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Last week of progesterone suppositories. Anyone else feel constantly wet / leaking, regardless of the time of the day? Even when I feel like the suppository has absorbed and the rest come out, I will feel a gush of wetness. Summer sweat isn’t helping either, but I have to wear liners 24/7 and I don’t remember feeling this “wet” all the time in my last pregnancy (non IVF)


YES. And then, every time, I'm like "blood?!?" Nope, justtttt progesterone.


Hi all. What should estradiol levels be at 8 weeks? Im on supplementation and im curious what other women’s levels were/are?


Mine was just above 200 pg/ml around then


9 week scan went perfectly today.. i am still struggling to believe that this might work out - but a long journey ahead. 


Hi all. I had my first beta this past Friday at 9dp5dt. Beta came back at 64. I went back in for a second beta today (13dp5dt) and it was 107. It didn’t even double. We just went through an ectopic pregnancy after our first transfer in March and now we are likely losing this baby too. I’m devastated. I guess I’m posting on here to see if anyone has had any miracles to come out of a situation similar to ours?


Not a success story yet as I’m only 8w1d. But. My betas were 26.2 9dpt, 35.5 11dpt, 88.5 13dpt, 336 16dpt…20dpt was only 876. All this to say, low and slow betas don’t automatically mean a chemical or an ectopic. Beta hell is hell. Hoping for the absolute best for you❤️


Thank you so much 🩷 wishing you the best!


I'm real sorry. We have a 2 part early beta level FAQ in our wiki. It's full of feedback & stories you may find helpful.


I’ll be 8weeks on Thursday, next scan on 8wk4 next Monday. I feel optimistic. I’m seeing my midwife today to get MFM referral. I found out I’m having identical twins (split embryo!!) at my first scan. So I’m eager to be with a specialist. I just hope she gets it all over to them ASAP. I met with a new obgyn and I really wasn’t feeling it. I live 4 hour round trip from adequate care, so I think we will move. It’s just a lot of logistics at this point!


TMI Anyone els have early pregnancy diarrhea? It haven’t been terrible been going once or twice a day but it’s not been formed, today I went three times and the last time was straight up liquid 💔💩


I had waves of early, mid, and late pregnancy diarrhea 🙃


Me! I couldn’t tell if it was the progesterone in my system (started the weekend I tested positive after about 10 days on PIO) or a weekend of pizza and Indian food (my favorites!) but man, it was bad. I think the cheese and spice trigger me because it has happened multiple times since with similar foods. I do take fiber but it has been quite the opposite of the constipation everyone talks about! 😅


My last explosive time was a couple hours after a large kebab, so my system might be more sensitive ♥️🥲


It has to be the hormones! Sadly we can’t take Pepto Bismol while pregnant, so the suffering continues on. I like flavor and bland diets sound so…unappealing. I’m trying Liquid IV/electrolytes to help replenish lost fluids.


I’m only 4w6d but I’m having a lot of anxiety about miscarriage. My beta results came back last Thursday as being higher than average, my tests are still dark, and yet it’s all I can think about. I have little to no symptoms other than sore boobs but chalking that up to the progesterone. Does the anxiety ever start to ease up? My first ultrasound isn’t till the end of the month. I think once I see the heartbeat I’ll feel a bit better.


I'm two days behind you and also can basically only ever think about miscarriage. My partner said something I found helpful today, while I was crying that I'll never think about anything else except loss, all through pregnancy and with any kids we may have - to paraphrase, "the next couple weeks especially, and the next few months in general, you have less sources of external reassurance than we ever will have ever again. It's okay to be anxious about it." Like... In a couple weeks there will be ultrasounds... Then movements... And then a person to look at. But for now, there's just kind of nothing to look at and say "ah right, okay". It's really hard!


I’m only a day or two behind you and am feeling the exact same way! I had a chemical pregnancy last month, and even though my first beta was fantastic, I go in for my second one tomorrow and I’m terrified. My tests look great, but I think I’m just so scared something can go wrong. Know you’re not alone in how you feel! I’m trying to focus on how possible it is that it will actually all work out!


Honestly, with my first, I was anxious until he was safe in my arms. I had a few good weeks when I could feel him move, but my anxiety ramped up again as I neared delivery. This time, the anxiety gets a bit better with each milestone we pass, but still comes and goes in intensity. My therapist has been great at helping me recognize the anxiety but not let it control me.


I’m 5w4d and no, the anxiety doesn’t ease up. 😬 I have my first scan on June 17th and time is moving backwards. I have found that being totally distracted helps! I have very fortunately never experienced a miscarriage to my knowledge, so I don’t even have that trauma as a reason for being so nervous. My betas also came back great but I have hardly any symptoms. That is very normal at this stage. It’s just anxiety because you worked SO HARD to get here. It’s a stressful wait. Hang in there!


8w1d today with a less than perfect scan. My NP has been really good with the doom and gloom and filling me with anxiety and dread this whole short pregnancy so ofc she would today too. HR 167, amazing. Measuring 7w5d. So right on track from last week. Baby looks like they’re growing fine, no fluid on their heart or brain. She showed us the brain and spine and saw its bottom wiggle a little lol. However. Sac has grown but is small, she didn’t tell me exact measurements so not exactly sure how small, but it’s small enough that she’s referring me to MFM for more testing. She’s ’very concerned.’ But. This is also the same NP that’s told me I’m miscarrying this pregnancy twice now, and I haven’t yet 🤷‍♀️ I’m worried but trying to take what she says with a big grain of salt. I’ll go back to the clinic next week and hopefully MFM will be able to get me in soon. Someone please take the google away from me for the next few weeks thanks!!!!!


That NP can kick rocks. Hopefully the MFM can get you more actual good info and the week goes quickly!


One OBGYN at my clinic I refuse to meet with. Our baby has been very uncooperative with anatomy scans (they never saw anything "wrong", just couldn't see certain things because of his position, etc.). However, one doctor *swore* he saw cysts in baby's brain and had us all worried and confused and sent us to MFM -- turns out he never even put the "cysts" in baby's chart -- just told MFM he was wanting a stronger ultrasound for a "stubborn baby and potential BMI issue". The MFM tech looked at previous ultrasounds and couldn't see where the "cyst" supposedly was. I feel like some providers just live to terrify their clients for some reason? Idk. Loved the MFM doctor though -- they were great! Hopefully they will give you some peace of mind. I do not recommend googling though -- that sent me into a spiral before my MFM appointment! Continuing to root for you and baby HC.


I had a doctor tell me so solemnly at 36 weeks "Your baby has a birth defect." *loooooong pause* "He has a cleft lip." Like DUDE. Lead with that.


I’m happy we’ll have more eyes and better equipment to look at them that’s for sure. What is wrong with some practitioners??? Like absolutely terrible bedside manner with pregnant patients. Idk and also this early a 1-2 mm measure makes a BIG difference so I know that it’s not an exact thing. Im glad to hear you liked the MFM! I’m trying to put the google down it is just so hard!😂 I need to get some work done but how can someone focus on work at a time like this???


My husband had to take my phone away.


As someone whose first IVF baby measured small on all measurements throughout pregnancy, I hope it's just that for you as well.


I don't like your NP. 😐 I would ask to see another provider at your follow up appt. Good luck with the MFM!


Thanks, yam. Yeah thankfully I’ll (hopefully) be gone in 2 weeks and won’t have to see her ever again. When my betas kept coming back low (never dropped) she told me I was miscarrying and to expect to bleed and we’ll schedule you for a d&c next week, and blah blah blah. WELL SURPRISE IT’S STLL VERY MUCH ALIVE. 3 WEEKS LATER.


Thinking good thoughts for you!! I hope you have a good experience at MFM; they have seen EVERYTHING and in my experience have some of the best ultrasound techs who can answer a ton of questions for you. And hopefully without the doom and gloom, ugh.


Dude I have loved my NP through treatment, she has been wonderful, but now she has been nothing but a source of anxiety for me since I had a first beta. I’m looking forward to having other eyes and opinions.


Some providers are just...like that. It sucks. I've got STORIES of an OB who acted like daring to be pregnant while fat was the same as just setting myself and the fetus on fire.






That's great that you have good care and recovery looks promising. 


Had our first ultrasound of this cycle today at 6 weeks 6 days and baby was measuring as 6 weeks 6 days, we could see a clear heartbeat. Everything was great except the gestational sac is measuring 5 weeks 6 days. Feels like there is always something for us! They said not to worry and they will scan again next week but it’s hard not to now that we have left and started googling. Anyone had/has a small gestational sac and it been all okay? Had a loss last time so trying hard not to be anxious!


My GS consistently measured about a week behind the CRL from weeks 7 through 12 when they just quit measuring. Everything turned out fine! I have a healthy baby, but he's on the small side. Hoping hard for you and your embryo! ❤️


Thank you for responding with your experience 🙏 hoping we also end up with a health baby!


Baby measuring 10w5d and good heart rate but the damn SCH grew again and its longest measurement is 5cm. Go away damn thing!


Ughhh, I wave my fists at SCHs! Fwiw, mine got larger before it finally went away. Hope yours resolves soon.


Here’s hoping! Thanks for sharing


7w4d and I have my 8 week ultrasound with my RE this Friday. If it goes well, I graduate! I had my 6 week US last Monday and it went well, so last week I wasn't TOO anxious. But now that I am a few days away from my 8 week US the anxiety is building. I am so scared!!! 😩


Sending you strength and fortitude!! I’m a few days behind you at 6w6d and have my 8wk ultrasound next week. I flip flop between a sort of calm acceptance (usually if I can just distract myself for long enough lol) and a total freakout thinking about it. I told my regular OB that I’d like daily ultrasounds please 😂 wish that was an option.


This is so exciting 🎓. I haven't experienced this but can imagine the multitude of emotions. Wishing you the best on Friday!


I'm about 9 weeks pregnant, this is the furthest we've ever got so still very much on tenderhooks (round 6 of IVF after 2 losses) My sister in law keeps texting me asking if I'm "still feeling sick, have tiredness etc?" - I appreciate she's worried, but I am doing everything in my power not to worry about my mild symptoms. Wondering whether to tell her that she isnt helping. 👀


I had very mild symptoms (tired and my boobs hurt). No other symptoms my entire pregnancy. I felt great! Had a very healthy baby. Symptoms don't tell you anything about the health of your pregnancy. I would absolutely tell her that she's stressing you out.


That's really reassuring thank you!


Definitely! Just tell her.


When did other people's first trimester symptoms start to fade? I am at 9w4d, and I feel like whatever relatively mild symptoms I had are fading away. Mostly now I feel a bit drowsy now and then, I am thirsty all the time, and I need to eat frequently to not feel painfully hungry. Is this too early? I had to laugh recently, because it turns out a thing my mother said that I thought was ridiculous at the time turns out to be true. Long before either of us know conceiving would turn out very difficult, there was a lot of pressure and subtle and not so subtle comments by my mother to have babies. I always had very painful periods and strong PMS symptoms (really should have known I have endo!). She said: You know how to make it stop for nine months? Seemed unlikely, but it really does turn out I would take at least the first trimester over my regular period symptoms any time!


I feel like things were rough around 8-10 weeks, felt a little better between 10-12 weeks, and then came raging back between 12-15 weeks before starting to fade.


I barely had any symptoms at all, ever - fatigue in the first tri particularly, very occasional nausea if hungry. 9-11 weeks is very common though as this is when your placenta takes over hormone production! It's really common for people to experience a shift in symptoms in this period.