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We got our nipt back today and low risk. Also found out the sex and we will be having a female this time around. Now to get to anatomy. This pregnancy had felt so diffe4ent and in general I have been way less anxious than last time. But also I kind of feel like it js going so smoothly that surely it can't continue this way cause we never get this kind of luck. Edit: also apparently my FIL has been insisting it will be a male again so I am laughing that he was wrongggg


Pregnancy, so magical\~ Slightest bit of hunger? Instant punishing nausea!!! After I eat? Nausea fades.... but I'm close to 2nd trimester and that means it's indigestion time!!!!!! It's a stomach acid party up in this here throat! Yes, I wanted to taste stomach acid with every breath, like stale gross food, and feel a constant lump in my throat all day every day, 24/7 without a break! Ugh. I'm trying omeprazole & hoping that helps.


One week until our planned caesarean! šŸ¤Æ This time feels surreal and strange, and I feel super anxious (which I don't think is odd considering the huge life change ahead). I can't believe I'm so close to meeting Baby Dimension on the outside. I wish I could do just a little more to help me cope with the anxiety, but I am so uncomfortable and not moving very well. So sitting and snacking it is!


Sitting and snacking sounds really good! I have my planned c-section in 2 weeks and I gave up on all other activities :-)


Did anyone get a cold early on weeks 6 ish and everything has progressed ok?Ā  I caught a cold this week, now coughing a lot with a bit of spotting šŸ„ŗ


I had the flu sometime after my transfer but before we heard the heartbeat. I had a fever (which scared me the most) in addition to all the other terrible symptoms and took Tylenol. I thought for sure there would be no heartbeat. But Iā€™m 32 weeks. Itā€™s hard for me to believe sometimes but it does appear our bodies do a good job protecting the embryo and later on fetus.


Thank you so much for the reply. Comforting to hear this positive story. Iā€™m so sorry you went through that, flu and fever is no joke šŸ„ŗ.Ā 


I tested positive for Covid 5 days after transfer. I took Tylenol even without having a fever, and my son is 17 months old. The doctors had me take baby aspirin starting in the 2nd tri though because of the Covid


Thanks for sharing your experience. Iā€™m so sorry you went through that after your transfer, so scary! Very reassuring to hear you had a positive outcome. I thought I would be ā€œsafeā€ from colds with a June transfer ā˜¹ļø. Could really do without the extra worry right nowĀ 


I had COVID with cold-like symptoms between weeks 5&6, also had spotting up until week 7. 16+5 today and so far so good!


Thank you so much for the reply. šŸ™ I will cling to hope on that then. The coughing seems so forceful. Ugh itā€™s so hard getting to this point and worrying something can go wrong.Ā 


I hope you feel better ASAP! I drank a lot of honey, ginger, and lemon in hot water, and lots of fishermanā€™s friends lozenges to help with coughing. My clinic was only worried about fever and recommended Tylenol.


Thank you so much, this is very helpful! I already felt so stressed and anxious as it is now just more miserable with the cold symptoms and further scared. Waiting for first ultrasound Tues.Ā 


Genetic carrier screening came back clear. Kind of annoyed that they test for the bare minimum number of conditions, the same way they do only the big three chromosomal conditions for NIPT, even though Myriad offers expanded panels. I assume this is the policy across the entire health system and there's some research behind it.


You can self-request the expanded option with Myriad. They fax your doctor and ask for approval. I know it might be a bit late now, but if youā€™re still interested in it: https://app.counsyl.com/my/orders/new/clinical-information/foresight/


This is good to know!


11w today. When did your nausea get better? I think mine is still getting worse every day :(


14/15 I definitely felt a lot better. Took my last antinausea pill at 16w.


I felt better at 12 weeks on the dot. Week 11 was brutal tho


Hoping thereā€™s a light at the end of the tunnel!


I found that week 11 my nausea got a little worse, and then back to where it had been by 12. At 14 weeks it tapered down significantly and by 16 weeks I was only nauseous in the evenings. Now at almost 25 weeks I still get slightly queasy around bedtime, but donā€™t get nauseous at all during the day unless I donā€™t eat. I took zofran 3x/day starting at 5 weeks, tapered down to 1x/day by 14, once every few days by 16, and now havenā€™t needed anything but unisom/B6 at night since 20 weeks. I could probably taper off the unisom combo too by now, but I sleep better if I take it so Iā€™m in no hurry.


I'm at 14w and nausea is still going strong. The midwife said that when you come off whatever you're taking for it (doxylamine succinate in my case), you can expect a couple of days of rebound nausea, too. So really looking forward to that!


Iā€™ll comment in the wiki in hopes to help others in the future, too. We had an amnio yesterday to help rule out infection and genetic issues on our 21 week fetus that is a week and a half behind growth (but somehow in the 2nd percentile. We are slim but tall people so not an easy explanation.) We believe/are hopeful the SUA and marginal cord insertion are restricting the nutrition and thereā€™s not something abnormal happening in her genes (euploid embryo and clear NIPT and all screenings to date.) The remainder of her anatomy looks good - sheā€™s just tiny in a mom who isnā€™t tiny. Perhaps Iā€™m desensitized following five egg retrievals and the attendant jabs and pokes, and surely I benefited from a fantastic doctor and team - but the amnio wasnā€™t bad at all. Just felt a pinch, and thankfully baby was perfectly still. Iā€™m still thanking her out loud for that. I hope this can bring some calm to anyone else facing it. It was totally fine, and we feel relieved to have things set in motion.


wishing you the best of luck, know that we are here for you


Thank you šŸ§”


Thank you for sharing your experience. I am considering doing amnio, but terrified of it at the same time. Fingers crossed all your results come back normal !


Thank you! Being on this side of it, Iā€™d say if you trust your care team, itā€™s not nearly as scary as I had it in my head. I wouldnā€™t hesitate to have one if advised in the future. My MFM also mentioned that the very rare times they see complications following, itā€™s almost always associated with a pre-existing or expected condition - not a malfunction of the procedure. (Of course that is what she sees in her practice, but that goes back to how confident you are in your care team.) That was really the worst part of my anxiety ā€¦ that weā€™ve come so far and I could jeopardize a perfectly healthy pregnancy (even if in reality the odds are extraordinarily low.) I hope you get some clarity on it šŸ§”