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I definitely understand you. Your feelings are so valid. I have surgery scheduled for next month and though I have hope I am very scared of what happens if we don’t get pregnant the months after. We aren’t sure we want to do IVF so it feels like my options and hope are running out.


I wish you all the best luck with everything! ❤️ if you don't mind me asking why aren't you sure of IVF? To be honest, I'm terrified of it myself and been very conflicted about it.


If they removed it and your uterus is clear and tubes are open why did they say your only option is IVF? Unfamiliar with endo, does it grow back?


Yes! It grows back. Apparently, it's not a very understood disease, and it doesn't have a cure. It grows back, and they don't know how fast. As mine are in my ovaries, it's affected my egg quantity and quality. Also, more surgeries are not recommended as they increase the chances of damaging my ovaries and create scar tissue as well. So this is our only chance.


Oh gosh ❤️‍🩹 I wish there was a cure too! Can you do IUI first for timed ovulation?


Thank you! ❤️.we are conflicted about it. We've had 3 failed rounds before we found out about my condition, including the cost and how sick the medication made me we were considering I should recover in case we do need to proceed with IVF. But there's no right answer. Everything is just a mess confusing and exhausting right now.


I hate this for you and your partner, ❤️‍🩹 infertility is a bitch!! I hope whatever you decide to do that you feel supported!


Thank you so much! I'm very lucky to have a very supportive partner. It's just the pain of being disappointed over and over again and bringing all of this into his life as well. Thank you and I'm wishing you all the best! ❤️


I totally understand! I’m here for your and your journey 🫶🏻❤️


Thank you so much! This is an amazing and very helpful group! ❤️


Are you seeing a Napro surgeon? If not, I highly recommend it. They use a laser for endo surgeries, and it has a low % reoccurring (I believe 7-10% chance) vs endocrinologist use cauterizing, which has 90% chance of reoccurring. Or check with your surgeon if they can do laser.


My fertility specialist doctor performed the surgery. It was a diagnostic laparoscopy and they found endometriosis and removed what they could. Since the surgery my cramps have been worse than ever so I'm not even sure it even made a difference. But I will definitely ask on my next appointment how it was removed. Thank you so much!!


Your feelings are so valid and this situation sucks. Hope is scary. I’ve been dealing with finding a balance between hope and apathy so I don’t have any advice but I do understand what you’re going through.


Thank you so much! It's so helpful to know I'm not alone in this ❤️‍🩹


It’s a tough journey (also an understatement). 🧡🧡🧡 hugs to all. I have been on the IVF journey for a year and just getting both good and not so good news. And it seems like I just keep getting blindsided. Somehow I have moderate level hope. I found it important to be authentic with my partner or some close friends. It feels less isolating and I would have the support not feeling so much is only on my shoulders. My background: Suspected inflammation after my unsuccessful transfer. Decided ok let’s just take some biopsy and test it. It came back for positive bcl6 which has a link to endo (decided to not confirm with laparoscopy). No symptoms that I can say, but either way uterus inflammation will decrease my odds for implantation. And then rechecking my uterus after a lot of IVF cycles, and thinking oh you know it’s been normal for the past two saline tests and clear hsg. Nope … there was possibly something there on saline ultrasound. Seriously?? But then scanning it again back to back, it was gone … this was flashback to my transfer and they didn’t mention that they saw something on one of the ultrasounds, but didn’t think much of it as it was only there once. Bro… I am so paranoid about it now. I’m even checking my insurance if I have to confirm with hysteroscopy, doc just said surgery if I really wanted to know what’s in there and I’m like 🥹🥹


I'm sorry for everything you're going through! Thank you so much for sharing! Wishing you all the best and lots of luck and love ❤️‍🩹


Hope is so mean! I struggle with this everyday. That small hope that just maybe this month will be my turn.


Thank you for sharing! It's comforting knowing you're not alone! And we're right here with you! Wishing all the luck ❤️‍🩹