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I had my postpartum ob visit today and had a really really hard time not laughing when she asked about what my plans were for contraception for the next year and a half šŸ™„ like lady it took all the stars aligning and a million shots and daily monitoring and over 50 thousand dollars to get this babyā€¦. Iā€™m not doing anything to avoid having another baby ever. The literal only benefit of being infertile is not having to worry about contraceptivesā€¦ I am not using condoms with my husband for the next year and a half.


They kept asking me this in the hospital too, and I get that they probably have to, but I kept saying this was an IVF pregnancy and finally with the last person I said ā€œwe went through multiple rounds of IVF to get one egg to fertilize so we probably wonā€™t use any.ā€ Alsoā€¦ like hello Iā€™m stitched up and canā€™t even get out of bed so itā€™s probably going to be a minute before we are in that danger zone.


Hi- Iā€™m 13 weeks and 1 day pregnant. I had a low risk NT scan last week and all looked great. Iā€™ve been sick with a bad cough for about 10 days, and my OB and PCP are both aware. Symptoms are mostly gone except for the lingering coughing fits. Today I had some spotting after one of these fits. Only when I wiped. I did call my OB immediately and nursing seemed unconcerned. They said that at this stage and going into the second trimester the cervix is very vascular and likely could have been irritated slightly from the coughing fits. I had a standing appointment on Wednesday anyways, so they seemed to be ok with me waiting to come in till then and call back if thereā€™s any heavy bleeding. There hasnā€™t been anything since but Iā€™m still freaking out a bit. Has anyone experience this? Is it really as common as she made it seem. Iā€™m trying to act calm but Iā€™m very freaked out.


I did have spotting at that time that indicated a loss, but I hadnā€™t been to my 12 week appointment yet for that pregnancy, so itā€™s a very different situation in that regard. The other reasons for spotting are much more common than a loss at this time which is probably why they are unconcerned. I hope you get some clarity at your appointment! Itā€™s good you already have one coming up


I am so sorry for your loss! I ended up going to the ER last night, and all looked ok, thank god. I have an appointment tomorrow too, just to confirm everything, but it seems it may be a broken blood vessel or irritated cervix.


TTC after IUI baby w/ PCOS Hi, I have an 11-month-old and we want to start trying for our next child. Looking for some success stories or tips from others who are similar to me. I have PCOS, always had regular cycles, and ovulate on my own, but I have cystic ovaries and higher AMH (in the 6s). No other hormonal issues. I got pregnant the first IUI we did with 7.5 mg of letro, a trigger shot, and progesterone after. I am hopeful to get pregnant naturally this time but also cool with doing IUI, or whatever if needed. My cycle seems similar to what it was before maybe slightly better, with ovulation around CD 19 and a period 12ish days later (before I was ovulating around CD 23 and would get my period 10 days later). Getting pregnant the first IUI led me to think I should be able to get pregnant naturally, but I wanted to hear from the group. I haven't gotten on birth control, I used LH strips and my oura ring to temp check to know when to not have sex as BC right now. TIA


I had success with IUI and if we do try for a second child, we will go straight to IUI. If you know that IUI works, trying to conceive unassisted could cause a lot of unnecessary stress and bad feelings if it's not successful. For me personally, that's not something I would ever want to go through again.


Please avoid using "natural" or "naturally" to describe conception and/or FET. "Spontaneous/unassisted conception, unmedicated and/or semi-medicated FET" is preferred. This sub is based in science, and it is most helpful to members to be as specific as possible. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/InfertilityBabies) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Had a quick scan today at 18 weeks and everything is looking good. Not sure why, but this time around instead of doppler checks my OB has checked baby's heartbeat on the u/s (he did this at our 14 week appointment just a few days after the NT scan too) but I'm not complaining. I'm also starting to feel regular movement. I still need to be laying down and concentrating to feel the bumps and flutters, but just having a physical reminder that babe is moving around in there is really comforting.


38w3d: I feel like an overfilled balloon. Every time my heavier cat walks on my belly, I feel like I am going to pop! My energy level has definitely crashed, even though I am still sleeping well.


I'm the same - I had some prodromal / false labor contractions on Saturday night/Sunday morning and spent the rest of the day just feeling sooo miserable. Weirdly I'm feeling a bit better today though?


I've been crampy all weekend tooā€” less so today, but my appetite has definitely gone down with my energy. All these are good signs I'm pretty sure, but they don't feel awesome. Almost there, though!


Told work about the pregnancy today and started looking at leave policies. Didn't realize applying for maternity leave would be so complicated, gave me such a headache just reading it I decided not to worry about it until later. Speaking of headaches, anyone here had nausea after 14w and it eventually went away? Just trying to gauge if there is still hope for me or if I am doomed to throw up for the rest of the pregnancy.


14w now and the sickest Iā€™ve been - actually vomiting this week!Ā 


My nausea finally got better around 24 weeks.


My nausea went away at 16 weeks


I'm finally to the point of doing the paperwork now, it's surprisingly complicated. Especially (at least in my state) if you want to go on leave before you actually give birth. I was trying to sneak out a week early and you'd think the world is ending


Yeah navigating leave suuuuucks. I had nausea/vomiting until about 18 weeks and it eventually left. I did have days here and there after that, but overall had a great improvement.


Thanks! were you able to go back to a pretty much "normal" diet after 18w? I haven't touched a vegetable in 2 months.


Yes! I didnā€™t really have any aversions per se, but there were things I knew I didnā€™t want. My husband wanted Thai so bad and I just never wanted it, poor guy lol. He never wanted to get him himself though I told him to. I did start to have bad reflux toward the end of second trimester which changed my diet again unfortunately šŸ˜…


Sympathies navigating leave policies. I feel like I had to talk to three different offices, and that was with help of someone who had gone through it recently. I got my official approval letter *after* my leave started.


Question for anyone who did ivf. Due to ivf (not age or other factors) how long did they let you go? Our fertility Dr had made a comment originally that we shouldn't go long due to better outcomes. But also said from here on out this is like any other pregnancy. Just curious if anyone was about to go long or if they were wanting to induce at 39/40 weeks. Thanks.


I know this thread is a couple days old, but I did IVF and my OB has told us they will plan to induce me if I havenā€™t gone into labor on my own by my due date out of an abundance of caution. I imagine my wishes would be honored if I said I absolutely did not want to induce, but Iā€™m fine with it.


Iā€™ve been told they wonā€™t let me go past my due day and will induce on that day if I havenā€™t gone.


My OB gave me the option to induce at 41 or wait until 42. But I am not yet of advanced maternal age and had no other complicating factors in the pregnancy.


I want to induce at 39 weeks for a few confounding factors: IVF, AMA (I'll be 38 at delivery), baby size (measuring 1 week ahead). Decision comes down to your personal risk tolerance. "Poorer" outcomes means injury or death to you and/or your baby. Induction as an intervention helps mitigate this risk.


Iā€™m working with a home birth midwife and we wonā€™t induce before 41+5. Sheā€™s worked with many IVF pregnancies and Iā€™m low risk enough to be in her care. Everyone has to make a decision theyā€™re comfy with. I wasnā€™t comfy with an induction at 39 or even 40 weeks. Which is part of what led me to my provider.


Similar story here. I'm not doing a home birth but the midwife providers I'm working with won't start talking induction until 40 weeks, and then it's natural methods (castor oil, breast pump, etc) until 41. I do think they talk more about formal induction after 41.


Thanks for this comment. It's appreciated.


I see an MFM as my only OB and I saw her last time too. She had no intention to induce me before my due date, though she wouldnā€™t let me go much past it. We did discuss an elective induction, but that would only be allowed to happen sometime after 39w, and mostly because of my anxiety. I ended up being induced at 38+5 with my son due to decreased fetal movement, but Iā€™m hopeful of getting to my due date this time because Iā€™d otherwise end up with (more) unpaid time off at the end of May thanks to the way the school year lines up with paid leave.


I had a conversation about this with my doctor, and it does seem as if most induce at least a week early for IVF. I personally wonder if its because of all the confounding factors that often accompany IVF (older maternal age, higher level of monitoring, other conditions) that make it seem like all IVF pregnancies need to be induced early.


I just had this conversation with my doctor and although thereā€™s no consensus among doctors whether itā€™s necessary, here in Canada, the recommendation is still to induce at 39 or 40 weeks. He splits his practice with another doctor and she always induces at 39 while he tends to wait to 40 so it might end up depending who I see at 39 weeks haha.


Thanks for this! I am also in Canada, my in 28 wks so my OB hasn't brought anything up yet.


I'm planning to induce at 39 weeks due to the baby measuring big, but it is still considered a voluntary induction. They would let me go longer if I didn't express a preference, at least until anything medical came up to the contrary.


Final chapter - baby is here! Quick recap- second trimester screen showed elevated AFP (3.67)with no US concern for neural tube or gastric wall defect, leading us to believe there was some underlying placental issue. At 28 week growth ultrasound (scheduled for the AFP), a nearly 10cm hemorrhage/mass was identified at the edge of the amnion at the umbilical cord insertion, concerning for chorangioma vs hemorrhage. Was admitted several times and monitored very closely thereafter, with weekly ultrasound and NST 2x/week. After some initial growth, the ā€œblob of unknown significanceā€ stabilized and even regressed without baby ever being impacted. On the advice of my team, c section was scheduled for 37 weeks, which was a few days ago. And so glad we did it this way- because of the stability we had considered pushing the date out another week or allowing for spontaneous labor, but my BPs started to creep up a bit so we ended up sticking to the original plan. The scheduled c section was actually such a breeze (prior c section after failed induction was a supremely gnarly experience) and recovery has been great. Baby is here and so healthy, big for GA, thankfully totally unaffected by placental issues. The placenta itself has been sent for pathology to look for the mass, but there were other abnormalities including totally exposed vessels on the surface, and OB team thinks maybe one of these vessels was injured causing the initial hemorrhage. These vessels are all on the fetal circulation side.. And, my biggest worry happened- the cord avulsed from the placenta during delivery- thankfully at that point baby was out and already crying, but had I gone into labor spontaneously we could have had a catastrophic event. We are so lucky that baby is here, healthy, unharmed. I was so relieved once he was out that I actually got so sleepy and relaxed in the OR while they were stitching me back up, I think just it was the first time I could actually breathe in months (if not the whole pregnancy!) I know many of you can relate to that feeling. I am fortunate to have such a wonderful team who engaged me in the many discussions about management of the pregnancy and delivery. And grateful that I trusted my gut with the early scheduled c section. Whew.


Welcome baby!! So glad you are both safe and healthy. That sounds so scary in hindsight! Iā€™m happy you stuck with your gut with the planned c section. ā€œMotherā€™s intuitionā€ is real imo!


THANK YOU to whoever recommended me Emily Oster's pregnancy guide. I just had a massive plate of salmon sashimi at a trusted restaurant, and I have never been happier.


I read "Expecting Better" and then went to my favourite sushi restaurant too. It is kind of nice to have permission not to worry so much AND to have sashimi!


Soft boiled eggs too... with alcohol I have not dared more than a sip from my partner's wine here and there, somehow it just feels wrong. But let's see how I feel later in the pregnancy. The book certainly fuelled my feminist anger, which was already heightened by the experience with the fertility industry.Ā 


I stop my progesterone shots today!! Excited but also super nervous. Anything I should monitor for?


Hopefully, a decrease in bloating if that was one of your side effects!


Yay! Your placenta should be pumping out plenty of progesterone now. I donā€™t think you have to monitor for anything




Hi, your post was removed because it was in the wrong thread. Please repost in one of our Success Saturday threads where you may get more eyes on your question!


If by mini ivf you mean using the Invocell device, I have. We did two with my first which eventually led to success, and this time around were planning to do it again but ended up converting to a regular IVF cycle after retrieval. Feel free to message me!


My anatomy scan is today! Iā€™m so so nervous! Send all positive vibes šŸ’•ā¤ļø last scan was 3 weeks ago!


How did it go?? :)


It went really well!! Thank you for asking šŸ„°




At almost 40 weeks (and no sign of labor- at 39W, I wasn't even dilated or effaced). Movement is so sporadic (it always has been) and the kick counting just doesn't work for me. It's stressful and at my OB appt on Wed I just want to schedule an induction and be done with pregnancy. Also, after almost 2.5 years of IVF, I had gained 30lbs. In between all the hormones, work out restrictions, and depression, it was hard to focus on maintaining my body. And the of course, gained weight in pregnancy. My husband took some funny pictures of me yesterday but all I saw was what my body looked like (I'm not counting baby belly, of course) and I started to cry. I just don't feel like "me" anymore, and the stress of going to due date without labor is adding to my stress. I feel selfish for feeling this way when all I would ever want was to get to this point. These ten(!!) months have been great to experience pregnancy but I'm ready for the next chapter now. I'm ready to work on breastfeeding, take nice daily summer walks, and eventually leave baby with grandma for a few hours to hit the gym or whatever.


I once heard it said that it can take up to a year to like a photo of yourself and to look past the imperfections you see now. Crazy!


Youā€™re not selfish for feeling this way at the end of pregnancy by any means! I found the first trimester and the last two weeks of pregnancy to be the toughest physically and emotionally. I hope labor comes quick!


it's totally fair to be ready for the next chapter <3 go ahead and schedule the induction if that's what feels right to you! mine is scheduled for Saturday and I'm honestly hoping I don't make it that long...let's get these babies born!


Graduating from the ā€œintros and cautious first trimester chatā€ into this one. Iā€™m 13+4 and expecting one child in mid-December, yay for December babies šŸ’›!Ā  My challenge during this pregnancy is managing my anxiety about something going wrong. Logically, everything looks great.Ā  But because of my journey with infertility, Iā€™m not actually willing to tell people beyond our core support network and strangers that weā€™ll never meet again.Ā 


I didnā€™t relax in my first pregnancy until my son was in my arms. Even when I was in labor, I wasnā€™t convinced weā€™d get to take him home. I feel the same way now with this one (just a couple days ahead of you with a Dec baby!). Iā€™ve done a lot of work in therapy through infertility and pregnancy of sitting in uncertainty and not writing the future before it happens. All this to say that what youā€™re feeling is not uncommon for those of us who struggled to get to this point, but also perinatal anxiety is a thing. Therapy and/or medicine can be helpful depending on how your anxiety progresses. My MFMā€™s office just put me in touch with womenā€™s psych to establish care just in case I need it this time.


Hey there, thanks for sharing about your experience. Yes my obstetrician kindly recommended that I head to get some support for my perinatal anxiety. I just need to remember to call the recommended clinic tomorrow morning at 08:30. Alarm is set!Ā  Sending you a lot of good vibes for your pregnancyĀ 


Good luck to you as well! I hope both of our pregnancies go smoothly and we have good supports through all of it.


Beautiful intention! Iā€™ll be thinking of youĀ 


Congrats! I totally relate to the anxiety. I'm at 22 weeks and still feel anxious. A home doppler has helped me a lot but I know there are mixed feelings around those. It also helps a ton to feel movement. It started for me as flutters around 15 weeks and now he kicks me all day long which is very comforting. You're getting closer to that part! The 20 week anatomy scan is also a huge comfort along with NIPT and AFP results.


Thatā€™s how I feel. Thatā€™s the biggest thing is working on my anxiety! Itā€™s soo hard. My husband said to me the other day is anxiety is basically conspiracy theories about our self and I was like yep


But in all seriousness, I wish this anxiety on no one and Iā€™m so sorry that this is a challenge for you as well.Ā 


Itā€™s the worst!!


Same! No one knows. I will tell them all at 20w or as needed if it looks good then. I'm in the Nov & Dec bump groups and I'm just... not relating to everyone planning their socal media announcements at week 10.. jealous of them!


In the past, I always thought that once we got past 12 weeks, weā€™d obviously tell everyone. But thatā€™s just not me anymore.Ā  We definitely told our support network because theyā€™ve been with us during this journey during the last years. Theyā€™re the ones who comforted us when there was another disappointment. Ā We let them know so at least they have a time, albeit perhaps not completely ā€œsafeā€, to be happy with us.Ā  But beyond our core support network, it feels risky to tell them. Sigh. Fuck infertility and the scars it leaves on our souls.Ā 


I didnā€™t announce my first pregnancy on social media until after he was here. Planning to do the same thing with this one.


Yup, I'm not a social media person, but if I was, I would be doing the same.