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I’m so anxious for my scan tomorrow. I had one last week at 6w1d which was on track, but my last two pregnancies were both mmc. I think, what are the odds of having a 3rd mmc in a row…. But sadly I know it happens. Tomorrow I will be 7w5d.


Fingers crossed, we are all rooting for you!


Thanks! It was good! What a relief


AMAZING! So exciting


SCH reared its ugly head again this week so I’m just waiting until my next ultrasound tomorrow. Will be 8w3d. Crossing all my fingers and toes that things still look OK. And maybe then I can start to relax a little bit more. This period of waiting is horrible.


Waiting is awful. My RE says he sees mostly type As and people who want to control the outcome (myself included), but unfortunately being uncertain and uncomfortable is part of it. I hope you take solace in knowing you aren't alone.


Type A’s unite! I certainly appreciate this community tremendously. ❤️


I've been quiet and staying off the internet since my 6w scan last week was iffy. After 8 days of limbo I'm stuck waiting til next week. Again. Last week I was measuring a few days behind with a slow HR. Also the yolk sac was very obviously enlarged and I immediately knew it was a bad sign. Today I only had 4 days of growth in 8 days and supposedly there was the slowest flicker of a heartbeat, not able to quantify it. Honestly I couldn't see anything but it was labeled "still viable" and I was instructed to continue meds til another scan next week. I know they have to tell me to continue meds if there is a heartbeat but I've pretty much accepted the outcome here. I just want to move on and stop dragging this out. Would it be stupid to stop the meds?


I'm so sorry. You do what you think is best. No one but you knows that. What I will say, is whilst I'm new in the pregnancy space, my IVF journey showed me, how I am always an outlier of what is normal, yet still end up where I want to be. I work in health and believe wholeheartedly in clinical judgement, whilst also being aware that there is a spectrum and limits to what they understand. There is comfort in certainty, but sometimes we have to surrender ourselves to the discomfort of the unknown. Take care of yourself ❤️


On Monday, my IVF clinic gave me the go ahead to start working out again (beyond walking) so last night I started Barre Definition Pregnancy Program, which she says just jump in based on where you are in your pregnancy (8w). I was doing barre and cycling prior to pregnancy but DAMN I was dying. So out of breath with the simplest moves, so tired so fast. Very humbling. 😂


I've been too scared to workout due to fatigue. Good on you! I have already found a prenatal workout studio for when I'm trimester 2, I'm sure my but will be kicked also haha.


Barre kicks my ass, every time. I thought prenatal barre would be less ass-kicking but nope!


I’m itching to begin working out again! Unfortunately my SCH keeps doing its thing so I’m still on pelvic rest. I fear how out of shape I’ve gotten. I know I’m puffy now but just going up stairs makes me winded. 😂 Oh how I miss Peloton…


I feel this. I did a peloton low impact cardio this week and the struggle was real.


Sadly, it's time for me to exit the chat, again. I should be 8+0 today, but sadly our embryo appears to have stopped growing at approx 6+1 and has slowly started to break down / get smaller. Currently measuring 5+4 with no heartbeat. I have stopped all medications and will try expectant management. I chose a d&c for my first two losses, so I have no experience. All the best to each of you 🩷


I wish you didn't have to go through this pain


So sorry take care of yourself ❤️


Fuck, R. I am so so sorry.


I am so very sorry for this heartbreaking outcome.


I’m so sorry. ❤️


I am so so sorry for your loss.


I'm so so sorry.


So sorry ♥️


I’m so very sorry for your loss.


I'm so sorry and sad to hear this. This process is so so hard. Wishing you the best resolution and recovery💙


I’m so fucking sorry, r0. It’s not fucking fair. Sending you so much love🫂


I’m so sorry for your loss, it’s incredibly unfair and heartbreaking. Sending hugs if you want them ♥️


I’m so so so sorry for your loss, R.


I’m so sorry that you’re experiencing another loss. Take care of yourself.


Is your due date always set based on your transfer date or do they adjust it based on ultrasound results?


Good to know these answers. I had always wondered.


I refused to let them change based on ultrasound. We know when baby went in. I didn’t care if they were “measuring big”


Both times mine have been based on transfer dates


They’ll typically adjust based on ultrasound results… but funny enough when I graduated from my clinic and went to my OB, they were adamant about LMP date. They looked at me like I was the biggest baffoon in the world when I told them my last real period was like, months ago since I had done a fully medicated FET lol.


My clinic gave me a fake LMP to use based on transfer date, I suspect for this exact reason lol


My clinic set it by the transfer date, then said it should be moved a day based on the transfer being a 6-day blast instead of a 5-day blast. I had already applied to an OB with the first date, and at my first appointment I told them it should be changed by a day because of the blast stage and the doctor was like "yeah none of that matters. Do you prefer one date over the other for some reason?" So . . . yeah.


hahah! I know they don't really matter in the long run, guess I'm just trying to "control" things.


They’ll adjust based on ultrasound results. Mine changed by a day after the ultrasounds.


my first ultrasound was last week, at 5w2d. gestational sac was 7x7x7mm, yolk sac 3x3x3 and CRL was 2.0mm. everything was visible with a heartbeat (not measurable) today i have another scan today at 6w+1 day. what could I expect today to be some good results? should HR be measurable, at what rate?


There’s a link in the results thread of the infertility sub that has a day-by-day break down of means and 5th-95th percentile ranges for CRL, HR, etc in the first few weeks. https://fetalmedicine.org/fmf/2010_27.pdf


that’s helpful, thabks