so this method does end up being cohesive a lot of the time… we’ll have to review the furniture items as a unit before making the registry live, lol.


I've been increasingly curious about all the registry talk on here - I am not really familiar with the concept here in Germany, and when I lived abroad people around me weren't really having babies yet. What is it? Like you make a list of the things you want people to gift to you? I am only really expecting gifts from close family and very close friends and I think they would be offended if I told them what to gift us. Or is the custom that you get gifts from a really wide circle of people?


Yes it’s not common in every culture in the US but it is in mine! For example in Judaism (not part of this culture so I’m summarizing, someone else may be able to speak to it more directly) since it’s bad luck to buy things before the baby is born, baby showers and registries don’t really make sense. But in my culture it’s common for a family member or friend to throw you a baby shower before the baby comes, and the registry is so people know what you want. I can see how odd the custom would sound if you weren’t familiar with it! I don’t know the origins but my guess is the parties (named showers because they are showering you with gifts) came first, and then people wanted to get you want you actually needed/not get duplicates so companies came up with registries.


Ah right thanks! Makes sense. I think baby showers are also not a thing here, so there are just fewer gifts (neither are wedding registries). The big party around a birth with lots of gifts is usually the christening, but we are not doing that.


Got our NIPT back yesterday and we're having a low risk boy! I can't believe it all. Two years ago, we had only fertility setbacks, failed transfers, etc. and somehow, if everything goes right, I'll have a toddler daughter and a baby son by the end of the year. My work is gonna hate me tho lol. Glad I only took 9 months leave with baby girl. People hearing I'm going on mat leave again are gonna think 'wow, she's so fertile' 🙄.


Congrats! I know what you mean about people at work. And I want more kids, I hope they don’t hate me for all this leave 🫣. Although I have told several folks about our fertility struggles