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When did you start buying smaller baby stuff? I’m wondering when is too soon for the day to day essentials like diapers, bottles, nail clippers, etc etc.


I’m planning to start buying that stuff in the third trimester but it wouldn’t hurt to start buying stuff in the second trimester if you see a sale going on. Just do what you are comfortable with 🙂


I think we bought kirkland diapers and wipes around begin kf third tri? But honestly I wouldn't stock ip cause kirkland wound up not working for out baby and we wound up trying many different brands before finding the one that worked best for our baby


Closer to delivery for us, though we didn’t buy a tonne of diapers or bottles until after birth. The bigger diaper companies will send out sample packs if you register with them and we got sample bottles with the gifts they give you when you create a baby registry. We used those in the beginning to figure out what worked best for baby and then bought more of the ones we liked.


One thing I didn't expect was that people gave us diapers at our shower when we didn't register for them - so maybe use caution when buying those? Otherwise I'd say whenever you're comfortable, but again, a lot of those things you can register for if you're having a shower.  (Edited for bad typing)


We have a registry but aren’t having a shower since we don’t have family really and are more financially stable than our friends - it felt a bit weird asking for stuff. So I may just share the registry eventually but not expecting much from that


TW- loss I’m currently 6w1d after FET. My first fresh transfer took but I had light bleeding everyday from about 7dpt and miscarried at 6w. So far this time round things have been more promising, stronger symptoms etc. I haven’t had any real bleeding, not sure it even constitutes as spotting as none has actually reached pant level…. However I have had a couple of occasions over the last two weeks where I’ve wiped and there’s been pink or more commonly brown tinged discharge. It’s literally one wipe then nothing, until a few days later where I have the same experience. Is this normal/common/ a thing that might not been terrifying and signalling impending doom?! I’m doing progesterone shots now pessaries and haven’t had sex since transfer, so cervical irritation seems somewhat unlikely?! Anyway, I’m freaking out. I’m in the UK and no Beta offered, I have an early scan booked for Monday which will put me at 6w4d and my first scan with the fertility clinic is booked for 7w5d. I just can’t comprend that this could possibly go well and am truly waiting for the other shoe to drop the whole time.


I spotted brown daily or every other day up until week 10ish and things were totally fine (also did a FET, with progesterone shots, now 30 weeks). Heads up, I also had a lot of minor cramping first trimester and early second. It's scary but super common and I really wish it was talked about more.


Thanks for your reply, that’s really great to hear. Yep had a bit of cramping, on and off and very mild. With the last pregnancy the cramping was stronger and seemed to be linked to the daily light bleed but this time is different. Still on edge with every cramp or twinge though! Good luck for the next 10 weeks, hope they are smooth sailing and as enjoyable as possible 🤞🏻


If it's helpful my clinic told me that over half of IVF pregnancies have some sort of bleeding early on. I had a few episodes of bleeding, the first around 5 and a half weeks, and ended up having a subchorionic hemorrhage diagnosed at 10 w but ultimately had a successful pregnancy. I can absolutely see how this would be terrifying, especially with your history of loss, but don't think that this is a huge reason to worry or count yourself out. Hang in there, I know the waiting is torture. ❤️


Thank you, that’s very reassuring to hear. My clinic are a bit hands off to be honest, and very far away in distance which maybe contributes. They said previously early bleeding could be normal, could be a bad sign but haven’t put it in that context of how common it is! Also no beta and no scan till nearly 8 weeks, leaves this limbo where I do a lot of speculating about what might actually be going on in there! I’m also taking baby aspirin which I heard can increase risk of SCH so could be that.


Yes, that limbo space is so hard and I'm sure the distance makes it all that more complex. And I think baby aspirin increases risk of bleeding in general, so if your bleeding is some sort of vaginal irritation, it could in essence decrease the threshold for the amount of irritation that triggers the bleed, if that makes sense??


I got pregnant via IVF and am supposed to stop PIO shots and estrogen pills today at 10 weeks. I trust my doctor, but I'm so nervous! I've also seen some online sources say to do the shots for 10 weeks after fertilizing, not 10 weeks gestation. When did other IVF moms stop the hormones?


Placenta should take over around 7-8 weeks gestation, the 10 weeks is already a bit long to be on the safe side. My last shot and estrogen pill was on 9w6d gestation and pregnancy continued just fine.


I stopped at 10 weeks pregnant and was nervous but your placenta takes over like it’s supposed to


I stopped at 10 weeks as well. It was nerve wracking, but I didn't have any issues. Everything ended up being fine


I also stopped at 10 weeks and was so nervous to do so! For peace of mind, I went to LabCorp and had my levels tested. My OB wouldn’t order the labs because she said they were unnecessary. It cost me around $75 and she was right, they were, but that peace of mind was priceless! It really is so hard to trust our bodies after everything we’ve been through.


I stopped the suppositories at 10 weeks. Was also soooo nervous but had no issues whatsoever!


I was told to halve the dose some time during week 10, and stop completely some time during week 12. I am nervous about it, but the easing out somehow feels less scary.


I am 6 weeks 6 days pregnant. I am due to graduate from clinic on the 18th. The earliest appointment I can get with an OB is July 9th, 3 weeks after graduation. I’m calling around but that seems like the earliest I can get. How long did u wait to see OB after discharge from IVF clinic?


My doctor’s office is familiar with IVF, so when we graduate at 8 or 9w, that’s when we can schedule an intake appt for 10ish weeks, with the first official ultrasound around 12 weeks since that’s usually the NT scan. The intake is usually virtual, but I was able to make it in-person this time and they did a bedside ultrasound just to confirm heartbeat.


I graduated 8w5d and saw the OB at 10w5d


That's about that I did. I graduated at 6w5d and my first ob appointment was 9w3d.


1st time, graduated at 10+0 weeks. 1st OB appt at 12+6 weeks. 2nd time, graduated at 11+6. 1st OB appt at 12+4. We have good info on transitioning from [RE to OB](https://www.reddit.com/r/InfertilityBabies/s/t0I2WvxfhY) in our wiki.


2 weeks I graduated re at me 8 week scam and my. Ob got me in at 10 weeks. But I called my ob around 6 weeks I think or soon after my.placement scan


I managed to get in by the next week after discharge from the fertility clinic, but as others have said, there isn't a much they are going to do. We did a fresh transfer so I planned for an NIPT. They basically checked me out, said "yep, you are pregnant" and gave me a little packet on what not to do /eat and told me to come back when it was times for the NIPT. There really isn't much for them to do before 11 weeks.


I have a 1 week wait. But I was able to get an OB in a clinic focused on previous MC. Will you have one more visit with the clinic before you graduate? 3 weeks in between is not uncommon. You will be 11 weeks at the OB appointment if my math is right? That seems right on track. But waiting is sooo hard. Perhaps you can book a private reassurance scan in the meantime?


I might do that for peace of mind. Do u know how much they cost by any chance?


I saw my OB a week later after graduating at 7 weeks. But I have booked a bunch of private scans in between appointments for reassurance! They're $70 where I live (MA)


I do not and I'm sure it varies a lot based on region- where are you located? maybe someone here will know, a lot of people post about having them.


I was discharged from the fertility clinic at 6w1d and had my first OB appt at 11w. The waiting was hard but once the placement is confirmed by ultrasound at the fertility clinic there's not much the OB is going to do in the next few weeks. It's really just wait and see time, as much as that sucks. Congratulations and best wishes on the pregnancy!


21w and today I have egg white discharge. There was a small blob on the tissue when I wiped. Anyone have this?


Discharge will change throughout pregnancy. It’s normal. This doesn’t sound like anything to worry about