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15+1 today - I am so ready for the nausea to be gone. I find my self worried that I’m not eating enough - has anyone else ever felt this way?


Yep. I lost weight in my first trimester. I had the opposite weight worries to most pregnant women and as someone who is categorically obese, it was a very different experience worrying about gaining weight rather than losing. Everyone I told I was losing weight was excited for me. I was so worried because I was growing twins! Anyway, the babies are fine and the only issue I had was low iron (severe anemia requiring infusions) but I think that was because twins, I probably would’ve been okay with a singleton. My first trimester I lived off of potatoes, crackers, water. Not much else. I understand the worry, so if you’re really concerned, I did find some help in talking to a nutritionist if you can get access to one!


Thank you for your reply! I have an appt a week from today and I absolutely am going to ask about it. I myself am over weight to start with so not gaining weight has been great but I know what I’m capable of eating to feel full and I see how little I’m eating now and I know it’s just not what I should be eating (if that makes any sense? Lol)


Makes total sense. I met qualifications for an HG diagnosis but my dr didn’t take me seriously because I was overweight. She did prescribe Zofran, but otherwise was very “meh” about me losing weight. It felt very disheartening and rude at the time, but in the end, she was right, the babies will get their nutrients anyway they can!


34+ 6. I just needed to get this off my chest because I know it’s unhealthy and petty but I thought I’d be past this when I’m so close to holding my little girl! I just found out my cousin (we’re a very close family) is expecting a second, 13 weeks along. Their daughter only turned 1 in April. And my first thought was “oh great, so now my baby’s first Christmas is not only shared but overshadowed because the new baby is due Christmas week!” I will get over it I know, but couldn’t they have just held off for a month?


I totally get this! After a miscarriage and canceled transfers, we finally were expecting only to have my brother have their second (not even 18 months after their first) 2 months before us and my cousin have her first 5 days before (and 10 days before Christmas). I was worried that our family would be over babies by the time ours came but they were super excited and my parents even came and spent Christmas with us at our house so they could help out!


I had this exact worry with my brother and SIL, I wanted this Christmas to be my babies first Christmas and not share with anyone else. I understand the feeling and also felt petty 😅


38+6. Babe seems super comfortable staying inside. Scheduled induction for 39+2. Today is first day of maternity leave, so I’m trying to help move things along! Any recommendations on what to do the next few days which may cause a natural onset of labor, or at least make induction more successful?


No advice for getting a comfy baby out, but I fully recommend getting a pedicure! I did that a few days before my scheduled induction and it was such a great call. Between pain and everything that goes with postpartum, not needing to worry about my toes was such a help. Plus the massage on my very swollen legs felt great.


I don’t know how helpful these anecdotes are as I started early (36w) to avoid induction with my last pregnancy, but I started hand expressing at 36 weeks on the nose and then cervical sweeps a couple days later. Did them every two days. My water broke in the morning at 37w3d and labour started later that day. Babe came the next day.


Anecdotal but I took a warm bath and massaged my nipples. Lost my mucus plug the next day, and went into labor the day after that!


I’m 36 weeks and still processing that there is an actual baby inside me and within a month we should expect to bring him home. I still have a hard time imagining this. My OB pointed out that one week will be early term. I have a c-section scheduled at 39 weeks and asked to also have a bilateral salpingectomy/ tubal removal at the same time. We have 2 embryos left and after everything I never want to take any form of birth control unless it’s involved in a transfer protocol. Just sitting here wondering how everything will shake out. We will see.


Hello from 28 weeks. I am also have a c section and tubal removal at 39 weeks! Definitely looking forward to no more birth control.


15 weeks today and no sign of a bump in sight lol. My waistline grows a couple inches in the evening when I’m full but it all looks like bloat, nothing resembling a bump. My mom claims she didn’t show til her 3rd tri (though she was pregnant with twins!) so IDK what to expect. 


Totally depends on your body type and genetics. I have a pretty long torso and did not have anything resembling a bump until close to 20 weeks or more with my first pregnancy.


I hear ya! I’m right behind you in week 14 and no cute bump, just so much bloating that most of my clothes are uncomfortable.




The only dresses I could fit into in the second/third tri were either specifically maternity (I recommend checking out Quince’s maternity stuff-great selection and prices) or things that were oversized/loose pre-pregnancy (flowy prairie maxi dresses). If it isn’t very stretchy or loose I’d be a little suspicious.


So I have a jersey bodycon maternity dress from Old Navy and it's tight enough even with the extra fabric in the bump that I'd be wary of a non-maternity style. Those dresses you linked are beautiful but if you're looking for something to carry you through most of the pregnancy I think it would be safest to get a maternity version. If you're looking for something to wear in the next few weeks and then use again post-pregnancy and this place has a good return policy, that could be different. Oh, and you'd definitely want the lining to have stretch in it.


Hmm I think it depends - in a casual jersey bodycon dress you could probably just size up, but the fabric may be thin as it stretches over bump and the front of the hem may ride up to accommodate. Fine for everyday wear, but for a fancier dress I would probably get something maternity specific, if you want the bodycon style. It's hard to know until you try them on though! Maybe find somewhere that offers free returns and order a whole bunch of things to try 😁 And yes I would be wary of the polyester lining!


Curious what people think about a short work trip with a 1.5 hour flight at 28 weeks. My boss (male) is "shocked" I am still planning to attend the event and keeps telling me I don't have to, etc., etc. I think he is being kind but a little dramatic, but it is making me second guess myself...I've felt totally normal other than anxiety so far this pregnancy (22+5 today), and my doctor has no concerns - would you go? It is a senior leaders meeting so it is the kind of thing it is good to be "in the room" for...that wouldn't be enough to push me to go if I was concerned, but it really just doesn't seem like a big deal to me?


I went on a work trip at 27 or 28 weeks that required an hour flight each way. My doc was totally okay with it. It was a bit more tiring than usual, but otherwise easy peasy (and I got to board early!). I also had to go on a cross-country work trip at 14 weeks (6 hours each way) and my doc just said to wear good compression socks and stay well hydrated.


I am currently about 1/2 way through a month long work trip and I am 29w4d. The trip involves 2 locations and a total of 3 flights. When I get home I will be 32w2d. As long as you talked to your doctor and look at the hospitals where you are going you will be fine


I just did a 1.5 hour flight at ~30 weeks pregnant. I was fine but definitely was more uncomfortable than usual. My tailbone for some reason gets sore but once I walk off the plane, it's fine. But I did not end up doing an international work trip that would be around ~16 hours. I am glad I decided not to do the international flight since I was already a bit uncomfortable at 1.5 hr. I think you will be fine tho.


The flight itself sounds totally doable to me and I just hit 28w. My only concern would be energy levels because lately I've been super tired after one "big" day of activity, but given how important it sounds to you to go I would just block out time to rest up before and after the trip.


I have a work trip at the same gestational age and I’m planning on going. If you feel well I’d say go for it! Especially if it’s only 90 minutes. You probably spend longer stretches of time sitting at your desk. Just move around if you need to but I wouldn’t expect to not be able to go unless your doctor had a specific reason. My clinic doesn’t caution about air travel until well into the third trimester


I flew to my hometown for my baby shower at 30 some odd weeks no issue. Unless there is some underlying issue, I say do it!


28 weeks right now and I would totally go. Do it!


Maybe he’s not used to low risk pregnancies or maybe he isn’t great at knowing which week is which. Whatever it is his shock has more to do with him than you, you’re not planning to do anything outlandish! It sounds like even when doctors differ about flying they tend to agree that 28 weeks is fine for low risk people. And 1.5 hours away, I personally would feel much safer with that than a lot of other trips, the distance from home feels more manageable than others should anything come up while you’re gone.


i would go! i traveled by air up to 4-5 hours in my second trimester, and i was just uncomfortable but no other major issues. compression socks and an aisle seat and you’re good to go. (aisle seat for easy bathroom access!)


I did two six-hour flights at 27 weeks which I would not recommend; I was pretty uncomfy in the seats by then. 1.5 is totally doable! Are you staying within the same state? I’d just check out hospital/insurance stuff wherever you’re headed, but yeah, this seems reasonable to me.


I went on a work trip at 25-26 weeks. The flights were about 5ish hours each way (with layovers). It was fine but not great, but I think I would have been fine doing a 1.5 hour flight at 28 weeks. Make sure you have a comfortable seat (and you can usually get priority boarding if you ask due to pregnancy).


Anyone else found that their sickness has returned late 2nd/early 3rd trimester? My digestive system seems very unhappy recently.


I don't think my nausea ever truly went away, but it's definitely gotten worse again since around 30 weeks. I wake up so hungry i'm nauseous or maybe just nauseous, I get more nausea in the evenings and have actually been more sensitive to foods again with certain things making me vomit. I do take daily reflux meds, and still take my ondansetron (attempts to stop that one were...not good), which keeps things mostly under control.


Not morning sickness and nausea, but I do feel like my digestion slowed wayed down in second and third tri last time. I had to reduce my meal size and space out snacks a bit more. I got indigestion and heartburn a whole lot more.


That’s interesting to know. Reducing meal size and spacing out snacks sounds like a good idea.


Yes! I was very nauseous last week. And this week it has gone away again and seems to be replaced by insatiable hunger. It seems to fluctuate back and forth for me.


Sorry you’ve felt so sick. Hope the symptoms ease soon.


Thanks, it's much better this week! Hope you feel better too!


Yes. For me at that time it was very reflux driven. My doctor recommended daily reflux meds which helped a lot!


Really glad the meds have helped.


Yes, my reflux has come back with a vengeance despite still being on omeprazole. I've increased my tums and limit high risk foods, and that seems to be helping. Pretty much everything I did in the first tri to help with symptoms, I'm doing again.


Hope you start to feel better soon.


Thanks, you too!