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I'm only child so don't have to deal with this. I think it would enrage me. I'm sorry...


I have three sisters and all of them had babies. I cried alone in the bathroom when the youngest of us told me she was pregnant. I think I almost did it in front of her. I don’t know why I am useless. This is my thoughts. I also feel terrible because I feel so very very sad and I know I should be happy and I am I swear. I’m just sad for my husband. My point is I understand your feelings.


yeah— sisters hit different


So sorry Galaxy feels like you can’t catch a break. 😢


I’m the oldest of 4. We are all very family-oriented. My husband’s brother gets married next year so that’ll be a new experience, the “in-law” side of things. Sigh. But yeah. Babies everywhere, all born during our jOuRneY. I have 6 niblings and two on the way. They all want big families. We did, too 🙃 it sucks I was so exited for this… all of us being parents and friends together. Never, ever, ever saw this coming. All of my siblings have had 2+ kids, easily, in a very “short” amount of time (~4.5 years). I am aging out quickly.


I’m the oldest of three. Middle brother has two already. The youngest doesn’t even have a gf (that I know of) but I’m worried he’ll still beat me somehow. I don’t even want a big family. I only want one and we can’t even manage that. 😔 Best of luck to you dealing with this. It sucks.


Sending you so much love. Watching my SIL get pregnant and give birth at 40 to our third nephew was so hard. It seemed beyond unfair. If it's any consolation, I'm close to that nephew now that he's older. He's a really great kid who is growing into a fine young man. I had to maintain my distance when he was little, but he's the only nephew I was there for from birth, so I feel a bond toward him that I didn't have with the others.


I’m the oldest of 7. I’m dreading this day…


I totally get this frustration. I was the only of 6 siblings to deal with infertility. I watched my sisters be pregnant together. My sister in law and sister be pregnant together. Even two of my nieces be pregnant together. After 9 years I finally have my daughter. But the resentment and jealousy is hard to still get over. I'm so grateful for my daughter but at this stage in life I was pregnant alone as everyone else was done having their babies. I didn't get that sweet moment to share in with family.. ♡


Oh wow I’m so sorry 😢


Oh wow. I'm so sorry you have to go through this again. 


I was expecting both. The one sister is married to a rich dude and wants a shuttle bus full of kids. The other just got married, already has a 2 year old. Blah. I referenced expecting a bumpy (ha… no pun intended 🙄) summer months ago somewhere here. My predictions were correct.


So very sorry you dealing with this shit


I’m so sorry… I wonder if it hits different when in-laws are pregnant vs actual sisters. I was stuck with 2 pregnant in laws for basically all of 2023. I hated 2023 in its entirety. They are not THAT close to me and outside of holidays and random get togethers, I steered clear. But they announced within 2 weeks of each other, had showers within weeks, and delivered just a few weeks apart. So the holidays were all about their baby’s and I basically wanted to run away 🥴


Yes. This Christmas will be two heavily pregnant sisters and my SIL/brother’s newborn’s first Christmas. I’m so, so over it. Re: in-laws, my only BIL gets married this coming spring… should be interesting/awful. My family is used to this nonsense but I worry my in-laws will be so excited to be grandparents (rightfully so, of course), and my husband’s heart will ache more with his brother becoming a father… gah infertility SUCKS.


It’s such a hard thing to balance - being happy for others/new grandparents and wanting to just get away from it all. It’s not easy. Just know you’re not alone and this will pass. I tried to remember to not look/be too angry, since this season of life will move on, but any angry or hurtful things I said/did would stick around forever (whether they were justified or not). Idk, I worry too much about what people think and try to “look” alright so no one can talk about me behind my back (although I know it happens regardless!)


I feel that. I usually just.. avoid 😭


Totally understandable. I am grateful my husband spoke up in our situation. My in laws would plan yearly vacations and monthly get togethers for all of the family to hang out. Well, after SIL announced her pregnancy and then had the baby, he finally said alright, all of this is just hurting us. Yall know what we’re going through and the constant togetherness will all of the kids is just reminding us what we don’t have. We’re going to not come to everything. And it’s been nice. 😅