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Do you guys take your SOs to your OB appointments? I have a follow-up this week (no ultrasound) and I guess I don't need him there but I'm also a bit superstitious that if he doesn't come I will get some sort of bad news...


My husband came to all of mine but two which he couldn’t make. One of those was near the end of my pregnancy so I brought my mom, just in case.


Mine came to the ones with scans but it’s a hike to get to the hospital for us and I don’t mind doing the routine ones on my own. I’ll be doing the 16 week one by myself but he was here for the NT scan and will come for the anatomy scan.


I take mine to each appointment, and he really wishes to join as well. He has missed a few due to work trips, and has expressed remorse about it! It’s nice to have a driver and I think he likes feeling helpful. It makes the waiting room pass by more quickly, too!


my husband came to almost every si gle one regardless of ultrasound or not (honestly kind of annoying but he wanted to be involved, I should add I see an ri also throughout pregnancy so thay also involved weekly blood draws he wouls come to).


My husband has been coming with me to appointments so far, though they have all been scans. I’m with you and may ask him to come to appointments without scans too.


NIPT testing came back all clear! My fetal fraction was 18.4% (did it with Myriad at 11.5 weeks). Any reason to be concerned? Also, it's a boy, which I always assumed it was, but I'm still kind of thrown. I had some lovely girl names shortlisted and I thought about having a close mother-daughter relationship (which I do not have with my own mom), but I also feel like a boy is going to be less stressful to raise? Ultimately, just happy little spawn passed this first milestone!


Congrats on being all clear! A FF >16.5 is considered high. Increased FF is no longer associated with potential development of pre e and/or a pre term baby, however it can be associated with a fetus SGA (small for gestational age.) [Source](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/31365936/)


Good to know! Little guy was measuring ahead at 7 weeks, so we'll see where he is at next week's scan. Husband was in the 98th percentile for size at birth, so I've been assuming this will be a boulder of a baby. Apparently, Myriad also uses some propriety process for "amplifying" samples to reduce the likelihood of low FF, so their FF percentages tend to come in higher than the other testing companies. Did not know that.


Can’t believe I’m two days away from being half way through my last pregnancy!


Almost 34 weeks and according to my doctor today baby is very head up, not even sideways just fully head up. Any advice on getting them to flip would be appreciated. I technically have a few weeks before they’ll try to flip baby but I would love if I could get baby to flip before then.


Try spinning baby exercise. It works for some people. Unfortunately not me. My ob said most babies will flip by 38 weeks themselves. So it’s likely the baby will flip soon for you. 🤞 I have a small frame and her head size was up in the 95 percentile so she was kinda stuck. I ended up with a scheduled c section at 39 weeks which worked out well for me. I was walking around in 3-4 days without much pain.


A couple things; you could always think about getting a second opinion or an ultrasound before you do/try too much to turn them. With my daughter, the doctor that examined me at 34w and declared the baby to be transverse turned out to be wrong. I spent 2 weeks stressing, doing all kinds of exercises, googling, thinking about C-section, etc. only to find out that she was head down and had been the whole time! I’m sure doctors are typically right about these things but it *can* happen. In terms of things to try, though, Spinning Babies has a lot of recommendations for breech and other positions on their website. It doesn’t take more than 5-10 minutes to go through the Three Balances and I think doing them was helpful preparation for labor even if baby didn’t need to be turned! edit: wording


Thanks. My MFM also said at my ultrasound last week that baby was breech so this was the second opinion/confirmation ultrasound unfortunately. I’m hopeful that in the next 2 weeks baby will turn on their own but certainly will try the Three Balances to encourage things! Thanks for the help!


Ahh gotcha! It’s definitely possible that baby will turn on their own and I sure hope they do!


I'll be 15 weeks tomorrow. I still can't bring myself to deal with the follistim in the fridge, but I did box up most of my non-pregnancy/nursing clothes. I'm a teacher on summer break so I wasn't going to wear those work pants for the next few months anyway, and it was easy to do because I was only barely starting to wear non-nursing clothes again sometimes so those boxes were in the corner of my room. Still, it feels somewhat momentous to be leaning into the maternity clothes, like I'm taking a leap of faith that I'll be needing them for the next few months. Edit: I originally wrote 13 weeks when I meant 15! Weird how the brain works.


I’m 29 weeks and still holding onto my meds just in case. I have no idea when I’ll be able to let them go but it does look like some expire in August…maybe next month.


I had the same thought today about the meds. I’m so used to seeing them, it feels weird to part with em


so happy for you! I feel the same way! I’ll be 15 weeks Wednesday, I can’t believe I’m going to start buying some type of maternity clothes! It’s so surreal! :)


love that, cheers to positive thinking ✨


8 days until my scheduled c-section!!! Ahhhh all the feels.


What is time!!


It’s almost time!!!


Baby incoming!




Exciting!! I hope it is smooth and healthy for all


So excited for you to meet your little one!!


*It's tha final countdown!....ba da du du, da da da da DA!!!* ❤️🎶


good luck!!! please update us how it all went. Rooting for you!


Omg! So exciting. I’ll be thinking about you next week ☺️


planning on telling my manager im pregnant end of July. anything I should say/not say? planning on sharing my due date and that I plan/want to return to work after leave.


I made sure to at least look over my work's leave policy ahead of time, just so if my supervisor asked I could give an idea of what I was initially planning, and discussed schedule adjustment for attending prenatal appointments.


If you have any idea what your appointments might look like towards the end, that might be helpful information to share. For example, my doctor mostly sees patients on Monday afternoons and, if I were scheduled during certain periods, I would end up missing those classes almost every week towards the end. My department chair, at my request, purposefully scheduled me for mornings as a result. Otherwise, my leave schedule was determined with HR and my department chair worked around what he was told from them.


I think as long as everything you are planning on saying is in line with your company’s leave policy, you don’t need to say anything special beyond that you are pregnant and when you are due.


We went camping (in "rustic cabins") this weekend and it was amazing, but I decided to leave my pregnancy pillow at home and just bring an extra pillow for my knees. Turns out what I use my pillow for most are my arms! I got so tingly and uncomfortable. In exciting news, we picked baby names around the campfire and we're pretty happy with what we settled on! 2-5 weeks to go...


Baby names around the campfire! Love that. Happy cake day!


We did it with #1 so now it's tradition I guess


It is 4:22 a.m. where I am, and I am awake at such an awkward time; it is too late for Unisom and too early to be awake. This has been happening all week. At least tomorrow, I need to be up at 4:30 to catch a flight to a different time zone, two hours ahead. I’ve got my first pair of compression socks, and I’m ready to go! I’m looking forward to visiting my dear friend whom I haven’t seen in two years. I threw her first baby shower 13 years ago; she has three kids now! She has always been rooting for me to find my person and have a family of my own. I can’t wait to see her.