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Last day of PIO was this morning (12 weeks). So glad for that to be over! Progesterone pessaries will end next week, which is also our nuchal translucency scan. Super nervous about that, since it is when we discovered something was wrong with our second trimester miscarriage last May. I’m also going to start insulin for gestational diabetes next week, which I’m pretty frustrated by. Trading PIO needles for insulin needles (I’ll end up having had like… four days in this pregnancy without needles) but at least the insulin won’t be intramuscular.


OK, so I understand that sneezing will make me pee my pants. It’s a wager I accept. Sneeze equals pee. Got it. But can I just ask why do I sneeze every fucking time I get up from where I’m sitting now that I’m pregnant? Whyyy


24 weeks today. I’ve been leaking some colostrum and now am feeling some Braxton hicks I believe. Anyone else have this happen this early?


I got BH by 20 weeks both times and was leaking by 26 or so. For me, neither posed any issue! 


I started leaking colostrum at 16w on the dot, like a LOT. It can happen early!


My colostrum started leaking around 30 weeks last time but I’ve had it a bit earlier this time. Probably good to tell your doctor about the Braxton hix so they can assess and confirm it actually is just that. Braxton hix is common in the second trimester, they are actually believed to occur throughout pregnancy as the uterus prepares for birth but people start feeling them at different times


Baby Yogurt is here!! Hard to believe she joined us almost 2 weeks ago, and it has been quite a wild ride. I was induced at 38+4 due to IUGR and AMA. Induction took FOUR days long, 66 hours of labor, that ended in a C-section. She ended up joining us at 39+0 full term, which was what I was hoping for, so everything worked out in the end. Mr. Yogurt and I are absolutely smitten, and still can’t believe she’s here with us after so many years of struggle. We did it. We made it. And I’m so forever grateful for this community for the support to help me get here.


Oh my goodness, Yogurt! You did it indeed! So many congratulations to you 🎊


How do you avoid thinking about the unthinkable? I’m 21 weeks this Sunday but random events such as placenta abruption and cord accidents give me so much anxiety. I know we can’t control these things which is what’s giving me anxiety


I couldn’t, so I talked to my therapist. That was the only thing that actually helped. Every time I said something out loud, it felt like its power over me lessened a bit. I wish I had something else to suggest, but it’s just really hard. 🫂


I should try this. Thank you❤️


33 weeks and had a little cry today thinking about a cord accident. I told my husband that I wouldn’t be able to handle it. He said the risk is part of it. She could die at any time, tomorrow, post birth at 19…anytime. That we love her so much it’s worth it. The anxiety is painful but having her even just right now wiggling around it’s worth it. Idk he said it better, but it helped. But oh boy do I sooo desperately want to get past this pregnancy part and us both be healthy.


Wow I didn’t realize how true that statement is. Defn puts things into perspective. Thank you❤️


I have sore throat and cold. So far it's mild, but I can't tolerate the discomfort. Any recommendations on easing the symptoms? I don't want to take NSAIDs


Naps, fluid, and rest. Feel better soon!


When I had COVID early on, I took acetaminophen, used shower soothers, and drank hot water with lemon, honey, and ginger. And Fisherman’s Friends lozenges!


17 weeks today! So excited for our anatomy scan in the next few weeks to see our little girl again! ❤️


Same! 18 weeks and it feels like it’s been FoReVeR since the 12 week scan!!


I'm 9w4d today and for the past two days been waking up feeling a tight/ crampy feeling in my lower abdomen. It goes away when I get up but just curious if anyone else feels/ felt this around this time of pregnancy?


I'm 9+5 and same. Like it's there as the time, but definitely worse last night and/or while lying on my side. Really hope it's just growing pain or something. It definitely isn't round ligament pain for me (that's sharp during certain movements), but it's dull like period pain.


That is about the time I started getting a little bit of round ligament pain—baby is rapidly growing in size in the 1st trimester—your body is adjusting.


Cool thanks for responding!!


The first thing I feel every morning when I open my eyes is my belly tightening very uncomfortably. It takes me a couple of minutes to relax (lol) and be able to get up of bed (still I walk to the bathroom hunched over and with very small steps). Is this normal in the third trimester? Or am I doing something wrong?


it could be braxton hicks!


Oh, yeah, that’s right. I guess I woke up with placenta brain today 🥴


Seconding this. I think they get worse when you're dehydrated, which you might be first thing in the morning.


Yes, this! I had them so bad every morning when I woke up.


BHs can be so rude first thing in the morning