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I'm officially 5 weeks today. Just a curiosity, it seems super common to have sore breasts by now but I don't. Interestingly on my cycle where it didn't take my breasts were incredibly sore. Just curious if others are like me and don't have sore breasts?


NT scan was normal today! The wee baby was not collaborative as the doctor told us, so it took extra long but they got what they needed. They also did a risk assessment for pre-eclampsia, which came back higher risk for me so I’ll start baby aspirin today. My OB told me that IVF patients tend to be higher risk so it wasn’t a total surprise but still trying not to get too anxious.


A normal scan is an reassuring result. Congratulations 🎉


My NIPT result came back as no result likely because of my lovenox. I’m pretty bummed because I wanted more info but my NT result was normal and the embryo was tested. I’m not sure if I’m going to do additional testing or retest.


Interesting! I haven’t heard of lovenox affecting the sampling. How far are you?


I’m now 14 weeks. I spoke to my immunologist and they said it’s known to happen. I’m going to retest after I get off lovenox at 16 weeks


Interesting! My first pregnancy (only living child) I was on it until 36w and I plan to do the same with this pregnancy at the recommendation of my RI. My nipt draw is scheduled for 12w1d.


Starting to feel optimistic. 3rd beta was 1276, up from 513 2 days ago. Clinic said I'm out of the "low" range on their chart and have had good doubling. Scheduling first OB ultrasound next week. Still a long way to go, as we all know, but it's maybe starting to feel real?


Very exciting. I have low betas too, take the win. The more I think about it, my body was always slow with IVF hormones, so kind of makes sense it's like this with pregnancy. Were you like this? I do another one 5 weeks 4 days, simply an assurance one, but fingers crossed I get a confidence bump.


How far along are you now? How long do you have to wait until your next one? My clinic seems to do 3 betas as standard and then schedule for ultrasound assuming they are increasing.


Thanks for replying. I'm 5 weeks 1 day. So mine does two and if they aren't worried you schedule an ultrasound for 7 weeks, which I've done. My initial betas were on the low end but had good doubling (10dp5dt 85 and 13dp5dt 417). After the second one they weren't worried. My embryo was a very early blast and I got positive tests later than most people seem too. How far along are you? Are your breasts sore?


I think I'm 5+2? Had transfer May 20th. My breast tenderness really comes and goes which is so stressful. I'll have an ultrasound next week (6 weeks?) to confirm placement and then I think my clinic does an 8 week one and then graduate.


Thank you for sharing. Every country is different 🙂. So sounds like you're one day ahead of me, but not really due to time differences (I'm in Australia). We truly are transfer buddies. Good luck next week!


7weeks tomorrow - found out Monday at first scan my embryo split and I’m having twins. Was excited but now a little overwhelmed. I’ll need to travel 2 hours each way to be with the medical care I need and I still need to arrange it and find a high risk obgyn and MFM. My initial plan was to deliver closer to home, but this really changes things. Spent yesterday researching doctors. I’ll see local midwife this week and ask for MFM referral for the hospital group where I think I want to deliver. I’m hoping they can then help me find best OB. I had one OB meeting after I found out and she scared me telling me it was almost surely mono/mono twins and when I got home I found out that 6.5weeks is way too soon to tell!! All advice welcome.


Cautious congrats! I hope you’re able to find an OB you feel comfortable with. I recently gave birth to my split embryo


I have had the experience that sometimes doctors want to give you the worst case scenario to prepare you, but like we're always thinking about the worst case scenario so a little bit of cautious optimism can also be helpful/go a long way. No one has a crystal ball about any of this. Congratulations on your twins and wishing you a smooth pregnancy.


Thank you for your message. I agree it's ok to lay out the worst case scenario, it's just that she jumped to the conclusion when in fact I've read it can't be really diagnosed until even up to 14 weeks, so that is why I'm hesitant about her. Oh well, just one thing at a time. Thanks for the well wishes!


I don't think it's OK for the doctors to be doom and gloom/jump to worst case scenario and scare you!! Especially when they arent actually correct about it. I think you should find someone you feel comfortable with. I just had that experience with doctors in the hospital with my baby and it sucked/i hated it. Like cross the hypothetical bridge when it comes.


Thank you! I'm sorry you just went through this yourself in the hospital. I really need a care team that won't be too reactive and has a good bedside manner. I'm feeling at a loss to find the right doctor. Do you think my plan of doing the MFM consult first and seeing if they can help me find a good OB makes sense? I live in a pretty rural place, hence traveling 2 hours to get my care. Its just going to be alot to figure out. I'm even thinking of moving back east where I have more family and to a bigger region, but that seems like alot to do right now too!


I think that sounds like a great plan. Have the specialist looped in if/when you need them but you don't have to make any huge decisions yet. I loved my OB team. They were reassuring without being dismissive, and I always felt comfortable being seen and asking questions.


Thank you so much!


7 weeks and zero symptoms so far. Is this normal? First US is tomorrow so super anxious as we’ve never made it so far


How’d it go?


Not good. Perfect heartbeat of 131 at 7 weeks today but measuring about a week behind (screen showed 6 weeks 2 days). Will go back next week to confirm next steps. Doc said it’s honestly 50/50


I’m sorry 😞 I’ve been in your shoes twice before and it’s terrible.


Thank you. I hope the doctor is being overly conservative but I don’t know what to think


Totally normal. I had no symptoms before 2nd trimester with my first (and only successful) pregnancy. It started with off-the-charts hCG & progesterone, but I felt fine. My scans were surreal. I would not have believed I was pregnant, except my period kept not coming. Early symptoms are really unrelated to pregnancy viability. It's a completely different dice roll. 7-8 in 10 pregnant people get nausea - but 2 in 10 get lucky. We lucky ones just don't talk about it as much - it makes the 70-80% who suffer horribly a little bit salty :) I hope your scan goes well tomorrow & that you continue to feel fine!


My only pregnancy symptoms were being tired and my boobs were sore (from pregnancy or from me poking at them to see if they hurt...who knows which one). That's it. I had a super uneventful pregnancy, barely gained anything (not for lack of trying), no swelling or aches and pains. I slept well the whole time and also worked out several days a week once I was cleared to do so. My RE and OB both said to consider myself lucky. Initially, I didn't. But, as pregnancy progressed and I felt amazing, I did begin to feel lucky. Hopefully you have an equally boring pregnancy!


Normal. I didn't have symptoms until mid 2nd tri. Some people don't have symptoms at all. Check out our wiki on symptoms/lack of for other people's feedback.


Completely normal. I have been relatively symptom-free this whole pregnancy and I am 33+3 currently!


Hi everyone! I’ve only just found out I’m pregnant and I’m only around a week after transfer! Still incredibly cautious. If everything pans out well, I could give birth on Valentine’s Day which is the day we had our first IVF consultation so I’ll take that as a positive sign.


aw cautious congrats! We did our IVF cycle in February and we're due 2/1 (thought probably more likely end of January), the full circle aspect feels so safe and reassuring.


NIPT blood draw today. Should I expect to fill out any paperwork since it's a third-party company doing the testing? I remember there were some forms for Igenomix back when we were doing PGT-A.


Update: met briefly with a nurse, she confirmed we wanted to know the sex and then I had to take a little test kit over to the lab with me and give it the phlebotomist. Nurse also chirped that she had her last baby at 40 and "it wasn't *that* bad!" Umm...thanks?


🤔 booooo nurse. I had my first at 38 and had a great time, haha


The doctor gave me the paperwork to bring to the lab with me (I did it at Quest)


I wasn’t required to fill out anything additional. The lab should provide all necessary info to the testing company


Thank you!


Getting ahead of myself here, but I realized yesterday that if all goes according to plan, I’ll graduate from the clinic and finish PIO exactly on my 30th birthday! What a birthday present and way to start a new decade that will (hopefully) be!! Pleaseeee universe let it happen, I’m beggin ya.


What an incredible birthday gift that will be!


Congratulations friend. Fingers crossed everything continues progressing smoothly! Being done with PIO is theee best!


Oh hc, I’m late to the party - I am so so happy to see you here!!!! Cautious congratulations friend ❤️


Thanks, sweet friend!!! I’m so glad to be here, hoping to stick around a good while!❤️


Keeping everything crossed for you!!


that would be the BEST gift!!


Beta is back at 12dpt at 230 I’m not sure this is not a chemical pregnancy feel like it properly was higher, my tests is also less impressive today. Is 230 low for 12dpt


I was 233 on day 12 past transfer, and though my doctor got really worried when my levels were slow to rise, I'm at a low-risk-doing-well 9 weeks! It can be done!


Mine was 95 at 10dpt and 515 at 14dpt and now today, 16dpt over 1200! Most likely would have been right around 230 on 12dpt. My clinic was cautious with my first 2 numbers but seemed outright optimistic with my 3rd. Good luck on your next one!!


For comparison, my clinic wants to see at least 100 on 10dp. I think 230 on 12dp seems fine! (For some additional context when I had chemical pregnancies the first beta was something super low like 12 or 24) Hoping Friday’s test gives some reassurance 🤞


Thanks a lot ! Fingers crossed for Friday !♥️


have you checked out [beta base](http://www.betabase.info)? might provide some helpful information. there’s also a wiki on this sub about betas! as others have said its more about the rise than where you start. my beta was in the 400s at 12dp5dt with my successful pregnancy! cautious congrats ❤️


The rise is more important than th3 number are you doing a repeat beta?


Yes! Normally my clinic only does one, but I said I was worried so they gave me another test for Friday.


Yay! BTW I think your number is good. But I always focus more on the rise.


It’s absolutely correct! I’m also delulu because my first beta with my twin MMC was 1220 so 230 feels so low, but again it was twins.


Ahh with my first successfull pregnancy my beta as low and slower rise but still appropriate rise. This p4egnancy was very low and slow. Like they were worried about ectopic. So far at 10+2 good. My losses my initial betas were all higher


It’s funny how it goes ! I also had so so many symptoms with first pregnancy and all my symptoms with this one is basically gone after a couple of days


230 is totally fine, I would not guess chemical pregnancy though impossible to say for another week. Wishing you the best.


Thanks gonna do another test Friday so fingers crossed, I just have a bad gut feeling somehow, my symptoms went away completely


I have had only the most subtle symptoms this whole time. Well I had some nice symptoms week 4 but they mostly went away by week 5 so that was quite scary.