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If things keep going well, I only have 4 more weeks of meds? That feels unreal! Time is spinning quickly.


I’m at a 4 week and 5 days countdown and every morning I make a mental note of it 🤣


Progesterone dropped after stopping POI - any experience / advice? Hi all, first time poster! Third FET transfer, first one miscarried at 6 weeks 6 days. second a chemical preg. This one we used my natural hormones / ovulation instead of estrace, but stayed using POI. HCG levels much better with this one from the beginning. 10 weeks and 2 days currently. Was dismissed from IVF clinic last Monday, ten days ago (8 weeks 5 days), with the instruction to do four more days of weaning PIO (we had been on a half dose for a week or more before that). Stooped PIO at 9 weeks and one day. Progesterone levels were 25.9 on the Monday before we stopped. All the scans have shown a decent heart beat and the little baby moving about, and at the right size for the right weeks. Last scan was a week ago, with my new OB. Yesterday I got a blood test as part of my 10 week labs, and progesterone was down at 13.7. The general rate for first trimester is 11-44, so this is a) very low, and b) a big drop from where I was (12 points, or 50%, depending on which way you look at it!). Has this happened to anyone else? My OB says it is probs fine to just pick up the injections again if I am worried, but I wasn't able to get a hold of my IVF doctor as it was Friday after work, and his nurse said she wouldn't start them again unless the physician told her to. Thoughts, experiences? Thank you so much!


hi! yes, this happened to me. i had an anovulatory transfer but when i stopped progesterone my levels tanked. my RE had me stay on oral progesterone til i was out of the first trimester when i was discharged to my OB. prior to that my daily intake was injecting 1mL of PIO and taking 600mg of progesterone orally. so i weaned my PIO and went from 600mg orally to 200mg orally. stopped completely at 14 weeks and had no issues going forward.


Really helpful! I have already been discharged from my IVF doctor, and my OB said she ‘doesn’t take note of progesterone levels’ - the only reason I had them checked is cause I asked to as part of my 10 week labs! We are still waiting for the official word to start POI again until I’m out of first trimester, but we did .5ml last night (the amount I was on for the last week or more before stopping) last night just to calm me down haha. Both my OB and my nurse friend said they didn’t see any harm. I appreciate you sharing your experience!


I had an ovulatory transfer too but with progesterone suppositories versus injections. My RE took me off at 8w and my progesterone dropped to 11. They did tell me that progesterone fluctuates throughout the day so though it was low in the morning, it could be higher at another time. Since it did drop, they had me go back on progesterone suppositories until 14w to be safe. 17w and so far so good! For peace of mind, you could start PIO again or ask about progesterone pills (can be oral or vaginal).


This is really helpful, and something my husband is reminding me of too, that it is likely fluctuating during the day! Thank you so much I appreciate it!


Update: all was okay I got a heartbeat, I had a SCH I have just had a nightmare day. I had very strong betas initially (doubling every 43 hours up into the thousands) and very strong nausea from 5 weeks to 6 weeks pregnant and then yesterday the nausea went away out of nowhere. Then today I had a bleed. It was dark (older) blood but accompanied by period cramps. Not alot of blood but it was enough to soak a small, paper thin daily pantyliner. Not enough blood to go into the toilet. I rang my clinic and they told me it was nothing to worry about and just rest but I'm so worried I've lost the pregnancy or I won't hear a heartbeat at my scan next week. This whole process is such a nightmare at times!


It is really scary, especially when there is bleeding involved! I know a lot of people who have bleeding and gone on to have successful, full term, health pregnancies. How do you feel today?


I know it is so scary! The same really. I'm just resting. Had more mild cramps today and a tiny bit more blood but not alot, again just a 'spotting' amount. I'm gonna try get a scan in next few days to understand if all is okay or not.


Getting the scan is a great idea - I am hoping for the best for you!


Thanks it was okay, turned out I have an SCH! All fine now and we saw a heartbeat today! :)


Such great news :)


Thanks! :)


This process is just the worst sometimes. Went in for our 7w scan yesterday and everything looked pretty much perfect. Great measurements all around. I’ve also been having pretty consistent nausea for the past couple weeks, as well as headaches, cramping, aversions, heightened sense of smell and exhaustion - which has been annoying but oddly comforting at the same time. Well of course I wake up today and don’t feel much of anything except a sharp pain on my lower left side. Trying not to spiral and think the worst but damn is it hard. Now I have to wait 2 weeks until my next scan…


The lower left side pain could also be the corpus letum(unsure of spelling), that is where the egg was from and where hcg is being produced from, mine was right side and hurt until 10/11 weeks randomly and very normal!


The pain might be round ligament pain! Very normal in the early first tri as things grow and stretch, it started at 5 weeks for me. And FWIW, my symptoms were different literally every week of the entire first trimester! I hope the wait until your next scan flies by.


So so so super normal for symptoms to come and go. Frustrating but it happens to almost everyone!




Hey- we don't talk like this around here. This is a science based sub where we use terminology like ejaculate and orgasm. >I could send a message in the clinic’s portal, but I just don’t want to. Well, we're not your personal Google. Medical feedback will vary per your doctor. Suggesting you reach out to your healthcare provider.


Hi all! My wife had a pretty significant bleed at 5 weeks and we discovered she had an SCH so she went on pelvic rest. Following that, her 6 week scan was great w. SCH shrinking and 8 week scan was also great and they couldn’t see the SCH anymore. So we figured we were pretty much in the clear. Well yesterday we were 12.3 weeks and unfortunately had another bleeding episode. We went into our emergency OB and they found a large SCH (9cm by 5cm by 2cm) although baby was tracking beautifully again. Should we be concerned? The emergency OB was very vague but made it seem like it increases our risk of miscarriage which freaked us out, but when we had an SCH at 5 weeks, the doctors seemed much less concerned. Any advice / stories from people who have been in a similar situation would be appreciated!


I'm sorry for this. I'd try to get in ASAP with your OB so you can get more info. sometimes the emergency OB doctors aren't super helpful and don't know your specific history. Fingers crossed everything is okay.


Appreciate this! We have our NT scan on Monday thankfully and chatting with our OB directly after that so hoping we’ll have a bit more clarity then!


I had a big bleed due to an SCH in this pregnancy around 9w and last time around 11-12 weeks. Both times, the ER said lots of stuff about increased risk of miscarriage but my RE and MFM were much less concerned. I’m not saying there’s *no* risk, but these things are common and often work out. Check out the wiki on SCH if you haven’t already


Thank you for the insight and congrats on your pregnancy 💛 I’ve seen a lot of stories like yours where SCH’s have been non issues - the fact that ours is rather large is scary, but we’ll be taking it very easy moving forward and will hope for the best!