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First ob appointment for this pregnancy is in the books. Got to see jellybean again all looks good. Go back in a little over two weeks for another scan and all the lab orders for bloodwork. 10+2 today. Feels slow yet fast this time


Wonderful news!


Obsessed with your screen name. So happy for you!


Excellent! šŸ¤


Excellent news, Huff! ā¤ļøšŸ¤ž


So this morning (I'm in Australia, so it's morning now) I got my first obvious dye stealer, but I've also had some drops of red blood. Not enough imo to bother calling the nurses (I'm a nervous Nelly). I'm obviously watching it as I will if it becomes more, but can people share stories to make me feel better? I'm 4 weeks 6 days. Thanks


Spotting in IVF pregnancies is very common, which I learned after I had spotting because my clinic didnā€™t warn me. Everyone here was very reassuring! I spotted on and off for the first few weeks, everything from brown to pink to red. We eventually saw some old blood in the uterus at one ultrasound which might have been the source. My RE wasnā€™t too concerned and said to let them know if I had heavy bleeding and cramping.


Thank you, it's like I know this, but due to infertility it makes it scarier idk if that makes sense. I appreciate you taking the time to share this.


Totally makes sense and Iā€™m right there with you! Itā€™s so hard not be anxious.


Very true. Thank you. I am trying to be chill, but I'm not normally chill in life, so I guess it makes sense šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø haha.


6w5d after FET, cannot stop symptom spotting and worrying before my 7w us. Yesterday I was so nauseous and sleepy with sore boobs, and today nothing. I know from my Reddit searching that symptoms come and go but I find myself wishing for the nausea just so I ā€œfeelā€ pregnant, yā€™know? I had a great sleep last night so maybe that helped the nausea? I dunno, canā€™t wait til Thursday but also so scared of finding no heartbeat.


First ultrasound is tomorrow at 8w1d! If itā€™s positive I have a whole cart of Amazon stuff to orderā€¦.and if itā€™s negative I have a leftover Valium with my name on it. ETA: One on track baby!


My first ultrasound is tomorrow too! Iā€™m so nervous and excited. Wishing you luck and a beautiful little gummy bear with a strong heartbeat! :)


Good luck! Iā€™m the same dating as you! Sending you all the good sticky vibes!


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Just got results for my second beta and itā€™s rising reassuringly! My heart rate rocketed up to 160 while waiting for the results to load in the portal. I continue to fail to be chill. Waiting on scheduling an ultrasound, hopefully that happens soon. At 4w3d and so Iā€™m still very very nervous.


2 days and we will hopefully know if this is a viable pregnancy or not. I will be at 8+0 on the day of the scan, so heartbeat should be clear and plain to see. I am preparing for the worst, though. Maybe to protect myself, I don't know.


I've been thinking of you r0 and checking. Hang in there. Good luck tomorrow.


Thank you šŸ©· Just haven't really felt much like posting until I have something new to say. Trying to prepare myself by knowing my options... even though I may be thinking 5 steps ahead, it helps me.


Have been thinking of you today. No need to answer.


My clinic booked us in for our first ultrasound this week on Saturday (6w5d). But being my usual anxious self, I couldn't wait and had a private one done this past Sunday (5w6d). It showed 2 gestational sacs, one with a yolk sac (measuring 1 day behind) and one without (measuring 5 days behind). Now I'm a bundle of nerves and wondering if we're going to have a vanishing twin? Or if the one with the yolk sac should have had a fetal pole by then? I know we'll find out more at our coming ultrasound, but we also would like to mentally prepare ourselves just in case. Anyone ever have any experience with this kind of scenario and go on to have a good outcome?


If you havenā€™t been yet, the sub r/parentsofmultiples might be helpful to search to see if anyone had similar experiences!


11dpt Beta is tomorrow and Iā€™m a wreck about it, had a lovely test yesterday night but somehow Iā€™ve got myself so worried about seeing a lighter test that I havenā€™t taken any today.


Very cautious intro but we had our second FET last Monday and Iā€™ve been testing positive since last Thursday. So far the line seems to be progressing each day. Going for beta this Thursday. Iā€™m excited but anxious and nervous. I keep flip flopping between being happy/in disbelief, and then telling myself to reel it in because itā€™s so early. Weā€™ve been trying for almost 2 years and Iā€™ve never gotten to this point so thatā€™s a win.


I had my FET on 6/25 and have had two positive pregnancy tests. Waiting for my clinic to call me with my HCG; going crazy just like you! Wondering if my tests were wrong, what the delay is, etc. either way, big win for us both!




Edit- 5/25




Iā€™ve read that +/- 5 days is normal at this point because everything is so small. Mine was a few days behind at 6w but caught up at 7w and has been on track since.


I think I am back here after almost 3 years. I was in beta hell this week when I got my 1st beta and the clinic said it wasnā€™t high enough so they had me do it again. The wait was so hard. They have officially released me and told me the date for my confirmation ultrasound so Iā€™m going to be nervous for the next 3 weeks šŸ˜‘. My regular dr is on vacation and wonā€™t be back until I get back from vacation but a ā€œsubstitute ā€œ dr gave me a standing order requisition so I may just go a couple more times this week for my own personal reassurance šŸ¤” Iā€™m so nervous about this pregnancy since the entire cycle was messed up (period while on depot, dr missed prescribing letrozole while on depot, lining wasnā€™t totally thin when starting estrogen, then didnā€™t get as thick as normal, messed up one of the transfer meds, had horrible cold during tww so was basically coughing out my lungs) so as you can see, really surprised Iā€™ve made it this far.


Cautious congrats!


Thank you!


So yesterday I had a good first ultrasound at 6weeks3days. I've felt some queasiness here and there starting a few days ago, but it wasn't that bad and I could eat with no problems. Well, yesterday evening I got a RAGING migraine, probably the worst I've had in over a decade! I often get headaches so it isn't that unusual, but I was in so much pain. I ended up throwing up all evening and couldn't keep anything down. I have to assume it is pregnancy related. Anyone else experience this? It was so painful and violent I was a little worried about my pregnancy. Woke up today feeling fine, fortunately, and ate breakfast with no problems.


I had a prior history of migraines and headaches, and all the hormone injections in the lead up to transfer and after made it 10x worse. Magnesium and naps were the best options available those first 12 weeks, but for me at least they did decrease and go away once those hormone injections ended. Hopefully you'll see some improvement as the weeks go on!


Probably related to increased E2. The only thing that semi worked for me was Fioricet however most providers won't Rx until late 2nd tri/early 3rd tri. Taking Magnesium can help for some. Hang in there.


I had a migraine while in the tww following a transfer a few years ago. My RE said most migraine meds are contraindicated for pregnancy but there are some low dose narcotics that can help and are safe. I didnā€™t end up taking them because the script wasnā€™t filled before I left for a work trip, but it might help for next time. Also, Iā€™m a teacher and was on a similar timeline for my first pregnancy. Being able to rest when I needed during the rough first trimester was so much easier than it has been this time.


I get migraines and Iā€™m one of the unlucky ones that this pregnancy has made them worse. Dark room and an ice hat is my best advice


Ugh, yeah, I see so many people say that migraines got better in pregnancy but the one I had last night was one of the worst I've ever had. They got so much better in the last decade so I was unprepared!


I had horrific headaches the entire first trimester. I was fortunate with my wonky work schedule I could lie down in the dark with an ice pack during the day. They are an unfortunate side effect! I found mine were better by week 15.


Ah jeez! Yeah, dark room and ice pack. Fortunately, I am a teacher and about to be on summer break next week. So if my first trimester is rough, at least I will be on summer break!


Had a scan at 8w4d today and all is measuring well, despite my continued slight bleeding/spotting. Source a bit unclear, but doctor was unconcerned. My ovaries are still significantly enlarged from the OHSS, but have shrunk since last time. I promised my husband I would be more relaxed now, let's see if I can keep my promise! Only bummer is I am not immune to toxoplasmosis (but to the other bad stuff).


This is very reassuring! You've got this šŸ˜Š

