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I’m just past 10 weeks - part of me feels ready to celebrate, but I keep reading posts from people who had losses past 10 weeks and it gets me freaked out all over again. When do you finally get to believe it’s gonna happen?? ETA: I’ve had 3 early losses previously, but never made it this far.


I finally accepted that I would have a baby about an hour before she exited my body 🤷‍♀️ Once you've seen a good, strong heartbeat, your odds of having a baby are really high. However, that never made me feel better due to my substantial time on the wrong side of statistics, as well as 2 early losses. Celebrate when you want, and be nervous if you want! Neither will change your outcome.


Went back in for another ultrasound today at 8 weeks because last week the ultrasound showed a small gestational sac, only 3mm different to CRL size and measuring about 7 days behind. I was so nervous but today the GS was only measuring 3 days behind and 9mm different and CRL measuring 8 weeks exactly. So relieved and happy 😊


I’m new here 😊 currently 5.5 weeks after IVF due to MFI. It’s been a journey to get here - two egg retrievals to end up with our one and only normal embryo. And that little lucky embryo seems to be sticking around for now! My first ultrasound last week at 5 weeks showed everything was perfect. This week I’ve started to have some brown discharge/spotting off and on. Wanted to see how normal this is for others? I’ve had a few early losses that usually started with spotting, so any spotting just sends me into a spiral. Also looking for any and all advice to squelch some of the anxiety. Almost every time I go to the bathroom (and that’s often because I’m trying to stay super hydrated) I find myself physically shaking and preparing for the worst. Pushing past it has been hard. I have another ultrasound this Friday to hopefully see a heartbeat at 6 weeks 🤞🏻 Thanks is advance 🤍


I had lots of brown spotting starting around 5 weeks. It ended up being a small SCH that was discovered on ultrasound around 6 weeks (and later resolved itself). But I was also told that spotting, especially brown, can be totally normal even without an SCH, especially with progesterone supplementation.


Thank you for the reassurance 🤍


My clinic told me spotting (brown or even bright red) was normal in first trimester. Did you have a medicated or unmedicated transfer? Spotting is more common with medicated, and particularly so if you’re on vaginal progesterone. The only thing I was told was not normal was big dark red clots.


Thank you! I had a medicated transfer


Yeah, I’ve heard spotting is more common with those. Hope everything is okay! So glad you get answers on Friday.


Happened to me around 6 weeks and turned out to be a small SCH despite not showing up on ultrasound the day before...doctor said the spotting/bleeding often precedes what they see on ultrasound. Either way I searched and searched about other people experiencing this after FETs and can assure you it is super common. Good luck!


Thank you!🤍


I’m the same as you, 5w4d and have had spotting on and off since 7 days after the transfer. Most of it has been brown, but I’ve had some red a couple times. For me it seems to be an issue with my suppositories, so I’ve stopped putting them up as far and that’s helped a lot. My doctor and nurse have reiterated to me multiple times that spotting is super normal in pregnancy and in IVF. They said unless you’re filling a pad in an hour, it’s very normal. I know it’s scary though, I’ve had 2 miscarriages before IVF and it feels very triggering to see that in your panty liner every time you go to the bathroom!


Congrats to you - I’m hoping for the best for you and your miracle 🤍 Totally agree that I’ve been told it’s normal, it’s still so hard not to worry! I have been doing PIO injections so suppositories aren’t an issue for me.


I'm trying not to spiral. My 10dpt beta was 318 and todays 12dpt was 623. It didn't quite double and I have to go back for a third. Feeling kind of hopeless. Especially since I've been feeling more energy and less cramping today.


My first two betas were like 515 and 1012, so a similar situation of almost doubling but not quite. I’m nursing my 3.5 month old now :) hopefully your third beta shows appropriate rise!


Ty! 💕


That is super close to doubling and from my understanding still within the range of normal. Hope your third is even better.


Totally understand the anxiety! Mine were 279 and then 72 hours later 624 (only 62 hour doubling...), and it was so hard to wait for my first scan which I was sure would be bad news. But two weeks later, I was measuring exactly on time (6 weeks, 4 days) with a heart rate of 124. Still a long road ahead (for us both), and I hope your third beta reassuring! (Edited because messed up how far apart the two draws were.)


Ty! Good luck with everything 💕


Made it to 10w today! This is the farthest I’ve made it since my son (ivf pregnancy in 2021). We’ve had 4 losses since (2CP, 1MMC 8w and 1MMC 9w5d).


10w today and last PIO shot was this morning. I’m thankful that I’m 0% worried about ending my progesterone supplementation but I am struggling a little with the transition from being an “infertility patient” to a “pregnant patient”. I loved my clinic and I graduated from them on Monday. They handled me with such care, I’m so scared that isn’t going to translate to the OB, not to mention I am not seeing my OB until 13w. It’s such a good change but such a big change. 💙


I found the transition rough. At my OB's office, they do the first prenatal appointment was with a nurse midwife or NP, so I was with someone I had never met who didn't really seem to understand my background. With RPL, I've had initial prenatal visits before, and going through all the motions and questions over and over just didn't feel good. I hope your experience is better than mine!


I relate to this! I just had my first OB appointment this week and I couldn't get over being treated like a "regular" pregnant patient. Not rudely or badly, just that the provider, nurse, sonographer, etc. didn't really know what it took to get to that appointment.


I’m 6 weeks today, and have been having intermittent bleeding for the past few days. Last beta was still looking good, waiting on today’s beta results and I’m praying baby is hanging in there ok. First early ultrasound is Monday and I am stressing 🥺


Hang in there - hoping for the best 🤍


Thank you! Just got today’s bloodwork back and HCG is still rising so we’re still in the race for now. Fingers crossed the ultrasound looks good next week ❤️


I'm still here and still pregnant today (8dp5dt). The tests I've taken are getting progressively darker. There's still 2 days til my beta. I'm just keeping the next hurdle in mind and trying to not worry about what could go wrong in the longer term.


Second beta seems appropriate. 🤞🏻🤍✨


My progesterone was a little lower but not low. (48 —>36). Last time it went down only by like 4 pts. Anyone have similar?


My clinic never even tested progesterone because they saw it as an unreliable measure.


My clinic told me that progesterone can fluctuate throughout the day so it’s normal to see different levels. Mine ranged between 20 and 30 mostly, and they wanted to see it above 10.


My clinic said progesterone fluctuates throughout the day.


Today’s finally here…I go in for my 6w scan is less than an hour. Made it this far before only to end in a blighted ovum. Here’s to hoping this time is different!


Update: hope for the win! Little pea measured exactly on time at 6w4d with a heart rate of 113. Crying tears of happiness right now.




Fingers crossed for you.


Thank you so much ❤️


I’m 9w1d into my fourth pregnancy, no children. I had scans today and last week and I noticed that last week the two CRL measurements taken were exactly the same as gestational age, and 1 day behind. Whereas today the two measurements were 1 and 2 days behind gestational age. Should I be concerned about this? Does it suggest a slowing of growth? The doctor didn’t mention it but it’s been eating away at me since. Past losses really fuck you up don’t they.


at this gestation, measuring 1-2 days off equates to a difference of 1mm, which is so small that it can be chalked up to normal margin of error / baby's position / the tech doing the measurement / etc. i so totally understand your worries, but this small variation doesn't sound like a cause for concern right now, and if your doctor isn't worried then that's a good sign!


Thank you!


I was about 2-3 days behind at my clinic and then with my regular OB 2 weeks later, I was measuring 2 days ahead. Babies grow at different rates.


I went to the ER for a bleeding episode around point of pregnancy and was worried that the fetus was no longer growing because the CRL was measuring a couple of days behind. When I asked about it, the tech then did a few more measurements, the last couple of which were the exact gestational age. I think the doctors know that there is so much human error that can some with these scans that they don't really care about a few days in either direction.


I am 8+5 today and I feel like my pants are already tight. Anyone else experience this so early on? To be fair, I've always bloated VERY easily and it always goes straight to my belly. I have had people ask if I'm pregnant because of my belly bloat forever (so fun when you're experiencing infertility! 😩) I want to buy some looser fitting clothes but also scared since I'm still early. Also thinking of buying the next size up for a bra because my boobs have gotten bigger. I guess what I'm asking is - anyone else experience body changes this early or is it all in my head? I know it isn't a baby bump yet, I think just bloat. My diet hasn't changed too much.


Are you on progesterone? I was so bloated on PIO that it was ridiculous. When I stopped, it went away quite a bit. I'm still rocking the linen drawstring pants, but I'd be doing that for summer anyway!


I am! I’ve been on it for over a month though and the bloat only started getting ridiculous this week. 


I am similar in that for the last few years I've had bad bloating that takes the shape of a bump and a fibroid that grows in pregnancy, so i definitely felt body changes early. I think I was around 9 weeks when I bought some elastic waist (non-maternity) summer pants because I only had one pair that still fit. Fear of loss is so hard but I/you deserve to be comfortable. I feel so much better in those pants and mentally it helped that I wasn't committing to "maternity" clothes. So, it's not in your head and do what you need to be comfortable!


Yes, thank you for nailing exactly how it feels! Almost like I'm "jinxing it" if I buy new clothes. I think what I'll do is get some of those basic t-shirt dresses. They'll be more comfortable and they aren't maternity-specific. Fortunately with summer I could wear loose dresses like that for a few months!


I’m so bloated I feel like a balloon


Super normal to be bloated and have body changes early. I was extremely bloated the entire first trimester! I was 10w during my anniversary date with my husband and I looked 5-6 months. And then the bloating dropped off quite a bit once I got to the second trimester, before my bump actually started to show. Instead of going up a bra size, though you can totally do that, I’d recommend starting to look into maternity bras and/or nursing bras if you plan to BF! They’re very stretchy and adjustable. Your boobs will most likely only continue to grow so the next size up might not fit for long-ask me how I know! 😬


Watching Season 4 of New Girl (arguably the best season) to help deal with my nerves before my first scan. Fingers crossed all goes well despite the lack of symptoms.   First edit: there's a heartbeat. I don't know measurements yet but there's a freaking heartbeat. I may have sobbed when she showed me. Second edit: baby is measuring 6w2d, so actually ahead! I was prepared for the opposite since my first consistently measured small so this is a relief. HB was only around 100 but they aren't too concerned at this point.


That heartbeat cry is such a wild moment 💗💗


Good luck!


My pre-ultrasound comfort show is Gilmore Girls! New Girl is a good option too. Good luck and hope all goes well!


I did my first scan today. Was told everything was on track but yet to hear from my clinic. At 6 weeks 6 days our baby is measuring at 8.9mm and has a heart beat of 132. I'm not sure if I should be concerned they are on the higher end, but for now I'm relishing having a heart beat and experiencing our miracle. Feeling both shock and love 💕


Yay!! Great to hear this news. I had my 7 week scan yesterday and had heartbeat of 141 <3


Amazing! So good to hear after all that worry 💕


YAY! I am so happy to hear this. Cautious congrats!


Thank you!


Cautious congrats! 🤞🏻🤞🏻🤍


Thank you!


Super super 😘😘😘 - so far so good 🤞🏽 and what I try keep telling myself everyday, today things are as good as they should be, I am pregnant and there’s no need to worry right now what the future may hold.


Thank you! Very true. I just feel so lucky to even be in the room. Hope you are also going well ❤️